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Racism Comes in All Colors

by Kerry Dougherty 

What follows here is fiction. Totally imaginary. Still, picture this with me:

The mayor of Virginia’s largest city — that would be Virginia Beach, population 458,000 — decides to hold a holiday party for city council members on city property.

The mayor — and let me remind you this is hypothetical, it did not happen — sent out invitations characterizing this in some kind of strange pidgin English as a party for “white electeds,” which meant that the four black members of council were not welcome.

Because of their skin color.

What would the reaction be when the whites-only party became public?

I can tell you.

There would be loud cries of “racism”! Calls for the mayor’s immediate resignation. There would be  protests in the streets, with both whites and blacks denouncing the mayor’s shocking behavior. The local newspaper would call for the mayor to be removed from office and the editorialists would lament that Virginia hadn’t progressed from the days of Jim Crow.

The news would make national headlines and no doubt state and federal prosecutors would be looking at the civil rights violations in an exclusive, all-white Christmas party for elected officials.

It would be — pardon the expression — a poopstorm.

Odd then, that when something similar actually happened, not in Virginia, but in the largest city in Massachusetts, Boston — there is just a mild outcry. And lots of folks defending the move.

Could it be because the Boston mayor excluded whites, not blacks?

This week, Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, the city’s first woman and first Asian American executive, emailed all of city council inviting them to a holiday party. Almost immediately, she sent a follow-up email rescinding the invitation to the white members.

The New York Post reports that she apologized not for excluding whites but for accidentally sending them invitations in the first place.

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu defended holding a holiday party for ‘electeds of color’ just hours before hosting the controversial gathering inside the city’s official reception hall Wednesday.

Wu admitted it was a mistake that every member of the Boston City Council received invitations to the controversial holiday party, and had already talked to those that were uninvited.

‘We had individual conversations with everyone so people understand that it was truly just an honest mistake that went out in typing the email field,’ Wu told reporters.

Wu, Boston’s first female of color and Asian American mayor, came under fire when her director of City Council relations, Denise DosSantos, sent an exclusive party invitation to all members of the City Council instead of just the select invitees.

Boston’s City Council is comprised of six minority and seven white members.

According to news reports, the party was held. No whites were allowed and the excluded members of the city council were reserved in their reaction

Outgoing City Councilor Frank Baker, a White man, called the mayor’s exclusion of certain members “unfortunate and divisive,” according to the Boston Herald.

Unfortunate? Divisive? What’s Mr. Baker afraid of? He ought to call out the mayor for what this is: racism. Not reverse racism, not divisive behavior .


Where is the Justice Department? City property is a place of public accommodation. It’s a violation of civil rights to keep people out because of their race.

At least one black member of council thought the party was fine with whites excluded, according to Fox News.

Black City Councilor Brian Worrell held a different opinion and defended the invitation, suggesting the holiday party was merely a way to represent ‘all kinds of special groups’ in the Boston government.

‘We make space and spaces for all kinds of specific groups in the city and city government. This is no different, and the Elected Officials of Color has been around for more than a decade,’ Worrell said in a statement.

How long are we going to put up with racist double standards imposed on society by self-righteous lefties?

And by the way, Mayor Wu, “elected” can be a verb or an adjective. Using it as a noun -ELECTEDS of colors? – makes you sound like a robot.

A racist robot.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited.

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