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EMR is trying to catch up now that TRILO-G is going out for Beta Review and the fourth printing of The Shape of the Future is about to ship to Amazon, et. al. First we will do a post on the other theme raised in Peters ‘Northrop’ post (Governance Transformation) to answer some questions and respond to comment there, then we will do a post on the new TTI report (meeting related to that this PM) since there seems to be some confusion, and finally a note on why it is foolish to expect a “recovery,” but first a quick question for Peter:

What is it about these Commonwealth-based food processing plants?

First it is peanut butter, now cookie dough. Three separate E. Coli strains in cookie dough from one plant?!?

Could it be that Virginia’s “business friendly” regulatory environment spills over and impacts federal inspections?

What occurs?


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