Relentless Promotion of Transsexuality in Children – Fairfax County School Board Edition

Willow Woycke, president of the Transgender Education Association

by James C. Sherlock

Family Life Education – Board of Education Guidelines and
Standards of Learning for Virginia Public Schools, updated in 2020 by a famously progressive Virginia Board of Education, requires:

A plan for teaching sensitive content in gender-separated classes shall be announced publicly.

Current Fairfax County School Board Regulation 3204.9 Effective 09/15/2020 requires both elementary and middle school Family Life Education classes to be gender-separate.

Those rules apparently are now judged to be insufficiently progressive in Fairfax County. Headline:

Fairfax County school board debates mixing genders in 4th-8th grade sex education classes.

How did this get to be an agenda item for the Fairfax County School Board? The answer:

An advisory committee recently approved a plan to mix boys and girls in grades 4-8 during Family Life Education instruction; a practice that is done in some area school systems but not in others.

That raises several questions.

  1. Who convened the advisory committee? Why?
  2. What will be the advantage of changing the current policy? For children I mean, not adults.
  3. What are the motives of those who want 10-year-olds of both genders to sit together for sex education?

The only motive revealed in the story is a component of the agenda of the transgender education lobby.

“FLE (Family Life Education) is a health class. It teaches students about their own health and the health of others,” said Willow Woycke, president of the Transgender Education Association.

Woycke’s full statement can be seen at here starting at the 46:17 mark.

The story did not mention that Ms. Woycke is an appointed member of the FCPS Family Life Education Curriculum Advisory Committee that has proposed the change.  It would be interesting to know the public policy objectives of the rest of the members.

She* starts by saying that mixed gender classes are good for not only transgender kids but also other kids.  She* then proceeds to tick off all of the things that could be taught in those mixed classes.  I watched it twice.

The FLE SOLs indicate that all of the things she* wants taught to mixed gender classes are presented single gender classes.  So her claim that “cisgender” and homosexual students will get education that they do not currently receive is untrue – a false flag.

Ms.* Woycke’s** true motivation appears to be that she* wants transgender kids not to have to pick a gender for instruction.

The school board changed the agenda to postpone indefinitely public discussion by the board of the proposed changes to the FLE program. Ms.* Woycke spoke of it anyway from the audience.

When they do take it up we will see who speaks for the rest of the children in Fairfax County.

I suspect the answer is parents, who will pull their children out of FLE in droves as is their right under Virginia law if mixed gender FLE classes are mandated. Ms.* Woycke in her remarks openly advocated that outcome.  She* found opting out an attractive option – but not for transgender kids.  

The change will discriminate against children of followers of the major religions because the readily foreseeable outcome of the change in policy is that those parents will opt them out.  I would do so if mine were that age.

If you believe, which the state of Virginia formally asserts, in the value of FLE education, then those children will be denied the quality education guaranteed to all children by the Virginia constitution.

There are less destructive ways to make sure transgender kids are not discriminated against in single gender FLE instruction.  Policies adopted in Fairfax in 2015 already forbid discrimination against transexual students.

Making them comfortable in FLE instruction is the kind of thing school counselors have been doing ever since.

I have written here before that the transgender lobby is small but relentless — and has other progressives terrified to speak out against it.

I rest my case.

Ms.* Woycke advocates the nuclear option.  And, given that this is the Fairfax County School Board, may get it.

Updated May 17 at 10:04 AM and at 11:17 AM (11:17 update after finally finding the video of Ms. Woycke’s full presentation to the school board).


* Apologies if “Ms”. and “she” are not the right forms of address.  No offense meant.

** Worth noting that my spell checker tried to change that surname to “Woke.”

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37 responses to “Relentless Promotion of Transsexuality in Children – Fairfax County School Board Edition”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Just because a representative of the transsexual movement spoke in favor of the proposed change is not evidence that was the main motivation of the advisory committee for recommending the change.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I assume you agree that this will reduce the number of children in FLE classes as their parents opt them out.

      Remember this effects fourth graders.

      If not the transsexual agenda, what do you think is the main offsetting motivation that is worth the reduction of participants?

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I finally found Ms. Woycke’s remarks in the video of the meeting. See my revised remarks based upon that.

      I have also found that Ms. Woycke was a member of the FLE Advisory Board appointed by the School Board member representing Dranesville.

      Does that change your view?

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        Btw I’m pretty sure that’s a fat man w/ makeup.

  2. “Does this move thus discriminate against believers of all of the major
    religions and deny their children the “quality education” guaranteed in
    the Virginia constitution?”

    I didn’t follow this last statement.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      It discriminates against children of followers of the major religions because the readily foreseeable outcome of the change in policy is that their parents will opt them out of FLE classes.

      If you believe, which the state of Virginia formally asserts, in the value of FLE education, then these children are being denied a quality education.

      1. I see. That’s interesting, and it doesn’t really have anything to do with religious belief does it? An atheist could be offended by — and dis-value — joint-sex FLE training.

        This seems to be the other side of the coin from the increasing desire for parents to proactively manage the curriculum of their child’s school. There will be lots of differing opinions, even within affinity groups, as to what parents specifically value (or not), so would the constitutionality of that promise now be untenable?

        I’m not baiting you, it’s meant to be discussion without any agenda.

        1. “training” is unfortunate choice of words. Instruction is better.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Actually, “instruction” is no better than “training” as a choice of words.

            Perhaps the word you are looking for is “education”, as in the E of FLE.

            Try substituting the words in the sentence “Schools will provide sex training/instruction/education to my son/daughter/other.” to get a visual sense of the appropriate descriptor.

          2. killerhertz Avatar

            Grooming is the most apt term.

          3. Not really. Grooming is fake news.

          4. killerhertz Avatar

            You are so clueless I wouldn’t be surprised if you lived in that leftist bubble that is Arlington. There are already examples in state of trans ideaology leading to sex trafficking. We are just seeing the tip of the iceberg of the mental health crisis perpetrated by these mental sickos who seek validation by normalizing their dysfunctional behavior.

          5. Enlighten me with some facts then. And I’m not defending the gender mixing in FLE, but I do want to call you on your statement.

          6. killerhertz Avatar

            If you want anecdotes you can read this tragic story to start


          7. Sad and tragic story — if true — but there’s nothing in that story that says the school’s policies groomed her. It specifically says that her peers did.

            Again, where are the facts?

          8. killerhertz Avatar

            Oh come on. Schools have made it abundantly clear they want to educate young children about this topic and they’re already doing it at higher grade levels. Sex ed associations have this part of their curriuclum. You don’t think that approving of this behavior and not telling the parents is grooming? Okay then.

            Furthermore, while the government schools aren’t advocating for sexual trafficking, they are still grooming children with this twisted ideology, largely with tragic consequences. There’s a lot of power and validation to be had. Teach a kid algebra or get them to change their gender? One has a lot more mental impact and they clearly prefer the latter given the sad state of government education.

          9. By using the term grooming, you are making a specific accusation that schools are engaging in sexually predatory behavior . I’m adamantly opposed to exposing children to these topics. I view it is as harmful and misguided, but you can’t just throw around a very serious accusation without providing a shred of proof. And yes I’m still waiting for data on the grooming accusation. You are parroting talking points without consideration for what you are saying, but maybe you know that and don’t care.

            Sexual predators are unfortunately all around us: coaches, ministers, boy scout leaders…. I had a middle school teacher who was a predator. He ruined a lot of lives, so I understand what’s at risk.

          10. killerhertz Avatar

            I’ve said this before, but look up the definition of grooming. It isn’t a sexual term.

          11. killerhertz Avatar

            That’s because they probably updated the definition to reflect current discourse. Look up the etymology.

            Generally it’s to tend and prepare something

          12. killerhertz Avatar

            Like I said they don’t have to be groomed for sexual purposes, but manipulation.

          13. killerhertz Avatar


            Groomers might also try and isolate children from their friends and
            family, making them feel dependent on them and giving the groomer power
            and control over them. They might use blackmail to make a child feel
            guilt and shame or introduce the idea of ‘secrets’ to control, frighten
            and intimidate.

            Of course teachers acting behind the back of parents are exhibiting grooming behavior. You can disagree and that’s your prerogative. But the government schools are particularly infested w/ some of these evil people just like other large orgs. The only difference being government schools are a cartel.

          14. killerhertz Avatar

            More to my point, they are grooming children to follow their LGBTQIA+!%( ideology. It’s rooted in Marxist identity politics.

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          This is not parents proactively managing the curriculum in the normal sense of that term being modification of content.

          The FLE SOLs are available at the new link provided in the updated article above as is a new link to the full video of her presentation (which I just discovered an hour ago after looking for an hour before the first version of the article). From the FLE SOLs we learn that the FLE curriculum already provides all of the instruction that Ms. Woycke claims in her presentation would benefit cisgender and homosexual students.

          Stripping away that false flag, she objects to the information being taught in single gender classes. The best face I can put on that is an assumption she thinks neither single gender group is appropriate for all children. That is a different issue than curricula.

          It is not about opting out, because transgender or confused students can already opt out. She makes it clear that her preference is that cisgender kids drop out instead if they or their parents are made uncomfortable by the mixed gender format she recommends.

          1. thanks for further explanation

        3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          As you say, it is “possible” that atheists would object.

          It is guaranteed that observant Muslims, Jews, Christians, Buddists, Shintoists, and other religions will object.

          Which is clearly one of the points of the exercise.

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Yes, exercises in condemnations to be guaranteed by most. Not cautioned as likely to occur but guaranteed.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      It was perhaps not clear. Thank you. I have clarified it.

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    When will public schools start testing students in a diagnostic manner? It would be the next logical step for Fairfax’s FLE initiative. The data could be useful. Find out who is GLBTQ+ or potentially and proceed with a tailored curriculum to enhance student emotional social health. I took a 15 question test for fun. I passed! Now leave me alone.

  4. Meanwhile, it’s worth noting, Fairfax County is implementing changes that would punish “malicious misgendering” at the same level as assault and battery, reports The Federalist.

    Language crime is only one step removed from thought crime. In Fairfax County, the social totalitarians have taken over.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      The author of The Federalist story complains about school board elections going back several years–about the board “blindsiding” parents and “steamrolling” families. Twelve members of the school board were elected in 2019, serveral of whom were incumbents. It would seem that the parents and families of Fairfax County have spoken about their preference for school board policies. If this board is out of step with the county’s voters, the voters can dump them in the next election in 2023.

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Connecting dots between language crime and thought crime is, IMO, a crime of logic. “Social totalitarians” now enters the lexicon to join woke.

    3. killerhertz Avatar

      More compelled speech. Jordan Peterson predicted this.

  5. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    Fourth grade and transgenderism. This is not a topic for general discussion in a 4th grade classroom. If a child is, indeed, having issues in this area, he or she needs assistance in a private setting.

    While I miss many friends, I’m truly glad to have left Fairfax County.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      That is an excellent point. Thank you.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Which? That he left Fairfax?

    2. killerhertz Avatar

      This. We got out 6 years ago when I saw the writing on the wall.

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