Remember the 38th!

T. Travis Hackworth

Congratulations to the citizens of the 38th state senatorial district — you have been re-enfranchised. Republican T. Travis Hackworth handily won the special election to replace former Sen. Ben Chafin, who died in January, garnering 76% of the vote.

Better late than never, I suppose. But due to Governor Ralph Northam’s failure (or refusal) to schedule a special election immediately after Chafin’s death, Hackworth was not instated until after the 2021 General Assembly session, one of the most consequential of recent legislatures in years. Hacksworth’s absence gave Democrats a 21 to 18 margin in the Senate instead of a 20 to 19 margin, meaning that it took two middle-of-the-road Democrats to side with Republicans instead of one to block the Northam administration’s left-wing agenda.

The Virginia Public Access Project (VPAP) ought to do one of its patented data visuals showing how many bills passed in the 2021 session thanks to one-vote margins. Only then would we get a feel for the practical real-world impact of the  disenfranchisement of more than 200,000 (overwhelmingly Republican) citizens.

The 38th state senatorial district. Credit: VPAP

Remember the 38th the next time you see Democrats and commentators crying crocodile tears about “voter suppression.”


Update: I am mortified to admit that the original version of this story mistakenly referred to Hacksworth’s district as the 28th senatorial district, not the 38th. Thanks the reader who brought the error to my attention.

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21 responses to “Remember the 38th!”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Yes, yes. Re-enfranchised. A Republican. Welcome to 1960.

    1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
      Baconator with extra cheese

      Yeah and it’s apparently a white identifting as male…. disgusting!

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Have you really checked?

  2. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    That’s home, baby. Within that footprint is the former Sinking Springs Farm, where Shufflebargers settled on the New near Dublin about the time of the Revolution, my great-great granddaddy Newton’s farm on Bland’s Wolf Creek (he of the CSA), his son’s country store, my grandparent’s long time home at 107 Logan Street in Bluefield where my mother was born, the Methodist church a block away where my parents were married and I baptized, the homes of plenty of uncles, aunts and cousins…sadly most gone now. Whine all you want…You can try to make me hate them, but it will fail. %$#@ in your own nests (actually, Nancy does regularly. It’s a liberal thing….)

  3. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    That’s home, baby. Within that footprint is the former Sinking Springs Farm, where Shufflebargers settled on the New near Dublin about the time of the Revolution, my great-great granddaddy Newton’s farm on Bland’s Wolf Creek (he of the CSA), his son’s country store, my grandparent’s long time home at 107 Logan Street in Bluefield where my mother was born, the Methodist church a block away where my parents were married and I baptized, the homes of plenty of uncles, aunts and cousins…sadly most gone now. Whine all you want…You can try to make me hate them, but it will fail. %$#@ in your own nests (actually, Nancy does regularly. It’s a liberal thing….)

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Mr. Haner where your kinsmen associated with the saga of Mary Draper Ingles? I always thought of her as the toughest and bravest woman of the colonial era. After the ordeal of the Draper’s Meadow Massacre, captivity, and escape Ingles settled near Dublin.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Pretty sure that predated their arrival from down the Valley around Winchester (now Hampshire Co WVa). Maybe by only ten years or so. (Note to readers: To leave Winchester and head for SWVA is to go UP the Valley. That’s one of our little tests to weed out Yankees.)

        Unofficial family history is they went up the Valley to escape the military draft. They were German speakers, not as invested in fighting the crown.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          Bud Robertson at VPI said the same thing about the Valley and testing the yankee newcomers. It was actually a test question on the Civil War class final exam. That test was impossibly hard too. Multiple choice that had selections of A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H, and I. The right answer was picking the correct combination of letters. I got a C in that class.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Want to thank you for your vinyard recommendation. I stopped by to pick up a case of Cab for the wife. They went for it.

            I’d rather look at it, Steve, than eat it.

          2. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            If you went out Rt 6 from Richmond you were right by Jim and me….

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Read it again Steve. For effect. 🙂
            But we do go out that way occasionally and I will buy some wine the next time we go. (Hint, buy not trade)

          4. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Ludwell Johnson taught that at W&M. I could never work it in, but my wife did. He did two semesters without mentioning Lincoln by name.

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      My favorite area of that part of the state is Burke’s Garden
      (a little west of where you are referring to). A bowl that is completely surrounded by mountains; only one road in. Beautiful. Lots of farm families.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Looks like there’s a fingerprint right next to it.

      1. Paul Sweet Avatar
        Paul Sweet

        There are actually 3 roads in. Several years ago I made the mistake of taking the good road in from the west, then continuing out to the east down to Va. 42. It was 15 miles of gravel switchbacks! I almost got out and kissed the pavement when I finally got down to Va. 42. I haven’t been crazy enough to try it, but I understand the road to the north is a fire road which is even worse.

        1. Rt 42 was one of my favorite motorcycle roads when I lived out that way.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          I think I knew about the fire road but thought is was gated. The “back way” also was, in places, not where you wanted to meet someone.

          Done some roads out west that are similar

          Here’s one at Capitol Reef Park:

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            I’ve been there Mr. Larry. The desert has a tranquilizing effect on me. Nearest cold beer is 90 minutes away in Hanksville.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Well, prepare ahead or take the deprivation and REALLY enjoy the beer when you finally get it.

            There are MANY places out west with truly hair-raising grades and roads and actually some others in the East along the Appalachians and in the hills of WVA.


  4. When I first read the headline I thought the article was going to be about Korea.

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