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Rebellion Lite

The April 2, 2007, edition of Bacon’s Rebellion has been published. You can view it online here. Never miss an issue — sign up for a free subscription here.

The Rebellion has fallen into temporary torpor, as several regular columnists were unable for a variety of personal and professional reasons, to deliver a column this edition. All the more reason, though, to focus on those who could contribute this week!

Brain Games
Want Virginia children to excel in school? Spending $300 million a year on universal pre-K may not be the best solution. Try teaching kids to eat right, get enough sleep and stay away from the television.
by James A. Bacon

Twilight Zone Politics
The Reading First program has boosted children’s reading performance in schools across Virginia, but it may fall victim to the surreal politics of No Child Left Behind.
by Chris Braunlich

The Party’s Over?
Some conservatives are looking for a way out of the Grand Old Party.
by Norman Leahy

Green is Good
Virginia needs a comprehensive plan to encourage conservation and renewable energy. Here’s what it should look like.
by Margi Vanderhye

Nice & Curious Questions
Connecting with the Earth: Organic Farms in Virginia
by Edwin S. Clay III and Patricia Bangs

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