Racism at VMI? Not That This Hispanic Alum Ever Saw

Virginia Military Institute alumni share much of their correspondence with me. I can’t come close to publishing it all on this blog. But sometimes a letter illuminates aspects of the ongoing discussion about VMI’s future that have not yet made it into the public domain. The letter below comes from José J. Suárez, an Hispanic alumnus, class of 1982, who was interviewed by the Barnes & Thornburg investigative team that slammed VMI for sexism and racism but feels his views were not reflected in that report. (I have made minor edits for punctuation and style.) — JAB

Dear Members of the VMI Board of Visitors, and the VMI Alumni Association.

I am a proud graduate of the VMI class of 1982. I came to VMI from Puerto Rico, with limited command of the English language. I was one of three (3) Hispanic cadets at VMI during my cadetship.

The cadre, my Brother Rats, the faculty, and the administration helped me to make it through VMI, and to have a great career in the Engineering and the Construction Industry, and consulting, where I advanced to be the  Chief Executive of a $3 billion-plus division/company.

I have experienced racism in the U.S. Navy, and in my civilian career, but not at VMI. For this reason, I was flabbergasted by the attack that VMI received via The Washington Post, and the fact that neither the Board of Visitors, the VMI Alumni Associations, and the VMI administration, fought back publicly against these attacks.

As such, I volunteered to be interviewed by the Barnes and Thornburg (BT) lawyers to talk about my experiences as a Hispanic person at VMI. To my dismay, I did not feel that my comments were taken into account, and I was shocked when they said to me that after learning about my career, they were surprised that I had done well, because they knew of no other minority VMI cadets that had excelled after graduating from VMI. To this I responded that Darren McDew (first African-American 1st Captain, and 4-star Air Force General), and Darryl Horne (African-American CEO of Horne International) were my Brother Rats.

In regards to an inordinate amount of African-American cadets being drummed out due to Honor code violations, I told them that one of my BR’s, captain of the VMI football team, and a Caucasian, was drummed out after we beat West Point in 1981. The Honor Court system is fair, and it does not discriminate. None of this feedback came out on their final report. I did raise this matter to the VMIAA, and I asked that the BT final report be rebutted. This did not happen.

As I write this e-mail, I see our beloved school not being defended properly, and the administration attacking alumni for raising concerns about how the DEI efforts are being managed. Frankly, I see no transparency on the latter. This is very concerning. It is disappointing that the attacks on the alumni came from Major General Wins.

I see many “non VMI” alumni filling administration roles at VMI, which is not good, as we need corporate knowledge of VMI to continue to impart our great culture on cadets. The drop of applications/admissions is very concerning; yet blame is being placed on bad publicity on VMI, which we have not addressed.

I urge you to listen to the alumni, ensure that DEI programs do not harm VMI, and bring more VMI graduates to the administration. Above all, ask people like me, and other minorities, to provide feedback on the DEI efforts.

Virginia, the United States, and the world need VMI graduates more than ever. I urge you to right the ship now.

Very respectfully, José

José J. Suárez,M.Eng.,P.Eng. – VMI 1982
President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
JS Consulting

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58 responses to “Racism at VMI? Not That This Hispanic Alum Ever Saw”

  1. M. Purdy Avatar

    Big deal. I didn’t see it so it can’t be true is hardly an argument.

  2. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    If Pravda – I mean the Washington Post – says it’s true, it has to be true. But then, how could only 7% of Americans, according to a Gallup poll, have “a great deal” of trust and confidence in the media. As an Amazon shareholder, I’m sure glad Bezos did a much better job managing Amazon than he does the Post.

    1. M. Purdy Avatar

      None of the VMI students and alums who spoke the Post are lying. None of them.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        That doesn’t mean that the Post isn’t lying – through commission or through omission.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          That’s why you read more than one source. right?

        2. M. Purdy Avatar

          No one is lying. The only lying being done is the self-delusion of folks telling themselves everything was fine while I was there.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            The author of this blog was there too and is a person of color.

          2. M. Purdy Avatar

            I don’t think he’s lying at all, but the implication is illogical. The fact that this guy didn’t see it doesn’t mean that there wasn’t racism at VMI. And even more illogical is the fact that he cited Darren McDew as a reason why there was no racism while he was there. McDew did an entire feature for the Wapo detailing the racism he faced while he was there! How delusional do you have to be to use Gen. McDew as an example of no racism at the school?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            But it’s what these folks “do” – it’s like this other history does not exist.

          4. DJRippert Avatar

            The author was refuting the notion that minority students who graduated from VMI did not go on to have successful careers.

            “To my dismay, I did not feel that my comments were taken into account, and I was shocked when they said to me that after learning about my career, they were surprised that I had done well, because they knew of no other minority VMI cadets that had excelled after graduating from VMI.”

            Seems like a very valid point.

          5. M. Purdy Avatar

            OK, but that’s not the title. The title implies that there was no racism at VMI b/c this person of color didn’t experience it.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            If a Hispanic is white, he may not …. the type of racism at VMI seemed to be color-based, not ethnic based.

          7. M. Purdy Avatar

            He does not look obviously hispanic to me. Don’t know…

          8. He does not look obviously hispanic to me.

            Wow. How racits can you get? I’m imagining your reaction if Glen Youngkin said something as racist as that about somebody.

          9. M. Purdy Avatar

            Oh please…spare me. Racism is about physical identifiers. That’s not controversial.

          10. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “M. Purdy WayneS • 4 minutes ago
            Oh please…spare me. Racism is about physical identifiers. That’s not controversial.”

            Racism is about thinking your superior which exactly what you just did.

            If the shoes fits wear it, bubba.

          11. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “M. Purdy WayneS • 4 minutes ago
            Oh please…spare me. Racism is about physical identifiers. That’s not controversial.”

            Racism is about thinking your superior which exactly what you just did.

            If the shoes fits wear it, bubba.

          12. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “M. Purdy WayneS • 4 minutes ago
            Oh please…spare me. Racism is about physical identifiers. That’s not controversial.”

            Racism is about thinking your superior which exactly what you just did.

            If the shoes fits wear it, bubba.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    1982,eh? So after it was racist, but while it was still just sexist.

    Racism and courage aren’t bedfellows, so it mostly occurs after you leave the room. Remember, this publication repeatedly points out Northam’s closeted racism. I guess they should know.

    1. How can you consider what Blackface Ralph did as ‘closeted’? After all, just look at his VMI moniker.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        But, but, there is/was NO racism at VMI, remember?

        1. M. Purdy Avatar

          I find it hilarious that the folks who attack Northam for being a racist at VMI are the same people who claim that there’s no racism at VMI. How’s that work?

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            That’s your usual faulty logic. There isn’t a person saying there was never racism at VMI, they are saying that at current it’s not the levels are yourself or Mr. Shapira are protesting.

            2022 isn’t 1981 and Gov. Northam’s infamous blackface photo was taken at Eastern Virginia Medical School in 1984, not VMI.

            What’s hilarious is that if there is a VMI article you come here to pontificate and it’s usually BS.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Strictly to their advantage…

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            As far as I can tell , there is ONE “event” in Northam’s life with regard to racist behavior. If the man was truly a life-long racist (as opposed to a one-shot dumb thing ) – there would be a ample record of it.

            To no avail to the folks who want to make the claim. Once in your life is no different than a life of it for others.

          4. M. Purdy Avatar

            Well, 1.5 perhaps. His nickname at VMI was off color. He’s not a lifelong racist, and he changed as he grew up. If only others did the same…

          5. DJRippert Avatar

            Unless you personally know Northam you have no idea whatsoever whether Northam actually changed or only pretended to change in order to save face.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            You can be SURE if he had an actual “history” the same folks who unearthed the year book would be on it for all it was worth.

            The fact that virtually NOTHING has “surfaced” tells us all we need to know about the name calling from the real racist hypocrites on the right.

          7. DJRippert Avatar

            They didn’t unearth the yearbook prior to either 0f the two state-wide elections that Northam won. I guess the Post doesn’t look that closely at Democratic candidates.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            and no one else either including the ones that found it when they did.

            You’d think once they found it that they and others allied with them would not look for more so he would have had no choice but resign after being exposed as a life-long racist?

          9. DJRippert Avatar

            Northam was not only a racist but a stupid racist. Putting that photo in his yearbook was proof of both his racism and his stupidity. In a world where there was no internet, no social media, no answering machines, no cell phones with cameras … there are only so many sources to check.

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            calling someone a racist for one or two times they did a stupid thing without no other history of it is dishonest and reflects on the folks making the claim more than the person so accused.

          11. DJRippert Avatar

            The man was in his mid-twenties when he was in medical school. He was such a racist he didn’t even try to hide it. Anybody who thinks the “Coonman” nickname, the blackface photo and the klanswoman were isolated incidents is smoking something very strong.

          12. LarrytheG Avatar

            If you could show that he was really a racist in the rest of his life, you could be honest and truthful. Otherwise not so much but typical of those that do that kind of thing.

          13. DJRippert Avatar

            Northam’s blackface incident occurred while he was in medical school, not at VMI. The photo was from his medical school yearbook.

            Beyond that, there is a huge difference between there being racists at VMI and VMI being racist.

            Racism is deeply ingrained in the hearts and minds of the Plantation Elite in Virginia. Fortunately, here are relatively few Plantation Elite and their power has been substantially reduced in the state over the past 40 years.

          14. M. Purdy Avatar

            There was also his racist name in the yearbook, which was at VMI. Racism is not just engrained in the plantation elite. It’s cross-class. And, yes, people are denying that racism was present at VMI. Look at the title of the post!

          15. DJRippert Avatar

            I have lived in Virginia for 50+ years. Trust me – if you see a White preppy from Richmond wearing LaCoste shirts and rubber shoes who is between 40 and 70, you are probably looking at a racist. I met way too many of those clowns at UVa.

          16. LarrytheG Avatar

            and yet you so there are “few” today?

          17. M. Purdy Avatar

            Well, I’ve been here for 41, so let’s call it pretty close to even. I’m not denying what you’re saying; I’m just saying that racism is more class-agnostic than you think.

          18. DJRippert Avatar

            It’s more geographic than class based. But class based racism was alive and well in the 1970s and 1980s.

          19. LarrytheG Avatar

            what the dooda is “class based” racism? definition please. And how does it differ from actual race-based racism?

          20. DJRippert Avatar

            Class based racism is upper class people who publicly pretend to be open minded but start with the racist rhetoric as soon as the doors are closed. You know, people like Ralph Northam. The percentage of White wealth Richmond preppies who were closet racists at UVa in the late 1970s and early 1980s had to be over 70%. A far higher percentage than the White children from working and middle class families who attended school there at that time.

          21. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Seems to me the preppies of the 70s and 80s were equal opportunity in their a-holishness.

          22. LarrytheG Avatar

            so low class people whose ancestors were enslaved and subjected to Jim Crow and such?

          23. DJRippert Avatar

            “A far higher percentage than the White children from working and middle class families who attended school there at that time.”

            What does that have to do with enslaved people?

          24. LarrytheG Avatar

            because the term “racism” means something different than classism.

            Do they call folks who were opposed to ethnic based immigrants – “racists”?

            Were those opposed to Italians and Irish immigrants “racists”?

          25. LarrytheG Avatar

            Wouldn’t know the “few” part based on your commentary here over the years.

  4. keydet16 Avatar

    I can actually attest to the poor treatment by the B&T folks. I was ridiculed and laughed at by a (white) lawyer for 45min. when I was discussing my lived experience as a Mixed-Race POC at the ‘I’. Incidentally, it’s the most insulting conversation surrounding race that I have ever experienced.

    No, this doesn’t take away from the lived experiences of the other people of color who experienced racism, but I definitely believe that the investigator were biased to an extent.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Of course they were biased. The whole misguided inquisition was just another effort by a racist ass-clown named Ralph to burnish his new fount status as fully woke.

      1. M. Purdy Avatar

        Ah yes, Northam must have been the only racist at VMI.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          as well as having a long-standing personal history as a racist….

        2. DJRippert Avatar

          Undoubtedly not. But he graduated in 1981. That was 41 years ago. And … a few racist students <> a racist institution.

          1. M. Purdy Avatar

            I agree. But I don’t think the “bad apples” theory works here. We’re talking about decades of documented incidents. I don’t recommend it, but if you do some rudimentary searches of the alumni websites you’ll see a lot of racist comments and discussions. That’s a present day problem. That speaks to the acceptability of such views by many, something that didn’t start recently but probably while people were waving Confed. flags on post. It also speaks to why the movement to turn back the clock, block DEI, fire Gen. Wins and LTC Love, and bring back Stonewall has such appeal to so many alums. I’m certainly not saying that those folks are all racists, but the racists definitely support all of those policies.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Parents are the arbiters of all material to be read. They just can’t be trusted to pick up the task of teaching their kids to read during times of emergency.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Apparently the people who are paid to teach kids to read failed. Blaming hard working parents for not doing the jobs teachers are paid to do is liberal twaddle.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          So what? When did I isolate public schools?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            you have many times… no?

            so now, you’re blaming the entire profession no matter public or private?

            sorta like we’d blame everyone in IT for “failures”.


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