Bacon's Rebellion


Bacon’s Rebellers seem to have tired of commenting on DeGrowth for now.

Much more on that topic later – first EMR considers what comes AFTER the Autonomobile and why small REALLY IS beautiful but before that…

A short item on important reading and viewing:

Bill Lucy (Prof. William H. to his friends) at UVA has a new book out titled “Foreclosing the Dream.”

EMR does not yet have a copy – the publisher (APA) is intent on slowing the economy by taking over a week to ship a book. However, based on the review in “New Urban News” and on the material on the publishers web site it is well worth ordering.

Foreclosing the Dream” continues the theme of his last two books – the decline of ‘sub’Urban settlement patterns and revival of housing in the Core, especially close to the Zentrum and near shared-vehicle station platforms.

This time he focuses on what the location of mortgage foreclosures tells us about the future of human settlement patterns. Larry G’s neighbors will NOT be happy.

Lucy takes a nation-state wide view – the 62 largest MSAs which are the New Urban Regions of about a million population and larger. He is limited by existing data sources and lack of a Conceptual Framework to working with county data and so it is a broad brush look, but he draws some striking conclusions.

EMR has recently looked at price trends and foreclosure data by 10 Mile Radius Bands for the National Capital SubRegion and found trends which point in exactly the same direction as Lucy’s work with county data.

Foreclosing the Dream” offers real hope that the strategy outlined in PROPERTY DYNAMICS could be an important step.

As quoted by the reviewers, Bill is still struggling with woeful Vocabulary limitations and lack of an overarching Conceptual Framework, but we will work on that with him – if he will just listen :>)

On the viewing front:

MGM (Marcellus Gas Man) suggests those interested in THE OTHER petroleum disaster tune into HOB at 9:00 PM this evening for “Gasland” on the Marcellus Shale issue.

WaPo has a review in Style today.

Have a great week.


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