Public School Clubs: What Happened To Chess, Drama and Debate?

by Kerry Dougherty

Never mind that public school test scores are plummeting and that kids from coast to coast are falling hopelessly behind. The Biden Administration is focused on one thing: “inclusion.”

On June 21 the Department of Education issued a “toolkit” called “Creating Inclusive and Nondiscriminatory School Environments For LGBTQI+ Students.”

Included in the toolkit is the Biden Administration’s recommendation that “teachers and administrators help students establish Gender and Sexuality Alliances” in their schools.

Those are clubs, based only on sexuality. If your local high or middle school doesn’t have one yet, it’s coming.

Count on it.

At the risk of sounding like a fossil, I need to ask: since when do schools urge kids to start clubs on sexuality? What’s next, the Future Dominatrixes of America club? A Furry Fan club? A Pup Play club?

Enough, already.

Of course, students should be taught to be kind to each other, regardless of race, religion, appearance or sexual orientation. But many teens aren’t unsure about their sexuality. Why would the government nudge them in the direction of LGBTQ+?

I understand that schools cannot ban certain student-led clubs simply because some in the community may not approve. Case in point: Satan Clubs, which appeared in Chesapeake as a reaction to a student led after-school Good News Club.

But is the DOE pushing Satan clubs? Not yet, as best I can tell. Although I’m sure it would hold a certain appeal for some in Washington.

Does the DOE encourage drama clubs? Debate clubs? Chess clubs?

Not that I can tell.

We all know what’s going on. It’s not about safe spaces. Or inclusion. Every school should be a safe space for every kid.

It’s the word the left hates most: grooming.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited.

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17 responses to “Public School Clubs: What Happened To Chess, Drama and Debate?”

  1. WayneS Avatar

    I thought that was what the drama club was for…

    Joking! I’m JOKING!! What’s wrong with a little stereotype-based joke among friends?

    In all seriousness, though, I don’t see a big problem with the club itself at the high school, and possibly middle school, level. If there is enough student interest, then a ‘Gender and Sexuality Alliance’ can be formed, and will be successful. If not, then either the club will not be formed, or it will fail.

    I object to government officials, teachers and/or administrators encouraging students to form any type of club. Help with an idea for a club from a sponsoring teacher/administrator is one thing, but I think all school clubs should be by, of, and for, students.

    1. Not Today Avatar
      Not Today

      Most clubs are student led-initiated and have to SEEK an adult sponsor to be formed. The posters here simply refuse to accept that students WANT these clubs and are LEADING these efforts.

      1. WayneS Avatar

        My only objection is that for some bizarre reason, in the case of the ‘Gender and Sexuality Alliances’, one branch of our federal government has decided to insert itself into the issue.

        I would think our chief executive has much more important things to do.

        1. Not Today Avatar
          Not Today

          These kids haven’t ever met a branch of the federal government let alone had one (save SCOTUS) inserted in their personal affairs and, even then, wouldn’t recognize it.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    What do you expect from the Biden Administration?

    Biden’s combination of arrogance and senility is on permanent display.

    Yesterday, our demented Commander in Chief closed down the beltway during rush hour for a couple of hours so he could travel from the White House to Bethesda for a fundraiser. Traffic came to a complete standstill for hours. Why anybody would travel from 1600 Pennsylvania Ave to Bethesda via the Beltway in Virginia is anybody’s guess. But that doesn’t matter to the arrogant buffoon in the Oval Office and his jackbooted army of deep state Secret Service agents. There were rich libtwits in Bethesda to visit! To hell with the little people.

    While in Bethesda, Biden made this dementia addled statement …

    “Think about this,” Biden said. “If anybody told you — and my staff wasn’t so sure, either — that we’d be able to bring all of Europe together in the onslaught on Iraq and get NATO to be completely united, I think they would have told you it’s not likely.”

    The onslaught on Iraq?

    One could chalk it up to a slip of the tongue except that he made the following statement this morning:

    “[Putin’s] clearly losing the war in Iraq. He’s losing the war at home and he has become a bit of a pariah around the world.”

    Damn Russians. Fighting a secret war in Iraq as well as the war in Ukraine!

    The man is gone. If you look into his blank, soulless eyes you see the back of the inside of his head. There’s nothing there. He’s a lost cause.

    Asking why Biden’s Education Department is telling schools to set up sexuality clubs is a fool’s errand. If you asked Biden about the matter, he’d either arrogantly yell some gibberish about being a “dog faced pony soldier” or explain that high schools have Key Clubs and nobody collects keys anymore.

    Honestly, Kerry … until Biden is shipped off to the memory care facility where he belongs – what’s the point of asking about his administration’s actions? You might as well ask a doorknob why it’s round.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      Yesterday, our demented Commander in Chief closed down the beltway during rush hour for a couple of hours so he could travel from the White House to Bethesda for a fundraiser.

      I think it is inexcusable for the president (or anyone else) to intentionally subject the citizens of that area to the dangers, not to mention the inconveniences, of a major traffic backup just to attend a fundraiser for his political party.

    2. WayneS Avatar

      Yesterday, our demented Commander in Chief closed down the beltway during rush hour for a couple of hours so he could travel from the White House to Bethesda for a fundraiser.

      I think it is inexcusable for the president (or anyone else) to intentionally subject the citizens of that area to the dangers, not to mention the inconveniences, of a major traffic backup just to attend a fundraiser for his political party.

    3. VaNavVet Avatar

      So now it has defaulted to name calling once again. Is there no respect for the office left in the GOP? Doctor Rippert is on the case so never fear. BTW might as well demean the Secret Service too.

  3. LesGabriel Avatar

    I understand that schools cannot ban certain student-led clubs simply because some in the community may not approve. Your understanding might change the minute some students tried to start a Donald Trump Fan Club. Or a straight, white, male Club.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      Both of those are fine with me, as is a Kamala Harris fan club, as long as they are organized by students, and not the federal, state or local government.

  4. Andrew Buckles Avatar
    Andrew Buckles

    The FDA (Future Dominatrixes of America) and the FFA (Future Farmers of America) have a surprising amount of overlap. Roping, Riding, and Chaps all come to mind.

    1. Mr. Buckles, I hope your comment was made as a “tongue in cheek” type of comment. However, I would be remiss if I did not respond to your comment. As someone who has been around FFA people for about 30 years, first with my brother, then with my cousins and later with nieces and nephews, I have yet to see any “roping, riding and chaps” associated with FFA. Perhaps you were thinking of the various Rodeo clubs that are present in High School and College. Those types of clubs have plenty of “roping, riding and chaps”.

      1. Andrew Buckles Avatar
        Andrew Buckles

        1000% Tongue in Cheek and also speaking as a former member of the FFA.

    2. Not Today Avatar
      Not Today

      How is this comment still visible?

      1. WayneS Avatar

        Probably because it is clearly a joke.

  5. Not Today Avatar
    Not Today

    No one wanted to join your chess and debate clubs. The 1940s called. They want your ‘fun’ references back.

  6. VaNavVet Avatar

    This article is utter nonsense. These clubs have been around for decades only under other names. There is no “grooming” and it is demeaning for Kerry to even suggest so. Why is she so afraid of the LGBTQ community? Could it have something to do with concern for her grandchildren?

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