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Quote of the Day. But First, Cue the Banjos

John Pierce, a Bristol resident and gun-rights activist, stepped into an elevator in the Capitol complex Monday and overheard a remark by Sen. Richard Saslaw, D-Springfield, the senate majority leader. The Bristol Herald-Courier quotes Pierce as follows:

“He turns to his companion and says, ‘You can tell we’re debating a gun bill today. Half the cast of “Deliverance” is in town.’ “

According to, Saslaw responded to questions with the remark, “How do they know I was referring to them and not the other side? … Some of those people must have one hell of an inferiority complex.”

Keep it up, Mr. Majority Leader, you’re digging yourself a deeper hole. Lucky for you, the people of Southwest Virginia don’t have a Rev. Al Sharpton to come down on you like he did on Don Imus. After a day or two of stories written by reporters who find the story more amusing than insulting, it’ll all die down and you’ll get a pass.
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