Red Alert! Omicron Now Everywhere

Alert! Alert! Alert! This Virginia Department of Health map shows the COVID-19 transmission rate is uniformly high across the state.

by James A. Bacon

It’s crazy out there, folks. The Omicron variant is running rampant, racking up record numbers of cases across the Commonwealth and filling up hospitals. We have seen nothing like this spike in cases and hospitalizations during the pandemic, not even in last year’s winter surge. The main consolation is that deaths are not spiking. The greatest risk to public health may be indirect: COVID cases filling hospitals and displacing patients with non-emergency medical issues.

Thankfully, Governor Ralph Northam has refrained from ordering emergency shutdowns during his last days in office. The temptation to “do something” must be powerful, but it’s not clear that anything short of draconian Chinese-style lock-people-in-their-apartments shutdowns will do much to slow the spread of this hyper-transmissible variant.

Here’s the weekly snapshot of COVID data:

Virginia COVID cases
Virginia COVID hospitalizations
Virginia COVID deaths

Lecture time. Throughout the pandemic, I have consistently opposed vaccination mandates. That’s because I object to arbitrary and coercive government measures. I believe in letting people make decisions based upon their personal assessment of risk.

On the other hand, if liberty-loving members of society want to avoid the heavy hand of government, we must act responsibly! We must consider the impact of our actions on others. We also must follow the science as best we can, even as we recognize that the nature of the viral threat is continually morphing, the science is always playing catch-up, and the interpretation of the science is influenced by politics.

But there’s not much ambiguity about this data point: In the service territory of Ballad Health in Southwest Virginia and eastern Tennessee, 91% of hospitalized patients are unvaccinated; 97% of COVID patients relying on ventilators are unvaccinated.

Yes, you can be triple-vaccinated and still get COVID. But, based on statewide VDH data, the odds of winding up in the hospital are more than six times greater, and the odds of dying are about eight times greater, if you are unvaccinated.

Those are overall averages, of course, and your personal risk will vary by age and medical condition. Unfortunately, we don’t know the comparative odds if you have been infected and have natural immunities. That gap in information does represent a significant failing of our healthcare system. Furthermore, the VDH statistics lump together all COVID-19 variants. The gap in severe outcomes might be smaller for Omicron.

Still, the Omicron variant is so transmissible that it will hunt you down, and it will find you. Omicron is filling up Virginia hospitals. This is not propaganda from Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci, or The New York Times.

If you are unvaccinated and have not yet contracted COVID, you are at significantly higher risk of being hospitalized. If you wind up in the hospital, you are likely displacing someone who needs medical care but whose condition is less acute than yours. You are also racking up healthcare expenses that jack up healthcare insurance premiums for everyone. Your personal choices impact others.

Liberty is not license. Liberty is not hyper-individualism. Liberty doesn’t mean doing whatever you want — that’s libertinism. America’s founding fathers understood that a people living free from government coercion had to be virtuous. In times like this, virtue means considering the impact of your decisions on others.

Governor Ralph Northam is not compelling you to get the jab. Incoming Governor Glenn Youngkin will not compel you. True, universities are forcing students and staff to get vaccinated, but if you’re not part of those communities, that’s not your problem. At this point in time, here in Virginia, refusal to get your shots does not constitute an affirmation of your love of liberty. It’s just being bull- headed.

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82 responses to “Red Alert! Omicron Now Everywhere”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Do I see a SHIFT in thinking here? 😉

    The one thing that might be said about the “shutdown” that Northam did was that Va ended up with a gigantic revenue surplus, and a good bit of it was from sales and meals taxes… car taxes and home sales… go figure.

    1. VaNavVet Avatar

      This Omicron surge will be the first major test for the Youngkin administration. Let us hope that they are prepared and that they do not merely sit by and watch.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Oh, it might be refreshing to see him field some grounders… and such…. for a change….

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        I’m not sure how much can be done about Omicron. More widely available testing is one thing that will help, to an extent. But maybe the biggest area of opportunity is managing the hospital capacity. Cutting back elective surgeries, getting the National Guard medical people ready to deploy. Finally, making sure that the inventory of anti-virals is as full as possible.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Compared to other states Virginia never shut down. And it seems clear there is no natural immunity to the omicron variant. We’re building that new.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        really? Can’t tell that by reading BR some days!

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Building new? I haven’t had a cold (rhinovirus) in years. But, every six months with something as bad, and still far deadlier? Not my idea of fun.

        1. how_it_works Avatar

          Colds are caused by more than just rhinoviruses.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Shush don’t tell him that there are other coronavirus besides SARS-Cov-2 that cause the common cold.

            It’s just their anecdotal fallacy. If they didn’t see it happen, it didn’t happen.

            The fact that RSV became prevalent outside of it’s standard seasons and a host of other childhood viruses did the same over the past two years goes unnoticed by many.


  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Blue alert really.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “On the other hand, if liberty-loving members of society want to avoid the heavy hand of government, we must act responsibly!”

    “Yes Dear. You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  4. aquanesia desdichado Avatar
    aquanesia desdichado

    honest question – if the original vaccines have minimal/zero effectiveness vs. omicron and it takes 6 months from the second shot to receive the booster, which supposedly does have some protection against omicron, what’s the point of getting the vaccines now? six months from now, there will be another mutation…

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      I guess that if one would have gotten the first two shots and the booster, one would have been protected against the worst aspects of omicron. Getting vaccinated no would potentially protect you from future variants just like getting boosted in the past protects from the then-unknown omicron.

      Fortunately, there are only nine more Greek letters after omicron. Lol.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      that’s a good question….

    3. I don’t accept your premise that “the original vaccines have minimal/zero effectiveness vs. omicron.” Let me repeat a data point in the post:

      In the service territory of Ballad Health in Southwest Virginia and eastern Tennessee, 91% of hospitalized patients are unvaccinated; 97% of COVID patients relying on ventilators are unvaccinated.

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        How do you know this data is good? You’re looking at one hospital district that might have a policy not to test vaccinated. See my post about Ontario Canada. Majority of hospitalizations are vaccinated.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Because it’s contrary to what you think.

          1. killerhertz Avatar

            I don’t follow what you’re implying.

            You realize that providers were reimbursed early in the pandemic for “treating COVID patients” via provisions in the CARES act?! The hospitals had an incentive to test every end of life and sick patient to claim those funds. Every hospital I’ve read about, including our local Fauquier Health made RECORD profits the past 2 years, when very few elective procedures were performed. So do the math.

          2. how_it_works Avatar

            Knowing how ethical folks tend to be, wouldn’t be surprised if a little “Enron accounting” took place with the test results since that would result in more $$$.

          3. killerhertz Avatar

            They didn’t even have to. Early PCR tests were not very good and they had the CT set overly high to amplify any and all viral genetic material.

          4. how_it_works Avatar

            Which would be expected to result in a lot of false positives.

        2. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          What if that is six people? Raw numbers matter too.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Exactly… Ontario has twice the population as Virginia but half the patients in the ICU 238 vs 526 (and most of them are actually unvaccinated).



          2. killerhertz Avatar

            The population is 50% vaccinated. 50% of the patients in the ICU are vaccinated. What’s so hard to understand? They even have cases by vax status and fully vaxed is higher.

            I won’t deny the jab has some effect. But it’s short lived and not very effective. So the calls for mandates hold very little water. There’s NO long term safety data for these “vaccines”. There’s much longer data on natural immunity. FACTS

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “The population is 50% vaccinated. 50% of the patients in the ICU are vaccinated.”

            Neither of these statements are remotely true.

          4. killerhertz Avatar

            Ok whatever 78%.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Exactly… Ontario has twice the population as Virginia but half the patients in the ICU 238 vs 526 (and most of them are actually unvaccinated).



          1. killerhertz Avatar

            Where is the data from? Also rate per 100,000 is very misleading depending on the percentage of the population vaccinated. For example if this data comes from an area with low vaccination rate then of course the rate is going to be high. You people can’t seem to get this through your thick boomer skulls. That’s why you should be looking at large populations with regions highly vaccinated and see how they perform.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            CDC – the entire country. Rates are the only accurate way to measure effectiveness.

          3. killerhertz Avatar

            I don’t really trust the NIH and CDC as being impartial given as they helped develop one of the vaccines. We also don’t test consistently or as broadly as other countries. The US data also doesn’t add up compared to other countries. Here’s Iceland. Fully vax dominate cases. While currently unvax are higher hospitalizations, the trend line for fully vaxed is worse, so we’ll see what happens.


            Furthermore there are already papers in preprint confirming confirming vaccine escape.

            Ultimately there’s no “slam dunk” for the jab efficacy. The virus is endemic we’re gonna have to live with it. For young healthy individuals, especially those that contracted COVID, which is probably most, there are too many risks in my opinion. If the vaccine doesn’t stop the spread there’s zero ethical argument for forced vaccination of people for any reason.

          4. killerhertz Avatar

            So you think that data is good for COVID vaccines? I saw that chart, but there’s clearly a bad trend for both vax in cases and hospitalizations. Ultimately time will tell, but remember the vaccine has 3x the number of spike mutations from Delta and it’s less deadly, so you’d expect omicron hospitalizations to be less common.

            I also ref’ed the published paper (not preprint as I misstated) that said you are more likely to contract omicron after being fully vaccinated.

            Again, there is no compelling case for mass immunization (and endless boosters) if it doesn’t stop spread. Counter that argument and we can talk.

          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “I don’t really trust the NIH and CDC as being impartial…”

            …and this conversation is over. Thanks for playing…

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            that’s the common thread for the deniers… after that, it’s off to the races…

          7. killerhertz Avatar

            Yes, let’s trust Pfizer, who paid the largest fine to the US government in history. Good luck to you.

          8. killerhertz Avatar

            You’re right. You lose.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            Here’s yesterday dashboard from MWH in Fredericksburg. It serves a region of about 300,000:


          10. killerhertz Avatar

            And you think that’s a compelling case for vaccination?

          11. killerhertz Avatar


            Keeps getting worse in Ontario – one of many examples. 3/4 vaccinated. 3/4 of hospitalizations. Fully vaxxed ICU at 50%. More winning – brought to you by Pfizerrrrr.

          12. killerhertz Avatar

   Also the case rate among vaccinated is presumably so high they have this disclaimer:

      2. aquanesia desdichado Avatar
        aquanesia desdichado

        Data from Denmark and Ontario shows that vaccine protection against earlier variants of Sars-Cov-2 falls sharply within months of the second dose, as the vaccine-generated antibodies fade.

        New data shows that previously vaccinated people are actually more likely to contract Omicron. Danish researchers, in a paper two weeks ago, found protection against Omicron actually turned negative three months after the second dose.

    4. how_it_works Avatar

      Is the booster reformulated compared to the original? I have heard nothing to suggest that it is the case.

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        It hasn’t been reformulated. They’re working on a delta variant iirc. Ultimately this fight is similar to the flu. Long term you will see the same people that get the flu shot getting the annual/semi-annual covid booster. I’d put money on it.

        1. how_it_works Avatar

          Seems to me that at some point the covid boosters won’t be boosters, they’ll have to be new vaccines because the virus has mutated enough that the original vaccine doesn’t work.

          Here I’m referring to a “booster” as another dose of the same old vaccine.

          1. killerhertz Avatar

            Right. It’s semantics really. Just like changing the definition of a vaccine to suit your political agenda.

          2. killerhertz Avatar

            Most rubes can’t even explain how the vaccine works of the differences between it and conventional attenuated or inactivated viruses that we are immunized with as kids.

          3. how_it_works Avatar

            The sorts of people who learned about “science” from TV shows, not old library books.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            is that what a booster really is – just a 3rd shot of the same?

          5. how_it_works Avatar

            That’s been the usual definition.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            So when the Israelis are going to a 4th booster, it’s just bogus?

          7. how_it_works Avatar

            It is if (1) the booster is the same formulation as the original shot and (2) they expect it to work any differently or better than the original shot did.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            Isn’t that the case with “boosters”… I haven’t heard that any of them are different from the earlier shots…

            So … doing the additional boosters is voodoo medicine for rubes?

          9. how_it_works Avatar

            Boosters have typically been used with viruses that do not mutate very much, if at all.

            Coronaviruses mutate frequently.

          10. DJRippert Avatar

            Even Fauci is now talking in terms of 1) being vaccinated and 2) keeping your shots up to date. The vaccination is either two doses of Moderna or Pfizer or one of J&J and the “keeping your shots up to date” refers to the booster(s).

    5. killerhertz Avatar

      I think there’s some upside for the immune compromised population and the elderly as it can possibly reduce symptoms. Ultimately the original variant is a lot less dangerous since the infection generally stays in the upper respiratory system. The original variant caused heinous micro clotting in the lungs.

      Ultimately natural infection is the best protection for a healthy person from birth til about 50-60. There’s no good evidence that contradicts this.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “Ultimately natural infection is the best protection for a healthy person from birth til about 50-60. There’s no good evidence that contradicts this.”

        There is no good evidence to support this and given that we STILL are losing more than 1000 Americans each day to Covid, avoiding the disease and relying on the vaccine for protection is by far the safest approach.

        1. killerhertz Avatar

          I’d paste links if it mattered to a troll.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            The truth is what matters and what I said is the truth. I looked at your last link. It did not show what you thought it showed. It showed that (even in Ontario) vaccines keep you safe, alive, and out of the ICU.

      2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

        You said “Ultimately the original variant is a lot less dangerous since the infection generally stays in the upper respiratory system. The original variant caused heinous micro clotting in the lungs.” I believe you are trying to say the Omicron variant …stays in the upper resp system. Please confirm.

        1. killerhertz Avatar

          Correct omicron generally infects the upper respiratory system.

    6. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      There are several types of immunoglobulins, igA, igB, etc., in the body associated with different tissues and such. A dentist acquaintance tried to explain it to me a couple of months ago, but the gist was that an intramuscular (IM) vaccine boosts certain of these. Others don’t get boosted, like those found in the nose and nasal mucosa, by an IM vaccine.

      This alone could account for the benign appearance of omicron.

  5. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    I am far more skeptical of accepting any measurements. The VDH site
    of you are X times more likely to be hospitalized is junk as the numerator is constantly changing. More accurate would be during a one week period, And even that is getting blown up as Omicron seems particularly aimed at the vaxed. And then the deaths and hospitalization numbers – are we talking with or from? Are the people who are unvaxed more likely to be unhealthy anyway? There are all sorts of problems with the stats. What we can say is it appears the shots may lessen symptoms. But do they hurt overall immune response? Are the shots causing faster mutations? (Probably…) With the new terminology of being “up to date,” under Fauci Math, then all who have not had the booster are not “fully vaccinated” and, for the millionth time, IT IS NOT A VACCINE. So, since nearly everybody in now unvaccinated, it is truly a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
    I am against the vax mandate as an order from bureaucrats who are political hacks. I am against the mandate on Constitutional and historic medical norms – EVERY medical system says the patient has the right to accept or refuse. The Covid jabs are experimental. Every single shot so far. Federal law requires “accept or refuse” for experimental products. Then we have the Nuremberg Code – and the Belmont Report, which both require informed, willing consent. These are international protocols. Violating them is a crime against humanity. I really can’t believe you people accept this. It is the sort of thing that leads to Buck v Bell…

    The way to have a vax mandate is for the idiots in the legislature to pass it, and even then it should have a religious and a medical exemption (and eventually a my body my choice exception). Most people get vaxed. Try persuasion.

    Finally, more crimes against humanity – the destruction of the doctor patient relationship and the denial of early treatment and the insistence on a vax only strategy. The kids should have been allowed to get it and move on. Then, different people are different – for some HCQ would be good. for others ivermectin, there is aspirin and fluvoxamine and budesonide and lots of things that have some positive effects and this will differ by person. No one size fits all. The “official” prescription of go home and call the hospital if it gets worse has killed thousands. For most people, getting the Fauci Flu and getting over it would be the wisest choice. Meanwhile, how many have died on VAERS? (approaching 10,000) What is the real under-reporting factor? (perhaps over 40 – 41 according to Steve Kirsch). What was the previous 30 year high of deaths? (223…) Comirnity is still not available and has a number of required post approval studies – this is unprecedented. We do not know if the “vaccine” affects the natural immune system. We don’t know about fertile women. Remember being told “it’s safe” over and over? There sure is a strange number of athlete deaths…
    So, to summarize, if you want the experimental shot, get the experimental shot. Unless you fit a certain risk profile, I wouldn’t get it. That was my choice with my body and I haven’t killed anybody and I don’t know how I got it, but I also don’t know how the people in Antarctica got it or how my vaxed daughter and her vaxed husband got it. What did they do wrong?

    This is not unlike the climate change stupidity. We cannot control the climate and we cannot control a virus. The amount of fear that was unnecessarily generated (and for which the oligarchs profited immensely and the corruptocrats increased their corrupt abuse of power) has greatly damaged society.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        No, Nancy I didn’t. But to do Larry – it is a Vice article…therefore unacceptable to me. See how easy that is?
        How come we don’t get articles every time a triple or double “vaxed” (not a vaccine) dies? What about the VAERS death count versus a previous high of 223? What about Nuremberg Code and Belmont Report? Does everybody have to follow your medical judgment? Is it possible that different individuals might have a different, but better, ability to assess their medical situations than you?
        And don’t try to sell the all people have a duty to get the shot against their will for the protection of society. If so, then old people have a duty to die because they consume too many medical resources. Stupid people have a duty not to vote because they are stupid. It is hypocrisy of the worst sort, Liberals want everybody to be Jesus for them but wouldn’t be that self sacrificing personally. Another way of putting it – people want justice with respect to others but mercy when it comes to themselves. And, as Madison wrote – if all men were angels we would have no need of government.
        Meanwhile, Nance, appreciate your usual substantive argument and (non) rebuttal of the law and international codes, but you do you, and demand that others take on, unwillingly, for you, the risk of a medical experiment that they most likely don’t need and would do better to develop natural immunity, ok?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Vice News looks legit:

          It’s offbeat, not mainstream but nothing like some of the wacadoodle sites that spout misinformation and worse.

          The problem with the anti-vaxxers is more than just being ignorant idiots – they then overwhelm the hospitals to demand care…. and squeeze out others who did try to do the right thing…..

          “With more patients hospitalized with COVID-19 than at any other point in the pandemic—and the worst omicron surge still likely to come—Mary Washington Healthcare officials are worried about the crisis they’re facing and asking for the public’s help.

          Not necessarily by donating food for health care workers or posting signs about their value, although the measures are appreciated, said Eileen Dohmann, chief nursing officer. But if people really want to support those who are burned out after almost two years of treating COVID-19 patients, she said the best thing they can do is to protect themselves by getting vaccinated and encouraging others to do the same—and by staying out of hospitals unless they absolutely need emergency care.”

          I’m amazed at how some folks “see” the COVID pandemic in such different ways – as essentially “deniers” who ignore the science, as imperfect as it is, and purposely seek out questionable information that better suits their preferred beliefs.

          if we did what the deniers who post here assert – we’d have 5-10 times the death rate… no contest…

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            So…Larry uses Wikipedia to say Vice is acceptable. I see what you did Larry. And two can play your (stupid) game.
            Meanwhile, I note that no one has ever addressed violating fereal law, international protocols and the patients’ rights policy of every single medical system in the US, but I digress…
            Larry’s Mary Wash evidence is, to quote Mini_Mengele the puppy/AIDS patient/Covid patient killer, merely anecdotal. And I will note that she said “with Covid…”
            How come the world didn’t end every year with the deadlier flu? Are you that easily manipulated (obviously, yes, or you are an evil authoritarian who thinks he is entitled to rule the world)?
            The vaccine only strategy IS A FAILURE and has cost hundreds of thousands of lives. What should have been done is what we historically did – far and away, most people catch it and get over it, no problem, and develop natural immunity. I believe (see, stating my opinion as opinion here) natural immunity is far superior to the waning partial immunity, and I do not accept that jabbing someone with natural immunity is doublePLUS good. I would like to see data that it does not affect the normal immune response. So, problem solved for probably 90% of the population. Then there is a group where it is worse than a cold. That group needs to be treated aggressively with therapeutics so it doesn’t advance to needing to be hospitalized (and that would free up the hospital space that all of you Chicken Littles wring your hands over). BUT, to admit that therapeutics work would take away Mini-Mengele’s justification for emergency use authorization so he could conduct his worldwide medical experiment on behalf of his big Pharma masters (Regulatory capture has clearly occurred. Horribly conflicted. Isn’t the NIAID fighting to claim part ownership of Moderna’s patent? How come there are so many Corona patents and research going back years? Why did Mini-Mengele surreptitiously fund gain of function research? Did you know his wife is the “Ethics” officer and her specialty is supposedly informed consent? Nothing to see here, move along peasants…)
            Now we have two cohorts with natural immunity – probably 98%. And we can address those most at risk. Here, prophylactic measures would be good, like Vitamin D and Zinc and Vitamin C, natural sunlight (is it possible lock yourself in home to breathe the same air and not get sunshine was counterproductive? Of course it was!) But also, aren’t 80% of these ar risk obese? Did that happen overnight? How about diabetes 2? Overnight?
            So, let me conclude – the mandate is illegal, immoral and medically unnecessary and the world has been lied to, repeatedly, and the “experts” are wrong. I have no problem with vaccines. I have problems with tyranny and medical experimentation and the fact that no one acknowledges that is deeply disturbing.
            Next, our benevolent government will determine who is allowed to have or not have children, how they must be educated, who gets medical care… (Don’t old people have a duty to die for the good of society? Shouldn’t we just let the fat people die?) Remember, “three generations of imbeciles is enough…”

  6. killerhertz Avatar

    I had COVID and I’m not in a high risk catagory. I will never get this vaccine and I love liberty more than you JAB. I don’t believe those stats, which are a function of testing. There are anecdotes of hospitals not testing vaccinated patients, because of lack of testing capacity (thanks Biden) and/or hubris.

    In countries like Canada, England, Ireland, etc. where they have much better testing a majority of those hospitalized are fully vaccinated at this point as the vaccine immune response is near zero. ICU is about split. Look at the current data in Ontario.

    1. VaNavVet Avatar

      When you get re-infected by Omicron please come back and tell us what your symptoms were like and if you passed the infection along to others. On a personal note, I do keep you and others of a similar bent in my prayers.

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        Don’t bother.

        1. VaNavVet Avatar

          Even more reason to do so.

      2. killerhertz Avatar

        Also, please come back and tell me when you can come down from your ivory tower and address facts I just presented. Hint your boomer midwit brain is struggling.

      3. Thank goodness the vaccinated can’t get reinfected and can’t pass it along to others

        1. VaNavVet Avatar

          If only this were the case but not so with Omicron. It is spreading like a wildfire through vaccinated communities.

    2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      Link not working?

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        It was a paste error. I fixed it.

    3. Church of Wentz Avatar
      Church of Wentz

      Ontario also has twice the population and less than half the hospitalizations. Their vaccination rates are overall higher but boosters (which have been shown to be effective against Omicron) haven’t been as available. And with all that you’re still more likely to be in the ICU if you are unvaccinated, so an overall worse prognosis. Having the choice to take a vaccine is a form of liberty but you sure seem to hate it.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        No one has said it but I wonder if some doctors and nurses try a little harder for patients that have been vaccinated….

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Pretty much the same on the upper left coast…

    Of course, maybe the bulk are from Idaho?

  8. Jack Meoff Avatar
    Jack Meoff

    Get in line for your 4th booster….If something doesnt work, keep trying over and over.

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