Richmond’s Diabolical Plan to Reduce Congestion

Below, Jim discusses the possibility that congestion pricing will be introduced in DC.

Well, that’s all fine and dandy. But for a real look at how to squeeze cars out of a city, we need look no further than our own River City. Don at Save Richmond collects some choice examples of how Richmond’s great minds are making it harder for people to park in the Bottom, for new businesses to open there (because they can’t get parking spaces) and, if they manage to overcome those two barriers, let’s not forget the “temporary” meals tax that is dedicated to funding the Lazarus-like Performing Arts Center.

Want to cut congestion? Don’t look to DC, or New York, or anywhere else. The best example is right under our very noses.

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6 responses to “Richmond’s Diabolical Plan to Reduce Congestion”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    OK, tell me again why anyone looking to build a successful restaurant or coffeehouse would want to do business in the City of Richmond?

    Seriously, I?m all ears.

    No, really, I?d like to hear it?

    An answer:

    Cheap water subsidized by the most regressive minimum water rate IN THE COUNTRY. This especially works if you are operating a large dining hall like VCU or a string of fast food places. Economy of scale is in your favor.

  2. E M Risse Avatar
    E M Risse

    The tone of the original post and the use of the term “diabolical” suggests that there is a villain in the Richmond attempt to reduce congestion.

    Turns out there is a villain.

    From the post one might guess the villain is regulations or regulators or bad plans.

    No, the problem is conventional wisdom that assmes there is a way to create a critical mass of enertainment / amenity activity where the primary acces is provided by Autonomobiles.

    We have seen no example in the First, Second or Third World where a critial mass of entertainment / amenity activity can be generated by Autonomobiles.

    The same is true for other concentrations of economic and social activity like a New Urban Region Zentrum.

    More on this soon, perhaps in our next column re Costco.

  3. Ray Hyde Avatar
    Ray Hyde

    Right. Conventional wisdom is always wrong, especially in a market environment.

  4. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    I was wondering as I read this why the businesses could not band together and work with the city to create a public parking authority where each business would have a much parking available as their business needed.

    That would seem to actually be – an economic development “good thing” that would encourage new businesses to locate… instead of being boxed into a corner by the lack of adequate parking.

    I don’t think it is the taxpayers responsibility to pay to provide the infrastructure for businesses.

    Those businesses need to consider parking as a legitimate cost of doing business just like shopping centers provide parking and the cost is incorporated into the lease of each business.

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    I have spoken against regulations that hurt small businesses and have spoken in favor of light rail.

    However, let’s be more exact. Several neighborhoods experience severe parking problems- the Fan, Oregon Hill, Carver, and Jackson Ward. Why is that? Its very simple- VCU.

    Only Trani has the resources to really address Richmond’s parking problems, by either curtailing student cars or investing in a City light rail. Will he take responsibility? At this point, I doubt it.

  6. Anonymous Avatar

    WorldChanging: Tools, Models and Ideas for Building a Bright Green Future: PlaNYC’s Elephant in the Room: Congestion Pricing

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