Rambling: Guess Who He is Voting For

There is no doubt as to whom the residents in this house perched on the edge of Rt. 58 in Grayson County are supporting!

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27 responses to “Rambling: Guess Who He is Voting For”

  1. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    I'm not convinced. Could be a deep fake. Maybe he is the jerk of the neighborhood and a plant to make the people not want to vote for Trump.

  2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I passed by a number of residences today in Hanover County over by Beaverdam. Old school Tea Party territory. Some great signs I should have stopped and photographed.

    In Fauquier County we have the "Free State". 8,000 acres of rugged territory where the spirit of defiance is alive and well. Lots of Trump banners and life size cut outs to greet you along the way. The "Free State" has a great story. Squatters occupied Lord Fairfax Proprietary and were unchallenged for decades. When John Marshall acquired the land, he attempted to charge rent on the squatters. Despite a court order, the Free State lived on rent free. For years in the late 1800s and early twentieth century the county tax collector and sheriff steered clear of this lawless land. Church was the only semblance of authority. Ironically the squatters where Hessian POWs captured at Trenton during the Revolution. When turned loose they chose the Free State as their home. Sic Semper Tyrannis!

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Mar-a-Lago is smaller than I thought.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Didn’t Hank Williams die on Rte. 58? Or, maybe it was just the gutbuster hamburger that killed him?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Lots of people died on Route 58. Killer road. Heartbreak Mountain? There was a spot in Grayson I think that was especially dangerous.

      Dick, Nancy, etc. — the people are putting up those displays just to trigger you and would be delighted that it did! Four years ago, one of our neighbors had a blanket-size Trump banner hanging off his back railing where all could see it as they drove the alley between the townhouse rows. Such displays were probably more commonplace a century ago, when retail politics was very different.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Lots of people died on Route 58. Killer road. Heartbreak Mountain? There was a spot in Grayson I think that was especially dangerous.

      Dick, Nancy, etc. — the people are putting up those displays just to trigger you and would be delighted that it did! Four years ago, one of our neighbors had a blanket-size Trump banner hanging off his back railing where all could see it as they drove the alley between the townhouse rows. Such displays were probably more commonplace a century ago, when retail politics was very different.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yeah, but if they actually vote for him then it’s not a trigger, now is it?

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        I went up and down Rt. 58 in Grayson several times this past week. I probably went through that spot you are talking about. The only time I caught my breath was when I met someone driving a red Corvette coming down, his brakes squealing coming around one of those hairpin turns.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Fancy Gap. That was the place name I remember typing on so many little traffic accident stories when working the night shift at the paper…

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            Fancy Gap may well have been the scene of lots of traffic accidents, but it is not on Rt. 58. Accroding to the state highway map, it is located on Rt. 52, right off the Blue Ridge Parkway and south of Rt. 58. Rt. 58 is four lanes all the way to Independence in Grayson County. At that point, VDOT and the state gave up the dream of four-laning Rt. 58 all the way from Lee County to Virginia Beach. Through the remainder of Grayson and into Washington County to just before Abingdon, the road remins a narrow, twisty, two-lane climb through the mountains.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          “Hadn’t been for Grayson, I’da been in Tennessee.” Double entendre, so to speak.

        3. WayneS Avatar

          That might have been his tires…

      3. WayneS Avatar

        Large portions of 58 used to be what they called a "suicide highway". Three lanes, with the direction of travel of the middle lane switching back and forth based on road markings.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Left and right have long used that, both of them. But you remain blind in one eye.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        current events Steve…combined with all the other factors where POSTUS and SCOTUS are now waving that flag, not your traditional anti-govt protestors… A candidate for POTUS who promises to essentially take apart the Constitution and some SCOTUS folks who agree…. not the same…as anti-war street folks, except for those who ARE blind! More attempts at "normalizing" grievance promises to overturn Democracy.

      2. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        I think you are 50% correct there

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        you are correct, but only one side has actually tried to make “improper display and handling”, e.g., flying upside down and burning, sewing into clothing, etc., etc., a federal crime.

    2. Rafaelo Avatar

      Navy uses that as a distress signal. My grandmother, an admiral's widow living on Cathedral Ave. in DC, called the police in distress saying her neighbors were in trouble come at once!

      Jimmy Carter era. The neighbors were Carter appointees surprised, astounded, dumbfounded, that Carter lost. Granny did not know it was supposed to be a political statement, not a cry for help.

      Granny also called the Washington Post one Thanksgiving to complain that the paper had gotten too thick for an old lady to pick up.

      Black Friday edition with all the ads.

      I miss her.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        She SWATted them, eh?

      2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        As a young seasonal park ranger at Manassas Battlefield, I once raised Old Glory upside down by accident. PWC police and State Police paid a visit shortly after. I didn't do that again. Made the local paper. Thankfully the Superintendent was amused and merciful.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Trump’s buddy.

      1. Marty Chapman Avatar
        Marty Chapman

        Biden’s master!

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Yes, that’s why Biden is providing Russia with weapons against Ukraine.

  5. Clarity77 Avatar

    Dick, were you triggered? Did you let it ruin your drive?

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