duck_dynasty-620x412By Peter Galuszka

One of this country’s most popular past times is the constant spinning and re-spinning of cultural stereotypes for profit. I’ve actually only seen snippets of “Duck Dynasty” and have noted the cheap goods on sale under its brand in convenience stores. But it fits the bill.

The supposed patriarch of the A&E show (partly owned by Disney) is Phil Robertson, who told a magazine he regards homosexuality as “bestiality” and his subsequent suspension has been seized by the social right wing as evidence of government takeover.

Let’s get rid of that now. Robertson has the right to say whatever he wants. A&E, a private company, has the right to ditch or suspend the people it employs.

Both entities, however, are cashing in on stereotyping. One example of such profiling is Jersey Shore, which insults Italian-Americans everywhere by casting them as crude, chain-wearing idiots with lots of cleavage. The other beloved stereotype is that of the “Southerner” which takes certain regional and Scots-Irish traits and massages them into a blend of folksiness, racism, independence and pig-headed stubbornness.

For a Virginia version, go no further than former U.S. Sen. and Gov George Allen who affects cowboy boots and Dixie-fried down-hominess when he really grew up in Southern California.

Cable TV is littered with this genre. It includes the duck-call making family, rattlesnake hunters who drive all night from Tennessee to South Carolina to Texas and so on. The only one I have bothered to watch and do like (since it rings true and doesn’t stoop to rank patronization) is the one about the Eastern North Carolina loggers who brave cottonmouths and mud while ruining swamp forests.

Poking fun at Southerners and their supposed characteristics has been around for centuries. The sad part is that people actually believe what’s being portrayed.

Author James Dickey, a former ad writer turned professional Southerner, exploited this in his novel “Deliverance” where four coddled Atlanta guys have a bad canoe trip. They want to brave nature but one ends up dead and the other raped by cretin-looking mountain men.

The reality was that Dickey wrecked his canoe in a Georgia mountain stream and was actually rescued by the mountain folk who made sure he was all right and got him home. He apparently wasn’t raped. But when they filmed the popular movie they carried the stereotype even further. To depict a mountain child rendered to imbecility by in-breeding, they actually went to a local school’s special ed class, gave his family a few bucks and ducted his face with flour. But he did play a mean banjo.

Stereotype sustained and money made.

Now we have right wingers Sarah Palin, the failed presidential candidate, and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal seizing the gauntlet thrown down by a thickly bearded reality tv star.

This is what social conservatives regard as important — a person’s absolute right to bash gays.

If you want to see where it leads, look no further than Vladimir Putin’s Russia where he has freed businessman Mikhail Khodorkovsy and members of the Pussy Riot punk band from prison to squelch opposition to his extreme policies against gays before the Sochi Olympics.

I don’t know Pussy Riot but I do know Khodorkovsy, having interviewed him back int he 1990s. He’s been in jail for 10 years for, among other things, trying to bring Western-style financial transparency to an oil firm.

No matter, let’s support Duck Dynasty’s right to bigotry in the name of freedom.

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19 responses to “Redneck Chic”

  1. Well, leave it to Peter to “scoop” Bacon although this might be one of those
    times when Jim purposely wants to lay low.

    The most absurd thing about this is that this truly is the “free market” at work.

    He is free to say what he wants and his employer is free to determine if they want to keep him as an employee if they feel his speech hurts their product.

    This tells me just how wacko the right has become when they spend all their time spewing hate against govt and then when a totally free-market incident occurs – somehow it’s GOT to be Govt’s fault… especially if it involves “liberals”.

    this is the logic of those folks these days.

    if something goes sideways.. it has GOT to be the govt’s fault because the free market always chooses what is “right” or some such foolishness.

    You can blame A and E .. like you’d blame Ford for the Edsel or Coca-cola for New Coke or Hormel for SPAM!

    so the truth is now totally revealed.

    whatever upsets the sensitivities of the right is BY DEFINITION either the government or liberals “fault”.

    and these folks want to govern the country!!!!

    and FAUX news is SO tortured here.. because they have to lend valuable time that could be used to further hammer ObamaCare to this other “egregious” outrage against humanity!

    You KNOW when Palin weighs in on something that the only thing worse (or better depending on your view) would be for Michele Bachmann, Hannity, Limbaugh, etc, et al to line up in formation to “defend” their “values”.


  2. So that’s this guy’s picture up there? Really?

    I can just hear my long passed grandfather’s 21st Century addition to his many backwoods sayings.

    Hillbillies don’t live near the river.
    Hillbillies don’t shoot what they ain’t gonna eat.
    Hillbillies don’t spend money they hain’t got. (Boy did I screw that one up)
    Hillbillies don’t watch Redneck TV.

  3. “if something goes sideways.. it has GOT to be the govt’s fault because the free market always chooses what is “right” or some such foolishness.”

    Um, Larry, where did THAT come from. I never heard anything about the (dysfunctional) government being involved with any of this. No, it’s a matter of the man expressing his opinions and views and his employer deciding that his views are unacceptable (like when you were asked to write your opinion or feelings about something, then the teacher told you that your feelings were wrong).

    It’s about the intolerant left, yelling that he (Phil) isn’t tolerant enough. He said having homosexual relations was a bad thing (which it is). He also said all people regards of color, sex or sexual preference are God’s children (which they are) and should be (and he does) treated with respect. I can (and do) respect you (yes, even YOU Larry) and disagree with your viewpoints, beliefs, whatever. Being tolerant does NOT mean that I have to end up agreeing with the things that you do, or say that I don’t agree with. The very point that liberals (for the most part) don’t get.

    Finally, I also agree that A&E has the right to fire/dismiss someone whenever and for whatever reason that they want to. When the reason comes out (if it comes out) that reason is weighed and judged by the general public. Right now Duck Dynasty has told A&E that without Phil, the show won’t go on. Since Duck Dynasty is the highest rated show (by leaps and bounds) than any other show that A&E has ever had – it gives A&E something to chew on. But again, I don’t recall the government being brought in or drug in on any of this.

  4. “Um, Larry, where did THAT come from. I never heard anything about the (dysfunctional) government being involved with any of this. No, it’s a matter of the man expressing his opinions and views and his employer deciding that his views are unacceptable (like when you were asked to write your opinion or feelings about something, then the teacher told you that your feelings were wrong).”

    then why is it a “free speech”, “first amendment” issue on the right?

    “It’s about the intolerant left, yelling that he (Phil) isn’t tolerant enough. He said having homosexual relations was a bad thing (which it is). He also said all people regards of color, sex or sexual preference are God’s children (which they are) and should be (and he does) treated with respect. I can (and do) respect you (yes, even YOU Larry) and disagree with your viewpoints, beliefs, whatever. Being tolerant does NOT mean that I have to end up agreeing with the things that you do, or say that I don’t agree with. The very point that liberals (for the most part) don’t get.”

    He’s allowed his free speech and intolerance but so is the left. what’s the problem?

    Is A&E allowed to operate it’s business the way it wants to?

    where’s the outrage?

    “Finally, I also agree that A&E has the right to fire/dismiss someone whenever and for whatever reason that they want to. When the reason comes out (if it comes out) that reason is weighed and judged by the general public. Right now Duck Dynasty has told A&E that without Phil, the show won’t go on. Since Duck Dynasty is the highest rated show (by leaps and bounds) than any other show that A&E has ever had – it gives A&E something to chew on. But again, I don’t recall the government being brought in or drug in on any of this.”

    you need to expand your reading list Accurate:

    ” Second District Congressman Markwayne Mullin waded into the “Duck Dynasty” controversy on Thursday with a public statement in support of the television program’s Phil Robertson.
    “America is currently witnessing a contradiction in its core principles,” said Mullin. “The fundamentals that founded our great nation included the freedom of speech and religion. Unfortunately a man who simply voiced his religious belief, which is protected by our constitution, is now being punished.”

    he’s not the only one guy…

    this is how the right gets a wacko label these days. this is the same guy that votes in Congress. How ignorant can someone be?

    speaking of .. here is your own Ted Cruz:

    ” “Free speech matters,” Cruz wrote. “If you believe in free speech or religious liberty, you should be deeply dismayed over the treatment of Phil Robertson. ”

    ““I remember when TV networks believed in the First Amendment. It is a messed up situation when Miley Cyrus gets a laugh, and Phil Robertson gets suspended,” Louisiana Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal said”


    How can you be an elected official who supports the Constitution and get it mixed up with free market businesses?

  5. I don’t see the connection between A&E and free speech. But the hypocrisy of selective outrage here and in many other situations makes me nauseous.

  6. basically the right is crying here because they want their “free speech rights” to publically be bigots, racists and homophobes and no one is
    allowed to condemn them for it least of all – liberals.

    they want to govt to GUARANTEE them the right to speak in racist and bigoted ways and to not have companies.. least of all “liberal” companies to exercise retribution for politically incorrect speech.

    I call this logic the amazing right wing rabbit hole of logic.

    the right may ultimately have the last laugh on this though.

    I hear that FAUX News is going to form it’s own redneck cable entertainment channel for reality TV about racists, homophones and bigots.. A and E and the History channel will go broke on the dust heap of political correctness and Ax men and Swamp People will join Duck Dynasty at the Redneck Reality Channel where they will fill in the other time slots with reruns of the Dukes of Hazard and All in the Family with exclusive red neck subtitles to replace the too politically correct on screen dialog!

    now it will NOT be called the Redneck Channel. It’s going to be called something like Real Americans Channel or Salt of the Earth or God’s Country channel or some such. I’m totally intrigued as to what the commercials will look like… or whether advertisers will turn out to be lily livered liberals also.



  7. Hey Larry? Even in all the ‘quotes’ that you posted, in NONE of them did I see anyone saying it was the governments fault that Phil and A&E have this falling out. No, what I did see was people who are politicians weighing in on what they thought of the reason that A&E is censoring Phil.

    Yes, there are people, on the right and left who seem to forget that the 1st amendment protects people from the government violating their right to be able to speak freely. No, when it comes to companies, if they don’t like something that you’ve said, they can fire you – period. You have the right to try to challenge what happens and why in court, but they don’t make for the best cases.

    Again Larry, I don’t see anyone BLAMING the government. I do see members of the government espousing their own opinions.

  8. Accurate – just to make sure we’re on the same page:

    ” Second District Congressman Markwayne Mullin waded into the “Duck Dynasty” controversy on Thursday with a public statement in support of the television program’s Phil Robertson.
    “America is currently witnessing a contradiction in its core principles,” said Mullin. “The fundamentals that founded our great nation included the freedom of speech and religion. Unfortunately a man who simply voiced his religious belief, which is protected by our constitution, is now being punished.”

    do you not think this Congressman is talking about the Constitution?
    Ted Cruz:

    ” “Free speech matters,” Cruz wrote. “If you believe in free speech or religious liberty, you should be deeply dismayed over the treatment of Phil Robertson. ”

    do you think there is any other “kind” of “free speech” than the one the Constitution talks about?

    “““I remember when TV networks believed in the First Amendment. It is a messed up situation when Miley Cyrus gets a laugh, and Phil Robertson gets suspended,” Louisiana Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal said”

    do you think there is “another” First Amendment?

    how can you honestly look at these quotes and not believe these guys are talking about Constitutionally-protected free speech?

    why would they be citing the Constitution if they were not talking about the govt? Is there some other non-govt Constitution that they are talking about?

    please explain this. SERIOUSLY. when I see the 3 examples above I see not only politicians speaking but they seem to be speaking about Constitutionally-protected free speech of which I know no other kind that they could be confusing it with. And who exactly is supposed to protect Constitutional Free speech if not the govt?

    question 2 – how is it that others cannot express their free speech about Robertson’s speech?

    question 3 – if others express condemnation of Robertson’s speech why is it wrong for a company to heed that sentiment and make whatever changes they deem necessary to protect their interests?

    what in the world is the complaint about on the right?

    I respect your views also, even if we don’t agree… so please help
    me understand how I’m not seeing this the way the right is.

  9. Americans do love their culture wars.

    I agree with Peter’s larger point (as do the commenters) that this is *not* a case of censorship. The A&E channel is free to enforce whatever standards it wants. It’s a business decision and a contractual issue between A&E and the Robertsons.

    The incident *is* a good case of the increasing intolerance exhibited in our society. While I disagree with Robertson’s views of homosexuality, I have to wonder, are those views so utterly beyond the pale that A&E should ban him from the show? We have reached a point in our history, it seems, where Americans seek to chase opposing views from the public domain rather than to engage them. We cede the field of ideas to those who gin up the most moral outrage. That is antithetical to everything I believe in.

    The proper way for Americans to deal with Robertson is to dissect his views, demonstrate how they are wrong and/or misguided, even to mock them.

  10. I post the following after JimB’s which I largely agree with and touch a little further on some of the points he made:

    re: ” I remember when TV networks believed in the First Amendment. ”

    that seems to me to be a key phrase but was it EVER really true?

    clearly it never was and is not now. they bleep out quite a bit of stuff even on late night.

    Over recent years a series of TV personalities have been sanctioned, suspended, fired over something they said – of recent Alec Baldwin and Martin Bashir( for a personal attack Sara Palin). Some may remember Rich Sanchez of CNN was fired for exercising his “free speech” on his own radio show. You may remember Don Imus and the Dixie Chicks… also.

    this is not some shocking “first” that blind sided someone. There is an ample history not only on TV for personalities but for ordinary people dumb enough to say such things on Facebook… Now days.. part of many background search for just ordinary people is the employer looking at the FB page.

    I think A and E knew about Robertson but was okay with it “in plain sight (on existing youtube videos) ” as long as it did not go “viral”.

    Can an employer fire you for something you say in your off time – that IS at the same time Constitutionally-protected “free speech”? Does “Constitutionally protected” mean that no sanctions from anyone can be used against you for exercising “free speech” or does it mean that ONLY the govt can not sanction you for “free speech” – and even that is not without restrictions.. i.e. shouting “fire” or calling in a bomb threat, or threatening to hurt someone or even advocating violent overthrow of the government or “hate” speech.

    so you CAN be sanctioned for exercising free speech – not only private companies but actually the govt also.

    so it seems that it’s not necessarily so “free” anyhow, eh?

    We are all still not fully appreciating how technology … the internet, cell phones, facebook, you-tube have dramatically changed things we took for granted; things we misunderstood .. about “free speech”.

    I’m betting that if Robertson went one step further and advocating killing homosexuals, that he would be talking to the FBI.

  11. Ghost of Ted Dalton Avatar
    Ghost of Ted Dalton

    I suppose what’s most disturbing about this episode is the right wing’s Pavlovian response.

    I’m a Presbyterian and my family has been Virginia Presbyterian since pre-Revolutionary War days. I try to take my faith and its application seriously.

    I can assure you, I know of no serious “Christians” who would make such comments about homosexuality, Muslims, and Shintoists (check out his comments on “people starting wars” where he singles out Muslims, Shintoists, Nazis, and communists).

    My own feeling about homosexuality is the same as it is towards a lot of subjects discussed in the the Good Book. I think a lot of the prohibitions have a lot more to do with “lust” and “gluttony” and other actions in which one does not focus on Christ, but rather focuses on their own desires and excludes Christ from their life. Homosexuality is one such area, but SO IS heterosexuality in certain contexts.

    Issues of faith should be serious and central to your core. Here you have someone spouting off about vaginas and anuses and then wrapping himself in the “Christian” and “Southern” flags and playing the “martyr.”

    And of course, Palin, Jindall, Cruz, etc. reflexively decide to hop on the bandwagon. Not because they’ve examined the content of Robertson’s words and felt like he was preaching the Gospel.

    No, the usual right wing machine sees this as a way to gin up votes/money and portray the South as “picked on.” So we get a new “culture war”…….

    Sigh. So, in a different light…..I enjoy the blog and the commenters. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

  12. re: ” … the usual right wing machine sees this as a way to gin up votes/money and portray the South as “picked on.” So we get a new “culture war”……”

    yeah but really bad timing for O’Reilly.. he was right smack in the middle of his annual “war on Christmas” rants…

    I agree with Ghost of Ted Dalton – every word.

    and Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to you too from another “live and let live” guy… cuz that’s what I always thought it was what God wanted us to do.

  13. Not that I agree with what Phil Robertson said, but this whole idea that he equated or regards homosexuality as bestiality is ridiculous. If I say insider trading and capital murder are both felonies, does that mean I regard one as the other? Absolutely not. Same with saying that according to his interpretation of the bible, homosexuality and bestiality are both sins, along with promiscuity. Many more tolerant Christians regard promiscuity as a sin along with bestiality, but you don’t see anyone claiming they are equating the two.

  14. DJRippert Avatar

    Phil Robertson is sitting in a duck blind right now laughing his ass off at all this.

    Some facts about the simpleminded redneck portrayed in the media:

    1. He was all state in football, baseball and track in high school. Please name the last resident of Virginia who was all state in those three sports. In other words, he was a top class athlete.

    2. He got a scholarship to Louisiana Tech to play football. He was the starting quarterback. They guy who tried to take the starting job from Mr. Robertson but couldn’t was Terry Bradshaw. Bradshaw would go on to be the very first player picked in the 1970 draft, win four Super Bowls and be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. The Washington Redskins directly appealed to Mr. Robertson to enter the NFL draft so they could pick him. Robertson was a professional caliber football player.

    3. Phil Robertson holds both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree. He also holds a teaching certificate and has taught school.

    4. Phil Robertson didn’t like the quality of duck calls so he invented a new one. He then applied for and received a patent for his invention.

    5. Robertson founded a multi-million dollar company based on his invention.

    6. Robertson understood that his rural persona and the rural persona of his family could take them from mere multi-millionaires to centi-millionaries. He worked with A&E to create the most watched TV show in cable history.

    Phil Robertson is a swamp fox. He has slyly pulled the wool over 310M people! Much is made of the fact that his wife (Kay) was 16 when she and Phil got married. Little is mentioned about the fact that they both got into and went off to college after getting married.

    Yeah, he’s just a simple-minded redneck / backwoods preacher. Liberals revile him for his uneducated ways. Conservatives heap praise upon him for his unsophisticated rural wisdom.

    But it’s the bankers who really like Phil – for his hundreds of millions of dollars.

    America – land of the gullible.

    1. reed fawell III Avatar
      reed fawell III

      Very enlightening.

  15. all true … the man was a multi-millionaire BEFORE DD…

    and yes.. he is laughing his homophobic ass off!!!!

    Hey, I have the SAME “ugh” sentiment about gay love.. don’t get me wrong!

    but Good Lord.. I can probably go through a list of life styles that I find personally repulsive.. HOWEVER.. I would NOT get up in front of a bunch of people an proclaim it a sin that God will deal with… JESUS! and I’d be EVEN MORE queasy about doing it in front of a camcorder in the day of you-tube.

    This goes to show you that America offers true opportunity to anyone and I’ll stop right there.

  16. Larry –
    This is going to shock you, BUT we do agree, it was/is that (in my opinion) you went off the rails when you made this proclamation (see your first post) – “if something goes sideways.. it has GOT to be the govt’s fault”

    Nobody, but nobody has blamed the government for the censorship of Phil. People, politicians included, have chimed in on the reason that A&E gave for censoring Phil. I don’t/didn’t see anywhere that someone blamed/claimed that the reason that Phil got censored was due to Obama or the democrats, or liberals.

    I agree, that A&E has the right to exclude Phil, just like Duck Dynasty has the right to tell A&E that without Phil, there will be no show. So suck it up, have a Merry Christmas and admit that we (you and I) agree on something.

  17. Deck the HALLS!

    yes.. the govt had nothing to do with it…(that part was wrong on my part), but no shortage of folks who apparently think private companies need to “help” the govt “protect” free speech.

    and Merry Christmas to you guy!

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