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Revolt of the Pack Mules: The Hard-Working, Law-Abiding Guys Just Trying to Make a Living

The March 5, 2007, edition of the Bacon’s Rebellion e-zine is now available online. Never miss a single issue — get the e-zine delivered to your in-box. Subscribe for free.

Here are this week’s features:

One Man’s Garbage…
is another man’s energy-rich biomass. Warrenton Mayor George Fitch views the town landfill as the key to energy independence.
by James A. Bacon

Voltage Hogs
Virginia has one of the most electricity- intensive economies on the planet. One reason: State energy policies don’t foster conservation and energy efficiency.
by James A. Bacon

Saving Neither Life Nor Money
Fewer than 25 percent of Medicaid-eligible children get dental care.
by Doug Koelemay

Taxes, Status and Ladies’ Purses
Why do politicians resist raising taxes for basic government services? Blame the all-too-human preference for status and luxuries over necessities.
by E M Risse

Conservatism and Fundamental Change
The principles behind The Shape of the Future have been called “socialist,” “fascist,” and everything in between. We call them profoundly conservative.
by E M Risse

March Madness
The GOP transportation plan isn’t just bad policy, it’s bad politics. Republicans are fast losing credibility as the party of low taxes and small government.
by James Atticus Bowden

A Good Start
The transportation bill passed by the General Assembly still needs fine tuning, but it injects new money into the system along with greater accountability.
by Mike Thompson

Transportation Transgressions
Del. David Albo complains that people are looking for reasons to kill HB 3202. He is right, but only because of the many illegal and unconstitutional provisions in this bill.
by Phil Rodokanakis

Never Better
Parkinsons is a slow-motion crippler and killer. But the disease has given me an appreciation of what is truly good in life.
by Barnie Day

Nice & Curious Questions
Checking Tailpipes: Car inspections in Virginia
by Edwin S. Clay III and Patricia Bangs

(The last edition of Nice & Curious had a bad link, so we are republishing it. -editor)
Nice & Curious Questions
Tea Leaves and Lifelines: Predicting the Future in Virginia
by Edwin S. Clay III and Patricia Bangs

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