Rehire Norfolk Police Lt. Kelly. Fire Chief Boone.

Lt. William K . Kelly III. Image credit: PizPacReview

by Kerry Dougherty

Justice prevailed in Kenosha, Wisconsin on Friday when a courageous jury found Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty of murder in the shooting deaths of two rioters — both felons — who were threatening or attacking him and in the wounding of another criminal who was pointing a gun at his head.

Despite months of biased news reporting by the mainstream media, the 12 jurors learned the real story of what went down on August 23, 2020 as chaos reigned in Kenosha, businesses were set on fire and looted, and hooligans ran wild in the streets.

Anyone watching the trial knew this was a clear case of self-defense. Still, it took courage for the jury to find in Rittenhouse’s favor as demonstrators with megaphones outside the courthouse disrupted the quiet as they deliberated.

A clear attempt to intimidate the jurors. But they stood fast.

Now that the Rittenhouse case is over, it’s time for the Norfolk Police Department to admit it acted unfairly and in haste in firing Lt. William K. Kelly III last April after he was outed by left-wing hackers for a $25 donation he sent to Rittenhouse’s defense.

Kelly is owed an apology, back pay and his old job.

We wrote about Kelly’s case the day after he was sacked. If it was unfair to fire him in April — and it was — it’s doubly unfair now that it’s been established that Rittenhouse did nothing wrong.

No doubt city officials will argue that Kelly’s offense was sending a small donation through his work email. Sorry, that is NOT a fireable offense. It was the recipient of the donation that ticked off the highly partisan Police Chief Larry Boone and led to the loss of the job Kelly had held for 19 years.

Let’s be honest, 25 bucks sent to a save-the-puppies charity wouldn’t have ended a distinguished career in the Norfolk PD. It was the wrongheaded belief that Kelly was sending money to a guy who was a vigilante.

The irony in all of this is the naked partisanship of Chief Boone. In May of 2020 he was photographed marching in a protest — in uniform — carrying a Black Lives Matter banner.

How could that be acceptable and 25 dollars to a defense fund isn’t?

Norfolk Police simply can’t have it both ways. It’s either a completely non-partisan organization or members are free to express themselves.

Either way, sending a small contribution to the defense fund of an innocent man should never have been a cause for termination.

Kelly hasn’t been paid since April. He has three children and a wife with cancer to support. When he joined us in the radio studio last Monday, Kelly told Mike Imprevento and me that he’d had trouble finding work because of all the publicity surrounding his case.

Kelly’s now working manual labor. This is a waste of Kelly’s training and talent.

Norfolk fired the wrong man.

The city desperately needs more good police officers.

Rehire Lt. William K. Kelly III. Fire Chief Boone.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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38 responses to “Rehire Norfolk Police Lt. Kelly. Fire Chief Boone.”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Rittenhouse did nothing wrong”

    Rittenhouse, the OJ of 2021..

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      “Eric the half a troll • 25 minutes ago
      “Rittenhouse did nothing wrong”

      Rittenhouse, the OJ of 2021..”

      If that is your contention what violation of the Law did Rittenhouse commit?

      Also, if this is your contention you’ve never been correct about a single Court case you’ve brought up on here.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Eric the half ass, LarrytheGoof and Nancy_Nonsense never even try to make sense in their comments. They just “chirp” out liberal babble they hear on MSNBC or read on Daily Kos. If BR had an ignore option I would use it on all three of them.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          I wouldn’t say it’s “liberal” babble, I don’t like to use political positions as a means to discount an opinion. There are some very good “liberal” points.

          I just wish they would refrain from fallacies and explain their positions. Which they can’t seem to formulate those outside of partisan politics.

        2. vicnicholls Avatar

          They do have an ignore option. I’ve blocked all 3.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar

            I’d prefer to use Justice Brandies’s Counterspeech Doctrine.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Bet you didn’t…

        3. Disqus does allow you to block commenters.

        4. Matt Adams Avatar

          I wouldn’t say it’s “liberal” babble, I don’t like to use political positions as a means to discount an opinion. There are some very good “liberal” points.

          I just wish they would refrain from fallacies and explain their positions. Which they can’t seem to formulate those outside of partisan politics.

    2. The only real similarity between the Rittenhouse case and the OJ case is the utter incompetence of the prosecutors.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        And the verdict. Huber, and Grosswhatever were screwed…

        And the verdict. It’s a chain reaction problem. You’re in a crowded bar. You witness someone shoot an unarmed man. You were not aware of what transpired just before the shot, but there you are, right next to someone you now perceive as a threat and who is looking at you. You attempt to grab the gun. He shoots you. Your wife, shocked, rushes toward you and the gunman. He shoots her. At what point, does the gunman’s actions cease to be self-defense, even if his first victim had “threatened to take his gun and kill him with it”?

  2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Again, I usually disagree with you; however, you nailed this one. Good analogy regarding save the puppies that would not have resulted in job loss. He should have been reprimanded, not fired. Or, they should fire everyone who has violated this rule. All or none.

  3. This case proved ‘beyond a shadow of doubt’ that the AR-15 is a good self-defense firearm. Watch sales skyrocket this Christmas. The 2A lives stronger than ever.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      Or building one or more.

  4. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Good luck with that. The fascists are in charge small setbacks like Rittenhouse will be corrected in the future. Notice that Jerry “The Penguin ” Nadler had already called for the democratic party gestapo to step in.

  5. tmtfairfax Avatar

    Rittenhouse was a stupid kid. But keep in mind that the left has been making the argument for decades that teenagers’ minds are not fully developed such that they should not be punished as adults. (For example, no mandatory life without parole for a minor who committed murder while a minor. Which way is it?

    The prosecution had an extremely weak case most especially with respect to self defense. Keep in mind that our legal system requires the prosecution to prove a self defense claim is invalid beyond a reasonable doubt. The evidence presented, including that of the State, blew the State’s argument apart.

    Thomas Binger, the lead prosecutor, is — well — incompetent. He made arguments and asked questions that were impermissible under the law. When an attorney acts like an arrogant ass, the credibility of his case generally weakens significantly with the trier of fact – here the jury. Also, the State of Wisconsin clearly overcharged Rittenhouse. If you don’t have a good case for 1st degree murder, it’s better not to charge it. Find something that fits better.

    On the other hand, the defense counsel, just like the defense counsel in the OJ Simpson murder trial, did a helluva good job. And I’ve been OK with the OJ verdict for decades. Either you believe in the jury system or you don’t.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “…teenagers’ minds are not fully developed such that they should not be punished as adults. (For example, no mandatory life without parole for a minor who committed murder while a minor. Which way is it?”

      Agree here. Rittenhouse should have been tried as a minor not an adult. In my mind, we should not have the juvenile category if we can just willy-nilly kick juveniles out of it. Rittenhouse is clearly a juvenile.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        Clearly someone is juvenile here and you see that person in the mirror every morning.

        Still waiting for the list of crimes Rittenhouse was guilty of, cat got your tongue?

    2. Thomas Binger, the lead prosecutor, is — well — incompetent. He made arguments and asked questions that were impermissible under the law.

      He also pointed an AR-15 at the jury with his finger inside the trigger guard. Let’s not forget that.

      1. Not to mention the ‘lost’ FBI drone video… hmmmm.. wonder if similar videos exist of the ‘mostly peaceful’ protests from last summer?

    3. But keep in mind that the left has been making the argument for decades that teenagers’ minds are not fully developed…

      Yes, and it makes me wonder why they support lowering the voting age to sixteen.

      PS – I was pointing out the hypocrisy of the left. I am well aware that the immaturity and gullibility of the average teenager is the reason the left want to lower the voting age.

      1. tmtfairfax Avatar

        Or to have body-mutilating surgery to change genders without parental involvement.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Kelly wasn’t fired for supporting Rittehouse. He was fired for misappropriation, misuse, of City property.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Yeah, I’d down-thumb it too, if I used company time and assets to sit on social media all day.

  7. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    The other shoe is about to drop in Georgia. Those three Night Riders get off, and all hell breaks loose. Those of us who agree Rittenhouse is only guilty of being a stupid, untrained kid who shouldn’t have been there better be hoping those three murdering racists spend a few decades in jail.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      Beyond the attempt at parallels by the media, the two cases are not related. Rittenhouse was a dumb kid, but acted in self-defense as per the Law in Wisconsin, race wasn’t a matter in that case.

      The three good ole boys in Georgia are just racist individual who should face the full weight of the Law.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Yep, and also waiting for the Proud Boys to wade into the next liberal protest of absolutely anything and taunt someone to scream at them. Based on the Rittenhouse “reasonable doubt” scenario they will feel fully entitled to go full Rambo and blood will flow. I am pretty confident no one here will lament the 1st amendment ramifications when that happens, of course…

      1. I am waiting for wide spread looting, arson, rioting, and destruction resulting in $2B damage to private and public property and the murders of some 40 people, with little or no FBI investigations, arrests, charges, and prison time for the criminals…. oh wait… that’s already happened. Never mind.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          So when the Proud Boys start shooting up the next liberal protest of any issue, you are good with it… understood….

          1. Matt Adams Avatar

            “Eric the half a troll kls • a few seconds ago
            So when the Proud Boys start shooting up the next liberal protest of any issue, you are good with it… understood….”

            If anyone shoots anyone unprovoked and not out of self-defense they are guilty of a crime.

            You’re just a partisan hack, who at this point is s coward and won’t respond.

            Your BS equivocation just shows how woefully uneducated you are.

      2. Nothing about this case can be used to justify the Proud Boys, or any other political group, shooting up a “liberal protest” over speech/taunting.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          But the Proud Boys will think it does. That is the issue…

      3. Matt Adams Avatar

        Clearly you didn’t pay attention or don’t grasp the Wisconsin Law.

        The moment Rittenhouse withdrew and fled if he is attacked it would’ve been in self-defense.

        There are no 1st Amendment ramification to assault, you can’t attack someone and they aren’t entitled to self-defense.

        PS: I’m still waiting for you to explain your statements, instead your a petulant child as usual.

    3. Based on what I have seen so far regarding the case in Georgia, I agree 100%.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I am amazed at the testimony involving the night when Aubrey came out of the portajohn at the construction site, and Goober said, “he reached in his pocket for a gun”.

        Dang! Every man coming out of a restroom puts his hand in his pocket. For me, it’s my left pocket. TMI?

    4. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Georgia is way different, but my sympathy (as it is) is with the guy with a real racist for a lawyer. He witnessed two of his neighbors chasing someone, and did the traditional neighborly thing of “trying to help” in a situation of “Help, help! Stop that man!”

      His lawyer should have ask his case be severed, and then not acted with his best Southern instincts.

      At this point, the third defendant should stand up, turn to the judge and say, “Your Honor, I ask for a mistrial because my lawyer is doing everything he can, in a racially charge trial, to seen as a racist, which negatively reflects on me.” It may not work, but it’s that poor bloke’s only hope.

  8. I agree with you. Lt. Kelly should be rehired.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      In Kenosha?

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