Requesting a $1 Refund

The spat over the temporary-but-possibly-permanent hike in the auto registration fee that Jim noted is generating a lot of chatter. Now the Governor has waded into the fray, saying he’d like to make the temporary fee hike permanent, too.

Well, that’s just keen. However, as Jon Baliles discovered, Sen. Norment has made an offer to refund that extra dollar to at least one local resident. And, alert citizen that he is, Mr. Baliles takes matters a step further, offering a form letter you can use to ask the good Senator to refund your dollar personally:

Dear Senator Norment;

I heard about your kind offer to personally pay my $1 Jamestown fee on WRVA radio and I would kindly like to take you up on your offer.

Since the fee is no longer being used for the Jamestown celebrations which have since concluded, there is no reason to continue the fee. If you want to continue to collect extra $1 to fund tourism, then I might suggest you repeal the “Jamestown fee,” and raise the fee again on Virginia citizens straight up. Please don’t hide it behind a bygone event and now antiquated fee.

I know $1 is not much to you but it is symbolic to me, and I sincerely appreciate your efforts to repay me for as long as the current law remains on the books.


So rather than signing an online petition (though I suppose it can’t hurt), just send Sen. Norment an invoice directly.

He’ll be happy to accommodate you, I’m sure.

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3 responses to “Requesting a $1 Refund”

  1. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    listen up! There IS a strategy here albeit a cynical one…

    the idea with this fee and the abuser fees and other onerous “fees” in name only is to make them so bad ..that citizens will literally beg for an increase in the gas tax.


    mark my words.. this is just a clever segway

  2. Spank That Donkey Avatar
    Spank That Donkey

    ‘clever segway’
    I agree totally, my Senator Emmett Hanger has been talking about it for 3 months now…

    The main thing to remember here is that Senate Finance started all this off by projecting a 6% increase in revenues, knowing full well that new home construction in NOVA was slowing.

    Emmett spoke of it twice during the primary at a debate and an interview… They created the budget short fall…. Makes it a whole lot easier to argue for that tax increase doesn’t it?

    It sure beats the last three years of swimming in surplus and arguing for a tax increase…. just create a short fall….

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    Fee, tax, registration, donation, unfunded mandate.

    It is all money out of my pocket, and it is all a tax. I like to keep things simple.

    We don’t have enough money for all the things we want.

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