Richmond Times Dispatch’s Flexible “Community Guidelines”

by James C. Sherlock

The Richmond Times- Dispatch motto is “Where Your Story Lives.”

They fail to define “your.”

I posted a comment this morning on a story in the RTD titled “Hanover County School Board introduces transgender policy; discussion is limited.”

The headline is unconsciously ironic, but I did not comment on that. Picking on headline writers is weak.

I noted that the author, in an extensive article, failed to mention as context for the public discussion upon which she reported the fact that parents and the Board had in mind the two rapes in Loudoun County Public Schools last summer/fall by a young man wearing a skirt to get into the girls bathroom.

I did not comment on the wisdom of the draft resolution that was considered by the Board of Education. I thought it ridiculous. Something simpler, perhaps, like “unless you have to sit or squat to pee, stay out of the girls room.” Or whatever.  But I left that alone.

Mine was, I thought, a respectable input. I just received a note rejecting my comment.

This is the entire note:

I think my comment was concise and accurate for the purpose.

I didn’t note that “the first girl was already having sex with him” because she said no. Everything that happened after that was rape. So I wrote rape. He pled guilty. “The Superintendent transferred him to another school and he did it again.” Also not in dispute.

I simply pointed out that the author of the piece did not mention that fact that was foremost on the minds of the parents and the Board of Education. Also not in dispute.

But read the article. It’s not there.

So I followed that Community Guidelines link.

No, you didn’t make a mistake, it took me back to the article as well. So I searched. A search of “Community Guidelines” on the RTD website brings up 1,926 articles containing those terms.

So I went to “Letters to the Editor.” Here are those guidelines.

  • We favor letters that thoughtfully respond to or offer perspective on content published in The Times-Dispatch, and on local or state issues. Writers should include attribution for statements of fact or context they use to support their positions.
  • We do not accept letters that primarily are broad endorsements or attacks on political figures or parties.
  • Because of the volume of letters received, we do not answer inquiries about the status of submissions or about publication decisions, for which many factors are considered – including previous letters by others on the same topic.
  • Submissions may take some time to publish. We rarely publish letters from out-of-state residents. We accept letters only electronically.
  • Submissions we choose to publish are subject to editing for length, accuracy, clarity, tone, style and other considerations.

I offered perspective on content published in the RTD. Check.

Does the word “rape” violate community standards? Apparently not. I searched it on the RTD website and 4,400 articles came up.

An attack on political figures or parties  Can’t find that in what I wrote. My tone maybe? If you think that, look at the comments that were accepted.

Unclear? Clearly not.

The fact that I mentioned the author’s editor? Perhaps there are none left and this was considered cruel or embarrassing or both. Not included in the guidelines, however.

They should be grateful I did not comment on Michael Paul Williams’ column on the same subject. William’s column starts with”

Virginia, a primary battleground during the Civil War …

You know where it went from there.

But I got no points for what I did not write.

Just a rejection note. No flowers.

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78 responses to “Richmond Times Dispatch’s Flexible “Community Guidelines””

  1. Picking on headline writers is weak.

    There are exceptions to this rule.

    For instance, any headline writer who uses “Lightening” in place of “Lightning” deserves severe ridicule.

    Regarding your comment being rejected by the RTD: What did you honestly think was going to happen?

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Honestly, it caught me by surprise. Especially since I posted it around 9 AM and it wasn’t rejected until 5 hours later. Embarrassed and slow are a bad combination.

  2. Picking on headline writers is weak.

    There are exceptions to this rule.

    For instance, any headline writer who uses “Lightening” in place of “Lightning” deserves severe ridicule.

    Regarding your comment being rejected by the RTD: What did you honestly think was going to happen?

  3. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    You deadnamed the rapist by referring to him as “he.”
    I’m not sure which exact proper masculine or feminine pronoun is applicable for someone gender fluid…
    (Or it could be you were censored for bringing up inconvenient facts… Did you hear about the “couple” charged with child porn in Georgia? According to the Urinal & Constipation you had to get about 5 paragraphs in to find the “couple” was two gay men and the kids involved were ones the “couple” had adopted. At least that did eventually get into print…)

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Still remembering how they stopped reprinting the daily WWII front pages, which I was highly enjoying, apparently because somebody whined about the common use of “Japs” in headlines of the day…Granted, they didn’t refer to our other main enemy as “Germs.”

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Still remembering how they stopped reprinting the daily WWII front pages in sequence, which I was highly enjoying, apparently because somebody whined about the common use of “Japs” in headlines of the day…Granted, they didn’t refer to our other main enemy as “Germs.”

      1. Did they ever refer to them as “Krauts”?

        Also, the British called us “Yanks”…

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Don’t recall seeing Krauts or Boche, which I’ve always preferred…both are cabbage-derived. 🙂 Japs is just shorthand.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            How about a little nip? I’ve a flask in my bag.

        2. Lefty665 Avatar

          and the Brits also call the French frogs.

          What’s not to like about a good slur when you’re writing propaganda?

          1. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            Don’t consider any of it a slur just slang.

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            Slang for sure. Slur requires intent. That’s a given with all propaganda and some slang.

          3. James Kiser Avatar
            James Kiser

            depends if what you are saying is true about the individual or not or the organization for that matter

        3. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Beats Jerks.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar


      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Wogs begin at Calais.

  4. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    James Sherlock, you are a treasure. I absolutely love your columns, dead on logic, and dry wit.

    I don’t know you but have gotten to know Jim well the past couple of years. If you’re a buddy of Mr. Bacon, you must be a good guy.

  5. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    Isn’t it true that the girl in the bathroom was the girlfriend of the boy wearing the skirt and had sex previously in the same bathroom on other occasions? Doesn’t excuse the fact if she said no and he continued to force himself but I believe some people have the perception that it was a pervert in a dress waiting for random girls to enter the bathroom. I don’t think that is the case.

    1. Yup! And has been brought up multiple times and is why Sherlock’s comment was likely rejected. This is not the first time it’s been brought up to him, so he’s just actively lying and trying to feign indigence when he’s not allow to spread those lies elsewhere.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Nothing worse than ethical standards.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          No means no. Rape is rape. And what about the girl at the second school? Why is this hard for you to understand? Ethical standards my ass. Apparently Libtwits can excuse rape when it is committed by a boy in a skirt.

          1. Maybe the kid’s name is Bill Clinton…

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        No means no. Rape is rape. And what about the girl at the second school? Why is this hard for you to understand?

        1. The Dispatch article was about Hanover’s policy on transgender students. The second Loudoun rape occurred in a classroom, so how is it relevant to the topic of which bathrooms students can go in? That’s where Sherlock is being sneaky: he omits that detail so you think that not only did a transgender student sneak into the girls’ bathroom to rape a student, but the school let them do it a second time! It’s dishonest.

          This isn’t absolving the school system of allowing the student back into the schools mere months after an outstanding rape case. It’s just a separate conversation.

    2. Yup! And has been brought up multiple times and is why Sherlock’s comment was likely rejected. This is not the first time it’s been brought up to him, so he’s just actively lying and trying to feign indigence when he’s not allow to spread those lies elsewhere.

    3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      He used the skirt to scare away any staff from questioning him about going into the girls bathroom and raped the first girl when she said no. Rape is rape. Then he sexually assaulted another girl in another school. Found guilty in the first, pled guilty to the second. The judge assessed him to be bs crazy.

      Remember, my issue with the RTD was not the details of the case, but rather that the reporter failed to bring it up to balance the “mean and irrational” Hanover parents narrative of her story. Rosie plays that game below.

      1. A little tip: your link should include the claim you make. Nowhere in there does it say the boy wore a skirt to abuse the transgender policy…which didn’t go into effect until two months after the rape occurred, so what else you got?

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          There was no transgender policy about bathroom use at the time of the rape. Sherlock knows this as well.

        2. Lefty665 Avatar

          Don’t confuse Sherlock with facts, he’s long since made up his “mind”. If he could not jump to judgmental conclusions he might not get any exercise at all.

    4. DJRippert Avatar

      No means no. Rape is rape. And what about the girl at the second school?

  6. I just tested the “guidelines” at this site (Bacon’s Rebellion).

    I posted the following comment: “Every comment I post which contains the word l i a r gets deleted, regardless of context.” (NOTE: there were no spaces between the letters in my original post).

    My comment was deleted…

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      But immediately. Mine took 5 hours.

      1. Well, yes, but at least RTD offered you an explanation, lame though it might have been.

        My comment just disappeared into the ether without a trace, with no explanation.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Bots are like that. Silently toiling to make the world safe for lyres.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            but don’t harp on it.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Use lyre. Context will alert the attentive reader to the appropriate word. Also, go foreign on the word bot, e.g., arse.

      You can also go medieval on them, e.g., slatern.

      It’s a small mind that knows only one spelling of a word.

      1. I can come up with all sorts of alternates, but it just seems strange to me that the word ‘lyre’ would be denied 100% of the time when certain four-letter-words (with no alteration) make it through on a regular basis.

        But if Disqus created the bots I guess I should not be surprised.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          They are Disqus tools, indeed. JAB may have some choice, e.g., to use or not, and maybe some level.

          Many comment sites use such tools. My objection is the lack of warn/edit. Disqus knows instantly that they will refuse the comment and why, and could easily highlight the objection and offer an opportunity to revise. It’s especially irritating when you have to suss out the causes and catalog them.

  7. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    I just got this note from a regular RTD reader and commenter:

    “Chances are one of the RTD leftists “Reported” your comment and the occasionally-here moderator just blindly deleted it. See the tree dots at the end of each post? “Report” and “Mute” are hidden there. If you start debunking the RTD heavies posts, soon they’ll mute you and won’t respond to you. Real “liberal” of them, huh.”
    I can believe that and I am sorry I can. Live as long as I have and you will be almost never surprised by an explanation like this.

    1. I don’t have any trouble at all believing that explanation.

  8. DJRippert Avatar

    I see where The Hill simply stopped accepting comments. I guess they decided that the cost of moderation wasn’t worth the extra engagement that the comments brought.

    I would guess that your comment was reported by a reader. The lazy moderator at the RTD just deleted it because it was reported without a second thought.

    You should try an experiment – post a comment under one username. Make sure it is edgy but not inappropriate. Then, report the comment under a different username. My bet is that the first comment disappears.

  9. Accuracy. You were rejected due to accuracy.

    The student was invited in by the victim, rendering the transgender argument and your comment, meaningless to the conversation. The second rape wasn’t even in a bathroom, locker, or dressing room, but a classroom. You’re just actively lying by omission, so good on the Dispatch for having standards.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Nice try. He wore a skirt to get past staff into the bathroom and raped the first girl, of which he was convicted. While in the second school, he committed another sexual assault to which he pled guilty.

      As you are quite aware, my issue with RTD was not about the details of the Loudoun case, but the fact that it was the elephant in the room at the Hanover School Board meeting and the reporter never brought it up in her article.

      Nice try changing the subject, but you may want to reconsider your own “she was asking for it” narrative, Rosie. It is offensive in the extreme and the judge did not buy it. Eventually the young man copped to the rape.

      Then “the second rape wasn’t even in the bathroom”. Really, that is your fact in mitigation?

      How about “he did not actually kill anyone”? Has the advantage of being true, but is as irrelevant as your excuses. Give it up.

      1. Larry posted the story below. The boy and victim had gone into that bathroom in the past. The bathroom was popular for teenaged shenanigans because it was out of the way of adults. He was not abusing transgender policies to rape random students. It was a teen forcing himself upon another when she didn’t want to go as far he did.

        No surprise you continue your dishonesty. I did not say it wasn’t rape, if I had said it wasn’t rape then why did I call the other offense the “second” rape? The point is to show the difference between sneaking in vs. a boy being invited which no trans policy would guard against if the two kids are working together to meet up. It is beyond pathetic that you’d pull this, but it’s clear at this point your agenda against trans kids stoops to no low.

        And yes, that is my “mitigation”. This is a discussion on transgender policies and access for those students. The second rape occurred in a classroom, which is not segregated by gender, so how is that relevant to a discussion on transgender bathroom/locker policies? If you want to discuss the county’s failure to keep that rapist out of the schools, fine, but in the context of bathroom policies it’s irrelevant.

        And you know this because you deliberately left that fact out of your comment to try and insinuate the student went into the girls’ bathroom a second time because of transgender policy. Again, dishonest. Your cognitive dissonance may prevent you from being honest with yourself, but myself and the Dispatch know better. Just admit you hate transgender people and have no interest in actual, honest discourse on the topic.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Exactly… dead on…

        2. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
          Virginia Gentleman

          This! Thanks for clarifying Rosie! Nobody is suggesting that the rape is ok – in either one of the crimes. But the assertion that he used girls clothes to get into the bathroom is just not accurate. He wore the clothes because he chose to dress that way. He was with the girl that he had sex with in the same bathroom previously. He didn’t need to wear girls clothes to get in the bathroom. That is where they had sex. The story that he wore those clothes to get in the bathroom is just a dog whistle for a transphobia storyline.

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      When I moved to Richmond 50+ years ago I did not think I would live long enough to see the Times Dispatch do the right thing. Hallelujah, and now it has happened.

  10. LarrytheG Avatar

    I really don’t understand the motivation for telling whoppers but it’s apparently a “thing” now days with some Conservatives. It’s like a badge of honor … earning their bona fides.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Do you even read these articles before you post them? It says young man in a skirt, which is what I wrote. You apparently presumed he was transgender. I never did. He is, however, a convicted sex offender. If he was an adult he’d be doing hard time.

      He just used the skirt as a scam to get into the girls bathroom past staff too scared or woke or both to stop him in the face of Loudoun transgender bathroom accommodations rules. It worked. Apparently repeatedly in that same first school.

      It worked because of those lax rules, for which the Hanover school board was seeking an option during the meeting reported on. Get it now?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Well, that would be a cross dresser, not a transgender.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Do you care? I don’t. The salient point is that he use a skirt to get past the adults into the girls bathroom and commit a rape.. Hanover was trying to craft a policy to prevent such things from happening by setting some sort of standards before letting boys into the girls bathroom. Not that hard a concept.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            is this like something that has never been done before by guys in high school? It’s a new thing now that we have transgender stuff?

            go fish.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        yep, do read… more than one article and more than one post here in BR along the same lying lines:

        This is just one of many. Not unlike the “grooming” claims made against teachers / public education.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Do you even read these articles before you post them? It says young man in a skirt, which is what I wrote. You apparently presumed he was transgender. I never did. He is, however, a convicted sex offender. If he was an adult he’d be doing hard time.

      He just used the skirt as a scam to get into the girls bathroom past staff too scared or woke or both to stop him in the face of Loudoun transgender bathroom accommodations rules. It worked. Apparently repeatedly in that same first school.

      It worked because of those lax rules, for which the Hanover school board was seeking an option during the meeting reported on. Get it now?

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      It’s creating a reality. Like UFOs.

  11. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Perhaps not Bacon’s Rebellion, but rather Sherlock’s Conjectures?

  12. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    And exposition of the persecution complex continues. Rejection of true statements by a conservative is an outrage. When VA’s business ranking was downgraded from #1, the rater and its rating system was criticized. As the greatest and most convincing ideas for educational reform and other matters presented on these pages are ignored by decision makers intensifies the complex. All can sympathize. The good is oft interred….

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      And the FBI plants evidence… “accurate for the purpose”

  13. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Perhaps not Bacon’s Rebellion, but rather Sherlock’s Conjectures?

    Democracy Dies in Triflin’ Opinions.

    1. Sherlock’s Suppositions

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Awfully alliterative

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          More like it!

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Some rude t*** deleted my Suppositories response to your appreciation of alliteration. It also had the orifice right, the rape was sodomy. Oh, more alliteration, that makes it SSS and well above my usual level.

  14. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Putting the details of the Loudoun episode aside, was that episode raised by any of the opponents of the policy? If not, I see no reason why the reporter should have mentioned it in here story.

  15. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    From 2017 to 2018, nearly 15,000 students in the U.S. were sexually assaulted on school grounds. Singling out two cases involving cross dressing is kinda weird. It makes it sound like you are homophobic — using a couple of caues to dismiss certain LGBTQ rights. I think the RTD’s decision was correct in your matter,

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      No. No. Peter. It’s ABSOLUTELY a NEW thing that has never been done before and now it’s even worse cuz they wear skirts and claim to be transgender.

      Yes, this is what happens to Conservatives if they don’t get treatment.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Homophobic? Sherlock? One of some males greatest fears is getting lucky with the most beautiful woman in the bar, and discovering the same equipment, larger perhaps, but generically the same.

      Well, as Mama used to say, “Better latent than never.”

    3. DJRippert Avatar

      Please … first, it was rape – the most extreme case of sexual assault. Second, it happened in Loudoun County and Bacon’s Rebellion is a Virginia based blog. Third, the kid was transferred to another school where he raped again. Finally, the rapist was wearing a skirt while raping a girl in the woman’s bathroom.

      Yeah – nothing to see here.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Details… details…

  16. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I remember the 490 sweet 5th invokes
    When you deposed in a civil suit up in NYC.
    It was nearly September
    When the FBI was quite surprised
    To find you with another dozen boxes of stolen goods.
    I was smoking with the boys upstairs when I
    Heard about the whole affair, I said “oh no
    Mar-a-Lago won’t do”

  17. Paul Sweet Avatar
    Paul Sweet

    A lot of commentators seem to be saying that it is perfectly fine for students to have sex in school restrooms, and that those who object are prudish homophobic conservatives.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Nope. We’re saying don’t misrepresent the issue as a transgender issue. Pretty sure the “sex in the bathrooms” thing is not a “new” thing… like it’s never been done before, right?

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Harry Callahan : When a naked man is chasing a woman through a dark alley with a butcher knife and a hard on, I figure he isn’t out collecting for the Red Cross.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          and you’re STILL misrepresenting the facts and truth.

          Is this what you guys are really about these days?

          Facts are just something to be “curated”?

          You’re the “facts are stubborn things guy”. geeze.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Depends on whose “facts” you are looking at…

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      That only seems to be true if you can’t read….

  18. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “…by a young man wearing a skirt to get into the girls bathroom…”

    This is simply untrue. There was no policy regarding trans access to bathrooms at the time and the young lady and the perp had met for sex in the bathroom previously. Let’s try to step away from the anti-trans rhetoric of at least a post or two.

    Edit: I see that Rosie, et al handedly addressed this point in comments… well done…

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