Riley Gaines: Role Model

by Kerry Dougherty 

We live in a world hungry for role models for our young children. Especially girls.

I met one yesterday.

Twenty-four year old Riley Gaines. Champion athlete and accidental feminist. Poised, proud and witty. Listen to her speak for an hour and you’ll be convinced this smart and attractive  dynamo can accomplish almost anything.

The White House someday? I wouldn’t be surprised.

You’ve heard of her, no doubt. She was the swimmer from the University of Kentucky who tied Lia Thomas, a 6’4” transgender competitor, for fifth place in the NCAA Women’s Championship 200-meter free style in 2022.

Even though they finished at the exact same time, event officials made sure it was the man in a tank suit who held the trophy aloft.

“Sorry, Riley. There’s only one trophy and we need Lia to hold it for the photos,” she was told as they presented the hardware for the fastest women’s collegiate swimmer to a man.

It seems that moment was her awakening.

At a fundraising luncheon for Del. Anne Ferrell Tata at the Princess Anne Country Club on Thursday, Gaines told the enthusiastic crowd of more than 200 women that her plans to go to dental school were postponed and ultimately abandoned after she found herself leading the fight to preserve single-sex spaces for females.

She now travels around the country, reminding Americans that Title IX was crafted to protect women’s spaces. Yet the Biden administration is turning it into a measure that protects men and boys. The changes, set to take place in August, actually put females at risk.

Gaines has testified before Congress and worked with state legislators to promote laws defining the term “woman” and pushing measures to protect female spaces. So far 24 states have enacted such laws. In 2023 Virginia’s House of Delegates passed a bill preventing men from competing against women in sports, but far-left Democrats in the State Senate killed it.

Of course they did.

It was during that session that Tata met Gaines and was impressed by the young activist, her story, her drive and her common sense. The delegate from Virginia Beach worked hard to pass the bill protecting Virginia’s girls and women, only to see it die.

“When I say elections matter, they really do,”  Tata reminded the crowd.

Back to that infamous 2022 competition: Gaines said she knew a man would be competing in those NCAA finals, but she was shocked when she found herself “undressing with a fully intact male a few inches away.”

“I had no idea he was going to be in there,” she said.

Making matters worse, Gaines explained that the racing suits swimmers wear are “paper thin and skin tight and it takes 20 minutes to pull and prod yourself into one.”

Imagine doing that in front of a naked man. Now imagine your daughter or granddaughter forced to share that intimate changing scenario with a man.

When Tata joked that she didn’t need to hear the details, Gaines grinned and replied: “If I had to see it you have to hear about it!”

Fair enough.

After the Lia Thomas controversy, the NCAA backed away from the transgender issue. The governing organization for college sports now leaves decisions about who can compete up to the officials of each sport.

“They’re weak-kneed, spineless, morally bankrupt cowards,” Gaines said of the NCAA leadership.

Tata asked Gaines about female sports legends and how they’ve reacted to the appearance of men in athletics. She heaped praise on Martina Navratilova and Caitlin Jenner who want to keep transgendered athletes out of women’s competitions. She derided Megan Rapinoe and Billie Jean King for their support of the unfair competition.

She said it was especially discouraging that King has taken the positions she has, since she pushed for Title IX in its original form and fought for female athletes when she was playing tennis in the 1970s.

“Now she’s actively fighting for men in women’s sports,” Gaines said, shaking her head.

Gaines on the other hand, is fighting for girls. To protect their spaces and their sports.

In a world that seems overrun with shallow social media influencers and woke activists pushing a national freak show, Riley Gaines is a hero.

A real feminist. The old-fashioned kind. One who bravely stands up for females.

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37 responses to “Riley Gaines: Role Model”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “One who bravely stands up for females.”

    Conservatives for females… kind of like how they suddenly care about whales in the off shore wind fight… or are against supposed anti-semitism – unless it’s the Proud Boys… they will adopt any liberal argument (temporarily) if they perceive a wedge sticking out…

    So is Kerry suddenly ready to pick up the equal pay for women mantel?… maybe we can start with professional sports there as well… you know a real issue…

    1. Rosie Avatar

      She’s already settled on the pay issue. Sports are just a way to grind her axe against trans people. It’s incredibly telling how little these people care about women’s sports otherwise.

  2. Teddy007 Avatar

    Since there was not 2 fourth place trophies, one can to hold the fifth place trophy, get over it. And tying the transwomen for fourth sort of disproves that a transwoman will dominate all of women’s sports. Look up the writings of Pat Forde who writes for Sports Illustrates and who daughter was a champion swimmer at Stanford (and who was better than Gaines).

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    This is the issue the GOP hopes to win races on?

    It’s gonna take more than culture war “stuff” to win and govern but it seems to be the “go to” for Conservatives these days. It’s not that there are not legitimate “conservative” approaches to governance, it’s their exploitation of issues like this that essentially render them unfit to govern, IMO.

    I hear tell that there are now folks on the right who speak of “conversion therapy” for trans. Sound familiar?

    It’s not that there are not some legitimate issues to work through, it’s Conservatives choice to make it essentially a scorched earth thing and when called on it, like abortion, they basically lie about it.

    1. Turbocohen Avatar

      What is a woman, Larry?

      According to conservatives, and right wing democrats.. a woman is an adult female human. Women are of the female sex and inherit a pair of X chromosomes, one from each parent, and fertile women are capable of pregnancy and giving birth from puberty until menopause. More generally, sex differentiation of the female fetus is governed by the lack of a present, or functioning, SRY gene on either one of the respective sex chromosomes. Female anatomy is distinguished from male anatomy by the female reproductive system, which includes the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, and vulva. An adult woman generally has a wider pelvis, broader hips, and larger breasts than an adult man. These characteristics facilitate childbirth and breastfeeding. Women typically have less facial and other body hair, have a higher body fat composition, and are on average shorter and less muscular than men. Here is a photo if this helps.,_with_labels_2.png

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Trans is real guy just like homosexuality is.
        You have to deal with reality.

        1. CJBova Avatar

          Larry, repetition of the same statement without additional information or insight to add to the conversation will be deleted.

        2. Turbocohen Avatar

          Trans is a mental disorder.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s a recognized medical issue just as homosexuality is.

            Both are entitled to others respect and understanding IMO even if we don’t understand ourselves and I do put myself in that category also.

            It’s just live and let live for me.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Sometimes. Neurological gender goes in at a different developmental point than plumbing. Rarely, but predictably, those get misaligned. The cognitive dissonance that causes is real and can, but does not necessarily, rise to the level of a mental disorder.

            I absolutely agree with you that genetic males should not be competing in women’s sports. It is fundamentally unfair competition in addition to other issues like locker rooms. It makes a mockery of Title IX.

          3. Teddy007 Avatar

            Usually written by people who believe being homosexual is a mental disorder and who want to overturn Obergefell, Lawrence, and probably Griswold.

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Read the missive Project2025 from the Heritage Foundation to which Mr. Tata, James Bacon, and Ken Cuccinelli contributed. All such issues will be resolved by the next Conservative President elected this November.

  4. DJRippert Avatar



  5. Teddy007 Avatar

    It is impossible to call someone who takes money from Charlie Kirk and Matt Walsh a feminist. Ms. Gaines have allied herself to a group of sexist trolls who cannot talk about women’s sports without insulting those athletes appearance, earnings, and abilities.

    How can a feminist align herself with people who oppose same sex marriage, want to overturn Obergefell and Lawrence, want to ban abortion and birth control, and want to overturn Title IX so that schools do not have to spend on girl’s and women’s sports.

    1. Marty Chapman Avatar
      Marty Chapman

      Riley Gaines is a feminist. That was not very difficult, certainly not impossible!

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        A feminist who does not care about most female athletes or whether female sports exists is not much of a feminist. When one is taking money from organizations that believe that a women’s place is as a subordinate wife having babies and supporting “her man” it is hard to claim to be a feminist.

        1. Marty Chapman Avatar
          Marty Chapman

          It is not hard at all. She is standing up for Title IX as written and disagrees with recent interpretations by the Dept of Education.

        2. Marty Chapman Avatar
          Marty Chapman

          It is not hard at all. She is standing up for Title IX as written and disagrees with recent interpretations by the Dept of Education.

          1. Teddy007 Avatar

            She is not standing up for Title IX as written but Lia Thomas complied with every requirement for a transwoman participating in NCAA swimming and Riley Gaines still threw a hissy fit after tying with Lia Thomas.

          2. Teddy007 Avatar

            She is not standing up for Title IX as written but Lia Thomas complied with every requirement for a transwoman participating in NCAA swimming and Riley Gaines still threw a hissy fit after tying with Lia Thomas.

          3. Marty Chapman Avatar
            Marty Chapman

            Teddy, you insist that your opinion equals fact. It does not! I would add that the term”hissy fit” sounds a bit sexist to me.

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Except “Lia” is a guy. And at the time had guy sex organs. And all XY chromosomes. And had incredible anatomical advantages. Given that, Riley outperformed HIM. Other than DEI is Marxist twaddle, where is the “equity” for Riley? Or that was trumped by trans being greater oppression in the victim Olympics?
            Your ideology is truly crazy.

          5. Teddy007 Avatar

            And Britney Griner also has tremendous anatomical advantages over 99% of women while also having very high levels of testosterone. No one complains except for people like Charlie Kirk or Matt Walsh who want to make lesbians second citizens. Riley Gaines is known for the company that she keeps and currently she works for sexist trolls.

          6. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Actually, my insistence on reality protects lesbians. To be a lesbian you need to be a female having sexual interest in other females.
            Ralph Sampson has an advantage over me in basketball. That’s life. Males, anatomically, likely have a 90% advantage over women physically – maybe higher. And then, at the extremes, the very best in women athletes cannot compete against the very best of male athletes. Serena Williams at her best would have been ranked against men in the hundreds. This has nothing to do with lesbians, unless you wish to defend the lesbian athletes getting screwed over by cheaters like (wil)Lia(m) Thomas. And the straight girls, too!

          7. Teddy007 Avatar

            Lia Thomas did not cheat. Lai Thomas complied with all of the rules at the time of the NCAA Championships. And even with all of the “advantages” Lia Thomas finished tied for fourth in one race. In addition, people who were better swimmers that Riley Gaines had not real issue with Lia Thomas competing. Of course, those with no issue were also Olympic champions unlike Ms. Gaines. In addition, those with no problem also have not taken any money from sexist trolls like Charlie kirk or Matt Walsh.

          8. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            How is living in fantasy land? The people who won did not get cheated out of their medals didn’t complain.. Meanwhile in the real world – for girls not in the top three in the world, they get cheated out of scholarships, trophies, their true achievements are diminished …by cheaters or mentally ill dudes, or both.

          9. Teddy007 Avatar

            The NCAA gives trophies and not medals. And all ten competitors in the final heat get a trophy. No one was cheated out of anything. And many of the swimmers in the NCAA competition were either partial scholarships or no scholarships. Learn how scholarships work. And even for high school students, offers to be on college teams comes out of their times, not where they were second or third place. Try learning how sports work. And last, try reading the comments of a better swimmer than Riley Gaines.

  6. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Troll, Teddy and Larry (hint – a very strong predictor of being wrong – when all three, wrongness is certain – a strand of three is not easily broken!), with McCarthy thrown in for the dangerous Heritage 2025 plan… cuz Dems never plan and all of their lawfare and planned electoral cheating just spontaneously happens. Just like the total non-enforcement of the immigration laws and how dare you say it is the “great replacement” theory!!! Just an accident that maybe 1/3rd of them are registered….
    Meanwhile, let’s get back to reality. There are two sexes. Mr. Turbocohen handled that well.
    So, “conservatives” want to run on that asks the always wrong Larry. Truth matters. Not to Dems (who are Marxists and lies are the only way Marxism takes power, and then uses the police state to keep it). But eventually Marxism collapses usually into a thug like a Putin or what happened in Venezuela, now Cuba. I’d prefer to avoid that. Most sane people would.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Truth does matter, so why do Conservatives not answer the truth on whether they support banned abortion or not?

      Is homosexuality and transgender real?

      I’ll take Europe, Australia, Japan and the rest of the free world any day over your preferred governance.

    2. Marty Chapman Avatar
      Marty Chapman

      Walter, I am guessing Nancy has the day off!

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