Real Cops Hate Arizona’s Racist Law

What is so ironic about the right wing law and order crowd is that they often act within a vacuum totally devoid of what the real law enforcement professionals think.
Take the anti-immigration crowd including Bacons Rebellion bloggers who hail Arizona’s racist pat ’em all down law. They say they are just against “illegal” immigration and are just trying to keep things tidy and legal.
Well, according to this news article, the real cops say Arizona’s law is a ridiculous and harmful waste of scarce resources. Police chiefs from Los Angeles, Houston and Philadelphia, among others who actually know something about real crime, say laws like Arizona’s will divert police resources from far more important criminal investigations and spook illegals who might be important witnesses in criminal prosecution.
According to L.A. Police Chief Charlie Beck : “This is not a law that increases public safety. This is a bill that makes it much harder for us to do our jobs. Crime will go up if this becomes law in Arizona or in any other state.”
Funny that Beck didn’t bring up how Arizona’s law might also stop bomb-laden terrorists dead in their sandy tracks as they try to infiltrate the U.S. border. A number of BR bloggers have, but one wonders if they really know what they are talking about. After all most of us are business people or former land use planners, not narcs or homicide detectives.
One has to wonder why it is so important to net Jose whose papers might have expired as he returns from his night job of bussing tables at Denny’s.
But the right wing crowd often is strangely at odds with real law enforcement.
Take Gov. Bob McDonnell who has backed lax handgun regulation and thinks it is just dandy if a modern Jesse James wants to take his .357 Colt Magnum into a bar or Starbucks.
McDonnell actually got behind-the-scenes pushback from the Virginia State Police who often are the ones who have to look down the barrel of some hombre’s handgun or try to separate two gun-toting cowboys in a bar parking lot.
It’s a Second Amendment thing, we are told. You know, TJ, limited government and all that crap.
As someone who was a newspaper reporter on the police beat years ago, I got to know a lot of cops and have seen my fair share of what guns can do. I also have seen the victims’ families in hospital emergency rooms. Although this was an accident, I will never forget the 20-year-old sailor after he had rushed his 9-month-old son to a hospital. The sailor had been cleaning his pistol with his son in his lap. The gun went off, taking away the child’s head.
What is tragic today is that some of those families could have been spared a lot of grief had someone came up with sensible gun laws and not diverted law enforcement resources to deport hard-working and otherwise lawful immigrants.
Peter Galuszka

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19 responses to “Real Cops Hate Arizona’s Racist Law”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    Good Lord. You mean I'm the only one here at BR that has entered a country illegally?


  2. Gooze Views Avatar
    Gooze Views

    You should be discreet. ICE monitors everything.

  3. Albert Avatar

    Wow, do I really have to read more lies about the Arizona immigration law on this blog? Have you even read the bill? Which specifically says that race cannot be a factor in checking immigration status. That they have had to have committed a crime or that there is reasonable suspicion a crime has occurred for the status to be checked? Although that doesn't matter, because apparently you favor an open border.

    I strongly support allowing more Mexican workers to work in the country easily, and make that an easier process. And I also think the recent instance of Illinois police threatening to deport a Puerto Rican back to Mexico after a recent arrest is deplorable. But to continue the misinformation about the Arizona bill is disheartening, especially from a former reporter.

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    Time "Brian Livingston, president of the Arizona Police Association, which represents 9,000 rank-and-file officers and agents in the state, supports SB1070 without reserve. 'What we've seen is inaction, a lot of discussion,' he said. 'We have officers getting killed, getting severely injured by illegal aliens.' He told the story of officer Marc Atkinson, a young Phoenix cop whom Livingston had personally recruited to the force. Atkinson was killed by an illegal alien during a drug bust, said Livingston.",8599,1986080,00.html#ixzz0p46rzccN

    Salt Lake City Deseret News, "Arizona immigration law dividing law enforcement across the country."

    Peter, this post is like saying "Fred Hiatt supports higher taxes for Virginia, so higher taxes are good for Virginia." As with many laws, from what I've read, there is mixed support and opposition to the Arizona law. But unlike the Obama administration, I suspect both supporters and opponents among the law enforcement community have at least read the statute.


  5. Anonymous Avatar

    What is so ironic about the right wing law and order crowd is that they hate to see vieos of Law gone out of order.

  6. Anonymous Avatar

    Yeah, well.

    I sailed into podunk at one AM. Technically I should clear customs and keep the Q flag until I passed quarantine.

    After 29 days, I didn't think sitting on the dock and having a beer was a major transgression, and neither did the local cops.

    I wouldn't do it in France though. Those AH would throw you in jail on principal, just because customs wasn't open for office hours.

    Anyway, those were the good ol' days, pre terrorists and 9/11

    Besides, I think EMR said he went to Cuba.


  7. Gooze Views Avatar
    Gooze Views

    You mnay have your opinion of me (fyi I am still a reporter, not a "former" one) but you fail to address why the police chiefs of big cities hate the law. You fail to address the points they make. They seem to be concerned about the extent and sweep of this law. Maybe they haven't read it either.

    One of the unfortunate aspects of this blog is that commenters can't seem to stay on point. Unless, of course, you'd like to respond to my questions here.
    Peter Galuszka

  8. Albert Avatar

    You are right, the other police chiefs probably haven't read it. Each city/state has its own local issues so I see how their opinion adds that much to the discussion. Maybe a modicum.

    I'll acknowledge that it may be a few kinks in the beginning, as with any new law, that Arizona will have to address to make checking the legal status a quick and convenient process that does not divert time from other police business.

    But what about all the police time spent responding to crimes committed by illegal immigrants, not to mention trying them in court and putting them in prison if they are convicted? I think that would be a bigger drain on resources, period.

  9. Groveton Avatar

    This afternoon the federal government issued a terror alert regarding a suspected Somali terrorist trying to enter the United States though our southern border. Peter and LarryG both are in denial. Sadly, I can only imagine an end to that denial when the two of them watch the news broadcast of Americans killed by a terrorist who snuck into the United States while the libtards cried "racism" at anybody who saw this as a problem.

  10. Gooze Views Avatar
    Gooze Views

    The feds issue such alerts all the time and they just don't involve the Mexican border, but U.S. airports, Canada, overseas, what have you.
    Just finished a New Yorker piece abuot the Familias drug cratel — somehow I didn't realize that 23,000 people have died in Mexico's drug wars since about 2006. Now that's a serious border concern.


  11. Anonymous Avatar

    I know Groveton reads Carpet Diem. I recommend it to EMR.
    G must hate the recent post there about farm labor.

    After an INS crackdown sent 25% of a Washington town packing, a farmer there had to fly in 1200 workers,from Jamaica.
    No us citizens would take the work for $12/HR.

    The farmer said he did not think locals would the work for $20.

    That matches my experience.

    There is more to the story, but I'll let G tell it.

  12. How do you clean a gun with a round in the chamber?

    If driving with a cellphone is a crime why not babysitting with a gun?

  13. Anonymous Avatar

    Ray, you make a reasonable argument for a guest worker program, not for continued non-enforcement of the immigration laws.


  14. "Ray, you make a reasonable argument for a guest worker program, not for continued non-enforcement of the immigration laws. "

    Let's do it then and have one that works. I'll take a guest worker program that works, then we can figure out the rest.

    We could do a guest worker plan in a week. for net to nothing. We could have the national guard we sent to Arizona fill out the paperwork.

    I know of a couple of illegals who would LOVE to be able to go back home and see their wife, if they could come back next year.

    If you had a guest worker program that worked, it would take a lot of pressure off the illegal problem.

    Those guys don't go back home because they know if they do, they'll have to spend another four days hiking through the desert to get back.

    We have lost our collective mind on this and none of what anybody says makes a bit of sense, compared to the facts on the ground.

    Frankly, I'm more worried about what new torture my fellow citizens will dream up for me than I am about what a terrorist might do to me.

    Brown folks are going to have more votes and white folks one day. Big deal, the vote I've got isn't doing me any good.

    Given that they are the same apples from the same tree, I prefer cheap apples to expensive ones. If I pay more for American picked apples then I'm paying one price for the labor to pick the apples and an additional price as charity to the US workers.

    Let's ship 1200 people back to Mexico because we suddenly discover they have been living and working illegally for the past eight or more years, and then turn around and then fly in 1200 workers from Jamaica to meet a time critical but temporary work requirement.

    Talk about location variable costs, that is freaking CRAZY. And it is happening because people like Groveton are making up a stink.

    We could fix this if we wanted to but we don't want to. It is more profitable for us to posture in the hopes of expanding our political turf.

    We are no better than gang leaders.

    No better than chickens setting the pecking order.

    We are the idiots who think making someone else worse off is the same as making ourselves better off.


  15. Gooze Views Avatar
    Gooze Views

    Guess what? I went and read the law!
    And somehow I have a very different take on it. I don't see a lot of carefully-written protections against racial profiling. On the contrary, I see a loot of stuff about how if you slow down in your car in traffic, roll down the window and talk to someone outside, you could get your car impounded by the police. The law states that Arizona law enforcement must enforce the federal law TO ITS FULLEST EXTENT.

    Please tell me where I am wrong.

    Peter Galuszka

  16. Another take on things:

    Ownership means that one not only possess something, but one also controls the thing. In other words, if you truly own something, you must be free to use the thing as you wish so long as doing so does not violate the property of others. You must also be free to transfer the thing to another person so long as the transaction is voluntary and consensual. When it comes to land, property rights, i.e. control over that land, include controlling who enters into the boundaries of the land.

    When dealing with the topic of immigration, that is, the movement of individuals across political designations, this is where things get confusing. The State claims not only to be able to control who crosses the land that it owns, but also to control who enters land owned by private individuals. It also claims the authority to prohibit certain individuals from living within its borders, even if these individuals acquired their land rightfully.


    If one truly owns one’s property, how is it that the government can control who is allowed on this property in opposition to the wishes of the property owner? In other words, why should my friend from Mexico beg for permission to enter the country in order to have dinner with me? Shouldn’t free people be able to associate or not associate with whomever they wish so long as those interactions are voluntary, consensual, and do not harm a third party?


    Now one may argue that despite all this, illegal immigration is a crime and as such must be punished. The question is, who is the victim of this crime? So long as the immigrant has not harmed another individual or violated another individual’s property, who has suffered injury? Just like so many other "crimes," this activity is a crime against the State, and should fall into the category of victimless crime. While such activity may violate State edicts, it can hardly be considered a crime in the sense that no individual was harmed by the activity.

  17. Anonymous Avatar

    "Mass. Senate passes crackdown on illegal immigrants"

    "The measure, which passed on a 28-10 vote as an amendment to the budget, would bar the state from doing business with any company found to break federal laws barring illegal immigrant hiring. It would also toughen penalties for creating or using fake identification documents, and explicitly deny in-state college tuition for illegal immigrants.

    "The amendment would also require the state’s public health insurance program to verify residency through the Department of Homeland Security, and would require the state to give legal residents priority for subsidized housing.

    "The amendment will now be part of negotiations with the House as part of the entire state budget."

    Maybe the concerns are broader and deeper than the MSM suggest. Perhaps, it's time for the federal government to do its job.


  18. Anonymous Avatar

    The federal governments job is to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

    It seems to me we can do that without deporting every illegal, and without breaking the bank for other improtant work.


  19. Anonymous Avatar

    Ray, there is no need for massive round-ups and deportation. As Rudy Giuliani proved while mayor of NYC, attrition works. Go after the little things and crime went down.

    Enforce the law. Crack down on employers. When people are arrested, check ID. Impound vehicles for people driving without licenses. Etc. Check for legal status when government services are provided (reasonably, not schools or libraries). Patrol the border. Go after "coyotes" – go after them for tax evasion. The funds were earned in the U.S. Little by little, the problem will get smaller. Will it totally go away? No. But things can improve when the jobs are harder to obtain and the living becomes more difficult, the problem will get smaller.

    If the border is secure – measure by two years of real wage growth for workers in the lowest quadrant of the economy, then let's talk about reforming the laws.


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