Courtesy of the BBC

by James C. Sherlock

A headline from the home page of Save the Children:

Climate Change Is a Grave Threat to Children’s Survival.” 

Climate change is thus not a “challenge.” Not a threat to children’s happiness. But rather a threat to their “survival.”

That is what children are being taught in many Virginia public school classrooms. Kids, being sponges, have learned that lesson, and are understandably severely depressed about it.

Parents and the Board of Education, take note. That cannot be allowed to continue.

For years, studies have shown the existence of psychological distress about climate change that has dimensions within feelings, emotions, cognition and behavior. That stress has been demonstrated to disproportionately affect young people.

The largest and most international study of climate anxiety in young people was peer-reviewed and posted in The Lancet in December 2021.

Regardless of one’s personal feelings about climate change, no caring adult would want, as revealed in that study, children feeling “very or extremely worried” (46% of children in the United States) or, worse, negatively affected in their ability to function (26% of children in the United States).

None would want near half or more than half of children reporting feeling “sad, anxious, angry, powerless, helpless and guilty” and “betrayed” about anything, much less a phenomenon that is measurable as a current event with which we are dealing but arguably is overstated by progressives as a future prospect.

Climate change can, and should, be taught to children. But it must be done without terrorizing them. That cannot be too much to ask.

Scaring children to turn them into political activists is child abuse per se.

It must stop.

Children do not come to such conclusions on their own.

When parents consider the unacceptable things their children are being taught in Virginia public schools, they normally first think of the lies they are being told about race and gender and entirely premature introductions into adult sex.

Those are of course part of the integrated agenda of progressives to change America fundamentally. They don’t care if they destroy it in the process.

The lessons being taught in our schools on climate change may be the most dangerous of all to the health of our children.

I reviewed the latest documentation on how earth science is to be taught in Virginia, VDOE Earth Science Instruction and Assessment Support Document August 16, 2022.

The full implementation of the 2018 Science Standards of Learning and the 2018 Science Curriculum Framework adopted by the Virginia Board of Education (BOE) in October, 2018 started this school year. But progressive environmental science teachers (how many are not?) jumped as soon as the new standards were published, if not before.

That linked document notes that among the changes from 2010:

Global warming is explicitly addressed in ES.12 of the 2018 Standards and was not explicitly addressed in the 2010 Standards; however, evidence of climate change was interwoven throughout the 2010 Standards and Curriculum Framework.

Greater emphasis on human influence on atmospheric composition and dynamics was added into ES.11.

That assessment was modest.

I find greater emphasis on human influence on the environment to be a defining difference from 2010 throughout the 2018 standards, not just in ES 11.

That change was absolutely crucial to the progressive narrative. If the left does not hold humans responsible, it cannot insist on controlling human activity.

Which is the progressives’ un-denied goal.

The linked document leaves no doubt in a side-by-side comparison of 2010 and 2018 standards that the Democratic BOE in 2018 moved hard left to push the progressive messages of climate change to children.

In 2018, standards were changed to require teaching that “the big bang theory explains the origin of the universe.” You know, the “firecracker” theory. It was as a secondary benefit especially useful to progressives to shame children raised in religious homes. Not a bug, but a feature.


NASA now believes that, thanks to the James Webb Space Telescope, the origins of the universe are much more complex than were explained by “big bang” as understood in, say, 2018.

Sixth Graders. Now let’s jump to ES.6. Environmental science and theory taught to 6th graders. That is where Virginia’s BOE Democrats in 2018 really found their legs.

A new ES.6 standard in 2018 was “global resource use has environmental liabilities and benefits.” Fair enough.

But why are we sure that letting a progressive teacher loose with ES6 will result in all “liabilities” and no “benefits” in global resource use.

And that a progressive description of liabilities will result in children feeling “very or extremely worried” and “negatively affected in their ability to function.”

Or that for many teachers, teaching “all energy sources have environmental and economic effects” will result in the lesson learned that carbon energy has all negative effects and “clean” energy has all positive effects. And that the downsides of the use of rare earth metals favored by progressives in the quest for clean energy might not make it into the conversation.

And why do we not find in the syllabus any lesson that requires discussion of the current instability and unreliability of green energy and the costs and challenges, both economic and environmental, of green energy itself and of disposing of its waste products.

We know the answer. Because that the left wants one narrative taught. And only one.

Bottom line. Even the American Psychological Association, itself radicalized, in its press release (read it – I rest my case on APA radicalization) issued in partnership with ecoAmerica included “tips for individuals” that, when they got to it on page 44, started with:

1. Build belief in one’s own resilience.
2. Foster optimism.

Reading the first 43 pages would not foster optimism.

I support the teaching of earth science in K-12, including climate change science. Meaning what we have observed.

I even support the teaching of climate change theory, as long as competing theories about long term effects and necessary and effective countermeasures are presented.

I support it as long as it presents the enormously difficult economic, physical and scientific challenges to the shift. And does not present those challenges as if they were solved.

I support it as long as in the teaching of earth science schools do not, as at present in many classrooms, teach “climate change is a grave threat to children’s survival.”

What progressive climate theory as currently taught is proven to doom is the emotional health of children. As actual science continually demonstrates.

Child abuse is a Class 4 felony in Virginia.

So stop it.

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115 responses to “Public School Climate Lessons Terrorize Virginia’s Children”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    What has occurred over the course of the last few centuries is a growing (but by no means universal or certain) recognition that science gets the job done, while religion makes excuses. Sometimes they are very pretty excuses that capture the imagination of the public, but ultimately, when you want to win a war or heal a dying child or get rich from a discovery or explore Antarctica, you turn to science and reason, or you fail. -PZ Myers, biology professor (b. 9 Mar 1957)

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I did not defend religious beliefs. I only observed that progressives find particular pleasure in teaching small children that their parents’ beliefs are not to be honored.

      Deny it.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I deny it! Prove that Virginia teachers include undermining the religious beliefs of their student’s parent’s in their curriculum. You won’t.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        You didn’t defend religious beliefs because you can’t defend religious beliefs.

        In 2000 years science has said, ” Oops, well that was wrong,” thousands of times; the Church, not once.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          You ask me to defend a church that I left.

          I’ll leave that to you, with the same story.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I would never ask you to defend the indefensible. At our age we should not be wasting time

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I would never ask you to defend the indefensible. At our age we should not be wasting time. Like foxhunting, an indefensible pursuit of the inedible.

      3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        I deny it! Prove that Virginia teachers include undermining the religious beliefs of their student’s parent’s in their curriculum. You won’t.

      4. Lefty665 Avatar

        “You know, the “firecracker” theory. It was especially useful to shame children raised in religious homes.


        NASA now believes that, thanks to the James Webb Space Telescope, the origins of the universe are much more complex than were explained by “big bang” as understood in, say, 2018.””

        Dunno what you call what you wrote, but you claim, with zero evidence, it was “useful to shame children raised in religious households.” That certainly has the whiff of “defending religious beliefs”.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          A “whiff”, Lefty?

          I mean exactly what I wrote.

          I even clarified it to meet your earlier comments.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Exactly, your “clarification” amplified what you said. It did not correct your error.

            It was wrong and unsupported when you originally wrote it, and it is still wrong and unsupported now.

    2. Science gets the job done until it becomes, itself, a religion whose pronouncements cannot be questioned, and those who question are viewed as heretics. At that point, science becomes worthless as a determinant of truth. The followers of Gore and Fauci are examples of true believers (see Eric Hoffer).

  2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    Robbing children of their childhood to create activists is perhaps the greatest sin of the progressive movement. They consider it their greatest achievement.

    There is no middle ground to be found.

  3. Exactly what would first-graders be doing, or have done, that is environmentally or socially unethical?

    In ES 1. “plan and conduct investigations to test design solutions in a safe and ethical manner including considerations of environmental, social and personal effects”

    1. And by what standard would it have been unethical?

      1. good question.

  4. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    This is “climate change” in one chart. With 0 degrees F as the baseline, this is a graph of NASA’s measurement of annual average surface temperature in F since 1880. A full 2 degrees F of change in 140 years. This is cause for us to cower in fear?!… Go ahead, click and expand for a good close look. It would be even harder to even SEE a difference over 140 years if the scale was in Kelvin, which starts at absolute zero, as it should be.

    Adding to the absurdity, the temp rise of 2 degrees F in 140 years is not uniform, of course, and in parts of the planet it has been flat or even declining. While of course CO2 dispersal is uniform….

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Terrorized? Terrorized? We were terrorized! To quote one of the Missiles of October participants, “We’ll lob a few nukes at them, they’ll lob a few at us, and cooler minds will prevail.”

      Our technology is being replaced for good reason. Fossil fuel is passe

      1. Yes, terrorized.

        We don’t need this kind of crap being taught to young children. It’s alarmist and inaccurate.

        “Top Climate Scientist: Humans Will Go Extinct if We Don’t Fix Climate Change by 2023”

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Keep trying, Eric.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Does that site support your claim somehow, Sherlock…?? Did it come from a classroom?

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          well, he’s shoveling for sure….

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            You are the Tom Brady of commenters on BR. I believe that is number 26,737. Your record is forever safe. Consider retirement.

      2. There are many potential dangers in the world, but adults need to be careful about how even real threats are portrayed to our youth.

        Pediatricians call for schools to end active shooter trainings that could traumatize students

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          I guess if they can all just open carry in school all their fears would be unwarranted, eh…? Good guy six year olds with guns is what we really need…

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          I guess if they can all just open carry in school all their fears would be unwarranted, eh…? Good guy six year olds with guns is what we really need…

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Ah, a diversion! Those were pediatricians making that request. Stay in the lane.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I wasn’t the one who brought up school shootings, Sherlock. Nathan is the one throwing diversions at you.

          3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            But you ran with it.

        3. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Santa? Satan? I agree. The active shooter stuff is junk. Train teachers, tell students.

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Santa Satan, what’s an anagram between friends?

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      This is the version of the same data as it might be used in a classroom, to make it look more scary. In fact, the instructor would ignore 1880 to about 1960 and just show 1960 to present to make it even more distorted. Erase that pesky post-war global cooling scare.

      That BTW is the AVERAGE, so a substantial part of any change over time will be the urban heat effect as our cities (you know, places where weather stations are) get more buildings, asphalt, concrete, AC condensers, diesel buses, airplane exhaust, etc….keeping the overnight lows from being as low as in the 19th C.

      1. how_it_works Avatar

        It’s amazing how much heat brick can absorb. It’ll still be warm an hour or two after the sun goes down.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “… so a substantial part of any change over time will be the urban heat effect as our cities (you know, places where weather stations are)…”

        Gosh… if only they thought about this like 20-some years ago or something…

      3. William O'Keefe Avatar
        William O’Keefe

        Well stated Stephen. Most people have little understanding to what temperature charts actually show and how data are collected.
        But the apocalyptics are on a roll and sanity and optimism are in retreat.
        Anyone who wants to take a serious interest in climate change should Stephen Koonin’s book Unsettled. All of his sources are either peer reviewed or the IPCC.

    3. Haner, you may want to consult your benefactors on updated rhetorical tricks. “Only 2° warmer, c’mon!” was old hat twenty years ago.

      Here’s a NASA article on how even small increases are harmful given how many different species in an ecosystem can only exist within a small temperature:

      Or how global temperature increases are not uniform, meaning specific regions are more impacted than others:

      Do me a favor and trot out something a bit fresher next time.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Nope. All nonsense. There is no climate crisis. There is almost no climate change. Humans lived thru ice ages and you’re terrorized by 2 degrees F? Birds adapt to climate change every winter! You up your game!

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            The whales!! Figured they would make a showing sooner or later! But no windmills to tilt at here so… “meh…”

  5. I do believe ideas like this have percolated to the K-12 public schools: Stanford University School of Sustainability Climate Change Education:
    Global climate change …
    * is unequivocal,
    * almost certainly is caused mostly by us,
    * already is causing significant harm, and
    * is growing rapidly.

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” Climate change is thus not a “challenge.” Not a threat to childrens’ happiness. But rather a threat to their “survival.”

    That is what children are being taught in many Virginia public school classrooms.”

    I agree with other commenters that you have made an assertion here and not provided concrete evidence that this is true.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Concrete? How about any?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Yep. But Sherlock is following a theme here in general. Coming to Virginia?

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        Yep. But Sherlock is following a theme here in general. Coming to Virginia?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Yeah, I saw that. It’s a double edged sword. Now, the State has to succeed.

  7. Lefty665 Avatar

    You raise legitimate concerns.

    However, you misrepresent findings from the Webb telescope. You are certainly free to believe in faith based origin stories. Nothing Webb has seen discredits current scientific theories of the origin of the universe or argues that religious creation stories should be taught in our schools.

    Webb has provided better views than we have had of the universe around 380k years after the origin some 13.8b years ago. Those views have enabled better understanding of early galaxies and early star formation. From the NASA article you linked: “The chemical elements of life were first produced in the first generation of stars after the Big Bang. We are here today because of them”. That is what the linked article describes and says. There is no “Oops” as you wrote stated or implied.

    Nobel Laureate Dr John Mather, author of the linked NASA article, has certainly evolved considerably from religious kook Cotton Mather.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I did not represent faith based views to be validated by the Webb telescope. I represented, or tried to, that progressives especially loved “big bang” because it made children of faith uncomfortable.

      I’ll re-look at my wording.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        How on Earth do you know the Big Bang made children of faith uncomfortable? Is that the same discomfort caused by allegedly divisive concepts? The very discomfort that results from learning something that challenges a belief or ignorance.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I fixed the wording to clarify.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        You added some words, but you did not change the meaning of what you wrote. That is a bug not a feature.

        Nor have you provided any evidence that progressives love the big bang because it makes “children of faith” uncomfortable. Consider the possibility that rational people, progressive or otherwise, accept the big bang because it is the best explanation we have of how it all started.

        Teaching science in our public schools is a benefit to both our kids and our country. We will not get the STEM engineers and scientists who are our hope for the future by teaching religious dogma or making it comfortable for those who believe it.

        Plus, it is prohibited by the 1st amendment. Fleeing state religious establishment and persecution is why some of our forefathers got here. We were founded on eliminating state religions. If that makes “children of faith” uncomfortable, so be it. That is a feature not a bug.

  8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “A headline from the home page of Save the Children:

    “Climate Change Is a Grave Threat to Children’s Survival”.

    Climate change is thus not a “challenge”. Not a threat to childrens’ happiness. But rather a threat to their “survival”.

    That is what they are being taught in many Virginia public school classrooms.”

    You jump from one headline at a website to the claim that this is what is being taught in Virginia schools then provided no evidence that it was ACTUALLY being taught in Virginia schools then close out by repeating your undemonstrated claim:

    “I support it as long as in the teaching of earth science schools do not, as at present in many classrooms, teach “climate change is a grave threat to children’s survival.””

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      OK, Eric. Got it.

      Only in Virginia schools is climate change not taught as a threat to human existence. That is an infinite number of standard deviations from the national mean, but go with it.

      I showed you the changes made by the uber-progressive BOE in 2018.

      I linked to what is being put out by the American Psychological Association.

      So go with your claim the only in Virginia are school children not being fed progressive dogma by some of the college environmental science students who now teach those classes in our schools.

      It’s all you have.

      Then ask yourself if you would scream bloody murder if the current BOE made the changes I have suggested to the SOLs. You know, changes to ensure that Virginia children are not terrorized as both the Brit worldwide study and the APA press release assure us they are.

      The rest of us don’t need to ask you.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      OK, Eric. Got it.

      Only in Virginia schools is climate change not taught as a threat to human existence. That is an infinite number of standard deviations from the national mean, but go with it.

      I showed you the changes made by the uber-progressive BOE in 2018.

      I linked to what is being put out by the American Psychological Association.

      So go with your claim the only in Virginia are school children not being fed progressive dogma by some of the college environmental science students who now teach those classes in our schools.

      It’s all you have.

      Then ask yourself if you would scream bloody murder if the current BOE made the changes I have suggested to the SOLs. You know, changes to ensure that Virginia children are not terrorized as both the Brit worldwide study and the APA press release assure us they are.

      The rest of us don’t need to ask you.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        wow! Sherlock has piled on the “evidence” here… geeze Eric… sounds like a serious challenge! 😉

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        But…are we reading reporting or journalism. Remember, Sherlock characterized as “extraordinary reporting” the article by Asra Nomani’s whose BR bio states she is a “ senior fellow in the practice of journalism.” Maybe Sherlock is practicing something.
        Happy St. Patrick’s Day — to the snakes no longer in the Emerald Isle.

      3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “Only in Virginia schools is climate change not taught as a threat to human existence.”

        Sherlock, you provided no evidence that “Climate Change Is a Grave Threat to Children’s Survival” is being taught anywhere, let alone in Virginia. You even said this about the BOE changes:

        “A new ES.6 standard in 2018 was “global resource use has environmental liabilities and benefits”. Fair enough.”

        So where is your proof of your extraordinary claim that Virginia students are being taught that “ Climate Change Is a Grave Threat to Children’s Survival”? You have provided none.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Denial is more than just a river in Egypt. But it remains your only play. Go with it.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            So nothing then…

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            You want to put an opinion piece in a criminal courtroom and require proof beyond a reasonable doubt.

            Nice try, counselor.

            This is a civil issue.

            I provided my circumstantial evidence, and my opinion born of that evidence.

            I have linked to both (1) the British worldwide study and (2) the overwhelming testimony of the American Psychological Association, a congregation of progressives at the national level, of the dire psychological consequences to children.

            You pretend that neither is true in Virginia. Which is a leap of faith worthy of the Inquisition.

            You have not offered a single piece of conflicting evidence.

            And this is not a courtroom.

          3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Again, you stated upfront and forthright that Virginia children are being taught in school that “ Climate Change Is a Grave Threat to Children’s Survival” and you provide no evidence at all to demonstrate that claim. The study you cited did not examine nor claim that children were being taught this in school anywhere much less in Virginia as you claim. This is no court of law but you can not expect such tripe to go unchallenged.

          4. Lefty665 Avatar

            You might think twice about invoking the Inquisition.

            The Inquisition was the imposition of religious dogma over science using torture and imprisonment to enforce it. Your Jesuits were the Pope’s storm troopers of the Inquisition.

            The Inquisition was the reverse of teaching science, like the big bang, that you assert discomforts kids from religious homes and is the joy of “progressives”,

  9. Tom Blau Avatar

    Trying to turn children into neurotics over the environment has been going on since the first Earth Day (1968, I think). News reports over the years have documented the campaign to terrify children. I remember one network news clip, maybe from ’68, in which a 2d or 3rd grade class sang about how “the whole world is burning.” No wonder we’ve grown new generations of anxious college students who place greater value in display of sincerity and emotion, and less in analysis and reason.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      You may be recalling the Kingston Trio song: “The whole world is suffering with unhappy souls; the French hate the Germans and the Germans hate the Poles.” The moral ends in a nuclear Holocaust.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        Doesn’t that tune include the line “and I don’t like anybody very much”:) That seems both sincere and emotional.

        In modern terms we could look at the whole song as a “trigger warning”. It incorporates both analysis and reason, but alas no safe space and all the flowers have gone…

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          And “Someone will set the spark off and we will all be blown away.” Analysis and reason” in song lyrics but missing from this article on children’s survival.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      They need to stop teaching about Love Canal and Cuyahoga!!

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Yes. Listening to the conservatives modern-day”horrors” in BR is sorta like a time warp at times!

      2. Lefty665 Avatar

        Burn river burn!

  10. There is a balance between impressing the urgency and severity of the situation while not instilling a sense of hopelessness and resigning to whatever fate is in store for us.

    Probably not helped as these children age, start following the news, and see how we’ve been locked in manufactured stalemate for a good thirty years now.

  11. In ES 8.Watershed identification is no longer required. Water cycle appears to be out too, lumped in with “weather and human usage affect freshwater resources.” Raising a generation of future VDOT & DEQ employees who won’t understand water doesn’t run uphill to different watersheds and that it’s necessary for stormwater to flow through watersheds to oxygenate streams, rivers, and bays.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You, of course, get it. Because you are an adult with a brain not programmed to refuse logic in favor of dogma.

      You examine the evidence offered, see the changes in the SOLs and can understand their motivations.

      That would not only be unlikely, but impossible if you were a progressive.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Ooooh! “Their motivations.” Mind control and terrifying children. Evidence, albeit admittedly circumstantial, is sufficient to sustain logic in leaps to sky is falling conclusions. Conspiracy theories can be fatal. Remember the Maine!! Remember the Neutered Bronze Rabbit!!! Looney Tunes time.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Actually she missed the watershed instruction piece. So… no boogie man there either…

        1. No. “She” didn’t miss it. It’s inadequate.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            It is more comprehensive that what came before which was simply identifying the Virginia watersheds.

            “…identification of the major watershed systems in Virginia, including the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.”

            Now they will also understand the processes at work in those watersheds which is, after all, the whole point of Earth Science.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Ummmm… “d) stream processes and dynamics affect the major watershed systems in Virginia, including the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.”

      They expanded the curriculum from simply identifying the Virginia watersheds to understanding the processes at play in them. And, yes, I am sure they will cover storm water discharge and its impacts on our watersheds.

    3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Ummmm… “d) stream processes and dynamics affect the major watershed systems in Virginia, including the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.”

      They expanded the curriculum from simply identifying the Virginia watersheds to understanding the processes at play in them. And, yes, I am sure they will cover storm water discharge and its impacts on our watersheds.

      1. VDH says 88% of Virginia is rural. The Commonwealth’s policies for rural stormwater management are not based on natural watershed function which includes surface and subsurface water movement as well as stream processes and dynamics. It is not a matter of “affecting” the watershed; the movement of water is the function of watersheds. If you don’t know where they are, you don’t know which areas drain through them. If, as VDOT and DEQ do now, you impound stormwater and never let it flow, you destroy watershed function and deoxygenate soil and waterways. If VDOT refuses to replace pipes moving streams from one side of the road to the other, you destroy watershed function.

        If you’ll read it, I will send you a pdf of my book that details all of this and more. Send your email via JAB. If you prefer to stay anonymous, or prefer a paperback, Amazon is running a sale at more than half off.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          I will pick up your book from Amazon – I like to support writers whenever I can. I am a Virginia Professional Geologist with decades in Applied Hydrogeology so I find such topics of interest.

  12. I do believe ideas like this have percolated to the K-12 public schools: Stanford University School of Sustainability Climate Change Education:
    Global climate change …
    * is unequivocal,
    * almost certainly is caused mostly by us,
    * already is causing significant harm, and
    * is growing rapidly.

    Middle School: Global climate change and its impacts on people and resources pose serious societal challenges. The actions we take today will influence the path of future greenhouse gas emissions and the magnitude of warming; they will also affect our ability to respond and adapt to changes, and to reduce vulnerability of people and places to possible harm. Educating future generations about the causes and effects of global climate change is imperative since implementing solutions depends on an informed public

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I guess anyone is entitled to “believe” something.

      I don’t really know precisely/exactly what is taught or not on this subject but before I claimed it was taught or had “percolated”, I’d want something, some proof that it actually is being taught, to confirm the belief..

        The climate change curriculum is captured in an Excel-style template that includes a unit cover page – an overview of the entire unit as a whole – followed by daily lesson plans. Each lesson plan begins with a Bellwork (BW) exercise that students can do as the teacher executes the necessary administrative tasks at the start of the period. A set of activities and their brief description are in the left column while a list of materials and resources are indicated in the right column. Many days end with a suggested Homework (HW) activity. The authors of this curriculum expect teachers to integrate assignments into the already established classroom culture and expectations.</b
        Page includes links to middle school and high school curricula.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Carol. That’s NOT Virginia K-12 schools.

          This is what Sherlock says:

          ” Climate change is thus not a “challenge.” Not a threat to childrens’ happiness. But rather a threat to their “survival.”

          That is what children are being taught in many Virginia public school classrooms.”

          Neither he nor you have provided evidence that this is true and instead are citing things that
          have little or nothing to do with Virginia schools.

          then he proceeds to build on that falsehood , other questionable claims.

          Several folks have made this same point.

          1. As usual, you miss the point. I didn’t say it was used in Virginia. The idea is being promoted and curricula are being offered by Stanford for use anywhere . You don’t know that it or ideas like it are not used in Virginia, but with the outline presented by VDOE it’s likely it will be. (Switching hats: Lay off the falsehood talk or you’re toast. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it wrong.)

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Carol. I was responding to the blog post statements made. No I don’t know if they are taught or not but neither does Sherlock or you. And that’s the comments made. When you make a claim that it IS taught without providing any proof that it is , some folks call that a falsehood. It’s not a question of liking it or not but whether it’s true or not. Switching hats don’t change that.

          3. It is taught in New Jersey: “Two years ago, New Jersey became the first state in the country to adopt learning standards obligating teachers to instruct kids about climate change across grade levels and subjects.”


          4. 44 states teaching it listed here:
            Twenty states and the District of Columbia (representing over 36% of U.S. students) have adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The 20 states are Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington.

            Twenty-four states (representing 35% of U.S. students) have developed their own standards based on recommendations in the NRC Framework for K-12 Science Education. The 24 states are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

            You can apologize to Sherlock now.

          5. 44 states teaching it listed here:
            Twenty states and the District of Columbia (representing over 36% of U.S. students) have adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The 20 states are Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington.

            Twenty-four states (representing 35% of U.S. students) have developed their own standards based on recommendations in the NRC Framework for K-12 Science Education. The 24 states are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

            You can apologize to Sherlock now.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            Right, but that’s not what caused the comments that questioned the statement:

            ” That is what children are being taught in many Virginia public school classrooms.”

          7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I paged through this material and the earth science curriculum does indeed teach climate science. That is not counter to Sherlock’s piece as he wrote:

            “I support the teaching of earth science in K-12, including climate change science. Meaning what we have observed.

            I even support the teaching of climate change theory, as long as competing theories about long term effects and necessary and effective countermeasures are presented.

            I support it as long as it presents the enormously difficult economic, physical and scientific challenges to the shift. And does not present those challenges as if they were solved.

            I support it as long as in the teaching of earth science schools do not, as at present in many classrooms, teach “climate change is a grave threat to children’s survival.””

            As far as I can tell, that is exactly what this curriculum teaches. I see nothing in it that teaches that “climate change is a grave threat to children’s survival”. So I guess it is ok with Sherlock then…

          8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I paged through this material and the earth science curriculum does indeed teach climate science. That is not counter to Sherlock’s piece as he wrote:

            “I support the teaching of earth science in K-12, including climate change science. Meaning what we have observed.

            I even support the teaching of climate change theory, as long as competing theories about long term effects and necessary and effective countermeasures are presented.

            I support it as long as it presents the enormously difficult economic, physical and scientific challenges to the shift. And does not present those challenges as if they were solved.

            I support it as long as in the teaching of earth science schools do not, as at present in many classrooms, teach “climate change is a grave threat to children’s survival.””

            As far as I can tell, that is exactly what this curriculum teaches. I see nothing in it that teaches that “climate change is a grave threat to children’s survival”. So I guess it is ok with Sherlock then…

          9. 44 states teaching it listed here:
            Twenty states and the District of Columbia (representing over 36% of U.S. students) have adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The 20 states are Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington.

            Twenty-four states (representing 35% of U.S. students) have developed their own standards based on recommendations in the NRC Framework for K-12 Science Education. The 24 states are Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

            You can apologize to Sherlock now.

          10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            I paged through this material and the earth science curriculum does indeed teach climate science. That is not counter to Sherlock’s piece as he wrote:

            “I support the teaching of earth science in K-12, including climate change science. Meaning what we have observed.

            I even support the teaching of climate change theory, as long as competing theories about long term effects and necessary and effective countermeasures are presented.

            I support it as long as it presents the enormously difficult economic, physical and scientific challenges to the shift. And does not present those challenges as if they were solved.

            I support it as long as in the teaching of earth science schools do not, as at present in many classrooms, teach “climate change is a grave threat to children’s survival.””

            As far as I can tell, that is exactly what this curriculum teaches. I see nothing in it that teaches that “climate change is a grave threat to children’s survival”. So I guess it is ok with Sherlock then…

          11. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            You miss the point. The “threat to survival” is acoming, it’s nearby, on the horizon. You’ve been warned.

  13. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    If children are being traumatized by informing them that human activity has an effect on the quality and constituents of the atmosphere which may in turn affect their future, then for God’s sake, don’t ever tell them about war and the existence of nuclear weapons.

  14. The ONE fact about climate change predictions: THEY HAVE ALL BEEN WRONG!!!!!!!!

  15. The ONE fact about climate change predictions: THEY HAVE ALL BEEN WRONG!!!!!!!!

  16. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Just at the time I thought the threat from atomic attack to my survival, exemplified by hands overheads, under desks, was history, childhood fears and terror have been reinstituted by the grown ups. PTL for exposing this latest episode in terrorism.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I imagine if a poll was actually taken, fear of some wacko with a gun breaking into school would win hands down over the climate boogeyman.

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