Right to Life March Falls on Deaf Ears as Dobbs Makes Abortion Issue More Difficult for Republicans

by Ken Reid

The 50th annual pro-life march took place in DC January 19; it has been held every year since 1974, the year after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade, that women had a constitutional protection for abortion, and thus negated 50 state laws regulating the procedure.

It was cold and snowing, but thousands of committee pro-lifers showed up; could have been 100,000. I was not there, but the media coverage was quite limited.

You would think the pro-life movement won with the June 2022 “Dobbs” Decision, which overturned Roe and put the regulation of abortion back to each state. But alas and alack, that is not the case.

Abortion, as I wrote after “Dobbs,” still continues but is down in numbers since 1991 due to the advent of better ultrasound, home pregnancy tests and public education about unwanted pregnancies. There are no back-alley coat-hanger abortions, as the histrionic pro-abortion forces predicted, and if anything, prolife forces seeking six-week bans and the like are being flustered by the political process.  

The abortion drug, Mifeprex, was approved in 2000 and now comprises a majority of all abortions in the U.S. – only for use up to 10 weeks of pregnancy. A pending Supreme Court case may determine if the drug stays on the market or will be subject to state review  – thus negating the Constitution’s “commerce clause” and federal pre-emption, and creating more havoc in this nation. 

I don’t expect that to happen. Some 626,000 abortions occurred in 2021, the most recent year the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has numbers 

Anti- abortion groups continue to press their cases with state legislatures for. restrictions and some want a national ban by Congress, which is counter to “Dobbs” and has no chance of passage.

In my view, the movement is a religious-based one that Republicans going back to Ronald Reagan have tapped into for political support. However, poll after poll through the decades tends to show that the nation supports abortion rights – – and even though a good majority support restrictions on “late-term abortions,” Democrats and pro-abortion groups have sown doubt in the minds of voters, mainly female voters, about what that means.

If anything, “Dobbs” meant taking away a “right” from women, regardless of the facts.   

Meanwhile, pro-abortion forces have figured out a means to circumvent state  bills and other restrictions by going to the voters with constitutional amendments. One such amendment passed in conservative Red Ohio last fall,  and similar efforts are underway for the 2024 ballot in 11 states —  Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Maryland (which has no real restrictions in law), Montana, Nebraska, Nevada and New York (which also have no major restrictions on abortion at all) and South Dakota.

Besides Ohio, Michigan, Vermont and California citizens passed constitutional amendments to enshrine abortion rights, according to this informative web site .

Currently, 23 states enable citizens to put constitutional amendments on the ballot, while others only allow a state legislature to put them before the voters.  

Virginia’s Democrat controlled General Assembly is sure to pass an Ohio-like constitutional amendment in this session, and by law, it must pass two-consecutive GA sessions, but apparently cannot be on the ballot in 2025, but must wait until 2026. 

Whether on the ballot or not, the fact that abortion is on the front-burner means benefits to Democrats, as we saw in the 2023 Virginia GA elections. Nevada activists, for example, just got court approval to start collecting signatures to put the abortion-on-demand constitutional amendment on this fall’s ballot, which could generate a lot of Democrat voters, thus hurting Republican chances.

And the same could happen next year in Virginia’s statewide elections – even if the amendment won’t be on the ballot until 2026. The liberal media are complicit in the Democrats’ efforts to stoke fear and limit rational debate.

The election of another Democrat governor in 2025 will definitely turn Virginia into another failing Blue state, unless Republicans can redefine the debate, which we have failed to do.

As much as I have been pro-life since the 1990s when my ex-wife and I went through fertility issues, as a former elected official  I supported states’ rights on abortion, but federal pre-emption over abortion drugs to preserve our Constitution’s commerce clause.   

But it’s very apparent given the backlash against “Dobbs” that it was easy for GOP candidates to say they were pro-life as long as Roe was in effect and we did not have to take a stance on it or vote on any bills to regulate it. Now that state politicians have control over it, abortion has become the “4th rail” of politics and Democrats are using it to their advantage.

In Virginia, Gov. Glenn Youngkin decided to touch this new “4th rail” by introducing a 15-week restriction in the 2023 GA session. It was moderate, as it would impact no more than 400 abortions in Virginia and the bill proposed exceptions for rape, incest and to “protect the mother’s health.”

As such, few abortions in Virginia would be restricted and there were other states for women to go to if they really needed one. However, Democrats argued to voters: How far will Republicans go if they have a majority? As a Republican candidate for State Senate, I tried to focus on issues that impacted way more people, but the media/Democrat fear campaign put the issue on the forefront and we lost control of Richmond – perhaps for good.   

In my view, national Republicans failed to get ahead of the issue in 2022 and quell the histrionics with fact  I think they were afraid of insulting the pro-life forces by reminding them that abortion on demand is still available in some 24 states; that the abortion drug will stay on the market and that “Dobbs” merely put this medical procedure back to where it belonged (state control).   

So, to those pro-lifers who celebrated the  50th anniversary of their DC confab, I wish you well in your pursuits but in many respects, you did not win the war with “Dobbs,” just a battle, and we Republicans are losing the war on the state and national level as a result of our embrace of your movement.    

Ken Reid is a former Loudoun County supervisor and Leesburg Town Councilmember who was the GOP nominee for State Senate in District 37 in Fairfax County in 2023.  He also is a journalist by trade, and published newsletters in the FDA field for 30 years.    

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121 responses to “Right to Life March Falls on Deaf Ears as Dobbs Makes Abortion Issue More Difficult for Republicans”

  1. Not Today Avatar

    Republicans in 2024:

    There, there, there, little ladies…

    I know you had to flee in the dead of night at your own expense, drive your 10yo out of state, deliver in a toilet, bleed out in a parking lot, lose your fertility, puke on the witness stand, be shot by your enraged/controlling pro-life ex. but you needn’t resort to HISTRIONICS. You merely misunderstand…all of this is for your own good. You’ll realize that…someday.

  2. Fred Costello Avatar
    Fred Costello

    DNA tests show that the product of conception is a human being, not part of the mother or father. Some restrictions should be made on when killing a human being who has done nothing wrong is permitted. The GOP has failed to make this argument. Rather, the GOP has ducked the issue.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      And, for up to 10 weeks they’re ALL females therefore banning abortions after just 6 weeks ensures only females are aborted.

      Nothing wrong?! Ain’t you heard of Original Sin?

    2. Ken Reid Avatar

      I do appreciate your comments, but unfortunately, facts don’t matter, especially to a large number of female voters, during a campaign — and frankly, the best thing the GOP can do is just message better on the facts and why Dobbs is not the end of the world for abortion. The days of supporting life beginning from conception for politicians is now political suicide.

      1. Not Today Avatar

        Facts don’t matter to…*checks notes*… women/female voters? https://media3.giphy.com/media/0wf4VPPrUKr3ZmMoAx/giphy-downsized-small.mp4

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “…facts don’t matter, especially to a large number of female voters…”

        Why “especially” to female voters, Ken…? I think your true colors are peaking out here. Might want to tuck them back in.

        1. Ken Reid Avatar

          referring to the overwhelming majority of women voters – I used the term “large number” — who do not favor restrictions on abortions — even ones that are designed to put limits on late term abortions, which are so few in number

      3. Fred Costello Avatar
        Fred Costello

        There are times when we must die to uphold the truth. Abortion kills a human being who has done no wrong.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Is this belief related to religion? Is it possible for an atheist to hold this same position per their own moral beliefs? If the law is different from your belief, do you abide by the law?

          1. Fred Costello Avatar
            Fred Costello

            My statement is based on science (Biology), not religion. DNA tests show that the product of conception is a human being. A scientific atheist would agree.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            If the law is different from your belief, do you abide by the law?

          3. Fred Costello Avatar
            Fred Costello

            Why do you introduce “belief”? I am talking about scientific knowledge.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s scientific knowledge but it’s not definitive as to where human life “begins”. There are widely varying views
            of that and based on other factors.

            So you pick where you want to be – what your “belief” is
            and my question is – where your own values, judgements, beliefs are not in accordance with the Law,
            what do you do? Do you abide by the law even if it contradicts your own values?

            There is no way a law can meet the expectations of everyone, right? Say, killing criminals.

          5. Fred Costello Avatar
            Fred Costello

            I have seen nothing questioning where human life begins. I have seen questioning about when personhood begins. Give me some references with questions about when human life begins. If you gave a scientist a cell from an embryo and asked him from what kind of being it came, he would say from a human being.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s your perspective and not in agreement with others perspectives. He might well say “from” but would he/she say “is”. See what you did there? Again – we have the law and we have individuals “beliefs” and we have process that involves elections and if one REALLY believes at conception -run for office and be fully honest about what you’d do if elected, don’t talk about “restrictions”, say what they will be if you vote. If you can’t win office , then you have your answer in terms of what govt and law is and most of us do abide by them even when we don’t agree. That’s the way the founding fathers designed the country to work. Way, way better than having some religious folks impose their beliefs on others.

          7. Fred Costello Avatar
            Fred Costello

            My perspective is from a scientific point of view. Let’s keep our discussion on the science, not the implications of the science.

          8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “DNA tests show that the product of conception is a human being.”

            The product of conception is a fertilized egg. The product of gestation is a human being.

          9. Fred Costello Avatar
            Fred Costello

            A biologist, on examining a sample cell, would find that a sample cell from the egg had been taken from a human being.

          10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “A biologist, on examining a sample cell, would find that a sample cell from the egg had been taken from a human being.”

            A biologist examining a sample cell taken from an amputated finger would also conclude that it was taken from a human being. That does not make the amputated finger itself a human being.

          11. Fred Costello Avatar
            Fred Costello

            Good point, but it does show that the cell was taken from a human being, not some other type of being. I guess that, if the finger had been attached to some other type of being, the biologist would be deceived; however, the finger would originally come from a human being. So, too, the cell from the human embryo. Further DNA testing of the parents of the human embryo would show that it is not part of the mother or father. It was not grafted from either one. It is a different (new) human being, at the size, shape, condition, etc., expected of a new human being.

          12. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            But it is not the size shape or condition of a human being. Unlike the parents, it can not survive on its own outside the womb. It can be frozen and reanimated. It is nothing but the potential of a human being until fully gestated.

          13. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            But it is not the size shape or condition of a human being. Unlike the parents, it can not survive on its own outside the womb. It can be frozen and reanimated. It is nothing but the potential of a human being until fully gestated.

          14. Fred Costello Avatar
            Fred Costello

            No scientist would say the cell came from a “potential human being.”

          15. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            They would say it was a human cell but they would never say that it came from a living human being.

          16. killerhertz Avatar

            natural law and positive law Larry… one is superior

          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            If you live in a country that has laws, and conflicts between those laws and your personal beliefs – your options?

          18. killerhertz Avatar

            Natural rights are not personal beliefs. What are you some lawyer?

          19. killerhertz Avatar

            Natural rights are not personal beliefs. What are you some lawyer?

          20. killerhertz Avatar

            And obviously if positive laws conflict with natural law you have unjust laws and tyranny. You know, like what the government did during COVID.

          21. LarrytheG Avatar

            well, isn’t that a matter of opinion and elections?

            COVID is a good example of how a majority weighs in and the rights of the minority are considered but your “rights” end where mine begin. right?

          22. LarrytheG Avatar

            Nope. But natural rights would TRUMP the laws of the country or not? What are your options if your
            belief in Natural Laws is add odds with the laws of the country?

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      And, for up to 10 weeks they’re ALL females therefore banning abortions after just 6 weeks ensures only females are aborted.

      Nothing wrong?! Ain’t you heard of Original Sin?

  3. Not Today Avatar

    Republicans in 2024:

    There, there, there, little ladies…

    I know you had to flee in the dead of night at your own expense, drive your 10yo out of state, deliver in a toilet, bleed out in a parking lot, lose your fertility, puke on the witness stand, be shot by your enraged/controlling pro-life ex., but you needn’t resort to HISTRIONICS. You merely misunderstand…all of this is for your own good! You’ll realize that…someday.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Republicans will consider Watergate the good ol days….

      1. Not Today Avatar

        100,000?? Big crowds. Yuge. It’s like they’ve never heard of Pete Wilson (Pete, who?…exactly!)

        They only planned for 50K and didn’t even release a crowd estimate after because they underperformed.


    2. Ken Reid Avatar

      No woman has to do all these things, but you are histrionic if you believe it and youve proved my point. This narrative only works to get votes and that’s all Democrats want — power and control by any means necessary

        1. Ken Reid Avatar

          You proved my point again.;
          all these articles are focusing on the outliers and dystopia, which sure helps Dems win elections. If this is the media you follow, no wonder you’re so misinformed about this issue. Ill bet you didn’t even read the facts in my article.

          1. Not Today Avatar

            Keep thinking there’s not a LOT more beneath the tip of the iceberg these stories represent. Mm hmm. Yep. Do that. Be sure to tell all the women and girls just how wrong they are about what’s happening to women and girls like themselves (I’d avoid the perimenopausal ones tho, their filters may be less functional). Do report back what happens afterward.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Ken why is Virginia so slow in reporting abortion data? We have to wait years like it is part of the Warren Report. But if I want to know data on every other conceivable way that Virginians died last year I can have that right away.

        1. Ken Reid Avatar

          its the CDC that collects the data state by state. im unsure if virginia cant disclose it until the CDC gets it. But we wont know about 2023 for two years and that’s the first year Dobbs-related restrictions went into effect, but abortions keep declining yearly anyway

  4. Not Today Avatar

    Dobbs=modern day Dred Scott/Plessy v. Ferguson. MARK.MY.WORDS. Applying Dobbs, TX courts have found women have no rights that a state is bound to respect– not to life, not to health/medical care, and not to liberty/self-determination; also, separate and unequal treatment based on pregnancy is A-OK. Once you see it (the parallel logic) you can’t unsee it. Go read those decisions and report back. Good luck scrubbing women’s eyes.

  5. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    I think the problem is the Republican unwillingness to speak up.
    Abortion is the killing of a human being. The zealots are the Democrats. When is killing the baby too much? Morally, for me, the only moral case could be made in the case of the life of the mother. And even that is not black and white. Some mothers would want the baby to live. But I can see the compromise positions.
    So the Dems play hardball and advocate baby murder, and Pubbies think being quiet is the answer. It wasn’t. Make them state when too far – 39 weeks? 25? 20? 15? 12? 10? 6? Show them this -https://www.windowtothewomb.app/ Make THEM acknowledge their barbarism.
    You can make abortion “legal,” but it won’t really make it “right.”
    Play hardball like the Dems do.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      This is probably the only issue you and I agree on. Walter. I always suspected that, if Roe were overturned, politicians who had been loudly pro-life would suddenly get cold feet because then they would actually be able to either ban abortion completely or severely restrict it and that would not be a popular political position. As Ken Reid said, they had Roe to hide behind. I was “righter” than I had thought.

      Unless the Republicans can take back the House of Delegates in 2025, a constitutional amendment protecting abortion will be on the ballot in 2026 and it will probably pass, I’m sad to say.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        I think we have agreed on one or two other things… you can’t be wrong all the time!
        (Unlike some others…)

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      I thought Kaya Jones brought up some good points on this topic the other day.

    3. Not Today Avatar

      Republicans have been heard, loud and clear. So, too, is their barbarism. See Paxton, Ken. TX’s teen birth rate (same state as the dead, puking, fleeing women) increased for the first time in 15 years in 2022. Note: births declined in black and white women and girls. Hmm…what do they know about misogyny and patriarchy and male control that newer residents don’t? Women in my circles, black and white, who were able immediately secured long-acting birth control and emergency contraceptive stockpiles. Who lacked access to that info and those resources? Brown women. If you’re worried about being replaced, you should be EXTRA worried now.

    4. LarrytheG Avatar

      If you really believe that and have character and principles, why would you support abortion at all no matter how many weeks?

      That would be playing hardball.

      Sticking to your principles and refusing to support and candidate that violated them and insist that GOP candidates also be honest and forthright about what their principles are.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Because I now how evil works Larry. And you and the rest of the baby killers are evil. So I will compromise to shut you up, but you will still be evil and still be baby killers.
        Why won’t you baby killers admit baby killing is bad and stop advocate for baby killing? No, you’re good with murder for convenience. Nice try. I’m not the zealot. The baby killers are. And I’m not in favor of killing babies!
        Have you ever thought of anything, independently, on your own, coming to your own conclusion, rather than mindlessly repeating the D talking points?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Compromising your principles and blaming on others? Not willing to stand forthright for what you believe because you fear consequences? IF one will not stand for what he says he believes, do we believe any of
          the rest he says he stands for?

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            It looks like my prior comment to you was removed, even though I thought it was within bounds. I think calling people who advocate for unlimited abortion “baby killers” is accurate. It might seem “mean,” but you don’t help people by lying to them.
            So riddle me this Larry – if I am immoral for not agreeing to stop all abortions, what does that make you for wanting to have more abortions? I would be fine with zero. What’s your number? When do you, oh great moral Larry, think it is too far? What’s worse – “hypocrisy” or murdering an innocent human being? Please answer oh wise one? And I’m not a hypocrite – I still say it is wrong and will always say so, while pointing out the barbarism of advocating for the “right” to kill a baby.
            In the birth canal?
            30 weeks? 24 weeks? 20 weeks? Please tell us so we can be a more moral nation.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Do your guys lose because people don’t believe them when they say some number of weeks (violating their
            own beliefs) and their intentions are really to keep reducing the weeks whenever they can? Wouldn’ that be considered dishonest and wrong when running for election? If you’re fine with zero, why not run on that and be truthful about it?

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Tell me your number oh great moral one.
            No, you and the rest of the evil liars want to keep scaring people, for truly horrible reasons, to retain power. That’s evil. I can handle my own morality, and you ain’t the judge of me. Quit being the shill you are…

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            The number? Is the one that a majority of voters deem acceptable. We abide by laws not your own beliefs.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            The answer is whatever weeks are required by each individual pregnancy and the mother’s circumstances (as decided by the mother and her doctor). No voters or legislators should be at that table.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Agree but we have other individuals, who are not women and lack that perspective and cling to their own ideologies to impose on others , not unlike the Taliban and other primitive thinking. In this country, the only protection is at the ballot box and the same folks are fine with suppressing votes if they know they will lose.

          7. Ken Reid Avatar

            But if the govt says “You must take a vaccine]’ or “Must wear a mask,}” that’s okay with you, right?

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            Don’t recall getting that letter to instruct me to report to the vaccine center… maybe all in someone’s mind?

          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You really think taking a vaccine or wearing a mask is the equivalency to terminating a pregnancy…?

          10. Ken Reid Avatar

            you proved my point! you think govt has a role to mandate mask wearing and vaccines, even though there may be sketchy medical benefit, but it’s not the govt’s role to set limits on killing a baby in the womb? To you and other liberals, it’s just a “pregnancy.” Shameful

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            More than 5 billion people around the world voluntarily received the covid shots, actually sought them out.

            If you can’t accept that as fact and reality that it clearly is, then we sorta know the rest
            with you and others who make that same claim.

          12. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            You believe the government has no authority to require you to don a mask or receive a vaccine in certain circumstances (welcoming small pox back are we, Ken) but you believe they have the authority to force a woman to carry a fetus to full term regardless of the personal risk or impact on her. Sorry, the two aren’t even close in comparison.

    5. Ken Reid Avatar

      the problem is that the Roe decision made a constitutional right to an abortion and it was a “right” for 50 year until “Dobbs” and a large number of voters, especially women, don’t think there should be any legal restrictions — the Dems and media have won out inframing this as “health issue” and thus, only doctors and patients (women) should decide — despite the fact, there are a lot of restrictions on what docotrs and other providers can and cant do by law It’s emotion vs. fact

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        It is totally emotional and not rational. Which is why you never use the Marxist’s terms. It is not “reproductive health care.” It is baby killing. I know so many will say I am “crude” and “mean,” but not telling the truth let’s people, mostly women, ignore and rationalize the reality that you are choosing to end a human life…and one that did nothing wrong. It’s brutal and barbaric. So which is worse – saying “mean,” true things…or killing a baby?
        If Pubbies were smart (a hypothetical), in every State where the Dems do the let’s kill more babies play, the hypothetical Pubbies would play the windowtothewomb app on billboardseverywhere, project it on the sidex of buildings, run it on TikTok ads (to be censored). If you see it, you can’t unsee it.

  6. “State Control” has always been rhetorical sleight of hand. Why is state control superior to the individual control we had before? It’s just the movement trying to spin the news when it realized a national ban was a pipe dream, and Dobbs was going to have backlash.

    1. Not Today Avatar

      The smart money has always been on controlling women as the conservatives’ aim. Unfortunately, a new generation of women has had to learn this lesson the hard way. Now they have to claw back what was taken– the right to THEIR lives, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

      1. Ken Reid Avatar

        Total b.s. and more liberal histrionics.
        It’s interesting that you want no government control over a “woman’s right to choose,” but how do you feel about the government requiring COVID vaccines and masks? Ill bet you support that . Furthermore, the US has the most liberal abortion laws in the world. Virtually all western countries have limits on abortions and that]’s what the 15 week restriction was designed to do. Or, do you want post partum abortions, too, like Kathy Tran and Ralph Northam defended??

        1. Not Today Avatar

          You’re not going to convince me that conservatives come bearing positive intent. Focus on the majority of voters…oh, wait…that would be women. Your repeated invocation of the hysteria trope is perfect tho. Be sure to lead with that. Don’t stop believin’!

        2. Not Today Avatar

          You’re not going to convince me that conservatives come bearing positive intent. Focus on the majority of voters…oh, wait…that would be women. Your repeated invocation of the hysteria trope is perfect tho. Be sure to lead with that. Don’t stop believin’!

        3. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          How about rejecting school lunch programs?

        4. Not Today Avatar

          You’re not going to convince me that conservatives come bearing positive intent. Focus on the majority of voters…oh, wait…that would be women. Your repeated invocation of the hysteria trope is perfect tho. Be sure to lead with that. Don’t stop believin’!

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Hysteria. Interesting. Root is from the Greek for womb.

          2. Not Today Avatar

            Yes. Walter, Plato and Freud, companions in ignorance. Hippocrates believed the uterus broke free and roamed the female body causing “hysteria”. Stupid then, stupid now. Ironically, he is also the source of the hippocratic oath (FIRST, DO NO HARM). Strange, NOT, conservatives can’t even get that right.

        5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “Or, do you want post partum abortions, too, like Kathy Tran and Ralph Northam defended??”

          When you have to resort to falsely painting your opponent’s position, you know you have lost, Ken.

    2. Ken Reid Avatar

      “State control” in this context means “state regulation.” States have always regulated the practice of medicine, not the FDA or federal government, except the Medicaid and Medicare program has influence via funding policies. No doctor, nurse or pharmacist can practice without a license from the state, not the feds. In the Dobbs ruling, the Supreme Court noted that 3/4 of the states had outlawed abortion even before the 14th amendment was adopted — which is what Roe was predicated on. All the court did in ’22 was put this decision back with the states. it did not ban abortion at all and in the coming months, I hope they will uphold the FDA approval of the abortion drugs and not give that control to the states. ill paste the key passage from Dobbs below

    3. Ken Reid Avatar

      From Dobbs: “Guided by the history and tradition that map the essential components of the Nation’s concept of ordered liberty, the Court finds the Fourteenth Amendment clearly does not protect the right to an abortion. Until the latter part of the 20th century, there was no support in American law for a constitutional right to obtain an abortion. No state constitutional provision had recognized such a right. Until a few years before Roe, no federal or state court had recognized such a right. Nor had any scholarly treatise. Indeed, abortion had long been a crime in every single State. At common law, abortion was criminal in at least some stages of pregnancy and was regarded as unlawful and could have very serious consequences at all stages. American law followed the common law until a wave of statutory restrictions in the 1800s ex¬panded criminal liability for abortions. By the time the Fourteenth Amendment was adopted, three-quarters of the States had made abor¬tion a crime at any stage of pregnancy. This consensus endured until the day Roe was decided. Roe either ignored or misstated this history, and Casey declined to reconsider Roe’s faulty historical analysis.” Casey is another SCOTUS decision cited in the opinion

      1. Not Today Avatar

        Dobbs=modern day Dred Scott/Plessy v. Ferguson. MARK.MY.WORDS. Applying Dobbs, TX courts have found women have no rights that a state is bound to respect– not to life, not to health/medical care, and not to liberty/self-determination; also, separate and unequal treatment based on pregnancy is A-OK. Once you see it (the parallel logic) you can’t unsee it. Go read those decisions and report back. Good luck scrubbing women’s eyes.

      2. Not Today Avatar

        Dobbs=modern day Dred Scott/Plessy v. Ferguson. MARK.MY.WORDS. Applying Dobbs, TX courts have found women have no rights that a state is bound to respect– not to life, not to health/medical care, and not to liberty/self-determination; also, separate and unequal treatment based on pregnancy is A-OK. Once you see it (the parallel logic) you can’t unsee it. Go read those decisions and report back. Good luck scrubbing women’s eyes.

      3. Not Today Avatar

        Dobbs=modern day Dred Scott/Plessy v. Ferguson. MARK.MY.WORDS. Applying Dobbs, TX courts have found women have no rights that a state is bound to respect– not to life, not to health/emergency medical care, and not to liberty/self-determination; also, separate and unequal treatment based on pregnancy is A-OK. Once you see it (the parallel logic) you can’t unsee it. Go read those decisions and report back. Good luck scrubbing women’s eyes.

        1. Ken Reid Avatar

          You also proved my point about hisrtrionics. were you aware that women still have access to abortions in all 50 states up to 10 weeks of pregnancy by medications or did you not read the article?

          1. Not Today Avatar

            Again…THIS IS NOT TRUE. ELEVEN STATES HAVE HEARTBEAT BILLS that ban abortion 6 weeks past LMP (last menstrual period), four weeks after sexual contact. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/18/parenting/abortion-six-weeks-pregnant.html#:~:text=The%20reason%20doctors%20still%20use,developing%20about%20four%20weeks%20ago.
            Your ‘article’ is DEEPLY flawed and inaccurate.
            Also, read up on the push to ban access to mifepristone, one of two drugs necessary to do a less painful, more complete, early abortions as well as clear missed remains after a spontaneous abortion/miscarriage. I assume you support that effort (to make others suffer)? Because adding/ensuring pain by removing access to helpful medicines and increasing the risk of complications is a net positive for those who would ‘save babies’ and starve children every summer. Gotta love conservative logic.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    18th and 21st… what goes around comes around

    Temperance Unions always lose in the end because they don’t know how to win.


  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Deaf ears?
    Students for Life President Kristan Hawkins: “Rape prevents pregnancy”

    Here’s the full quote: “Surprisingly people tend to think that every woman who is a survivor of sexual assault gets pregnant, which is not true. About 5% of women who survive sexual assault get pregnant, and actually the horror of the sexual assault actually helps prevent a lot of pregnancies itself because your body’s natural response to this atrocity that’s happened.”

    Guess y’all is right. College don’t help some peeps.

    1. Not Today Avatar

      The rose-colored echo chamber/cult of personality is far more powerful than messy reality. Never mind that some of the most vocal opponents of republican policies on abortion access are (now former) Republican men and women who’ve been burned/traumatized. I’ve had people tell me preteens don’t get pregnant in America so there’s no need for a rape exception. Whaaaa? It’s like they’re on another planet.| So-called pro-lifers didn’t want to wrestle with protecting life after birth, or with pregnancy complications, or with sexual abuse, or with intimate partner violence, or health issues, or ambiguity of any kind and now they’re about to get slapped down. HARD.

    2. Not Today Avatar

      The rose-colored echo chamber/cult of personality is far more powerful than messy reality. Never mind that some of the most vocal opponents of republican policies on abortion access are (now former) Republican men and women who’ve been burned/traumatized. I’ve had people tell me preteens don’t get pregnant in America so there’s no need for a rape exception. Whaaaa? It’s like they’re on another planet.| So-called pro-lifers didn’t want to wrestle with protecting life after birth, or with pregnancy complications, or with sexual abuse, or with intimate partner violence, or health issues, or ambiguity of any kind and now they’re about to get slapped down. HARD.

    3. Not Today Avatar

      The rose-colored echo chamber/cult of personality is far more powerful than messy reality. Never mind that some of the most vocal opponents of republican policies on abortion access are (now former) Republican men and women who’ve been burned/traumatized. I’ve had people tell me preteens don’t get pregnant in America so there’s no need for a rape exception. Whaaaa? It’s like they’re on another planet. So-called pro-lifers didn’t want to wrestle with protecting life or supporting women and children after birth (GUNS!, Medicaid, WiC, childcare, family leave), or with pregnancy complications (Medicaid), or with sexual abuse (custody laws do not exclude rapists), or with intimate partner violence (VAWA), or health issues (human frailty), or ambiguity of any kind and now they’re about to get slapped down. HARD. Because it turns out just close your legs doesn’t work when someone pries them open or when God has other plans.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    The ghoulish Right To Take Life..
    “The execution took about 22 minutes from the time between the opening and closing of the curtains to the viewing room. Smith appeared to remain conscious for several minutes. For at least two minutes, he appeared to shake and writhe on the gurney, sometimes pulling against the restraints. That was followed by several minutes of heavy breathing, until breathing was no longer perceptible.”

    1. And you oppose that, right?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        22 minutes to do what could have taken 0.2 seconds? Yeah. After 30 years on death row he could have been LWOP in the gen pop and posed no continuing threat.

        1. I agree. I don’t agree with the method of execution, and I also don’t think we as a society should sanction the killing of anyone without an extraordinarily good reason related to the safety/security of our society.

          Two nights ago I was watching one of the news channels that isn’t Fox (can’t remember which one). They mentioned the upcoming execution and a couple of talking heads were discussing the nitrogen hypoxia execution method. My seven-word comment to Mrs.WayneS was: “This is not going to end well”.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I’m pretty sure I know you well enough to say the only reason you’d sanction murder is in the event of self-defense and/or the defense of others. Why should we allow society any greater latitude? Now, we’re restricted to “imminent threat” and maybe because of the term of incarceration, we need to change imminent to something else, so I opt for continuing.

          2. You’re pretty much correct. Of course, I do not consider killing in self defense or the defense of others murder. Homicide, certainly, but not murderer.

            I also do not unequivocally oppose the death penalty. Unless there is a way to assure that the most violent serial killers and murderers of children will actually remain in prison until they are dead, with no chance of parole, then I think the death penalty is appropriate for those criminals. With the caveat that I would not sentence anyone to death based solely on circumstantial evidence.

            In any event, I oppose using nitrogen hypoxia as a method of execution.

          3. You’re pretty much correct. Of course, I do not consider killing in self defense or the defense of others murder. Homicide, certainly, but not murderer.

            I also do not unequivocally oppose the death penalty. Unless there is a way to assure that the most violent serial killers and murderers of children will actually remain in prison until they are dead, with no chance of parole, then I think the death penalty is appropriate for those criminals. With the caveat that I would not sentence anyone to death based solely on circumstantial evidence.

            In any event, I oppose using nitrogen hypoxia as a method of execution.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It’s the equivalent of strangulation. Believe this, if he hadn’t been sedated, and he was, then the witnesses would have gotten a real show. Granny fights like Hell with a pillow over her face.

  10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “As much as I have been pro-life since the 1990s when my ex-wife and I went through fertility issues, as a former elected official”

    I don’t know about your specific circumstances, Ken, but many couples rely upon fertility treatments to conceive and the process often results in multiple zygotes (or fully living human beings as the Religious Right like to describe them) being created and often destroyed. As such, the same RtL folks seek to shut down such treatment centers.

  11. Irene Leech Avatar
    Irene Leech

    This article raises some points folks might want to consider. Right now the protections provided in states with strong limitations make people fear – and experiences so far bear this out – they are effectively all out bans. So the words are touted as providing protections for the life of the mother but in practice, there is no protection.


    1. LarrytheG Avatar


  12. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “As much as I have been pro-life since the 1990s when my ex-wife and I went through fertility issues, as a former elected official”

    I don’t know about your specific circumstances, Ken, but many couples rely upon fertility treatments to conceive and the process often results in multiple zygotes (or fully living human beings as the Religious Right like to describe them) being created and often destroyed. As such, the same RtL folks seek to shut down such treatment centers.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I think that is in the minds of some….

    2. Ken Reid Avatar

      and guess what — im not one of those and neither are MOST republican elected officials. Name me ONE state that has shut down fertility centers or sought to ban contraceptives? Stop being so dystopic and histrionic

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I think you should have a talk with the US Catholic Conference of Bishops which is pretty explicit in how they view IVF. Here is a snippet:

        “To avoid the problems of carrying and rearing “too many” babies after several have been implanted, doctors sometimes engage in something euphemistically called “fetal reduction” or “selective reduction.” Here they monitor the babies in utero to see if any have defects or are judged to be not as healthy as the others. Then they eliminate those “less desirable” babies by filling a syringe with potassium chloride, maneuvering the needle toward the “selected” baby in the womb with the aid of ultrasound, and then thrusting the needle into the baby’s heart. The potassium chloride kills the baby within minutes, and he or she is expelled as a “miscarriage.” If it cannot be determined that one baby is less healthy than the others, some doctors simply eliminate the baby or babies who are easiest to reach. Again we see the unspeakable diminishing of the value of human life which can arise from this procedure.”

  13. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    I was surprised by the number 626,000.
    Globally there is big trend to less births. China is not having success getting women to start having kids again. World population is expected to top out at 9-10 Billion, then world population will fall back precipitously perhaps as low as 5 Billion and perhaps further. Brings up questions as to how the world/China will have workers, and of course Social Security needs a re-think in 2034 due to the massive fall-off in U.S. birth rates, there are way fewer people paying into SS now.

    I was thinking we could gauge the Armageddon of climate change by the fall-off in world population, but apparently it is already trending down as far as projections. Funny to me the experts who predict world population never seem to account for the many Billions of deaths the Left projects due to climate change.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      or starvation?

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      This is happening all over, I believe to sustain a population you need a birth rate of 2 and the US is under that but, other nations are significantly under that.

      I saw that North Korea had been telling their women to get pregnant and fully their duty to the state.


    3. Not Today Avatar

      Turns out, the more empowered women are, and the more information they have access to, the fewer kids they have. Countries can’t even pay women to have more kids. It will take a wholesale reevaluation of the relationships/burden-sharing between men and women and between government and families to change that.

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        And it’s largely religious people having children. In a few generations there will be a cultural shift no doubt.

        1. Not Today Avatar

          I wouldn’t say that exactly. The youth may be born into religious families but they don’t tend to stay religious as adults. Not in this country anyway. Just look at what happened to Generation Joshua. Too many scandals. Too much hypocrisy.

    4. Ken Reid Avatar

      You rightly focus one on of the big pictgure issues our national leaders are NOT addressing since they’re so wrapped around the axel about abortion. I have been delving into population atrticles and yes, we now have subzero pop[ulation growth in the U.S., especially among whites. Ever wonder why there is so much interest in artificial intelligence and allowing for open immigraiton? It’s because birth control — including abortion — is curtailing the population of the western world. I could do an article just on this — in particular, the devastating impact on the black population, not just of abortion but crime, heart disease, cancer, etc. It’s bad

      1. Not Today Avatar

        Why “especially among whites”? Aren’t Americans, Americans and (color be darned) interchangeable? Do non-“white” people not exist in the western world? I note that you’re now OPENLY equating birth control and abortion. Tell us you’re for forced pregnancy/birth without openly saying so. GROSS.

  14. killerhertz Avatar

    You have Dobbs to thank due to efforts of grassroots religious organizations, not the Republican party.

    Republicans are losing the war because they’re basically Democrats from the 1990s. Most of the party stands for not much of anything other than warmongering and nation building. Fiscal conservatism? Lol. They can’t even elaborate on why abortion is such a horrid practice.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      We have Trump to thank for Dobbs , right?

    2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      That’s more than a little bit partisan. Dems want to destroy the country as it is, due to climate change and eco-extremism. Repubs want eco-common sense as second or third top priority. First top priority is banning abortion and taking control of women’s lives, maybe gun freedom second. That is our current situation.

      1. Ken Reid Avatar

        more histrionics. I suppose you believe Israel is committing gencide in Gaza, and the West Bank, despite the fact the Arab population has grown exponentially?

      2. killerhertz Avatar

        What Republicans are running a pro life platform these days exactly?

    3. Ken Reid Avatar

      I would prefer Republicans focus on much bigger issues where we can win,not abortion. Sorry. It lost us the General Assembly in 2023 because Youngkin & Co. didn’t come up with a car tax repeal BEFORE the election, crime package, etc.

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