Racial Check Boxes Out at UVa Admissions. Racial Life Experiences In.

by James A. Bacon

The University of Virginia will eliminate the race/ethnicity checkbox on admissions applications but will allow students to describe how their “personal experiences” — including but not limited to race or ethnicity — “shaped their ability to contribute,” announced President Jim Ryan in an announcement emailed to the University community Monday.

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13 responses to “Racial Check Boxes Out at UVa Admissions. Racial Life Experiences In.”

  1. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Nothing will change.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      At least the admissions people have to read the application now.

      1. And creative writing courses will be in high demand at high schools.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Of course it will. It’ll just look the same.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    Verbatim from CharGPT …

    Prompt – Write a first person 200 word description of the challenges growing up as a Black man in Northern Virginia.

    “Growing up as a Black man in Northern Virginia was a journey fraught with both triumphs and tribulations. From a young age, I quickly became aware of the racial disparities that permeated every aspect of life. In school, I often found myself underrepresented and misunderstood, struggling to fit into a predominantly white environment that failed to acknowledge the richness of my culture. Teachers sometimes overlooked my potential, perpetuating stereotypes that limited my opportunities.

    Outside of the classroom, I faced a constant battle against racial stereotypes and microaggressions. Simple activities like shopping or walking down the street came with an underlying sense of apprehension, unsure if I would be judged solely based on my skin color. The fear of encounters with law enforcement lingered, as news of police brutality incidents elsewhere echoed in my mind.

    Despite these challenges, I drew strength from my community. The tight-knit bonds within our Black community provided solace and a platform for mutual support. We leaned on each other to rise above the hurdles and inspire change.

    As I reflect on my journey, I remain hopeful that my experiences have not been in vain. I hope to be part of a generation that dismantles systemic racism, creates equal opportunities, and nurtures an environment where every Black man in Northern Virginia can thrive without the burdens of prejudice weighing him down.”

    1. What’s next?

      Prompt – Write a first person 200 word description of the privilege you received growing up as a White boy among the plantation elite in Ol’ Virginny.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Kind of racist…but that’s the point, isn’t it?
        All white people are the same?
        All black people are the same, too, amirite?
        You know…just based on my limited life experience of dealing with government contracting…it seemed the affirmative action set-asides went to affluent/politically connected blacks…
        Is there such a thing as a privileged black?
        DEI is a hate-based poison, with the only goal being obtaining and retaining power. It’s not about making things better. And, oh, by the way, UVA will continue to break the law racially, but just more subtly…

      2. DJRippert Avatar

        Why even ask for essays when an AI product can write it in (literally) 2 minutes?

      3. DJRippert Avatar

        “As a White boy growing up among the plantation elite in Ol’ Virginny, I cannot deny the privilege that came with my upbringing. From a young age, I was exposed to a life of comfort and opulence, surrounded by vast lands and luxurious estates. My family’s wealth and social status granted me access to the best education, ensuring I received every opportunity to succeed in life.

        I was shielded from the harsh realities faced by those who toiled on our plantation. Their labor fueled our prosperity, but I rarely questioned the system that perpetuated such inequality. Instead, I reveled in the privileges bestowed upon me, unaware of the injustices that lay at the core of my privileged existence.

        The customs and beliefs of the time shaped my worldview, and I participated in a culture that reinforced the superiority of my race and class. It was only later in life that I began to recognize the inherent unfairness of my privileged position and the systemic racism that perpetuated it.

        Looking back, I acknowledge the responsibility that comes with privilege, and I strive to use my voice and influence to challenge the injustices that persist in society. Understanding the past allows me to work towards a more equitable future, one where privilege is not determined by the color of one’s skin or the circumstances of their birth.”

        1. Well done.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Was this the essay on your UVa application?

  3. Not Today Avatar
    Not Today

    Who didn’t see this coming. Schools aren’t going to define merit by test scores and GPA alone.

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