by Kerry Dougherty 

What follows here is fiction. Totally imaginary. Still, picture this with me:

The mayor of Virginia’s largest city — that would be Virginia Beach, population 458,000 — decides to hold a holiday party for city council members on city property.

The mayor — and let me remind you this is hypothetical, it did not happen — sent out invitations characterizing this in some kind of strange pidgin English as a party for “white electeds,” which meant that the four black members of council were not welcome.

Because of their skin color.

What would the reaction be when the whites-only party became public?

I can tell you.

There would be loud cries of “racism”! Calls for the mayor’s immediate resignation. There would be  protests in the streets, with both whites and blacks denouncing the mayor’s shocking behavior. The local newspaper would call for the mayor to be removed from office and the editorialists would lament that Virginia hadn’t progressed from the days of Jim Crow.

The news would make national headlines and no doubt state and federal prosecutors would be looking at the civil rights violations in an exclusive, all-white Christmas party for elected officials.

It would be — pardon the expression — a poopstorm.

Odd then, that when something similar actually happened, not in Virginia, but in the largest city in Massachusetts, Boston — there is just a mild outcry. And lots of folks defending the move.

Could it be because the Boston mayor excluded whites, not blacks?

This week, Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, the city’s first woman and first Asian American executive, emailed all of city council inviting them to a holiday party. Almost immediately, she sent a follow-up email rescinding the invitation to the white members.

The New York Post reports that she apologized not for excluding whites but for accidentally sending them invitations in the first place.

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu defended holding a holiday party for ‘electeds of color’ just hours before hosting the controversial gathering inside the city’s official reception hall Wednesday.

Wu admitted it was a mistake that every member of the Boston City Council received invitations to the controversial holiday party, and had already talked to those that were uninvited.

‘We had individual conversations with everyone so people understand that it was truly just an honest mistake that went out in typing the email field,’ Wu told reporters.

Wu, Boston’s first female of color and Asian American mayor, came under fire when her director of City Council relations, Denise DosSantos, sent an exclusive party invitation to all members of the City Council instead of just the select invitees.

Boston’s City Council is comprised of six minority and seven white members.

According to news reports, the party was held. No whites were allowed and the excluded members of the city council were reserved in their reaction

Outgoing City Councilor Frank Baker, a White man, called the mayor’s exclusion of certain members “unfortunate and divisive,” according to the Boston Herald.

Unfortunate? Divisive? What’s Mr. Baker afraid of? He ought to call out the mayor for what this is: racism. Not reverse racism, not divisive behavior .


Where is the Justice Department? City property is a place of public accommodation. It’s a violation of civil rights to keep people out because of their race.

At least one black member of council thought the party was fine with whites excluded, according to Fox News.

Black City Councilor Brian Worrell held a different opinion and defended the invitation, suggesting the holiday party was merely a way to represent ‘all kinds of special groups’ in the Boston government.

‘We make space and spaces for all kinds of specific groups in the city and city government. This is no different, and the Elected Officials of Color has been around for more than a decade,’ Worrell said in a statement.

How long are we going to put up with racist double standards imposed on society by self-righteous lefties?

And by the way, Mayor Wu, “elected” can be a verb or an adjective. Using it as a noun -ELECTEDS of colors? – makes you sound like a robot.

A racist robot.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited.

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48 responses to “Racism Comes in All Colors”

  1. …some kind of strange pigeon English

    Isn’t the correct term ‘pidgin English’?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Let’s just say “a patois”.

    2. Is that a strange bird, or what?

      If it was a diverse group of “electeds” would they be termed eclectic electeds of color? If they were also religious would they be ecclesiastic eclectic electeds of color? The discriminatory winnowing options are endless, and we’ve just explored a few of those that begin with e. Guess its a Wu(ut) question.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Color — selected electromagnetic emission.

        1. In Boston guess that selection would be termed ASIAN+ if it was more than just two portions of the spectrum.

  2. Harvard again……wadda expect…… so much for MLKjr

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Are white victims now going to desperately demand an invite to every luncheon…?

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      That’s not the question at hand. The question is whether the reverse would be acceptable to the left.

      For example, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors has a chairman (White male) and nine district and at-large supervisors.

      Of the 9 district and at-large supervisors, 5 are White males.

      How would the media react if the White male chairman organized a Christmas party at the Fairfax County Governmental Center and invited only the White male district and at-large supervisors?

      The party would be called the White Male Elected Holiday Party.

      Do you think the Washington Post would be cool with that?

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      That’s not the question at hand. The question is whether the reverse would be acceptable to the left.

      For example, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors has a chairman (White male) and nine district and at-large supervisors.

      Of the 9 district and at-large supervisors, 5 are White males.

      How would the media react if the White male chairman organized a Christmas party at the Fairfax County Governmental Center and invited only the White male district and at-large supervisors?

      The party would be called the White Male Elected Holiday Party.

      Do you think the Washington Post would be cool with that?

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Bet they had one… called it a Republican brunch…

    3. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
      Virginia Gentleman

      “white victims” —- yep — white people have it really bad – you know, not getting invited to luncheons and stuff.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        It’s a shame liberals can’t focus on the questions at hand. It’s really a simple set of two questions – Is it appropriate for the mayor of Boston to hold a holiday party on public property for only those council people who are “people of color”? Second question – If the same action were taken in reverse – if a White mayor invited only the White members of a city council to a holiday party held on public property, would that be acceptable?

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          First question–no.
          Second question–no.

          Mayor Wu is tone deaf.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            An ear of Sn is a prerequisite for a career in politics. Well, maybe a short career.

          2. Tone deaf. I think that is an excellent description.

          3. Pantone deaf?

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          “Second question – If the same action were taken in reverse – if a White mayor invited only the White members of a city council to a holiday party held on public property, would that be acceptable?”

          Honestly, yes, it would be. That would be a weird thing to do but certainly within their rights. Maybe they would just call it a Republican electds but effectively would be the same thing. I see no problem with it.

    4. Job related social gatherings are important for harmony and cohesion. They should set an example of proper behavior, not racism. This is particularly important when government resources are involved such as staff time and facilities, as was the case here.

      If the left supports racism and doesn’t believe in “inclusion” then stop pretending.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        They had a fully inclusive gathering as well. I honestly see no issue with this get together.

        1. So you’d be okay with a white mayor doing the opposite? No you wouldn’t.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Yes, I would. I would think it strange but it is a social gathering… they can invite who they want.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Incorrect. My post was an accurate portrayal of Kerry’s position.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Incorrect. My post was an accurate portrayal of Kerry’s position.

  4. If mayor Wu wanted to have an “electeds of color” holiday party she should have held it at a local restaurant, bar, or private meeting hall, and invited or refrained from inviting whomever she chose. If she had done that and people had complained, would be supporting her 100%.

    Instead, she used a public building, which is subject to anti-discrimination laws/regulations. That was wrong, and should not have happened. Should she be removed from office, fined, imprisoned for her actions? I don’t think so, no. But I think she should be prevented from doing it again.

    Everybody, especially elected officials, needs to be held to the same standards where the use of public property is concerned.

  5. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    I am so sick of the blatant hypocrisy of Progressives. I have another term for this. It’s called institutional PAYBACK.

    It’s not OK for historical minorities to discriminate against whites for prior generational racism that’s been eradicated.

    If society allowed this then we’d never experience redemption or forgiveness. The Marshall Plan would never have been implemented. We’d still have Germany, Japan and Italy under military occupation. The South would still be under Reconstruction Federal troops occupation.


    1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
      Virginia Gentleman

      Yes — This. I agree. White people have had enough, by not getting invited to luncheons. So, what if people of color have experienced 200 years of racism. So what if many people of color still scream that it still exists today – it has been eradicated! White people have pulled racism up by the roots and exposed it and it has been completely swept off the face of the earth – eradicated. Now it is time to stop all of this racism against white people — you know — not inviting them to their lunches and stuff. Enough!

      1. Wahoo’74 comment: If society allowed this then we’d never experience redemption or forgiveness.

        I’ll say this much, you did an excellent job of making his point for him.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Should we?

          1. Should we allow discrimination based on race, or should we receive redemption and forgiveness?

            My answers:

            No, we should not allow discrimination based on race.

            Whether or not we receive redemption is up to the creator of the universe.

            Whether or not we receive forgiveness is up to the aggrieved party(ies) – the actual aggrieved party(ies), not their alleged representatives.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            We are far from deserving.

          3. Well Jesus loves us, but everyone else thinks we’re ****

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive
          5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “No, we should not allow discrimination based on race.”

            Ever? In any setting? You know there are many social organizations organized around race. Must they all be disbanded?

  6. “This week, Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, the city’s first woman and first Asian American executive, emailed all of city council inviting them to a holiday party. Almost immediately, she sent a follow-up email rescinding the invitation to the white members.”

    How did that mistake occur?

    Might Mayor Wu have used an email distribution list for the invite and accidentally used the wrong one? Perhaps there’s an email distribution list containing only the “electeds of color,” which is what she intended to use.

    Is there an email distribution list for “electeds of color”? If so, why? How often is it used? For what purpose(s)?

      1. This will blow over and nobody will care.

        Mayor Wu is a product of Harvard and well schooled in DEI.

        The lesson for Virginia is that DEI isn’t about actual “inclusion” and never was. We need to get rid of it.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          The “I” in DEI should stand for Idiocy.

  7. Wu’s director of City Council relations, Denise DosSantos, invited the chamber members of “color” to the event which was held at a city-owned building.

    Boston mayor Michelle Wu may have broken anti-segregation laws by hosting a no-whites ‘electeds of color’ holiday party at a city-owned building on Wednesday night.

    Veteran Boston Herald columnist Joe Battenfeld called out Wu, 38, for hosting the event, saying her choice shows ‘questionable optics and judgment for someone who is supposed to be uniting the city.’

    The party violated ‘at least the spirit of the Massachusetts Public Accommodations law,’ Battenfeld added, referencing a state law that bans ‘making any distinction, discrimination, or restriction in admission to or treatment in a place of public accommodation based on race.’'s%20office%20has%20insisted,the%20city%2Downed%20Parkman%20House.

  8. If mayor Wu wanted to have a holiday party for “electeds of color” only, she should have held it at a local restaurant, bar, or private meeting hall, where she could legally invite or refrain from inviting whomever she chose for whatever reason(s) she chose. If she had done that and people had complained about it, I would be supporting her 100%.

    Instead, she held it at a city-owned building, which is subject to anti-discrimination laws/regulations. That was wrong, and should not have happened. Should she be removed from office? Fined? Jailed? I don’t think so, no. But I think she should be prevented from doing it again.

    Everybody, especially elected officials, needs to be held to the same standards where the use of public property is concerned.

    1. According to Mayor Wu, this was an example of the city living its values.

      “It is my intention that we, again, be a city that lives our values and creates space for all kinds of communities to come together.”,day%20at%20the%20Parkman%20House.

      The values I was taught would never allow someone to be excluded from a gathering because of race, even a private gathering with no public link. And if I were invited to such a gathering, I would not go.

      I guess I don’t have Boston values?

      1. Maybe she meant to say calumnies instead of communities…

        1. Ha!

          I had to look that up.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Wow, the Congressional Black Caucus is suddenly going to have a lot of logistical issues.

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “ What follows here is fiction. Totally imaginary. ” Isn’t that a part of a Karen’s usual byline?

  10. DJRippert Avatar

    The rise of the Wu Klux Klan.

    1. The segregated meeting Mayor Wu held at 33 Beacon St is right across the street from where MLK Jr. spoke out against segregation in 1965.

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