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Rebellion Hellions: Bacon, McSweeney, Thompson, Rodokanakis, Bowden and More…

The July 24, 2006, edition of Bacon’s Rebellion is now online. Columns include:

Loudoun Lightning Rod
VDOT sparked a storm last week when it released a traffic-impact analysis of development planned in Loudoun County. Agree or disagree with the findings, the debate is healthy.
by James A. Bacon

Break the Tax-and-Spend Cycle
Many politicians, and the reporters who cover them, regard bloating state budgets as inevitable. But that’s true only if voters settle for the same-old, same-old.
by Patrick McSweeney

Summer Budget Savings
As we while away the long days of summer, let’s give some thought to creative ways of getting more for our tax dollars. Here are some suggestions, some old, some new.
by Michael Thompson

The Politics of Cake
Tom Davis and other GOP moderates in Congress want to have their cake and eat it too — hold onto a Republican majority while voting with the Democrats.
by Phillip Rodokanakis

Never-Ending Racial Wrongs
The choice is simple: Does Virginia want to treat all citizens equally or does it want to treat Virginia Indians as a special classes of citizens to assuage white guilt?
by James Atticus Bowden

The Rail to Nowhere
Tom Davis has engineered the largest Congressional earmark in industry, a subsidy for the Washington Metro, that dwarfs the infamous Bridge to Nowhere.
by Ron Utt

The J,A,Bs of Marriage
Jim Bowden is right when he says marriage is a vitally important institution. But he’s wrong to say that it should be denied to same-sex couples.
by Bryan Drake

Marriage and Gender Polarity
Opponents of same-sex marriage confuse the rigid biological roles that males and females play in procreation and the far more flexible roles they play in parenting.
by David Weintraub

Nice & Curious Questions
Crossing the Waters: Ferries in Virginia
by Edwin S. Clay III and Patricia Bangs

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