Race, Disparities, and Reality

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Heather Mac Donald

by James A. Bacon

Statistical disparities between Whites, Blacks, Hispanics and Asians are at the root of the debate about race in America today. Other than a few powerless voices on the fringe of society, no one questions that racism is evil. With no one admitting to being racist, leftists have redefined racism. One strain of thought asserts that many White Americans are unconsciously biased, which affects their behavior in subtle yet malign ways. Another strand insists that America’s institutions are racist, which means that racism supposedly abounds even in the absence of discernible bias. The evidence for such propositions supposedly can be found in the wide differences between Whites and Blacks in income, education, health and other metrics of wellbeing. The existence of such disparities is proffered as proof of systemic bias and/or ineradicable flaws in our institutions.

The effect of this line of thinking is pernicious in so many ways. Perhaps the most devastating to American society and to allegedly marginalized minorities themselves is the corrosive impact it has on standards of merit and excellence.

Heather Mac Donald, a Manhattan Institute fellow, is perhaps best known for her takedown of racialist thinking on crime. But she has written extensively about the perils of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion as well. And in her most recent book, “When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives,” she explores how a monomaniacal focus on statistical disparities corrupts science, the arts, and public policy.

In an event co-sponsored by The Jefferson Council, Mac Donald will address the University of Virginia community 7:00 p.m. Nov. 9 in Charlottesville on the topic, “DEI and the Death of Merit.” You can register here.

There is a large and growing body of work by conservatives, libertarians and old-school liberals that shows how “progressive” thinking has decoupled from reality when it comes to race. No one makes that case more compellingly than Mac Donald, who wields a rhetorical Ginsu knife to slice and dice woke ideology with devastating logic.

Medical schools, she writes in her most recent book, have been wholesale coopted by the woke agenda. The sad fact is that fewer African-Americans and Hispanics than Asians and Whites have mastered the scientific concepts necessary to thrive in medical school. Unwilling to admit that the appropriate remedy is to seek ways to improve minorities’ preparedness before they get to medical school, the racialists have concluded that med schools need more social-justice awareness and a relaxation of standards to admit a broader demographic. While racial minorities might like being treated by physicians who “look like them,” Mac Donald suggests, those patients will suffer disproportionately from misdiagnoses and inappropriate treatment at the hands of doctors whose clinical knowledge falls short.

That minorities suffer the most from lower standards is a major theme of Mac Donald’s thinking. Another horrendous example is the banning of successful policing practices that brought the 1980s crime wave under control. Unjustified police killings of unarmed African-American men are a minute fraction of the number of homicides committed by African-Americans against each other, including scores of women, children and innocent bystanders. But the racialists, with media complicity, have used a handful of unrepresentative cases such as George Floyd’s death to generate mass hysteria, hobble the police and introduce criminal-justice changes of dubious value. The foreseeable result has been a spike in homicides concentrated overwhelmingly among African-Americans.

Mac Donald’s criticisms of DEI and criminology in her latest book are familiar to those familiar with her past work. The big surprise in “When Race Trumps Merit” is her passionate critique of racialism in high culture — opera, symphonies, ballet, theater, and art museums. If you thought that elite universities were the most woke institutions in America today, you know little about its elite artistic institutions. In Mac Donald’s descriptions ranging from the Julliard School to New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, America’s biggest names in the arts are mind-numbingly woke. Yet, despite unparallelled solicitude toward minorities, they arguably engender more bitterness and resentment than any other set of institutions in American society.

Fixated on the fact that only 1.8% of orchestral players are Black — and oblivious to the fact that Black musicians might be more attracted to their own rich heritage of gospel, blues, jazz, hip-hop and rap — leaders of these elite institutions have sacrificed standards of classical excellence to make room for more minorities. Yet, like those who lament the paucity of minority med school students, these guilt-ridden White elites do almost nothing to increase the participation of those minorities in classical art forms while they are young.

Upon reading “When Race Trumps Merit,” one is left with the impression that America’s academic and cultural elites are afflicted by a near-psychotic break with reality. The book does not paint an encouraging picture of America’s future. If there is anything heartening in what Mac Donald has to say, it’s that America’s critics are hopelessly deluded. Reality has a way of asserting itself in the end.

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12 responses to “Race, Disparities, and Reality”

  1. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Want to bet she won’t be allowed to speak as the Neo Fascist democrats show up and shut her down?

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Look who is carrying the tiki torches now.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” The sad fact is that fewer African-Americans and Hispanics than Asians and Whites have mastered the scientific concepts necessary to thrive in medical school. Unwilling to admit that the appropriate remedy”

    How about leadership in the military?

    or many other non-scientific professional fields?

    How does one admit there are, in fact, racial disparities –
    but then denies the causes?

  3. “Fixated on the fact that only 1.8% of orchestral players are Black…”

    My son was selected for regional orchestras when he was in high school. The percentage of Asians was quite noticeable.

    It’s important to note that when my son was doing it, judges could not see those auditioning. If memory serves, those competing were also numbered for judging to avoid any bias based on names.

    Link below for adults working in the field if anyone is interested in the topic.


    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Yes, the blind audition is what I remember. Didn’t help me. 🙂

      1. I auditioned at regional tryouts back in the early 70s. I was too lazy to audition with an instrument, though I did play one. I found I could be successful singing, without much preparation, so that’s what I did. All the fun, much less work.

        There weren’t many Asians where I lived at that time. The green eyed envy that I recall was for those who came from families with enough money for private lessons. I did not.

  4. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    McDonald and Thomas Sowell make compelling cases for dealing with the issue of racism which is being magnified by progressives who believe that most of what is called the American way is wrong and that only by following their philosophy can we get better.
    They are destroying the fabric of our country and promoting identity politics.
    Maybe Lenin was right about “useful idiots.”

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    OMG, the black kid playing third violin in the big city symphony only qualified through affirmative action! Some poor white girl had to settle for a second rate regional orchestra. This keeps you up at night, Jim?

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    “the “Ginsu knife” Remedy” . What was that again?

    I “get” we need to fix but unclear on what it is ..

    It would be most helpful if the folks who were most upset with advancing those who lack ability would regale us with the “fix”.

    And no, it’s not just STEM – it’s pretty much across the board for all major professional occupations.. STEM or not…

    so how do we “fix” those who grow up to be “unqualified” for college or meaningful employment?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Fire 50% of the central office bureaucrats in every school system and spend every dollar saved beefing up content, expectations and lowering teacher ratios in the most challenged schools. They are lost by third, fourth grade too often. Put it all there. Pay those teachers the most.

      It took us decades and decades of an ill considered war on poverty that was really a war on marriage to get to this place. I was interviewing young unwed mothers who admitted their economic incentives for getting knocked up 40 years ago, and they are probably all grannies now several times over. Whatever government subsidizes, you get more of it.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        so … do away with Medicaid for kids and women, the child tax credit, child care subsidies and TANF because they encourage having kids?

        If the folks who argued against affirmative action and advocated FOR “merit” ALSO articulated a “remedy” AND support for it THEN I’d give them due credit for NOT just advocating for “merit” and
        some fuzzy and unstated remedies…

        There’s a reason why black folks family wealth accumulated over generations is a fraction
        of white folks family wealth that goes way beyond govt policies to subsidize kids for poor
        women folk.

  7. Not Today Avatar

    Y’all are responding to paid, promotional content as if it’s academic in nature. It’s not. Don’t feed the (PAID) concern trolls.

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