Racism as Anti-Social Defiance

by James A. Bacon

Joel Mungo is a teacher at Menchville High School in Newport News. Over the past several months, he says, someone periodically left a banana outside his classroom door in what was “clearly a deliberate act.” As a Black person, he not unreasonably interpreted the bananas as a play upon the old racist trope that compared Black people to monkeys.

After the sixth incident, reports WAVY News, Mungo complained to the school administration. A review of surveillance footage found that the culprit was one of his 10th-grade students. The racist implications were self-evident. As Mungo told WAVY, “I’m the only Black teacher he has. He has six other teachers. No other teachers were involved.”

When notified, the student’s parents seemed to be truly embarrassed, Mungo says. But when the child was suspended, they became irate. The article does not say why, but one can imagine that they considered suspension from school to be excessive for the nature of a non-violent, non-criminal offense. For his part, Mungo remains angry, and he is in the process of pursuing legal action, he says, although it’s not clear from the article whom he intends to sue or on what grounds.

“It’s 2022. Just to have some type of hate crime is absolutely ridiculous. I was sickened,” he said. “I’m just fed up with the racism around, especially at our academic institutions. It’s time to take a stand and just let people know it will not be tolerated. … You can’t allow it to go on because then it will just continue to go on.”

Let me make it 100% crystal clear that (1) I sympathize with Mr. Mungo for the indignity he suffered; (2) such behavior cannot be condoned or tolerated; (3) some kind of chastisement for the child is in order; and (4) it is a sad commentary that such behavior still occurs in our day and time. But I would like to push beyond such easy conclusions, which I expect all Bacon’s Rebellion readers would share, to explore what this incident tells us about the evolution of racism in Virginia today.

Two points. First, Mungo views the act of leaving bananas on his doorstep as a “hate crime.” A crime? Really? What is the criminal offense? Should we be criminalizing racist insults? If so, do we criminalize all racist insults — I still vividly remember being called a “white motherfucker” — or only racial insults directed against certain groups but not others?

What is the best way to deal with this category of offense? Is it to appeal to one another’s common humanity in a spirit of generosity and forgiveness in the hope of inspiring better behavior? Is it to respond in a spirit of retribution, running the risk of inspiring anger and resentment in turn? Or is there some middle ground that exposes the offender (in this case a child) to social opprobrium and disapproval at a level commensurate with the offense? I’ll leave that to others to debate.

Second, to mangle a phrase from the old Oldsmobile ad, this is not your father’s racism. I think we are seeing an emergent form of racist behavior that bears zero resemblance to the bigotries of old. I call this anti-social racism. I know nothing about the student or his motivations (and, yes, I’m almost certain it was a “he”), but I have witnessed or heard stories about similar behavior in children before, and the behavior stems from very different roots than the racism of the past.

The starting point in understanding this incident is that in all probability the student knew that racism was wrong. He did not learn the racism at home. Even Mungo acknowledges that the parents were embarrassed — as they had every reason to be. We do not know from the article how loudly and ostentatiously racism was condemned at home, but it certainly was condemned at school, as it is in mainstream media, as it is in the social media that school kids absorb, and as it undoubtedly is among most Menchville High school students. If a school kid commits a racist act today, it is almost by definition an anti-social act — spitting in the eye of established social norms.

I would further conjecture that the 10th grader in question is dealing with emotional issues of some kind. He’s an adolescent! Perhaps he is socially awkward. Perhaps he has trouble fitting in. Perhaps he has been bullied. Perhaps he suffers from anxiety or depression. I don’t know, but it would be worth finding out.

To repeat myself: no level of emotional turmoil justifies engaging in racist behavior. Parents, teachers and other adult authority figures need to set clear boundaries for acceptable behavior. But it behooves us to understand where the behavior is coming from.

Anxiety, depression and other forms of mental illness are epidemic in the current generation of school children. We will see more anti-social behavior. Paradoxically, the more we talk about race, the more we elevate race as the primary source of personal identity, the more we treat racists as outcasts, I predict, the more outcasts will use race as a way to express defiance of social norms. We cannot tolerate the behavior. But it is important not to confuse bananas in the doorway with the racism of old. It is a new phenomenon and we must find new ways to deal with it.

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97 responses to “Racism as Anti-Social Defiance”

  1. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    The admonition to not confuse contemporary racist conduct with that of old is reasonable advice. There may be degrees of difference or relevancy. That advice, however, is of little consolation to the target of the conduct and community. At the same time, the incident speaks to the endemic persistence of racism, even if only and poorly justified as anti-social. However the student may have rationalized his actions, the community should not and cannot. If suspension from school is unacceptable, what remediation is appropriate? As Bob Dylan inquired, how many times must a man turn his head. The teacher experienced six incidents. The student’s persistence may be more than anti-social—he appears not to have been at all confused.

  2. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    Sounds as if the school acted appropriately. Assuming Junior didn’t have a good explanation for why he left a banana—multiple times—in front of the door of a Black teacher, he needed to be punished. Junior certainly knew what he was doing was wrong. And it was wrong enough to warrant suspension. But I wouldn’t call the cops—unless we want to put a black mark on Junior’s record that would follow him forever. And none of us should want to do that, based solely on some stupid actions with bananas.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Indeed. Not all crimes are statutorily illegal or subject to legal sanction. Some social offenses, nonetheless, are crimes.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yeah, apparently things like inducing a miscarriage is murder even without a law…

  3. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    We live in a fallen world, and this is not a “hate crime.” (Aren’t all crimes some version of doing wrong?)
    In the sane world I grew up in, the parents (yes, two) would discipline the child – sometimes soap was applied to teeth and other times a belt was applied to the butt.
    JAB is likely correct that there is something else going on with the kid, but I don’t necessarily agree the culprit is a “he.” Is JAB a biologist? How can he (oops, there it is again!) know? I mean if the first black woman Supreme (apologies to Diana Ross, Florence (?) Ballard and ____ (?)) doesn’t know what a “woman” is, how can JAB? He clearly did not go to HAAAAAAVAHD or Yale, so he should just STFU!
    (Also, seen Mean Girls? But I agree culprit most likely had the male appendage)

  4. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    Well written and balanced, Jim.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Yes, “there are good people on both sides.” James is one of them.

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I took a look at Menchville High’s student rights and responsibilities hand book. They have a 5 level system for determining how administrators respond to discipline issues. I have to assume that the infraction triggered a Level 3 response which includes a short term suspension. Parents have a procedure to appeal the suspension. Interesting that gambling, forging documents, cheating, telling a lie, and inappropriate contact are a less severe Level 2 response.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I published the BOE guidance below.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Turns out to be a 2 day suspension. The race of the student is not identified. The race of the teacher is identified. No mention of a student confession of guilt or if there was sincere contrition offered by the student to the teacher. Not so sure if legal action from Mr. Mungo is going to make this matter any better.

    2. Given the tenor of race relations today, I’d say a two-day suspension was appropriate to the offense. Hopefully, the kid will learn a lesson.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        I agree. Based on the 5 level response system used by the school the punishment was appropriate. It is too bad that this went unchecked for a number of months.

  6. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Racism is racism. Calling it anti-social is just prettying it up.

    I doubt if this kid is alone in his attitude. Surely, others knew who was leaving the banana. If he did not absorb his racist attitude at home, he got if from where kids absorb most of their ideas–his peers.

    I find it interesting that you are stretching to find all sorts of mitigating explanations for this behavior. Perhaps he has “emotional issues of some kind.” Maybe he has trouble fitting in or socially awkward. Maybe he has been bullied or suffers from anxiety or depression. You declare, “Anxiety, depression and other forms of mental illness are epidemic in the current generation of school children.” We should not condone this behavior, but, according to you, “it behooves us to understand where the behavior is coming from.” I hope that attitude also is applicable to the students in a Title I school whose behavior you recently described.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I agree. It’s normalizing racist acts as “anti-social”.

      what if it were a noose instead of a banana?

      same response?

      I’d love to hear someone explain the difference.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        To the “Southern Man”, one is just good natured funnin’ and the other is a fruit.

      2. Larry, you continuously push the boundaries of absurdity and irrelevance, imputing meaning that no fair-minded person would ascribe to what I wrote.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Look around you JAB, not just me. It’s you excusing racism – again.

        2. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Several responses found your evaluation to be weak and your protective inferences beyond the pale.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            So an appeal to authority (the authority being the quartet of racist f’s who call others racist’s).

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Not “prettying it up”. Whitening it.

      1. The usual snarky slander. Contributes nothing to the conversation.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Slander? Wouldn’t this be libel? BTW, you should take snark more seriously.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            confusion here. “prettying it up” is about the narrative not the person, right?

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I think JB was referring to “whitening”.

    3. Dick, I’m surprised by your suggestion that I am “stretching to find mitigating explanations” for the kid’s behavior. What is it about the following that you didn’t understand?

      “Let me make it 100% crystal clear that (1) I sympathize with Mr. Mungo for the indignity he suffered; (2) such behavior cannot be condoned or tolerated; (3) some kind of chastisement for the child is in order; and (4) it is a sad commentary that such behavior still occurs in our day and time. ”

      “To repeat myself: no level of emotional turmoil justifies engaging in racist behavior. Parents, teachers and other adult authority figures need to set clear boundaries for acceptable behavior.”

      “The more we treat racists as outcasts, I predict, the more outcasts will use race as a way to express defiance of social norms. We cannot tolerate the behavior.

      In the post I argued that this is an emergent form of racism not connected to the bigotry of old. Trying to understand the origin of behavior is not to excuse the behavior.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        this is the more polite version of ” Larry, you continuously push the boundaries of absurdity and irrelevance, imputing that no fair-minded person would ascribe to what I wrote.”

        JAB continues to excuse racism ”
        “The more we treat racists as outcasts, I predict, the more outcasts will use race as a way to express defiance of social norms. ”

        and the answer is ? re-cast it as anti-social behavior?

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        Sorry, but it seems like the same kind of bigotry that has been around for a long time–just a less open way of expressing it.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Seems like?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Dick nailed it. We’ve played this silly and wrong game for a long time – ever since Jim Crow and “desegregation”. and it continues with some now claiming it’s merely ‘anti-social” due to personal issues.


      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        “The more we treat racists as outcasts, I predict, the more outcasts will use race as a way to express defiance of social norms”

        Welcome to conundrumland. The more you treat racism as “boys will be boys”, (as you appear to be wont to do) the less racists become outcasts and more racism becomes the norm.

      4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “Let me make it 100% crystal clear that (1) I sympathize with Mr. Mungo for the indignity he suffered; (2) such behavior cannot be condoned or tolerated; (3) some kind of chastisement for the child is in order; and (4) it is a sad commentary that such behavior still occurs in our day and time.”

        What was your next word again….? “But…”

  7. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    When one considers the seriousness of a shooting and death at Menchville High in December of 2021, this banana saga is very small change. Something is deeply wrong at this school.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      The moderator insists the “wrong” is merely individual anti-social acts not institutionalized or systemic. So, there cannot be anything wrong at the school.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Oh, and your are an “ideologue’ if you point this out.

  8. Fred Costello Avatar
    Fred Costello

    I hope they interviewed the kid to determine his motive, then talked to him about being kind and considerate.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Imagine if the response were to put him with the teacher and his family for a week, living in the house, hanging out with the kids if any, and finding out – gee, the differences really are only skin deep!!

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Imagine if the response were to put him with the teacher and his family for a week, living in the house, hanging out with the kids if any, and finding out – gee, the differences really are only skin deep!!

      The idea that there are shades and grades of racism borders on the absurd. No, this kid (and I still think he had mates involved) didn’t lynch anybody. But the bottom line assumptions of “difference” and “inferiority” and thus it is okay to abuse somebody are the same.

  9. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    Sauce for the goose …

    I have written about the crackdown on out-of-school suspensions in Virginia schools. The Board of Education made a huge deal of it last year.

    Go to https://www.doe.virginia.gov/support/student_conduct/index.shtml
    and download the 2021 Model Guidance for Positive and Preventive Code of Student Conduct Policy and Alternatives to Suspension.

    Go to page 87 ALTERNATIVES TO SUSPENSION: Guidelines for the Reduction of Exclusionary Practices in Virginia Schools:

    Short and long-term suspensions and expulsions are exclusionary discipline practices that remove students from their regularly scheduled instructional day for any time between one to 365 days. “Suspensions, expulsions and other exclusionary discipline policies and practices can be detrimental for school climate and can negatively impact student learning and social and emotional development.”

    The detrimental effect of suspensions and expulsions on students and on school climates led the 2017 General Assembly to enact several changes. Senate Bill 829, amended the Code of Virginia § 22.1-16.6 directing the Board of Education to “establish guidelines for alternatives to short-term and long-term suspension for consideration by local school boards.”

    This incident apparently resulted in an out-of-school suspension. No distinction was made in the story.

    For the purposes of § 22.1-277 https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title22.1/chapter14/section22.1-277/ Suspensions and expulsions of students generally and §22.1-277.05 of the Code of Virginia, “aggravating circumstances” shall mean:

    1. That a student engaged in misconduct which caused serious harm (including but not limited to physical, emotional, and psychological harm) to another person(s) or posed a credible threat of serious harm to another person(s), as determined by a threat assessment; or

    2. That a student’s presence in the school poses an ongoing and unreasonable risk to the safety of the school, its students, staff, or others in the school; or

    3. That a student engaged in a serious offense that is:

    – persistent (repeated similar behaviors are documented on the student’s disciplinary record), and

    – unresponsive to targeted interventions as documented through an established intervention process.

    Under those rules, I am unable to find any aggravating circumstances in this case. So why an out-of-school suspension if this indeed was one?

    1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
      Kathleen Smith

      Common sense prevailed. The board overthought.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        I agree. But if the races in this incident had been reversed?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Yes? Reversed? But then, what would you propose for the fruit? Lingonberries?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            not bananas? 😉

  10. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Assuming facts not in evidence, but its a fair assumption at that age, others were probably aware of what he was doing and joining him in the misguided laughter and egging him on. Something should be done to ruin their week and outrage their parents, too.

    It is actually well established that something about the undeveloped teenage brain just doesn’t perceive consequences in the same way as will be the case later (and some stick there). Hence the need for firm responses, punishments that actually get their attention. Suspension works for me. Raise up a child in the way he should go….

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Aka “spare the rod, spoil society.”

  11. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    Fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree. Unacceptable behavior. Anti-social or not. He would have been fired from a job. Suspension is really lax. Don’t overthink.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive


  12. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Second, to mangle a phrase from the old Oldsmobile ad, this is not your father’s racism. I think we are seeing an emergent form of racist behavior that bears zero resemblance to the bigotries of old.”

    It’s been less than 30 years since two white men in Georgia hanged a black man in a hate crime act, and just about 30 since 3 white Texans dragged Mr. Byrd, a black man, by chaining him to a pickup truck bumper. Since it was a pickup, it wasn’t an Oldsmobile.

    Maybe instead of bananas, it had been a rope, you’d not be so,… so,… white. Maybe.

    BTW, WAVY left Menchville HS a little mischaracterized. They called it “majority white”, and it is. It’s 37% white.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      On a fairly regular basis, it seems, a blog post author or a commenter in BR will say that we no longer have institutional racism but it’s rather acts of individuals.

      If that is so, then what is the responsibility of the school if the act is that of an individual?

      I don’t buy the Oldsmobile equivalence at all. Racism is still racism… and the Oldsmobile thing walks and talks like an attempt to recategorize overt acts of racism as “anti-social” behavior and in this case with all kinds of “what if” he had problems excuses.

      JAB seems incurable on this. Once we call things like this “anti-social” acts and normalize it , we’ll then claim we have a post-racial society but with some remaining anti-social problems…. lord…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Well, remember JB changed his dissertation when he discovered being white wasn’t an “asset”. That hole just gets deep.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I forget, did he say “African Studies” or “African American Studies”?

          or did I not read it right?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Does it matter? It could have been DE&I, or basket weaving. It was the presumption of white as an asset.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            I did wonder if that experience changed him from that time forward…

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Clearly not. This article, for example.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            well maybe he would not have written it (and others) if he had been treated nicer?

      2. Yes, individual acts of racism do occur. But that does not mean racism is “systemic.” Only an ideologue could think the two statements are incompatible.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Did I say systemic? Are you “distorting” here?

          What I DID SAY was that I’m not buying the “normalizing” of racism as just another anti-social act.

          As if he had “problems” that were at the root of it that, for instance, caused him to be rude or a bully, etc.

          We call out racist acts because they do have a long history associated with prior societal racist acts and racism both individual and institutional.

          We do not normalize them as equivalent to other anti-social behavior and we don’t excuse it for “problems” the person committing those acts.

          We condemn it – period – no matter the “cause”. It’s 100% unacceptable.

          We know all too well what happens if it is not called out. There are others who will do it also – because the reality is when we say “individual” , it does not mean only one person – there are STILL more than a few who still feel this way. White nationalism, white supremacy is REAL and still with us even as we claim it’s individuals and not institutions.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          If multiple individual acts of racism occur in a school – and the school does little about it – are they still “individual” acts ?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Multiple? If they do nothing about even ONE…

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            might be some confusion over “systemic” vs “institutional”?

            so was Charlottesville an example of “systemic”?

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Which part?

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            well… uh… the bad part? 😉

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            And this opinion piece is James way of saying, “good people on both sides…”

        3. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          The suspension kept it from becoming systemic.

          If I have you correct, you felt something less would have been appropriate? BTW, if it’s any consolation, this kid will probably become a full-fledged racist now. He will “blame the system” and how they’re out to make an example of him, just like the 3 goobers in Georgia, and the cops in Minneapolis.

        4. LarrytheG Avatar

          If individual acts of racism are widespread and essentially condoned by government or authorities/leaders – then does it actually become “systemic” with multiple individuals engaging in it?

          In other words, even if there are laws on the books or rules in a school but are not enforced , will multiple others be also so inclined also commit racist acts?

          They did in the past and will do so now if there are no or few consequences for it.

          This kid demonstrated that on multiple occasions.

          Throwing around pejoratives like “ideologue” word does not change the realities of decades of systemic racism practiced by individuals who did not fear consequences for their acts until laws were enacted and enforced.

          As said earlier – if that kid were employed somewhere (or a co-worker) and did that, he would be fired but in the past, he would not have and, in fact, there actually were workplaces and institutional cultures of it – as has been claimed about places like VMI (and the US military and corporations like Denny’s) where the leaders claim it was not there but evidence collected from workers/students indicated otherwise – in fact, systemic in the workplace.

          Systemic can be a culture of multiple individual acts of racism condoned or tolerated by those in charge and no, it’s not at all “ideologue” to point that out.

          That’s how racism has typically “worked” over the decades – i.e. what individuals do regardless of the law or rules if they are not enforced and others so inclined follow suite if there are no consequences.

          There continue to be racists among us who will continue to commit racist acts if they feel they can get away with it and/or have others who want to assert that such acts are merely anti-social, not really racist attempting to normalize racist behaviors.

      3. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        One stupid kid = “institutional”
        Hey, you know what Lar? Black ppl can be “racist,” too
        So can “Asians” and all ppl…
        You wanna who the worst ppl are? Educated/elite types who look down on the uneducated. You know…the truck drivers, your HVAC guy, the construction workers, etc, who pretty much make the country run on a day to day basis and without whom the laptop class would not have the physical necessities to spout their stupidity…
        Oops… I forgot … the “unvaccinated” – the new “Jews” for you Nazi types… (yeah, I was being provocative on purpose)

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          It’s MORE than one stupid kid though. Are you familiar with the folks that showed up in Charlottesville? All individuals and talk about looking down on others… true?

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Oh…so in a country of 330 million… a few hundred – what? Racists? White nationalists? Aryan Brotherhood? show up – 5 years ago – and are vastly outnumbered by a huge crowd (and probably the Antifa types in the crowd) – and there aren’t similar black groups, and Muslim groups, etc? (Not aware of an “Asian” group though outside of Muslims…the killer Hindus!)
            Meanwhile, every day, black on black crime occurs in numerous hellhole Dem controlled cities and more black on white crime occurs than should proportionally. Is that all “racist?”
            I think you Leftie types must actually hate black people. You are fine to welcome in millions of unskilled laborers (in the hope you won’t have to work so hard to steal elections in the future) who suppress wages at the lower levels, which disproportionately hurts blacks, and then you are captive to the teachers’ unions, who don’t give a bowel movement about actually teaching the kids (again, disproportionately hurting the black kids) and then all the fentanyl coming in, which seems to not discriminate and kills lower economic class blacks and whites, but we need to care about the Russia/Ukraine border.
            You guys are a joke.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            you think what, a few hundred?

            Oh Asians are afraid also – they’re attacked frequently , no?

            black-on-black? why is that related to racism?

            Hey – do you think the latest SCOTUS thing is about meritocracy or what?

            Haven’t heard you opine on that.

            Got a view?

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Larry – you know nothing. Do you get the daily DNC talking points, or do you get yours from MSDNC?
            No, the great Asian violence is, again, sadly, predominately blacks. But the greatest victims of crime, proportionately, are blacks, disproportionately by other blacks.
            You don’t want to know about KBJ. Doesn’t relate to the story.

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            They fear threats because of people like you stoking fears. And they say that violence against them is increasing because the “news” reports it is. 100% of Liberals believe January 6 was an insurrection and that Trump voters are dangerous. All that proves is Lefties are “easily led” (you know, like those stupid icky religious people!)

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Hmmmm…. Stop AAPI Hate…says more crimes… And biggest rise in 16 cities….
            Hmmmm…. What could be going on? Besides doubting the neutrality of the group doing the study, who is committing the crimes? And are there any extenuating circumstances, like lockdown?
            Guess what, Lar – I bet, if you studied it, you’d find a rise in crime against all groups as crimes rose…just magically, and had nothing to do with lockdowns (and probably you racist Lefties, increasing racial divide for money and power). I’m not denying anything – I actually look at all the facts and don’t just repeat narrative du jour…

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            facts? uh huh… HATE crimes against Asians are UP – that’s a fact but you’re basically denying it and claiming “facts” and it’s your defense that Asians should fear “liberals” … Hate crimes are real guy and they are committed by those who are already racially “divided”.

          7. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Larry – all crimes were up. Against all people. A rising tide of crime lifts all (bogus statistic) hate crimes. How many crimes are committed out of love?
            Hey, you think the organization STOP AAPI Hate…might start with a pre-conception of AAPI Hate?
            Do they track crimes against “whites?” How come the disproportionate amount of black perp white victim is not automatically classified as a hate crime?
            All crime was up?
            Lockdowns. Broken families. Basically, everything you Lefties advocate…makes everything worse.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            Once again, you are evading the facts and realities.

            Asians have been attacked in the US more so than normal after Trump started blaming China for “Kung Flu” and his supporters did their thing.

          9. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            How is your unicorn farm doing?
            When did the aliens do the probe?
            What if the Kung Flu was made in China? Would it be OK to commit hate crimes then? IS Trump causing cancer? Why is Trump causing inflation? You do not live in reality. You see what you want to see and nothing can dissuade you from your false religion.
            Maybe “Asian” victimhood went up because crime went up and had nothing to do with Trump (probably true assertions of China lab origins of the WuFlu, funded by Dr. St. Fau(x)ci) saying it originated in China, because it did, and the crimes went up because of the authoritarian, illegal, counter-productive lockdown policies so loved by you tolerant, science-following, not knowing what a woman is Leftists.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          It was the act of an individual (small number). It was punished by the institution. Had it been excused so quickly as many here advocate, it would have become systemic.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Oh, the slippery slope theory. Thanks. Glad to know you acknowledge the reality. Can we reverse the legalization of pot now? (Another Leftie program harmful to black kids, but dressed up as fake compassion to reduce arrests…)
            You know how to virtue signal…you just don’t know how to do the virtue…and that’s the most important part… (apologies to Jerry Seinfeld)

        3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Is the GOP (now ex-) chair of the Electoral Board in Hampton “institutional” enough for you? These, btw, are just the ones saying the quiet part out loud…

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Is Joe Biden enough for you?
            Is the tyranny of low expectations all you Lefties have for blacks enough for you?
            You guys are the racists. And you are in charge of all the institutions. So, if you mean that systemic racism is because of your racist policies, then I agree.
            Now go bother other people with your usual stupidity.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I see, you can’t even bring yourself to condemn a GOP official calling for public lynchings… not unexpected…

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Since I have not heard of the event, it would be hard to condemn it. I don’t need to condemn lynching. It is already against the law. I am for following the law. If I don’t condemn a speeding ticket, do I support it? Get a life. Let’s go look at each and every one of your failings and each and every one of the failings of each and every one of your Leftists heroes and all the people on the Right you hate. That should keep you occupied condemning until you die and spare us your waste of time answers. Start condemning!

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll
          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            And he should have been fired. And he was. So what is your problem?
            Oh, that’s right. Only Republicans are held to standards. Do the same to “your” people. See how easy that is?

    2. Really, you want to equate bananas with a modern-day lynching? You are beyond parody.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        And, sadly, you’re not beyond excusing racism. It’s not your father’s Oldsmobile. It’s your 5x-great grandfather’s racism.

  13. Larry, Nancy Naive and fellow travelers who so loosely throw around accusations of racism are, in fact, the real racists. They consistently apologize for policies and rhetoric that (a) have boosted the murder rate of African-Americans, leading to dozens of additional deaths here in Virginia each year, (b) have erased 30 years or more of K-12 educational progress for poor African-American kids, and (c) loaded up African-American kids with crippling college debt they can never repay — just to mention major themes explored on this blog. Judged by real-world results, they are in the same league as Lester Maddox and George Wallace. They don’t care about real people, they just care about upholding their ideology, sneering at others, and never admitting they’re wrong…. about anything.

    Basically, all their arguments come down to this: You’re racist.

    Pathetic. Truly pathetic. One day history will look back upon their ilk with the same scorn now directed to enslavers and segregationists as having heaped endless disasters upon African-Americans.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      “Ma! They’re being mean to me!”

      Oh boo hoo! You’re damned by your own words. This whole article could be condensed to half of a sentence, “I’m not a racist, but…”

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      “Ma! They’re being mean to me!”

      Oh boo hoo! You’re damned by your own words. This whole article could be condensed to half of a sentence, “I’m not a racist, but…”

      Fine job of projecting you’re doing there at the end. Yes, because taking down monuments to America’s slavers and defenders of slavery and Jim Crow is EXACTLY what Maddox and Wallace would have advocated. Hitler! Hitler, James. You should compare us to him next.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I am sure David Dietrich was also just a disturbed youth…

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Well, ya gotta love his view that our only position is to call him a racist, and then he proceeds to compare us to Maddox and Wallace. All the while his position on civil rights, CRT, anti-racism, and DE&I measures are the creation of black communists…

          The consumate racist position is that not only are solutions presented by the minorities always wrong and unAmerican, but his are always right.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s been a theme in BR from JAB for quite some time – he’s just become more and more assertive about it.

            It’s your basic white supremacy IMHO.

            and yes, in lockstep with the claims that racism is overblown – he blames those who have fought against racism for failing to fix it, in fact, are the cause of it.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Remember Larry, that no matter our station in life, nor our demeanor, somewhere in a deep recess of our souls, we are all bat$#!^ crazy. Nuts, if you prefer.

    3. LarrytheG Avatar

      No one is “throwing around lose accusations of racism”.

      You ARE defending it as “anti-social” guy.

      And what, pray tell, does that have to do with murders and K-12 and crippling college debt?

      You sound like Walter! It’s all one big thing!

      You KNOW what IS pathetic? Racism and white supremacy and trying to characterize it as anti-social behavior and then in the same breadth dredging up totally unrelated issues involving efforts to stop racism and help those who have been harmed by it because has not succeed 100% yet in part because racism and white supremacy still exist in society.

    4. LarrytheG Avatar

      The premise that blacks have not made progress is false:

      ” They consistently apologize for policies and rhetoric that (a) have boosted the murder rate of African-Americans, leading to dozens of additional deaths here in Virginia each year, (b) have erased 30 years or more of K-12 educational progress for poor African-American kids, and (c) loaded up African-American kids with crippling college debt they can never repay — just to mention major themes explored on this blog. Judged by real-world results, they are in the same league as Lester Maddox and George Wallace. ”

      major progress has been made but blacks have not reached parity.



      It’s just untrue for JAB and Walter to keep saying it.

  14. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Lets just flog the punk. 10 or 15 whacks with a cat of nine tails should teach a lesson he won’t forget.

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