Richmond Shoots Itself in the Foot–Again

Keith Balmer, Richmond City General Registrar, Photo credit: Richmond Free Press

by Dick Hall-Sizemore

It never ceases to amaze me how the City of Richmond seems unable to accomplish even the most basic functions of government right.

The latest snafu occurred in the office of the General Registrar. A fourth of the voters requesting absentee ballots for the upcoming Democratic presidential primary election received outdated instructions. The instructions, dated 2021, said that absentee voters need to include a witness signature. Legislation enacted by the 2023 General Assembly eliminated that requirement.

That might be excused as a simple oversight involving a recent change in the statutory requirements. Except, this is the second time that it has happened.  Last fall, some Richmond voters got the same wrong instructions with their absentee ballots.

General Registrar Keith Balmer blamed the office’s vendor for the mistakes.

This is simple, basic stuff that should not happen, especially twice within a few months.

This foul-up is particularly frustrating in light of the Electoral Board’s firing four years ago of Kirk Showalter, who had been the General Registrar for 25 years. Showalter was highly regarded among registrars around the state for her knowledge of election law. The two Democratic members of the Electoral Board who voted to fire her did not provide the reasons for her dismissal. There had been public allegations that she had not been courteous to a former City Council member, had failed to follow FOIA procedures, had moved slowly in notifying absentee voters of errors in their ballots that they could correct, and had demeaned Black staff members. She was also blamed for an outbreak of COVID in the Registrar’s office. Notably, there was no allegation of making basic mistakes.

[Disclosure: When I joined the Department of Planning and Budget (DPB) in the early 1990’s, I was assigned to the same section that Kirk Showalter was in. Indeed, for a time, my office was next to hers, although I seldom saw her during the day. I was, however, impressed by her meticulous attention to detail. I do not remember seeing or talking to her after she left DPB upon being appointed General Registrar of the city a couple of years later.]

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46 responses to “Richmond Shoots Itself in the Foot–Again”

  1. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Hey, but we have No Monument Ave now, amirite?
    And the schools are better, too, right?
    And crime way down without those racist statues for sure, right?
    I don’t know how Richmond got the casino vote right, but you deserve better. Quit voting based on race and try voting for policies that will make the city better. Time for the George Costanza “opposite” rule!

  2. killerhertz Avatar

    Why is this surprising? Government bureaucrats are some of the most inept people in this day and age. They lamented for months when COVID government shutdowns ended and they had to stop working on honey-do lists and earn their pay.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Is that also your opinion of Youngkins efforts?

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Pretty much all government bureaucrats, but since you wanted to play…how about SlowJoe and the DOJ? The DOD where the SecDef goes incommunicado? DHS? Easier question – name one that isn’t a cluster reproductive act.

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          I could name a lot, but you asked for one: United States Geological Services (USGS).

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I’ll have to investigate!
            Is there a second?

          2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            Virginia Dept. of Conservation and Recreation.

            Henrio Public Library System.

            Virginia Dept. of Planning and Budgt

            Virginia Dept. of the Treasury

            Virginia Dept. of Accounts

            Virginia Dept. of Taxation

            Virginia Dept. of General Services

            Henrico Finance Department

            Virgnia Retirement System

            Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission

            Virginia State Library

            just a few examples

  3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Walter and killerhertz,

    Obviously, you have never worked in a government agency or had a family member that did so. The vast majority of government workers or bureaucrats are comptent, hard-working, and dedicated. The dysfunction of the Richmond city government is an exception. The governments of the surrounding counties are well-run and staffed by good people. Your lives would be much less satisfying without the efforts of state and local government workers–whether it be staffing the parks, making sure your water is clean, processing your tax returns and getting your refunds back in a timely fashion, protecting the open spaces that give us all satisfaction, investing the revenue brought in by the government to increase its value, preparing budgets that reflect the most efficient use of revenue for the priorities chosen by elected officials, providing services to veterans, providing services to the blind and disabled citizens, operating mental health and correctional facilities, and on and on.

    To label all government workers as inept based on one or two examples would be like saying that all private sector workers are incomptent based on the failures found in Boeing products.

    1. killerhertz Avatar

      I beg to disagree, at least at the federal level and I can’t imagine the state being much better given how large Virginia is. I know a few federal employees, but to name a few:

      1. DHS program manager – went to France on vacation but was “working”
      2. NIH lab technician – wfh for 2 years at home during pandemic. How does a lab tech wfh?
      3. PTO – meet your quota, take the rest of the week off.

      Given the plethora of evidence of ineffectiveness of these various federal orgs, I’d say the proof is in the pudding. If you disagree you weren’t paying attention during COVID and/or haven’t been involved in patenting.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Apparently if one can find something that an agency did wrong or failed on , it invalidates the entire agency, right?

        1. killerhertz Avatar

          Name one thing they’ve done right?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            The vast majority of what they do is done right. We have folks finding flaws and wanting perfection IMO. What’s your solution if you don’t get perfection? Just do away with the agency altogether?

    2. killerhertz Avatar

      And Boeing is a defacto government agency at this point being heavily subsidized with defense funds and an incredibly cozy relationship between FAA and American Airline manufacturing. By no means are they operating in a free market environment.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        So recalls by companies for their products don’t count for judging them overall?

    3. I agree with you at the local and [mostly] the state level.

      The feds? Not so much. Although I think your USGS example is one of those “exception that proves the rule”.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        NTSB, NOAA, who put the weather satellites and GPS satellites up? How about the interstate highway system?

        1. Whatever you say. You’re a far greater sycophant of, I mean expert on the wonderfulness of, our federal government than I.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Nope, but I’m not anti-govt either. No agency, no free-market company is perfect and without flaws but you guys identify one thing and then pronounce govt a failure. Most govt agencies do their purpose on the whole not without some problems sometimes for some agencies but the idea that they “fail” is just anti-govt rhetoric IMO.
            Richmond is one of those places that DOES deserve criticism but expanding that out to all govt is just silly.

          2. …you guys identify one thing and then pronounce govt a failure.

            No I don’t. I look at repeated failures and ineptitude, and violations of people’s rights.
            I look at an agency’s mission, check its progress on that mission, assess how far they have expanded beyond that mission, and then I decide for myself whether that agency is a failure.

            Hint: The BATFE, which I notice is not on the list you posted, is an abject failure.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            MOST govt agencies don’t come close to your stated standard, IMO.

            You can take an agency like the FAA and airport traffic controls and see a number and continuing incidents but how many planes are they managing overall?

            The Postal Service has issues sometimes, no question but on the whole most people get most of their mail all the time.

            I could go on and on but it looks to me that some folks see something or even more than one and then conclude an agency is a failure and it’s simply not reality.

            Who is BATFE and why are they a “failure” in your view?

          4. You’re not serious, are you? You really do not know about the federal agency which repeatedly trafficked firearms into Mexico during the Obama administration?

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            No. BATF? And my understanding is that the truth is more nuanced than coming from critics. Even then, it does not mean that BATF has not been effective overall, it’s one major incident, not unlike the Va State Police failing on hiring someone when they failed to check his background.

            Ya’ll are confused about this. A failure, even a major one has to be judged in overall effectiveness, not incidents.

            Your way of judging would invalidate most agencies and many non-govt companies IMO.

            it’s your basic anti-govt rhetoric than emanates from people who are fundamentally opposed to most
            govt in the first place, again IMO.

          6. The correct acronym is BATFE, or the shortened ‘ATF’ preferred by the agency itself.

            Regulating explosives was added to their powers & responsibilities in 1970.

            And the gun smuggling (which is a serious crime) was just a single example.

            Since you will either refuse to believe, or rationalize away, any issues I bring up, I am not going to waste my time generating a more comprehensive list of their incompetent and illegal actions, or the numerous instances of them overstepping the limits of their authority. The evils perpetrated by ATF are well documented.

            “Confused”, indeed.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’m not rationalizing or refusing to believe. But any /most agencies have incidents that are
            not good and reflect badly on the agency. But you have to look at the bigger picture for that
            agency IMO. The gun-running incident became a political thing with differing versions so I’m asking
            what other bad things is BATF guilty of that tips the balance and makes them a bad/unneeded agency?

            confused? Yes we are, fess up!

          8. You are rationalizing, and you are refusing to believe facts.

            And I’m not going to say any more because they are a particularly vindictive agency.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yep. It happens. BUt so does a lot of other that is done right . You’d get rid of the agency for it’s faults ? Nope, you would not. Would you replace it with a private company. Nope. So what? Just become anti-govt in your philosophy in general? dead end, guy. What is it really about?

          10. You’d get rid of the agency for it’s faults ? Nope, you would not.

            The ATF? Yes, I would. I would divide the majority of their powers and responsibilities between the FBI and the IRS.

            Yes, I consider them worse than the IRS.

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            But you’d keep that function and the govt doing it? So it’s not the govt itself that is the problem if you’re willing to let the govt continuing to perform those functions? I thought it was the BATF that wrote and enforced regulations on weapons. You’d have the FBI do it instead? Seems like that’s expanding their role, right?

            It’s not impossible. We created Homeland Security and moved other agencies inside it.

          12. The gun-running incident became a political thing with differing versions…

            The only “differing versions” from: “The ATF trafficked guns to Mexican drug cartels, lost track of them, and people died” are so in-credible that they can only be believed by people whose heads are so far up Barack Obama’s posterior that they cannot see where they are gong unless he opens his fly.

          13. The gun-running incident became a political thing with differing versions…

            The only “differing versions” from: “The ATF trafficked guns to Mexican drug cartels, lost track of them, and people died” are so in-credible that they can only be believed by people whose heads are so far up Barack Obama’s posterior that they cannot see where they are gong unless he opens his fly.

          14. The gun-running incident became a political thing with differing versions…

            The only “differing versions” from: “The ATF trafficked guns to Mexican drug cartels, lost track of them, and people died” are so in-credible that they can only be believed by people whose heads are so far up Barack Obama’s posterior that they cannot see where they are gong unless he opens his fly.

          15. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “The evils perpetrated by ATF are well documented.”

            Ruby Ridge and WACO to start.

          16. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            He doesn’t acknowledge rights being infringed if he agrees with those infringing.

    4. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      No…I do believe there are good workers within agencies. My problem is with the agencies and the mission creep and the waste of money. Trillions spent for the Great Society and poverty remains the same. Maybe the agency is ineffective? Counterproductive? No, send us more money!
      And, there are also many “not good” employees in governmental agencies. My experience indicates more in govt than private, which I think ties back to private entities have to spend carefully to turn a profit. The lady you described who was replaced sounds like she was a truly dedicated “public servant”…so of course Richmond got rid of her! Was she the “wrong” “color?”

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        poverty is not the same Walter. It has reduced significantly but not totally and likely never will until k-12 does better with economically disadvantaged kids and more help with child care is provided so parents can work.

        In my view, this is just the standard anti-govt rhetoric that has always been with us mostly with conservatives who believe govt should be smaller and do less to “help”.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Govt should be smaller. It doesn’T solve the problems it was created to address. It seems to prolong and promote them. How did this country survive without all the govt help? With no income tax? Is it a crime to ask? (It is to big govt types!)

          It wasn’t perfect! say the big govt advocates. No, it wasn’t. People were involved. But it isn’T perfect today either. It’s less perfect. Maybe there are better ways… Maybe freedom would work better…

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Pretty broad statements, Walter. How would you do basic functions without an income tax? How would you fund the SCOTUS or provide border security or food and drug safety, and myriad other things that the founders did not anticipate would be needed and need funding to do? Name ONE country that meets your spec for “freedom” or just comes close. What countries in the world do govt the way you believe?

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            How did we do it before, Larry?
            Can you possibly take your mind out of your constant mindless defense of the Big Brother you love so much to wonder, just ponder, just contemplate for a moment…could there be a better way with less government?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            can you deal with reality?

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Yes. I’m 66. Raised 5 kids. Pay too much in taxes. Think I’m a pretty good citizen. Not a felon. Convicted of various traffic things. Got 3 degrees from UVA when it was still an educational school.
            I was right about the over-reaction to Covid.
            I am right about the “climate change cultists” are wrong, and that’s coming out.
            In 20 years or so it will be universally acknowledged that the 2020 election was stolen, and even the few sane Democrats (maybe 25% of the current group) will have demanded election reforms so that all people will trust that the elections are run straight (that’s how you save Democracy, but not how you illegitimately hold onto power, so the “elites” have no interest in that.)

    5. DJRippert Avatar

      At one point during the early days of this NFL season, the Washington Commanders had 6 first round draft picks on the field playing defense.

      The Commanders ended the regular season with the worst defense in the NFL, when measured by points per game.

      Even competent, hard working employees can create a complete failure of an organization when they are mismanaged.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Agree, and you point out a non-govt entity which is the reality. Many other non-govt entities have had their bad days also. It happens, as you point out.

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Well, it is Richmond after all.

  5. Richmond is fast running out of feet…

  6. I am a long time member of the Electoral Board in a rural VA county. I’m a lifelong FDR NewDeal Democrat. For a few years Balmer worked at the state Dept of Elections where he was our contact person with the Dept. To be kind, he is not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

    Balmer is the registrar because Stoney conspired with the two Democrats on the Richmond Electoral Board to remove the previous Registrar who was well-known and respected among election officials across the state. This screwup would never have happened under her.

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