Remember When News Outlets Engaged in Fact-Checking?

by Kerry Dougherty

Dang it. The BYU women’s volleyball story had everything the corporate media salivates over:

A conservative Christian school and an alleged racial slur against an African-American female athlete.

Pity that like so many other stories that feed the narrative that America is just a nanosecond away from Jim Crow and that conservative Christians pose the worst sort of domestic threat, this story didn’t stand up to rigorous fact-checking.

Sadly, fact-checking has gone the way of typewriters and copy editors at most news outlets. Young, woke, inexperienced reporters sniff around social media looking for stories that fit their agenda and their bosses print or broadcast whatever they produce, often based on a single source.

The left-wing media saw an irate Tweet from the godmother of the alleged volleyball victim and went to town, shaming Brigham Young University and its racist student section, who reportedly heckled an African American standout on Duke University’s women’s volleyball team during a match against BYU in Provo on August 26.

Here’s a sampling of what passes for journalism in America right now:

“Duke Volleyball and BYU: Racial Slurs Hurled At Player,” USA Today.

“Racial Slur During College Volleyball Game Leads To Fan Suspension,” The New York Times.

“Black Duke Volleyball Player Subjected To Racial Slurs During Match Against BYU,” CNN.

Administrators at the university were embarrassed and upset. They immediately suspended a fan who was fingered as the kid who might have uttered the slur that apparently wasn’t uttered. That fan has since been reinstated.

Even the athlete who lodged the allegations praised BYU Athletic Director Tom Holmoe for coming to her after the alleged incident and expressing concern.

“Let me be clear on where BYU stands on this issue,” Holmoe said at the time. “Racism is disgusting and unacceptable.”

Next, the university did the work that journalists were too lazy to do: they investigated the incident by interviewing players from both teams and fans who were there and by listening to enhanced audio recordings of the event.

When they concluded their investigation, the school issued a statement. It appears this incident, which received national attention, can’t be confirmed.

As part of our commitment to take any claims of racism seriously, BYU has completed its investigation into the allegation that racial heckling and slurs took place at the Duke vs. BYU women’s volleyball match on August 26.

We reviewed all available video and audio recordings, including security footage and raw footage from all camera angles taken by BYUtv of the match, with broadcasting audio removed (to ensure that the noise from the stands could be heard more clearly)…

From our extensive review, we have not found any evidence to corroborate the allegation that fans engaged in racial heckling or uttered racial slurs at the event. As we stated earlier, we would not tolerate any conduct that would make a student-athlete feel unsafe. That is the reason for our immediate response and our thorough investigation.

That wasn’t good enough for some.

South Carolina women’s basketball coach Dawn Staley announced that she was cancelling a home-and-home series with BYU that was set to begin this November when the Cougars were scheduled to visit the Gamecocks in Columbia.

“The incident at BYU has led me to reevaluate our home-and-home,” Staley said. “And I don’t feel that this is the right time for us to engage in this series.”

Journalists, do your damn jobs. People, programs and reputations get hurt when you don’t.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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8 responses to “Remember When News Outlets Engaged in Fact-Checking?”

  1. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    This morning’s print RTD arrived with two sections, not three, and a front page bit of candy-wrapped nonsense about their commitment to this community. Dead in a year? At least the Climate Catastrophe Correspondent still has his prominent display (I remain convinced he is “sponsored content.”) In today’s column he attempts to cover up the failure of the Climate Catastrophe Hurricane Prediction for this year by claiming the “number of days with a named storm in the Atlantic” is half what it was last year. What an utter bogus measurement, when in an active year there will be several storms brewing on the same day. It doesn’t matter that the prediction was off because it is never anything but a wild-ass guess, now used as a fear tactic, and there is every reason to expect a bad year will come along soon enough. It just ain’t because of CO2.

    The other Big Lie of the day was in another headline claiming disparate impact of COVID on black and Hispanic folks. Uh, the numbers are clear that the death rate is very close among white and black and substantially lower among Hispanic. But once the Big Lie is entrenched, you never get rid of it.

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Picking a nit here…
    BYU is not a conservative Christian school.
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (I think that is the official name) has a number of doctrinal standards that would fit it outside of regular evangelical Christianity.
    However, Mormons make an even better target for intolerance with their missions and other things that the particularly devout do. Remember smearing Mitt for “holy underwear?”
    Can we now add Duke volleyball to Duke lacrosse as the all too quick to be believed claims of racism that are too good to be true?
    As some other commentator quipped, the demand for racial incidents for exceeds the supply…

  3. Color me surprised on this one……AGAIN…. gotta pad those hate crime stats just like ‘domestic extremist violence’ incidents.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    So, the media covered the story of the allegations. It is not their responsibility to determine the veracity, that was for Duke and BYU to investigate. Once the investigation by responsible parties was completed, they also covered that too.

    If you worried so much about getting the whole story, you’d be silent. Hey, wait! Good idea.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I know…. it’s like the Smollett thing. These idiots blame the media!

      Haner will be glad to see this:

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Saw it and of course I know Patrick Wilson. One team of a dozen for 77 newspapers?…no, didn’t cheer me. Kinda like Miyares team of 20 on elections, but not hiring anybody additional dedicated to the purpose – mainly just shuffling the deck (in the case of the RTD, a shrinking deck.)

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    This morning’s print RTD arrived with two sections, not three, and a front page bit of candy-wrapped nonsense about their commitment to this community. Dead in a year? At least the Climate Catastrophe Correspondent still has his prominent display (I remain convinced he is “sponsored content.”) In today’s column he attempts to cover up the failure of the Climate Catastrophe Hurricane Prediction for this year by claiming the “number of days with a named storm in the Atlantic” is half what it was last year. What an utter bogus measurement, when in an active year there will be several storms brewing on the same day. It doesn’t matter that the prediction was off because it is never anything but a wild-ass guess, now used as a fear tactic, and there is every reason to expect a bad year will come along soon enough. It just ain’t because of CO2.

    The other Big Lie of the day was in another headline claiming disparate impact of COVID on black and Hispanic folks. Uh, the numbers are clear that the death rate is very close among white and black and substantially lower among Hispanic. But once the useful Big Lie is entrenched, you never get rid of it.

  6. Carter Melton Avatar
    Carter Melton

    This type of non-journalism is the first cousin to the new 21st century version of McCarthyism…only instead using the power of government to ruin lives and institutions it uses the power of a sloppy and ideologically malignant press.

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