Racial Bean Counting for Dominion’s Offshore Wind Project?

by James A. Bacon

Dominion Energy  expects to create 900 construction jobs and support 1,100 employees in ongoing operations for its proposed $9.8 billion offshore wind farm. Hundreds more jobs could be created if, as hoped, companies in the wind power industry begin manufacturing components and providing ancillary services in Hampton Roads.

As part of its wind farm initiative, the utility has created an economic development plan for maximizing investment and job creation in Virginia and ensuring that the benefits are shared broadly, including with veterans and “workers from historically economically disadvantaged communities.” The plan says the company will engage with economic development authorities, business trade organizations, workforce development groups, and “minority civic and business organizations.” It even plans to collect data on the number of women, veterans and minorities employed by suppliers with contracts over $500,000 in value.

But that’s not good enough for the Virginia Chapter of the Sierra Club. “Dominion’s Plan is not sufficient to meet the diversity, equity, and inclusion targets” outlined in the state code, says Mark Little, co-founder of CREATE in State Corporation Commission testimony on behalf of the Sierra Club.

Little wants Dominion to set “ambitious, progressive targets” on the number and percentage of employees to be hired by sex, race/ethnicity, and veteran status, collect detailed statistics on the demographic composition of the hires, and publish updates every six months. Furthermore, Little says Dominion needs to make “structural changes” such as hiring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion officers to execute its vision.

I have no idea how the SCC will respond to calls for compelling Dominion to embrace an energy policy that is not only environmentally sustainable but “socially just.” But Little’s testimony provides insight into how the environmental and social-justice movements are fusing and the kinds of policies that could be in store for Virginia if woke environmentalists get their way.

While almost everyone would wish that the benefits of a massive economic stimulus like the wind farm would be shared widely, Little pays zero heed to the realities of labor markets in Hampton Roads and Virginia. A long-term goal, says Little, should be for employment to “reflect the demographics of the Hampton Roads region” — making no allowance for the specific skills required by the wind farm industry and its suppliers, or whether all demographic groups possess the educational credentials needed to acquire those competencies. Little never uses the “Q” word, but his testimony comes very close to calling for racial quotas and set-asides.

The Sierra Club has more than 800,000 dues-paying members nationally and 20,000 in Virginia. The organization now defines itself as a “diverse, inclusive movement that addresses the environmental and social justice issues in the United States.” With a “strong emphasis on environmental justice principles,” Sierra Club wants to ensure that offshore wind is developed in a way that is “fair, equitable, and beneficial to all Virginians.”

The Sierra Club hired Little, who is co-founder of the Chapel Hill, N.C.-based CREATE center, which articulates strategies for “building new wealth in distressed communities.” He also is a policy fellow at the E Pluribus Unum Fund, an organization that focuses on “advancing equity and addressing systemic racism in the American South.”

The Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind Project (CVOW) and potential economic spin-offs from wind-power manufacturers and suppliers setting up shop in Hampton Roads represent a tremendous economic opportunity. (I defer discussion of the cost to ratepayers and impact on grid reliability for later posts.)

In its early stages the U.S. East Coast wind industry will be supported by Europe-based suppliers. To reach DEI goals in its economic development plan, says Little, Dominion needs to include “an ambitious timeline for a transition from EU-based Tier 2/3 suppliers to Virginia-based suppliers with preferences for veteran, local, and historically economic disadvantaged ownership.”

Clear, progressive, ambitious, annual targets for the construction and operational phases of the project should be set for the number of firms and total value of spend in each demographic category of contractors and suppliers. Targets for percentages of employees by demographic category should apply to the Company and to the entire supply chain for the CVOW Project.

Little’s testimony contains no acknowledgement that there is tremendous competition between states for wind-industry investment, that Virginia has no lock on the business, or what impact there might be on the site-location decisions of suppliers should racial quotas (call them what you will) be applied.

For the Sierra Club, the moral imperative of achieving “equity” — in this instance, employment parity and supplier-ownership parity by racial classification — is paramount. As Little testifies:

The Commonwealth of Virginia and the United States have a well-documented history of subjugation and extermination of Indigenous peoples, enslavement of Africans, and legal discrimination against Asians. Just by nature of its long history as [a] Virginia-based company, Dominion Energy’s own history is intertwined with this past. The CVOW Project is an opportunity to help address these historical injustices in a very direct way.

Little cites no specific examples of how Dominion may have discriminated against any minority group with regard to employment. According to the company’s website, the company has raised its “diverse” hiring rate from 28% in 2013 to 50% in 2020. Rather he says the company uses vague terminology that tells us nothing about hiring of specific racial/ethnic groups.

“I highly encourage the use of people’s racial and ethnic identities rather than “minority” or “diverse” which are ambiguous, misleading and nonfactual groupings with which no one actually identifies,” says Little. He wants Dominion to collect the geographic area (by zip code) and salaries of the veteran status, race/ethnicity, address, and salary of Dominion employees. He wants to collect data on recruitment, retention and promotion by race/ethnicity. He wants to track DEI training for managers and employees. And he wants to track the “cultural competence” of senior leaders and managers. For suppliers, he wants to know the value of contracts awarded and even the racial “ownership demographics” of companies invited to bid.

Little expresses hope that a “robust plan with vision, metrics, targets and clearly articulate strategies” is an opportunity for Dominion to create a “model of practice” to define the future of offshore wind in the United States.”

(Hat tip to Steve Haner for spotting Little’s testimony and forwarding it to me.)

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16 responses to “Racial Bean Counting for Dominion’s Offshore Wind Project?”

  1. VaNavVet Avatar

    Sounds like worthy goals for both parties and a balanced presentation by JAB with only one use of the term “woke”.

  2. Discrimination against ‘windmills of color’ is despicable.

  3. Will Vehrs Avatar
    Will Vehrs

    Just as most job training programs create jobs for job trainers, DEI and bean counting will mostly create DEI administrative and bean counting jobs. They will likely hinder construction rather than expedite it.

  4. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    What in heck is so objectionable about aspirational goals in economic projects? No one thinks the Sierra Club will prevail in its vision (especially with Dominion) but expressing such optimistic ideas is as American as Bacon’s Rebellion’s use of the term “woke” despite how boring its usage has become.

    1. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

      Race is a suspect category under the Constitution and America’s employment laws. I guess this proves the Sierra Club is basically racist.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      So 60 years of history and all they have to show for it is major bureaucracies that won’t ever go away. Sixty years later the complaints of inequality remain and are probably worse. Yeah, that worked.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        No, they are not worse. That’s not the truth. They ARE better but we still have not achieved as much as we need to.



        you guys continue to portray things as glass empty or glass full and nothing in between.

        the glass is not full but it’s a hell of a lot more full then empty.

        And the most important thing, we’d not have any progress as all if we listened to Conservatives… on these issues.

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Heaven forbid the Sierra Club spent its effort looking out for the sea birds that will be chopped into mince, the sea bottom that will be torn up and covered in cables and concrete and debris (probably to be left there forever) or the whales that may find the construction and operation a huge nuisance. We need to run one natural gas line out to the turbine field and suddenly actual environmental issues may interest Sierra Club again.

    Mr. McCarthy and the Navy Vet applauding demonstrate the political value of including this sidebar claptrap in the legislation as different voter blocks are bought off by different things. Why judge a project like this on silly unimportant things like need, reliability, cost, or prudence?

  6. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    I’m not sure how Dominion or any other company will be able to build industrial support facilities or windmill manufacturing facilities in Hampton Roads. Due to the minority populations that area is composed of Environmental Justice communities.
    The Air Board created a precedent when they denied the Buckingham Compressor Station air permit because there would be any increase in pollutants in an EJ community. Any new windmill facility in Hampton Roads will undoubtedly need either air or industrial stormwater permits which indicate there will be an increase of pollutants to communities already deemed to be over burdened due to environmental racism.
    I want to see if the Sierra Club and Southern Environmental Law Center will make those cases to protect the brown and Black citizens of Hampton Roads who are already overburdened with pollution. Or do they let “green” industries further environmental racism?
    See the EJ argument cuts both ways.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      What new major manufacturing units need and cannot get down there is natural gas. That’s why you won’t see significant WTG-related manufacturing in Virginia.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Have you got anything beyond marketing and promotional material to support that “need”?


  7. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    So what if there are good questions being raised about diversity and inclusion in the nascent off shore wind industry? After all, a lot of powerful firms such as Google, Amazon and Facebook that insist on renewable energy as they expand in Virginia embrace diversity. I mean, Newport News Ship is an important company but I don’t see it as a growth engine.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Nope, running hard just to stay steady with a challenged ship building budget.

  8. LarrytheG Avatar

    Just to review:

    ” On this date in 1935, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) was created.

    This organization helped provide economic relief to the citizens of the United States who were suffering through the Great Depression. Later that summer, it was followed by the Wagner Act which also influenced labor practice in America. Established by the Roosevelt administration, by the time it ended in February 1943, it had allocated 11 billion dollars and employed more than 8 million people. Jobs formed by the WPA included a variety of construction, clerical, professional, and artistic endeavors. The WPA came at a time of critical need for Blacks. The depression, while imposing hardships on people of all races and ethnic backgrounds, struck Blacks particularly hard.

    The WPA not only hired Blacks, its projects contributed to their well-being. WPA construction crews built and renovated hospitals, housing projects, schools, parks, playgrounds, and swimming pools in Black communities. Impoverished Black children and adults received free medical and dental care at clinics staffed by Black and white doctors employed by the WPA. Over 5,000 African American instructors and supervisors worked on the WPA’s educational programs. They taught a quarter of a million Black adults to read and write, cutting the illiteracy rate by 5 percent.”

    Most people do not think the WPA was a bad thing.

    A modern version of it – the Green New Deal has not been received as well.

  9. Merchantseamen Avatar

    God forbid meritocracy enter in to Mr. Little’s diatribe. What makes him or any other person think that a person that cannot bag groceries at $15 an hour can drive a screw at $25 an hour. It does not make a difference what color they are. Male or female….oh….wait.

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