Richmond’s Electoral Woes Continue

Keith Balmer, Richmond City General Registrar, Photo credit: Richmond Free Press

by Dick Hall-Sizemore

The situation with the Richmond city registrar just keeps getting worse. For once, however, one cannot blame the city administration or city council. The registrar is appointed by, and answers to, the Richmond electoral board, which is comprised of two Republicans and one Democrat. Nevertheless, the city can exercise some control over the money spent by the registrar.

The saga started in 2021 when the electoral board, with Democrats in the majority, fired the long-time registrar, Kirk Showalter. No public explanation was given for firing Showalter, who had been in the office for 25 years, serving both Republican and Democratic boards. There had been public allegations that she had not been courteous to a former City Council member, had failed to follow FOIA procedures, had moved slowly in notifying absentee voters of errors in their ballots that they could correct, and had demeaned Black staff members. She was also blamed for an outbreak of COVID in the Registrar’s office. However, she was well respected by registrars throughout the state.

The board appointed Keith Balmer to the position of registrar. Balmer, who had been employed by the Virginia Dept. of Elections, garnered high praise from the electoral board members. Jim Nachman, the chair of the board, called him “eminently qualified” and cited “his knowledge and experience, [and] how he conducts himself and how he interacts with people, the staff at the registrar’s office and the public.”

Balmer has not lived up to those expectations. As I noted in an earlier post, his office twice sent outdated instructions to a large number of potential absentee voters. But the missteps and problems have gotten much bigger. He has been accused of hiring his brother and contracting agency business out to his wife. The city has suspended his purchasing card after he racked up nearly $70,000 in charges last year. As reported by the Richmond Times-Dispatch, the charges included “almost $15,000 for furniture, $8,903 at a local art supplier, about $6,500 on hotels and lodging, and over $6,000 on food and beverages.” The Richmond inspector general is investigating nepotism and financial improprieties charges lodged against Balmer.

In addition to these serious charges, the Times-Dispatch revealed in today’s e-edition that Balmer has been reprimanded at least three times in recent months for violating Richmond procurement procedures in issuing contracts to third-party vendors. There were no allegations that there was anything improper about the contracts themselves, just that Balmer had refused to follow the proper procedures despite having been asked to do so and saying that he would.

Finally, in perhaps a sign of the times, Balmer has entered into a contract with a security firm to provide “personal protection services” for him at a cost of $85 per hour for each guard. The entire contract, which runs from February until Election Day, could cost the city as much as $150,000.

As if the problems surrounding Balmer were not enough, the Virginia Mercury reports about dissension among the electoral board members. In a move that might seem unusual, one of the Republican members of the board has sided with the Democratic member against the other Republican member.

None of this bodes well for the upcoming tumultuous election season.

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30 responses to “Richmond’s Electoral Woes Continue”

  1. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Proof that you don’t need guns to cause damage…the city continues to shoot itself.

  2. Marty Chapman Avatar
    Marty Chapman

    The Registrar needs a security detail?

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      I think you meant:

      “The Registrar needs a security detail!”

      1. Marty Chapman Avatar
        Marty Chapman

        I think you are mistaken

  3. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Here is a question that I can ever get a straight answer from certain people –
    Is cheating in elections wrong?

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      This is probably not the straight answer you are looking for, but how do you define “cheating”? For example, is showing up at a rally for the opposing candidate and secretly recording that candidate’s remarks an example of cheating?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        or claiming the election was stolen by widespread fraud?

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Both parties know the taste of sour grapes. Nothing happened in 2020 that didn’t also happen in 2016, 2000, etc. And all the whining in 202o changed nothing.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            oh that’s why all these guys are up on charges on false electors and such?

            You’re buying the Trump line?

      2. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        No, it’s not the straight answer I am looking for. That’s your typical dirty political trick.
        I am talking about the mechanics of voting. Is cheating in the voting process wrong?
        Illegal voters. “Discrepancies” in counting. Non-transparency.
        Is it wrong to game the system?
        How come public companies have audited statements?

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          Those examples you gave are wrong. Illegal voters are just that–illegal. The system in Virginia is set up to avoid that type of cheating. One must be registered in order to vote and there are criteria to be me in order to register. One must present valid ID when voting. Sometimes, the initial reports are wrong (someone transposed figures, etc.). That is why voting reports must be certified. Transparency–there are paper trails and the parties can have represenatives present at each stage of the process to observe.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Let’s get back then to answering the question.
            I didn’t say anything about Virginia.
            Is cheating in elections wrong?

      3. Lefty665 Avatar

        That is frequently done openly and is called “tracking”. It occasionally has significant consequences. Can you say “Macacaaa”?

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yes. A felony to boot in most cases.

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    What a freaking joke the City of Richmond has become. Showalter was an excellent registrar, and not just because she persuaded me to become an election officer. She was fair. That was why she was dumped, she was too fair. They wanted a real partisan Democrat. Looks like they found a prime specimen to take her place, a real winner. The entitlement mindset in action.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I agree but wasn’t it Republicans that wanted her replaced? When Youngkin was elected, didn’t the electoral board go Republican majority?

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        She was replaced when the Democrats were in the majority. There was a lot of speculation that the state Democratic party was behind her firing. When the Republicans assumed the majority last year, they chose to keep Balmer on.

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        She was replaced when the Democrats were in the majority. There was a lot of speculation that the state Democratic party was behind her firing. When the Republicans assumed the majority last year, they chose to keep Balmer on.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I admit to ignorance about the issue.. I thought when Youngkin replaced Chris Piper, and expressed concern about voting, it indicated changes downstream also.

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            In many jurisdictions, new registrars were appointed. Obviously, that did not happen in Richmond. I don’t know why the Republican majority did not make a change.

          2. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Kirk was there through several changes of political control. She was viewed as non-partisan, as was Alice Lynch years and years ago.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Geeze, I thought Piper was that also,no?

        2. She was replaced by an Electoral Board with a Democratic majority. When a new governor is elected, Electoral Boards do not immediately change party — changes do not occur until Board member(s) term(s) expire.

          The Democratic chair of the Richmond EB who fired Kirk Showalter was asked if the Board was preparing to fire her. He was quoted in the Times-Dispatch as saying QUOTE “I am waiting for instructions from the Democratic Party of Virginia.” END QUOTE

          I’m the Democratic member of my county Electoral Board, have been on the Board for over ten years. When I read that comment, I told my county’s Democratic party chair that if he or DPVA told me what to do with our Registrar, I would tell them to kiss my ass and to GFY.

          Any local Electoral Board who takes orders from the state Dem or Rep party should all resign in favor of people with balls.

        3. She was replaced by an Electoral Board with a Democratic majority. When a new governor is elected, Electoral Boards do not immediately change party — changes do not occur until Board member(s) term(s) expire.

          The Democratic chair of the Richmond EB who fired Kirk Showalter was asked if the Board was preparing to fire her. He was quoted in the Times-Dispatch as saying QUOTE “I am waiting for instructions from the Democratic Party of Virginia.” END QUOTE

          I’m the Democratic member of my county Electoral Board, have been on the Board for over ten years. When I read that comment, I told my county’s Democratic party chair that if he or DPVA told me what to do with our Registrar, I would tell them to kiss my ass and to GFY.

          Any local Electoral Board who takes orders from the state Dem or Rep party should all resign in favor of people with balls.

  5. Lefty665 Avatar

    “Jim Nachman, the chair of the board, called him “eminently qualified”
    and cited “his knowledge and experience, [and] how he conducts himself
    and how he interacts with people, the staff at the registrar’s office
    and the public.”

    Jim is never in doubt, and occasionally right, but not this time it appears.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      When I was still an EO for the city, Nachman would come around on election days and we’d chat. Don’t know him well but have known him for a while. It does seem they picked a loser.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        I had considerable contact with Jim in the years I was active in Dem politics. Some of it was pleasant and his wife was nice. I supported his run for Congress against Cantor. Would also run into him occasionally at Joe’s. Think I described him fairly, although he would argue he’s right more frequently than my estimation.

    2. Patriot1776 Avatar


  6. I am a long-time member of the Electoral Board in a rural VA county. I held Kirk Showalter in high regard, very respected as did the rest of VA Electoral Boards and Registrars. I’m a Democrat and I was appalled at the comments of the Democrats on the Richmond EB when they fired Kirk.

    I was even more appalled when Balmer got the job — I suspect because of his association with Mayor Stoney. I had regular contact with Balmer during his tenure at the Dept of Election and let’s say I was not impressed and leave it at that.

    I’m not surprised by any of this.

  7. LarrytheG Avatar

    You know, I just read that Richmond just got an AAA credit rating!

    SOMETHING must be going right!

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