Resolution to Clarify Equity Training and Teaching

The Virginia Beach School Board will discuss the following resolution at a meeting tonight.

WHEREAS, the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia values diversity, promotes inclusiveness and is committed to providing a learning environment whereby ALL students have access and opportunities to benefit from the high standards, support and resources required for a high quality education; and

WHEREAS, the School Board values the uniqueness of each member of its staff, student population and community and encourages individual and multiple perspectives; and

WHEREAS, the School Board must provide a clear and transparent understanding of the School Division’s positions and expectations regarding equity training, teaching and learning; and
WHEREAS, the School Board recognizes that individual and group perspectives on equity may differ and are subject to constitutional and other protections. Accordingly, the School Board acknowledges that it cannot limit or discourage employees from researching, discussing, or exploring books, media/publications or materials related to racial issues that divide rather than seek unity, but ask that they do it on their own time and not on school property; and

WHEREAS, the School Board does acknowledge that while racism does still exist, it is not an acceptable practice within the VBCPS division;


1. Any school, school-based program, activity or entity that is operated, controlled, paid for or under the jurisdiction of the School Board shall refrain from training, teaching, or promoting the following to students and employees:

— That any race is inherently superior or inferior to any other race

— That any individual by virtue of his or her race or skin color is inherently racist, privileged or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously.

— That any individual, by virtue of his or her race or skin color bears responsibility for the actions committed by other members of his or her race, skin color or religion.

— An individual’s moral character or worth is determined by his or her race or skin color.

— That the United States is a fundamentally and inherently racist country.

— That capitalism is racist.

2. That any violation of the above mentioned be reported to the Superintendent or designee through applicable policies, regulations, and procedures for resolving complaints by parents, students or staff. Individuals reporting any alleged violation will not be retaliated against. Adopted by the School Board of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia this day of October 2021

Bacon’s bottom line: This is the first set of principles I’ve seen to guide a Virginia school board on issues of race. That reflects the fact that Virginia Beach is a politically competitive (unlike, say Fairfax and Arlington Counties in Northern Virginia, where there is no counterweight). While progressives managed to take control of the school system when no one was paying attention, conservatives are fighting back.

The resolution is not perfect, but it’s pretty darn good — it defines an alternative to identity politics that people of good will can rally around. Rather than defining people by their race, sex and gender, the statement embraces the perspective that public schools can be inclusive and welcoming to all while at the same time treating people as individuals.

Update: The resolution was voted down in a 4-to-7 vote on the grounds, reports WAVY-TV, that “the resolution as written could be misinterpreted by both parents and teachers.”

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6 responses to “Resolution to Clarify Equity Training and Teaching”

  1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    There will definitely not be a Pharrell concert with that kind of rhetoric!

  2. tmtfairfax Avatar

    If CRT is valid, shouldn’t every “woke” white person who believes in CRT resign from elected or appointed office? By remaining in office, that person sends a strong message that non-white people cannot remedy CRT. Those who don’t resign send a clear racist message (under their logic) that they are better than non-white people and the only ones who can fix the problem. There are plenty of capable non-white people who can address CRT. Woke whites should not be in the front line of politics or they are clearly perpetuating racism. Damn it all. Don’t be in for a dime when you should be in for a dollar.

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “…researching, discussing, or exploring books, media/publications or materials related to racial issues that divide rather than seek unity, but ask that they do it on their own time and not on school property…”

    “That any violation of the above mentioned be reported to the Superintendent”

    Oh my, what could go wrong….?

    Can’t wait for the 1st Amendment screeches from the Right on this policy…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      American K12 education — white tested, white approved.

      Now, hand me that book of matches.

  4. DJRippert Avatar

    Poor racist Democrats. Their attempts to hijack public school education and turn it into indoctrination has failed. They have been found out. Their euphemism for CRT is anti-racism. It should be pro-racism if they were honest. As Lord Kendi puts it, “The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.” With that statement Kendi is no longer anti-racist but pro-racist.

    Good for Virginia Beach in working to eliminate the liberal claptrap of Ibram X. Kendi. The children as white oppressors narrative that self-loathing liberals love has to go.

  5. LesGabriel Avatar

    “the resolution as written could be misinterpreted by both parents and teachers.” Did any of those voting “no” for this reason explain what could be misinterpreted. Of course, proponents of CRT are masters of misinterpretation, so they would naturally vote down anything that exposes their attempts to formulate their version of reality.

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