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Regional Hucksterism

The Daily Press today editorializes on ‘A Regional Authority. Best advice: It’s an ugly duckling, but it’s our duckling’ (Friday, April 13, 2007).

The editors call the transportation plan a “monstrosity” for unknown reasons… but say, “in this imperfect world, the best interests of the majority of the people in Hampton Roads will be served if the regional authority is approved.”

The Daily Press has supported Regional Government the way Pravda in the 1930s supported collectivization of farms and the Great Leader. Which is why some facts are never be printed on their pages.

Like, the Hampton Roads ‘plan’ actually adds congested miles after 20 years of construction delays, accidents and deaths. So, their cute comment about “The folks in Poquoson, for example, may not appreciate it, but their nice lifestyle will be damaged if that regional economy frays because of gridlock” doesn’t explain that the plan that Republican legislators (minus Delegates Gear and Rapp) cynically took around the voters just ADDS to the gridlock.

The DP will never publish the economic relationship between tax increases and job losses – for the working poor first.

Or, how much the Regional Government will pay in salaries, services, consulting fees, etc.

Or, that a Regional Government isn’t needed to build bridges, tunnels and roads.

Or, how many trucks a day the Port of Virginia will dump in the middle of Hampton on I-64.

Maybe that is why Hampton City Council will put a referendum on the Regional Government on the ballot.

Already, Newport News City Council (-2) voted for Regional Government even though the law doesn’t take effect until July. Isn’t that illegal?

Oddly, the editors close in commenting on “this pitiful excuse for a transportation plan.” No idea what they dislike about the plan, when they love unelected, unaccountable, un-separated powers Regional Government.

There is a chance for the voters to speak on the ’07 Transportation Tax Panic where Republicans challenge business-as-usual, tax-and-spend Republicans in the primary on June 12th.

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