Questions McAuliffe Will Never Be Asked… But Should Be

Photo credit: Steve Helber/AP.

by James A. Bacon

Aspiring Governor Terry McAuliffe has referred to concerns about Critical Race Theory in public schools as a “right-wing conspiracy.” Likewise, the media has downplayed the CRT controversy roiling many school systems by dismissing CRT as an obscure academic legal theory that is “not taught in schools.” That response, of course, is a rhetorical dodge. Radical social justice doctrines, however you label them, are being pushed by the Virginia Department of Education, Virginia’s education schools, many school districts, in staff and teacher training sessions. and sometimes even in classrooms.

Susan Page of USA Today, moderator of the gubernatorial debate between Democrat McAuliffe and Republican Glenn Youngkin last night, missed a chance to pin down exactly what McAuliffe thinks about what is happening in Virginia schools.

Page pressed Youngkin on matters that might put him at odds with elements of his Republican coalition. What is his stance on abortion? Does he think Democrats will steal the election this fall? What does he think about vaccine mandates? All fair questions, to be sure. But, based on media accounts (I did not watch the debate) she failed to query McAuliffe about his views on the most sweeping overhaul of Virginia public education system since the dismantling of Massive Resistance.

Here are some questions she could have asked the candidates.

Do you believe that Virginia public schools are “systemically racist”?

Do you believe that Virginia’s public school system was “designed by whites, for whites”?

Do you believe that Whites benefit from “white privilege”? If so, please define what that privilege is and how it is illegitimate.

Do you believe that there is such a thing as “whiteness”? If so, how would you define the characteristics of whiteness? If they are attributes associated with academic achievement, please explain why Asian-American students excel academically more than Whites? Are Asian-Americans more “white” than White people?

Do you believe the world can be divided between “oppressors” and “the oppressed”? If so, do you believe that all White people are “oppressors” and all  “people of color” are “oppressed”? How do Asian-Americans, who excel academically, fit into that schema? Do you consider them to be “white adjacent”?

Do you believe that African-Americans and other “people of color” can be “racist,” or can only Whites be “racist”?

Do you believe that public schools should be reorganized around the principles of those who do believe the system is systemically racist, that Whites owe their higher socioeconomic standing to “white privilege,” that Whites are oppressors and inherently racist, and that “whiteness” is something to be decried?

Do you believe that the only effective way to remedy past racism against Blacks is to implement reverse racism against Whites?

Finally, will you continue Governor Northam’s K-12 educational policies if you are elected governor?

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39 responses to “Questions McAuliffe Will Never Be Asked… But Should Be”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    What the “media” should do. Ask right-wing canards and related conservative mythology. Yes indeed!

    It’s pretty clear – the question is do Virginians want Virginia to become like other RED states?

    Critical Race Theory – Well we taught lies about history for decades but we can’t tell the truth about it now because it would be “divisive”.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Tell the truth? My 15 year old son is not an oppressor … of anybody. That’s the truth.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        And I don’t think telling the truth about our history with racism claims that anyone is an “oppressor” either. Funny, how we could teach the Happy Slave for decades in schools named for Confederates and Enslavers and now we can’t tell the truth about it because it is “divisive”.

      2. He just has realized it yet…… give his teachers another year

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I think the concern, and it is valid, is that one set of lies (many lies of omission) will be replaced by another set of equally politicized claims, some also false, again with other selected omissions. The central claim of the 1619 Project that slavery is all you need to know about America, and slavery was the purpose of the 1776 revolution, is a political agenda — not history.

      If Jim thinks this the single most important issue, and so do others, that basically speaks to their priorities. I think that is a small group.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        I see the school board meetings in NoVa. Not long ago nobody went to a school board meeting. Now they are packed. Just a day or two ago the security guards and police cleared the Prince William County School Board meeting because the snowflakes on the board felt unsafe. Unsafe despite being protected by armed police. In fact, the con artists of that school board had no interest in defending their positions on CRT and made up an excuse to clear the voter-taxpayer-parents in attendance.

        I think this involves a bigger group than you believe.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          The question is – is it a bigger group than the usual Conservative ignorati?

          Will any Dems vote for Youngkin over CRT? How about independents? Maybe the independents that lean right?

          Is that enough for Youngkin to win or does he need more than that?

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          The question is – is it a bigger group than the usual Conservative ignorati?

          Will any Dems vote for Youngkin over CRT? How about independents? Maybe the independents that lean right?

          Is that enough for Youngkin to win or does he need more than that?

  2. I’d like to know what LarrytheG thinks is so awful about the way the history of slavery and race is taught in Virginia today, as opposed to 50 years ago.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      We don’t want to teach the actual history because it will be an “oppression narrative”,right?

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        “LarrytheG James A. Bacon • 9 minutes ago
        We don’t want to teach the actual history because it will be an “oppression narrative”,right?”

        I don’t think you’re aware of actual history as displayed by your comments on the topic.

        The fact that the 1619 project claimed that the Revolution was based upon slavery and slavery alone is pure and utter poppycock. The project went so far as to ignore their own fact checkers correction on that, which the fact checker also cautioned that would negate the entire work.

        Beyond that Brits didn’t end Slavery in the Caribbean until 1834, so the premise that the Dunmore Proclamation was indicative of the Brits position is bollocks.

      2. Duck

        1. Matt Adams Avatar

          His comment below is indicative of most of his comments.

          “LarrytheG tmtfairfax • 24 minutes ago
          didn’t think C-Span had commercials….

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      50 years ago I was learning Virginia history in Virginia public schools. About 1/3 of the class was Black. The teacher was Black. here were no stories about “happy slaves” or “the war of northern aggression” or the “lost cause”. It just didn’t happen. The teachers, the parents and even the students wouldn’t have put up with it.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Were there schools and roads named for Confederates and Enslavers? Were there memorials and statues to segregationists and slave owners?

        Did that happen?

        Was there such a thing as Massive Resistance where parents and grandparents of kids you went to school with were denied a public education?

        1. tmtfairfax Avatar

          What about the silence about the religious bigot who serves as our vice president?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Geeze TMT – what does that have to do with any of this?

          2. tmtfairfax Avatar

            You seem to be very worried about bigotry from the right but not concerned that the holder of our nation’s second highest office knowingly violated the Constitution because of her religious bigotry. Is bigotry wrong or only some?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            I worry about how it gets implemented into policy versus individual views that may be abhorrent but are not implemented as policy.

            compare this guy Miller to the VP.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    It’s pretty simple. Do we want an Amanda Chase or Corey Stewart types to be head of VDOE or VDH or the Medicaid Expansion or other major agencies of the Commonwealth?” No way!

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The silly season is well underway….

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        That’s was the essential premise in California. Do you REALLY want a GOP governor? HELL NO!


        Not a real problem in RED states!

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Indeed, it was clear last night that just like Newsom the entire Terry campaign is premised on hatred and fear of Trump, who is not on the ballot (and who most closely resembles the bombastic, grandiose and truth-challenged TMac himself…..) But Youngkin is neither Trump nor Larry Elder.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s not really Trump himself. It’s Trumpsters like Elder and Chase…

            Do you want those folks Governing or part of a governing administration?

            Who would Youngkin appoint to agencies like VDOE and VDH? Anti-CRTers and anti-vaxxers?

            Would he do what DeSantis and Abbot are doing on masks?

            What changes would he make to the Medicaid expansion?’

            What about climate change and sea level issues?

            Why isn’t he coming out with his definitive positions on these to show how he would actually be different than McAuliffe?

            Ducking….. hiding… evading….

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Sorry, JAB, but it is kind of difficult to take an editorial opinion on the debate seriously when the author states he didn’t even watch it.

    1. If the moderators asked any of the questions I posed in the post, please let me know. The WaPo certainly didn’t deem the answers worth reporting.

      1. tmtfairfax Avatar

        The Post is filth. Not much different than Pravda. Notice how its essentially ignored Mr. Wear-a-Mask’s not wearing a mask on train in violation of federal rules and his own rhetoric.

        I saw a commercial on C-Span this morning where a doctor is praising McAuliffe’s stand on masks. How can that a-hole doctor look himself in the mirror? Any physician with integrity would demand that his commercial be pulled.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          didn’t think C-Span had commercials….

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        Youngkin could have EASILY offered his views when he did have answer time. Done all the time.

        Why didn’t he proffer his own views even if the question was not asked?’

        Truth is – Youngkin doesn’t really want to reveal his actual philosophy – until he is elected.

        It’s a common GOP problem in blue and purple states… and you see it clearly in NoVa districts that used to be GOP and now are not.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      I did watch it live. All the cross talk and interruptions made it hard to take….CRT came up but everything that came up got the quick sound bite treatment, with the tight time constraints on a 60 minute broadcast (and the rude behavior). There was a specific question on CRT. A fair number of issues were covered, and Dr. Bob Holsworth, bless his heart, went right at Terry on Right to Work, and he totally ducked.

  5. “Seriously, Terry, who really killed Vince Foster?”


    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      He’ll never tell he doesn’t want to commit Arkancide.

  6. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Should of asked Terry the Toad about the millions in taxpayer dollars that the Chinese stole from VA while he was Gov. and Terry did nothing.

  7. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    No surprise. McAuliffe expects the moderators to, as Markos Moulitsas Zuniga of the Daily Kos said, starve any questions that could hurt Democrats of oxygen. And Page obliged. She knows what bubble she lives in—a progressive one.

    1. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      Youngkin might want to consider making the Virginia and DC media an issue. They’re clearly in the tank for McAuliffe. And, the American people have a very low opinion of the media.

      Youngkin can, for example, say that he’s not surprised that Page went easy on McAuliffe; he expected nothing less from a traditional MSMer like Page. Let Page convince the Virginia electorate otherwise.

  8. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    I met a nice young lady working as a cashier at the Food Lion in Marshall. A senior who has early release from school to go to work. She made an interesting comment. She has not had a normal year of school since the ninth grade. Can’t wait to punch it and be done with school. Seems like a person who would have considered college in normal times and now plans to directly enter the work force.

    Question for Teri Mac: How do you plan to compensate the seniors of the class of 2022 for a totally bankrupt high school career? How much is a high school diploma really worth in June of 2022?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Well, I’d like to hear Youngkins answer also.

  9. Donald Smith Avatar
    Donald Smith

    Hopefully Youngkin is tying McAuliffe to Biden, just as McAuliffe is tying Trump to Youngkin. Youngkin can cast himself as an outsider running against the Establishment—which, based on what we’re seeing in D.C., apparently thinks it can do whatever it pleases, the consequences be damned. (Have you seen the DelRio border underpass lately?) And, McAuliffe literally helped build the Democrat Establishment.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Yes, have seen Del Rio. NOW, I CHALLENGE you to say where these immigrants are FROM …. and how they got from where they are from to Del Rio…

      On the Biden/Trump thing..

      Youngkin needs lean Dem independents and pure unaffiliated Independents to win – right ? … so will he get them by going after Biden?

      All McAuliffe needs to do is scare the same folks off with Trump… so which tactic is more potent?

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