Public Health Covid Rules Were Nothing But Voodoo

Ralph Northam

by Kerry Dougherty 

We tried to tell you. Those of us with common sense were attacked for it though.

Back in 2020, when we were being accused of wanting to kill grandma because we knew the “rules” coming from our public health officials were — for lack of a better term — unconstitutional bullshit, we were voices in the wilderness.

Everywhere we looked, previously intelligent people were running around with silly bandanas on their faces — if they were crawling out from under their beds at all. They were acting like you had leprosy if you stood closer to them than six feet and they were begging the government to stomp on even more civil rights.

Their wishes came true. Most Americans complied with insane rules like wearing masks into restaurants, taking them off to eat, putting them on to walk to the restroom and taking them off when seated again.

Those of us who pointed out that it was as if the entire country was part of a silly SNL skit were vilified.

“You’re not doctors,” they chorused.

Turns out we were right, and the doctors were wrong. One by one, the lies that were told to the American people are being unmasked.

Here’s the latest:

According to the New York Post, Anthony Fauci admitted to a congressional committee this week that the 6-foot social distancing rule was something he basically pulled out of his hind quarters.

Fauci, 83, revealed to the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic that the “six feet apart” recommendation championed by him and other US public health officials was “likely not based on scientific data,” according to Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohis), who is also a physician.


This would be amusing if it wasn’t four years late and hadn’t been the basis for keeping schools closed in some places for up to two years.

In Virginia in the summer of 2020, the worst governor in history — Ralph Northam — set parameters for school reopening based on the rule pulled from Fauci’s nether regions that meant schools HAD to remain closed.

Oh, I wrote about it. Predictably, I was accused of “not taking Covid seriously.”

Everyone capable of simple math realized that Northam’s rules for social distancing – six feet – meant that there was no way a full complement of children could return to their classrooms this fall. No room could hold more than a handful of students.

That would mean more virtual learning. A miserable failure.

And the bus requirements? One child in every other row meant that about 13 kids could ride a bus built to hold 70. Perfect. Bet the climate changers would love seeing a stream of belching cars arrive at schools each morning and afternoon as parents delivered children who couldn’t fit on the empty buses.

Heads should roll for what these charlatans did to children. And everyone else.

Social distancing was the reason people were forced to watch their loved ones in hospital rooms and nursing homes die on Zoom. It was the reason gatherings were limited to small numbers of people. It was the reason some parents left sick kids isolated and alone in their rooms.

The learning loss that’s directly attributable to the CDC’s 6-foot voodoo is catastrophic. Yet the fools who promulgated this nonsense constantly whimper and fall back on the “no one really knew just how bad Covid was” trope.


Some of us with nothing more than liberal arts degrees from second-rate colleges knew instantly that what was happening across the country was an unconstitutional power grab. It was successful because fear and exaggeration about the dangers of Covid were the coin of the realm.

There needs to be a reckoning for the smug, malevolent “scientists” who closed schools, ruined businesses, put the welfare state on steroids and bullied Americans into taking part in a nationwide drug trial by telling them lie after lie about the vaccine.

They want us to forgive and forget. To move on.

That’s a hard no.

There’s only one way to make sure nothing like this ever happens again: Punish the wrongdoers.

Fauci first.

Republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited.

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194 responses to “Public Health Covid Rules Were Nothing But Voodoo”

  1. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    I don’t think there will ever be an honest accounting.
    Just the other day, I read there was a “study” that said HCQ (or maybe IVM) caused 17,000 excess deaths during Covid, and calling for greater restriction on off label uses. It was a made to order study. Like the CDC “study” that said getting the vax after beating Covid was better. I read that study and after you got past the headline and to the bottom, it was subject to “at least five limitations.” The “limitations” destroyed any reason to believe the headline, but the media ran with “everybody get vaxed.” The same with the 17,000 excess deaths. It was a statistical model where they guesstimated how many used HCQ and died anyway, and attributed the death to the use of HCQ (and not that they had Covid, heart disease, were morbidly obese). The “conclusion” was that HCQ “may have” contributed to 16,990 deaths.
    Early on the CDC did another “study” to invalidate HCQ, and used blacks as guinea pigs, continuing another great government tradition. For that study, in a veterans group composed of mostly or all black subjects, the hospital administered too small doses of HCQ well after onset, even when on “respirators” (another bad call). In other words, the study was designed to fail, and fail it did. But it generated the useful headline. HCQ and IVM were part of therapeutics that combined with other interventions, if done at onset or early, seemed to have efficacy. I think they did – but our govt will never allow an honest look.
    It was criminal.

  2. how_it_works Avatar

    Reminds me of the phrase “security theater”

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    There is never a full accounting of the mindless blunders made by our government.

    The bank bailout from the so-called “Great Recession” was another example.

    An unbelievable and corrupt mess.

    This book, written by a liberal Democrat, illustrates the fiasco:

    Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine … the list goes on.

    Billions (trillions?) wasted with no accountability.

    Nothing will happen to Fauci. He’s just another member of the geriatric elite. Like Trump, Biden, and way too many members of Congress.

    Here’s a ticking time bomb I recently discovered – if you own stocks , bonds, etc that are held by a brokerage – if that brokerage goes bankrupt – the creditors of that brokerage have priority over you (and your stocks). In other words, your assets can be sold to pay off the banks that loaned money to the brokerage.

    In the future you’ll own nothing and be happy.

    And people wonder about Donald Trump’s popularity. He’s the only major politician saying that he will decapitate (metaphorically speaking) the elites in the Federal Government. I think he’s a charlatan but about 40% of Americans think he’s just the ticket.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      “ticking time bomb” I have heard that for the second time today. It was described to me this morning as a “bail in”. Perfectly legal.

    2. Teddy007 Avatar

      One needs to provide a cite for what one is claiming about financial instruments. Remember, a mutual fund does not really take ownership of the investment that they make.

        1. Teddy007 Avatar

          A partisan Trumpist website that is quoting a partisan pseudo-think tank is not a reference. It is an add to try to get people to purchase gold and take physical possession like Senator Menendez.

          Also, in looking at what is discussed, the article is wrong.

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            I believe Mr. DJ. What I heard this morning came from a financial services president that has been in business since 1954.

          2. how_it_works Avatar

            You can’t believe what anyone from the private sector says. They’re not here to help you. Those nice people from the government are.

          3. how_it_works Avatar

            You can’t believe what anyone from the private sector says. They’re not here to help you. Those nice people from the government are.

          4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Yes, my dear friend Yellen will look after me.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Go to another country if you think they’re better… right?

          6. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            You first.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’m not unhappy with Yellen at all.. I’d take her any day over whoever does her role in many other countries.

            There’s a reason why the US Dollar is the most trust currency in the world.

          8. Teddy007 Avatar

            Then please provide a link or the name of the individual.

          9. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Provide your last name and I will oblige you.

          10. Teddy007 Avatar

            Thought so, The person does not really exist and never said what is claimed. Thanks for proving all of that.

          11. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            I am certain your mama did not name you 007. Perhaps double oh no.

          12. Teddy007 Avatar

            Thanks for the surrender with the resorting to insults. If one cannot prove one’s point, I guess one must resort on insults. How about citing a brokerage that failed in 2009-2009 that screwed its clients out of the stocks that they purchase. Or will one resort to more snark?

          13. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Your smugness deserved it.

          14. Teddy007 Avatar

            Still waiting for the name or the cite. I provided a link that showed that the mythical expert was wrong. Still waiting for a thought out response with cites and links.

          15. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Still waiting for your last name. I don’t have to prove anything to you. Nor would I want to.

          16. Teddy007 Avatar

            Here is a another cite that shows that the mythical person is wrong.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          can’t believe you read this stuff….

        3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          Send me a PM. I have the proof. But Teddy doesn’t get to see it. He is blocked from now on.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Send me a PM. I have the proof”

            If your proof can’t stand up to public scrutiny, I hate to tell you, it is no proof at all…

          2. Teddy007 Avatar

            There is no proof. There is just a word salad of memes that someone read on the internet. People should be able to distinguish between a scam trying to sell people a very particular investment and real information.

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Nah. They hold the certificate in your name. No one but you can claim them.
      Used to be the settlement account money market funds were sometimes broker-owned and you were warned that the broker may use those funds to meet demands of their other funds, but that was pre-2010. At sometime since then, your broker has moved to Federal money markets. You should have noticed, or been told.

      Dad was a Great Depression boy. When I got my first mortgage he freaked out that it was with my bank. “Oh NO, Son! Move your checking and savings accounts to another bank. If you lose your job, they’ll seize your money!”

      Too much Pat Boone there DJ. Too much Pat Boone. When the music stops, don’t pay attention to him.

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    So what were public health officials, when faced with a brand-new virus that was proving deadly and they had determined that it was airborne transmission, supposed to do? Nothing? Fauci did not admit that social distancing was bad advice; he only said that the six feet distance was not based on science (since there had not been enough time to study the virus). It could have been four feet; perhaps ten feet would have been better.

    It is easy to criticize after the fact. Would Kerry have recommended that everyone go about their business as if nothing was wrong?

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Not lie?
      Not fund gain of function research?
      Not become an egomaniacal bureaucrat?
      Listen to different opinions?
      I criticized during the fact. I shouldn’t have been the one right, but I was.
      I didn’t damage public health. The liars did.

    2. sbostian Avatar

      They could have erred on the side of freedom, when faced with a lack of science to justify the tyrannical impulse. Masks were mandated in the face of peer reviewed research showing that they were ineffective with respiratory viruses. The six foot social distancing was ludicrous. Keeping relatives out of senior facilities, so that seniors were faced with dying alone was beyond cruel. If governments neither respect nor protect liberty and natural rights, we should reexamine the rationale for submitting to them.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “They could have erred on the side of freedom, when faced with a lack of science to justify the tyrannical impulse.”

        Well, first of all, they did. Second of all, public health threats are perfectly valid interests of the state when it comes to civil liberty restrictions. The concept is ingrained in our Republic and has nothing to do with tyranny.

    3. DJRippert Avatar

      It was the authoritarian nature of the “remedies” that rankle me. What was presented as “following the science” often had little to do with science. It was a combination of guesswork and heavy handed bureaucracy.

      People should have been more able to make their own decisions after listening to the scientific opinions (not facts, there were almost no facts). I was under no pressure to get vaccinated. Nobody threatened my job. I got vaccinated. Why? Because I personally considered the risks and rewards of vaccination and chose to get the shot. Had I been a student at UVa I wouldn’t have had that choice. Failing to get vaccinated would have required me to drop out of college.

      Parading opinions as scientific certainty and then mandating adherence to those opinions is wrong.

      It seems obvious that closing the schools created major educational issues. In retrospect, should all of the government schools been closed? The 6′ theory (and it was just a theory) played a big role in that decision.

      1. Parading opinions as scientific certainty and then mandating adherence to those opinions is wrong.


        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          You realize that was a paraded opinion, right?

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          You realize that was a paraded opinion, right?

        3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          With your thumbs up, are you saying the science did not support the public health necessity for or benefit from the Covid vaccine? That is was just simply opinion?

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “Had I been a student at UVa I wouldn’t have had that choice. Failing to get vaccinated would have required me to drop out of college.”

        This is not true. There were broad and easily met exemptions to the requirement as was pointed out at the time. Perhaps you forgot.

    4. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “So what were public health officials, when faced with a brand-new virus that was proving deadly and they had determined that it was airborne transmission, supposed to do?”

      Not make arbitrary rules that shuttered businesses and caused people to lose their livelihoods, while they still are drew their inflated paychecks.

      “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

      1. how_it_works Avatar

        They’re health professionals, not economists. They’ll tell you exactly what you need to do to avoid even the slightest risk. That you’ll go broke and bankrupt following their recommendations is none of their concern..

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “That you’ll go broke and bankrupt following their recommendations is none of their concern.”

          Especially when their paycheck is guaranteed by the Government and is high 6 figures.

          1. how_it_works Avatar

            “I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help!”

            (that I can never be fired no matter how much I screw things up shouldn’t be of any concern at all…)

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            And … my retirement is funded by taxes and not subject to the economic uncertainty (often created by government) that private employees’ 401(k)’s, etc are subject to.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            your retirement is unaffected by govt? 😉

    5. Kerry Dougherty Avatar
      Kerry Dougherty

      As a matter of fact, Dick, yes I would have preferred people decided how much risk they were willing to take and acted accordingly. I would have gone about my business, as those of us with common sense did anyway. Much preferable to stomping on the US Constitution.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “…as those of us with common sense did anyway…”

        That “common sense” killed many people.

        “I would have gone about my business, as those of us with common sense did anyway. Much preferable to stomping on the US Constitution.”

        The acknowledgment that you went about your business demonstrates that nobody stomped on the US Constitutional.

    6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      “…he only said that the six feet distance was not based on science…”

      We have zero evidence he actually said this. Ironic that Kerry is posting something as fact without any objective evidence to support it, eh?

  5. Teddy007 Avatar

    If all of the precautions were meaningless, then all states should have about the same death rates from Covid-19. However, Maine, with the oldest average population, has a much lower death rate 2400 per million compared to Mississippi and West Virginia that had 4600 deaths per million. When the most covid-19 defiant states and the states with the lowest vaccination rates have the highest death rates, then precautions obviously had some positive effect.

    When did conservatives go from being the party of “eat your vegetables” to the party of “I’m not going to eat my vegetables and you can’t make me!” Why do conservatives want to go back to the public health of the 19th century when communicable diseases were the biggest killers?

    1. James Kiser Avatar
      James Kiser

      your statements in the first paragraph are wrong and have been proven wrong. The highest death rates were in the states with the severest restrictions. You would think the medical community would have learned after the Spanish flu about masks but nope they just had to defy the Einstein Rule.

      1. Teddy007 Avatar

        Not true at all. Arizona, West Virginia, Mississippi, Tennessee, and New Mexico were the five state with the highest death rates.

        The states with the highest vaccination rates are all in New England.

        Once again, the problem with the Covid-19 truthers is the refuse to look up data and just depend upon memes and myths.

        1. Chip Gibson Avatar
          Chip Gibson

          …except for Maine….perhaps being strong (willed as well as physical), independent, inclined to be outdoors had an impact…

    2. DJRippert Avatar

      Encouraging people to “eat your vegetables” is fine. Mandating the eating of vegetables is not.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        If you contract a highly contagious disease and KNOWINGLY do behaviors that will infect others… that’s ok?

    3. how_it_works Avatar

      ” then all states should have about the same death rates from Covid-19″

      That would only be true if the only difference between those states is the vaccination rates.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        That’s because instead of viewing it as a differential equation with lots of unknowns, they view it as singular unknown and hold tight to ceteris paribus.

        1. how_it_works Avatar

          And yet they claim to be educated.

      2. Teddy007 Avatar

        Maine has the highest average age, has a high percentage that are over 65 and had one of the lowest death rates before the vaccination and has one of the highest vaccination rate now. Please stop trying to justify one’s own Luddism by trying to nitpick the data. It never works.

        1. how_it_works Avatar

          Pointing out that this science experiment has too many variable is not nitpicking data.

          It’s “following the science”.

          1. Teddy007 Avatar

            A 50% difference is outcome after the same treatment (exposure to Covid-19) is a massive statistical significance. The people living in New England were hit early with Covid-19 when it was a disease of the jet set and decided to take precautions. Those in the deepest red state decided that Covid-19 was a disease of Yankees and blacks and decided not to care. The result would have been obvious to anyone.

    4. Any comparison of Covid fatalities in the 50 states for the purpose of gauging effectiveness of lockdown strategies is absolutely worthless unless the numbers are adjusted for age, obesity and other significant risk factors that vary widely by state. Teddy, can you cite studies that take those risk factors into account? I’ll give more credence to them than simple state-to-state comparisons of mortality rates.

      The arguments over Covid have become so politically polarized that I don’t trust the pro-lockdown advocates at all — and I’m inclined to be suspicious even of those with whom I tend to agree.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        so you’re no longer going to get vaccinations because of your lack of trust ?

      2. Teddy007 Avatar

        Once again, Maine is the state with the highest older age. According to all of the Covid-19 truthers who say that Covid-19 was only a disease of the elderly and that precautions do not work, Maine should have the highest death rate. Yet, Mississippi and Alabama are the states with the highest death rates and those states were the most Covid-19 defiant.

        I have provided cites and no one cares. I have provided data and no one cares. I cannot even get a Covid-19 truther to consider being hospitalization from Covid-19 as a bad thing.

        And one cannot criticize, demand a response, and then delete the response.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Lobster. High in naturally occurring anti-Covid Ivermectin.

          Hey, I’m behind you. But these are “Conservatives”, their own experiences are the only they trust; truth comes in dreams.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Repost that link at the top of the comments as a rebuttal to the article.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            yes, those things that were done successfully in response to COVID… “polarized” some folks…for sure..

            GAWD Forbid, we get another virus that does what COVID did…..

            at least we know who the “players” are now….

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Kerry (Senator, not author) threw some other guy’s medals over the fence, not his.
            Kerry (switching back) wrote this with her vaccine-sore arms.

      3. Chip Gibson Avatar
        Chip Gibson

        Well put, Sir. One day, the facts about the very substantial numbers of individuals badly injured and killed by the COVID shot will surface, as well.

  6. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    I remember all the crap I got from so called medical professionals (sic) that masks and distancing worked. As a hazmat tech I knew that was crap. And you can blame trump but you better blame the so called media ( a propaganda machine for the highest bidder) and so called medical experts. The Barrington group was right and everybody else was wrong. That includes the asses at the UN. The national symbol of the democrats isn’t an ass it is a termite.

    1. Teddy007 Avatar

      Anyone who has been through HAZWOPR and other training know about respiratory protection. And any hazmat worker would know about hot, cool, and cold zones based upon distance and ventilation.

      Try again.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        The mask was not to stop just a virus, but the virus-laden snot. That it does well.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        A hazmat worker who doesn’t believe that PPE is effective… THAT is very concerning… for them…

        1. Teddy007 Avatar

          I guess when a hazmat worker is more concerned about actually wearing PPE than keeping oneself safe, then one knows that they are not really a hazmat worker.

  7. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    There’s an old saying. “if our foresight was as good as our hindsight, we’d be better by a damn sight.”
    It is now clear that there was over reaction but the media, public health officials, and the federal government were all complicit. The big question is why? The covid virus was new and too many panicked and too few urged calm. A risk adverse strategy was adopted without seriously considering the risks.
    We need a good “lessons learned” accounting to be better prepared the next time and there will be a next time.

    1. Kerry Dougherty Avatar
      Kerry Dougherty

      Those of us who urged calm were called grandma killers. Many were banned from social media.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Urging calm and demanding do nothing are different things. You did not urge calm.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          “urging calm”.. so THAT’s what you call what Kerry and others were doing when they got “polarized”?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            She flipped out at the beach closings. Rental property losses? All those sweet, sweet deposit returns.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            She flipped out at the beach closings. Rental property losses? All those sweet, sweet deposit returns.

    2. Teddy007 Avatar

      It is always amazing to read people claiming that 1.1 million additional deaths and over 5 million hospitalizations are no big deal and did not warrant a government response.

      Of course, this logic comes from the same people who want to make a national issue over every shooting in Chicago or car jacking in DC.

      If the pandemic showed anything, it is that conservatives are horrible at risk assessment and management.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Interesting that shootings in Chicago and DC shootings make the grade, but not schools?

  8. DJRippert Avatar

    The only thing surprising about finding out our government botched much of the Covid approach is that anybody is surprised by that.

    Just from headlines today:

    1. Immigrants are being housed in “warming buses” and apparently starving in Chicago.

    2. Immigrants are going door-to-door begging for food and/or money in New York.

    3. The Biden administration is trying to stop Texas from building barriers at the border.

    Where is our “border czar” – Kamala Harris?

    Our government is broken – from the withdrawal from Afghanistan to the approach to Covid to endless deficit spending to our unwillingness to enforce our immigration laws.

    Is there really any wonder why someone who says he will “drain the swamp” is popular with a lot of people?

    1. Teddy007 Avatar

      What the response to Covid to AFghanistan to the national debt to education to immigration actually shows is that politicians cannot deal with long term problems. The Covid-19 pandemic did not end in 6 week and thus, conservatives decided to throw a childlike hissy fit and try to push public health back to the 19th century. More than 1.1 million additional deaths occurred in 2020-2022 compared to a baseline of 2019. And yet, conservatives want to claim that the U.S. could have ignored Covid–19 and fewer people would have died.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Nobody said to ignore Covid. Just present the information, labeling theories as theories, and let the people decide.

        Anybody who felt vulnerable could have self-isolated.

        What’s obvious is that the constant refrain of “follow the science” was at best very overstated.

        1. Teddy007 Avatar

          Let the people decide is another way of saying ignore the issue. It is amazing that in less than four years, people have forgotten how scared Americans were at the beginning. There was no way that everything could have stay open in March 2020 due to the number of people who would have refused to work. And people in hospitals, nursing homes, or who shop cannot isiolate themselves.

          The death rate went up for all age groups in 2020 and 2021. That few individuals younger than 18 die from any cause is no reason to ignore the increased deaths in the young. In addition, for every death, there were five hospitalizations. Yet, all of the Covid-19 truthers have forgotten the measured that hospitals had to take to keep themselves functioning and treating the people who were showing up in the ERs.

          If one wants to complain about the government. The lack of PPE at the start, the screwup of CDC with testing at the beginning, and the outsourcing of PPE, medicines, and testing to other countries is the big issue. Remember, the Trump Administration was the one who removed pandemic response from the National Security Council because people like John Bolton could never be the smartest guy in the room when it came to a pandemic.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            “Let the people decide is another way of saying ignore the issue.”

            No, it’s not.

            Many government schools were mandated to be closed. Many private schools remained open.

            Here’s the results of a Congressional inquiry into the matter:


          2. Teddy007 Avatar

            Let the people decided is just a way of saying that the most childish peole who throw the biggest hissy fit get their way. And many private schools closed until the fall of 2020 and a private school would show the door to anyone who refused to wear a mask. This is like the argument that only New York had outbreaks in nursing homes when all states had outbreaks in nursing homes. One did not reach the death rates of Alabama or Mississippi without outbreaks in nursing homes, outpatient cancer centers, and hospitals.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            misrepresentations and outright lies are what many on the Conservative side engage in on issues these days – like COVID – that affected worldwide including schools..

            If we had a return of tuberculosis, or polio, or other serious contagious disease, what would these yahoos blathering about covid do? Well, they’d end up killing a lot of people with their current attitudes about vaccines and taking precautions against spreading disease.

          4. Teddy007 Avatar

            In 2023, conservatives hate the idea of contact tracing for VD, sanitation inspections for food handling organizations, and the idea of infection control in Hospitals. It should be every persons choice of whether they want their hands or not.

  9. Public Health Covid Rules Were Nothing But Voodoo

    I disagree. Voodoo actually has a basis in tradition and even some science – using neurotoxins to create zombies and what not.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      Maybe it should read, Public Health Covid Rules Were Not Based On the Scientific Method

      Ironically, that was along the lines of my very first comment on this blog. To which I was chastised when I attempted to explain the method and how it was being short circuited.

  10. DJRippert Avatar

    Anybody who has ever worked in Ukraine knew this was coming …

    And anybody who thinks the oligarchs of Ukraine would refrain from selling those weapons to the Houthis is seriously misled.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      The MIC is laughing all the way to the bank.

  11. LarrytheG Avatar

    so tell me how many folks regret getting any vaccinations and from now on will get none and reject advice from the govt or their doctor on contagious diseases?

    such foolishness.

    1. Kerry Dougherty Avatar
      Kerry Dougherty

      Ask how many shunned the vaccines and are really glad they did…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Et tu, Kaaron?

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        and how many have decided you can’t trust the govt and will stop getting vaccinations period for anything?

        Even some of the anti-covid critics were getting vaccinated…

        so… we’re gonna have a lot of people from now on that will no longer get any vaccinations for themselves or their kids?

        That’s pretty smart, eh?

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            I saw those guys in college. Fun band. Great show.

      3. Chip Gibson Avatar
        Chip Gibson

        Kerry, here’s one to add to your list. And, it is not a vaccine, actually. Regardless, did not submit to the mandates, despite the repeated threats.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          In the longer run, the folks who no longer will get vaccinations, will get us to a better place via Darwin’s law.

      4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        A friend of mine who is also an anti-vaxxer said yesterday that he did not trust the tetanus vaccine. This is where you have led them and our country. I don’t think I can ever forgive the damage you have wrought.

      5. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        A friend of mine who is also an anti-vaxxer said yesterday that he did not trust the tetanus vaccine. This is where you have led them and our country. I don’t think I can ever forgive the damage you have wrought.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Indeed. Conservatism has morphed into a largely destructive movement especially with regard to public health. It’s like they reject the idea that there is such a thing as contagious disease.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Just another part of the “if we can’t win, we will tear it all down” approach to governing…

    2. Teddy007 Avatar

      How many people have stopped washing their hands or even using hand sanitizer. Remember, the government encouraged the use of hand sanitizer before the pandemic. Does that make the suggestion bad?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Part of the problem is that some people want 100% absolute truth without variance or else the Govt is “lying”. Like the 6foot thing or the mask thing. People say if the 6ft is really 4.2 ft or the mask has to be to a certain standard or else… then the govt has essentially mislead people.

        All of this about a highly contagious disease that public health officials did not know much about other than it has serious potential.

        It’s like the anti-covid people won’t even admit how many people DID die – both BEFORE and AFTER vaccinations.

        It’s behind us now, but you’d never know it listening to them… they’re still looking back… and promising even worse behavior if we get another one.

      2. Chip Gibson Avatar
        Chip Gibson

        Pretty sure most of us started washing our hands shortly after birth – thanks, Mom.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          yes… but did the govt tell us how to PROPERLY wash our hands AND did they lie about it?

  12. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Okay, but remember it was President Trump standing right next to Fauci through all that. Within a few months it was clear the advice we were being given was just made up nonsense. And I remember the abuse I took for predicting on this site that just about everybody would get a dose of this bug despite all the attempts at protection. Yep, that happened. The ChiCom bioengineers who designed it were geniuses, obviously, and it is still mutating faster than the vaccine manufacturers can keep up with. The shot now on the market is like two mutations out of date, but still being shilled. I got the flu shot for ’24, but my doc said skip the Covid shots. The initial five should hold. I’d had three shots before my first case and four before my second.

    Claims that natural immunity after one case would hold has also been proven to be nonsense. They were really good bioweapon guys in Wuhan.

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Then you have an honest doctor. Too few are willing to admit it, maybe because they are tied to practices heavily dependent on govt research $.

    2. James Kiser Avatar
      James Kiser

      I have had 5 times now even though I had the initial shots. No more. Fauci and Collins got rich off this as did the Eco-Health Alliance.

    3. I got the flu shot for ’24, but my doc said skip the Covid shots.

      So did I, and so did my doctor.

      By the way, I have not had Covid [yet?].

  13. Thomas Dixon Avatar
    Thomas Dixon

    The COVID abuses in state institutions went far beyond any of you who did not work there can imagine. Most hated seeing it but were afraid to speak up. I did and got fired. Life goes on for me and others who won’t tolerate it or allow it to be forced on the most vulnerable. If you don’t resist tyranny, it will only get worse and then it will be too late.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Just finishing up “American Prometheus” about Oppenheimer and that is the lesson of what the McCarthyites did to him, certainly. That case sent a clear signal to the science community that it existed to serve its government masters, or else.

    2. Teddy007 Avatar

      One 1.1 million Americans die, around five million are hospitalized, and one can only talk about tyranny and resistance. When did acting like a spoiled child become the conservative norm?

  14. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    I’ve noticed that, here in the Triangle, a lot more people are again wearing masks in public. I don’t know their situation, so I’m not judging. However, a good 20% of them are not covering their noses with the masks. The masks seem to be more than an amulet than a safety device for these folks.

    1. Teddy007 Avatar

      There is a triple threat of flu, covid, and RSV. After Avian flu, those in Asian became comfortable with wearing masks. It is only Americans who refuse to take precautions before getting sick but then yelling at health care providers after getting sick.

  15. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    How about having Congress pass a law that requires every entity receiving federal funds as government contractors or as grants to post that information at the bottom of the public communications just like sellers of non-prescription substances and devices advise that the product at issue was not approved by the FDA, etc., or how lawyers and doctors advise that their communications are not specific legal or medical advice?

  16. LarrytheG Avatar

    Geeze, it’s like there is no such thing as contagious diseases….
    and what you would do if there was such a thing.

  17. CAPT Jake Avatar

    Should the VMI Alumni Association consider the former governor to be a member in “good standing”? ‘Coonman’ wants to know…

    1. Chip Gibson Avatar
      Chip Gibson

      From my perspective and continued exchanges with those of the Institute, he is well despised by the vast majority of Alumni. Having lived in the barracks with Ralph for 3 years, I can say that he was a stellar, brilliant, accomplished Cadet. Something went terribly wrong after that.

  18. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “The repeated federal recommendation that people keep six feet of distance between themselves and others “sort of just appeared,” said Fauci—the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and former chief medical advisor to President Joe Biden—to lawmakers yesterday, according to a statement released today from the committee’s Chairman, Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R–Ohio)

    Uh-huh… sure he did…

    1. Exactly, there’s no transcript I can find, so Wenstrup is able to put his spin on it and pass it as truth in the hopes that people will have forgotten about it by the time Facui’s actual testament is released.

  19. Chip Gibson Avatar
    Chip Gibson

    Outstanding article, Ma’am! That, based upon nothing more than an Engineering Degree from VMI. The truth will eventually reveal itself. Unfortunately, the damage is done (and, there may be more in the works).

    Edited, as I misidentified the talented author of this fine article…

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      I think Kerry identifies as a Madam and pretty sure she didn’t go to VMI…

      1. Chip Gibson Avatar
        Chip Gibson

        Ooops. Thanks for the correction.
        Apologies to Kerry and all. I saw “posted by Bob Rayner” and apparently stopped thinking at that point. My compliments on the article.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Not an uncommon error… we’ve all done the same…

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Not an uncommon error… we’ve all done the same…

  20. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    The usual “trust the science”/conservatives are evil crowd. You know who you are.
    You say “science” and “trust the experts” to cut off debate. Then you pose ridiculous fallacies (like the Judge in the Trump case with Seal Team 6 assassinating political opponents) with “conservatives don’t believe in washing hands” to cut off debate and not face facts.
    Here is a FACT – the shotshotshot forced on everybody was an experimental medical product, and it was not a vaccine – when you have to change the definition of vaccine to call the shotshotshot a vaccine, it is NOT a vaccine.
    The Nuremberg Code was formed for a reason. A person does not participate in a medical experiment without “informed, willing consent.” The mandates, the lack of disclosure, the social media and network media propaganda was not informed willing consent.
    Now we have all of these “strange” deaths – “cause unknown” – but strangely showing the precipitous rises after introduction of the shot… It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to postulate – could it be the experimental shotshotshot that we authoritarian Leftists and govt bureaucrats and spineless “leaders” forced on everybody?
    And the data is coming in, overwhelmingly. But you in the “science” party – rather than looking at the data and the actual reality – pose false comparisons and manipulated fact patterns to deny your evil. And it was evil – people asking legitimate questions were censored, harassed, lost licenses, lost practices, were fired. Face it – you were wrong. And the longer it takes you to admit it, you get closer and closer to evil, where many already are.
    Here – read this – I can already hear – “that’s not a credible source. We only believe our approved propaganda sources” – and that is a big part of the problem – YOU – your policies don’t work, wherever tried, but you refuse to accept the plain evidence because you want to be God, and you’re not. That’s why sane people who realize that they are not God oppose you. You lack humility and wisdom and perfect knowledge, but you don’t think so. You think the people who disagree with you are stupid, and it is backwards. Look in the mirror.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Which proves what, Larry?
        As usual, ignoring data.
        Yes, lots of people got the EXPERIMENTAL shotshotshot.
        Now, why are those so-called first world smart people places experiencing excess deaths?
        Try to answer the d@mn question without the usual conservatives are stupid/hate vaccines/don’t wash hands idiotic comments. Serious question – why?
        That’s how “science” works – asking questions and testing hypotheses, not shutting off debate by pointing to consensus from “the experts.” Hey, notice Dr. St. Fauci was wrong, lied, couldn’t recall 100 times?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          AROUND THE WORLD, MANY people got the shot, Billions of people, Walter.

          Were all those other people around the world also lied to and mandated to receive an experimental shot that violated Nuremberg? Did Fauci lie to them also or did they have
          their own Fauci lie to them in each country?

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Arguing consensus. Not an argument. The inbred “experts” were wrong. Answer the excess death question and quit diverting to YOUR conspiracy theory.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          AROUND THE WORLD, MANY people got the shot, Walter. Were all those other people around
          the world also lied to and given an experimental shot? Did Fauci lie to them or did they have
          their own Fauci lie to them in each country?

          1. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            Plausible to say that if Fauci was capable of funding and fostering the creation of an epic worldwide pandemic, he could likely have cloned himself as well – little FauciX’s roaming the planet professing a disfigured medical remedy of death and long-term injury. Pronoun “Thems”.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            whataboutism much? Who didthe Facui thing in all those other countries where all those people
            also agree to socially distance, wear masks and get covid shots?

            does it bother you that most of the rest of the world did much like what the US did no matter what the US
            health authorities were advising for the US?

            To me, the fact that the rest of the world did pretty much what we did – shows that Fausci’s advice was
            not unlike those of other health experts in all those other countries and that the conservative “war”
            on Fauci is more about Conservatives than Fauci.

          3. Chip Gibson Avatar
            Chip Gibson

            Would defer to Big Pharma and WHO on those concerns.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            this is WHO:

            ” Get vaccinated as soon as it’s your turn and follow local guidance on vaccination.

            Keep physical distance of at least 1 metre from others, even if they don’t appear to be sick. Avoid crowds and close contact.

            Wear a properly fitted mask when physical distancing is not possible and in poorly ventilated settings.

            Clean your hands frequently with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.

            Cover your mouth and nose with a bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of used tissues immediately and clean hands regularly.

            If you develop symptoms or test positive for COVID-19, self-isolate until you recover.”


            sounds very much like the US/Fauci advice to me…except they say 1 meter…

            and turns out that American Schools did better than European schools during the pandemic:


            somewhere between the Conservative claims and actual reality is the real truth.

    1. Chip Gibson Avatar
      Chip Gibson

      Fully concur, Mr. Walter Smith. The current state of our disunion.

  21. LarrytheG Avatar

    Contrary to claims from Conservatives, the truth:

    “The Covid-19 pandemic forced governments worldwide to restrict certain activities to prevent the spread of the virus. Next to many other sectors of the economy, one sector affected by these measures everywhere worldwide was schools. Figure 1 shows UNESCO estimates of the total duration of full or partial school closures from the start of the crisis at the beginning of 2020 to October 2021 for all countries worldwide. On average over all countries, schools were closed partly or fully for 35 weeks. According to the UNESCO data, the Americas were the continent with the most extensive school closures, but school closures were also substantial in parts of Africa and Asia. Within Europe, schools were closed longer in the Eastern part than in the Western part.”

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Larry – do you read the excrement you post?
      What you posted talks about the substantial losses from school closures.
      You are “arguing” consensus. That is not an argument. It is a word I get censored for, but it rhymes with cupidity.
      Consensus used to be the world was flat and that bleeding was beneficial.
      The “experts” were wrong. Period. Some people tried to argue why. We were censored by YOUR PEOPLE. If “public health” has lost trust, it is because “public health” and all the instrumentalities of the media and the academy lied.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        basically, you’re arguing that the whole world was wrong on how to deal with COVID. It was not an “agreement” a “consensus” of opinion , it was what was actually done, and what happened because of it being done. Not a “theory”! A precious few are arguing that what was done to respond to COVID was wrong and ineffective and failed. Nope, it’s the
        opposite. The US and the rest of the world KNOW what they did was right and successful. Estimated to have saved millions of lives in fact. Other untruths spread involved the closing of schools and the loss of academic capability supposedly just to US schools. Turns out, the facts, are that much of the world also had to close schools AND many lost more academic ability than the US. And only in the minds of conspiracy theorists is the vaccine “killing” a lot of people. More untruths spread by the same folks who spread other conspiracy theories.

        THe simple truth is that what we did in response to COVID, including the shots , largely worked. It was not perfect
        by any stretch of the imagination. We did learn from it but not what the “anti” folks are peddling at all.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Projection much?
          The entire first world was wrong.
          The entire first world violated the Nuremberg Code.
          It did not “work” unless your goal was to damage people’s natural immune systems. It did not stop the spread. UVA showed higher infection rate among the triple vaxed. “Breakthrough?” How many “breakthrough” polio cases you hear about?

          So, since I read your BS, did you read the article about what that known arch-conservative publication – The Lancet – wrote about excess deaths?
          You didn’t. You’re a worthless spreader of “your team’s” propaganda, facts be damned.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            disease morphed as feared… vaccine saved lives even after folks got infected. Way better than dying. Comparing
            COVID with POLIO would be like comparing mumps to ebola , a mindless comparison for sure. What are “excess” covid deaths? Has zip to due with the vaccine, right?

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You remain impervious to facts. Still believe Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation like the good little propaganda poodle you are?
            That Dr. St. Fauci is a truthteller?
            The Covid shot was an experimental medical treatment. Fact
            Mandating it violated the Nuremberg Code, as well as decades of practice by our own government. Another fact.
            Tons of adverse medical consequences are occurring currently. Fact again. It is most likely from the medical experiment. But you keep repeating your ridiculous, blind obedience to your party. I hope you at least get paid for it.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            You’re saying the entire world violated the Nuremberg Code? 😉 wowza

            The Dems are a world wide party? holy moly! blind poodles around the world!

            Fauci is a truth teller, yes.

            Biden’s laptop is like Hillary’s Benghazi … where’s the “beef”?

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Proving you are the propaganda poodle.
            Have you read the Nuremberg Code? Obviously not. Mandating the experimental product without informed, willing consent violates it. Period
            Hunter’s laptop? Lemme see…not Russian disinformation, despite 51 of
            your beloved government experts saying it was Russian disinformation. An intentional lie as they knew it was real as of December 2019. And the sex trafficking and tax fraud illegal FARA violations are all ok for the propaganda poodle.
            Fauci the truth teller? Seriously, you’re a joke –

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            so most every country in the world violated the Nuremberg Code? If I can be a poodle can you be a corgi?
            I’d like that.

            well what is Hunters laptop if not Russian information? Seems like conservatives got their rumps
            in an uproar about it but haven’t heard much lately … I thought it was supposed to be a smoking gun

            Fauci is far more a truth teller than the conservative critics will ever be IMO… no question at all…and
            150 other countries advice is pretty much his advice.

            the best we can hope for is that another really nasty disease comes down the pike, the quickly develop a vaccine,
            and conservatives do the same thing again… and we end up with a cornucopia of Darwins outcomes… which
            would also have a tremendous side benefit of reducing the overall noise level. 😉

          6. Larry, you’re outdoing your usual level of wrongness today. Russian disinformation?How about a drug-addled person’s notes? Hunter agreed this week to answer the subpoena, and he pled not guilty to the california charges he originally pled guilty to.
            Fauci as truth-teller is an oxymoron.
            No one knows yet how many young men will have shortened lives from myocarditis caused by the vax for a diisease not likely to kill them. Not all cases are recognized, so the total numbers are uncertain.

            Compared to unvaccinated individuals , myocarditis or pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccines were 2.13-fold higher (95% CI=1.55, 2.94; I2= 92.5%; p<0.001). There was also a statistically significant association found between COVID-19 vaccination and myocarditis with a pooled RR of 2.02 (95% CI=1.21, 3.37; I2=97.8%; p<0.001). This association was not found in pericarditis (RR=1.16; 95% CI=0.74, 1.82; I2=0; p=0.509).

            “It is noteworthy that although an increased risk of pericarditis was not found, only 2 studies of pericarditis were included in the analysis, therefore, the result on pericarditis risk needs to be interpreted with caution. Nevertheless, the potential mechanisms of association between COVID-19 vaccination and myocarditis or pericarditis remains uncertain,” the study authors wrote.
            Compared with the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, the administration of the second dose was associated with a greater risk of pericarditis and/or myocarditis, with a pooled RR of 4.06 (95% CI=2.08, 7.92; I2=52.5%; p<0.001).

            Although the higher risk of myocarditis and pericarditis being higher among those administered the COVID-19 vaccine, it the authors noted that myocarditis or pericarditis was predominantly mild in these individuals. They added that the spontaneous resolution of vaccine-associated myocarditis is common..

          7. Larry, you’re outdoing your usual level of wrongness today. Russian disinformation?How about a drug-addled person’s notes? Hunter agreed this week to answer the subpoena, and he pled not guilty to the california charges he originally pled guilty to.
            Fauci as truth-teller is an oxymoron.
            No one knows yet how many young men will have shortened lives from myocarditis caused by the vax for a diisease not likely to kill them. Not all cases are recognized, so the total numbers are uncertain.

            Compared to unvaccinated individuals , myocarditis or pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccines were 2.13-fold higher (95% CI=1.55, 2.94; I2= 92.5%; p<0.001). There was also a statistically significant association found between COVID-19 vaccination and myocarditis with a pooled RR of 2.02 (95% CI=1.21, 3.37; I2=97.8%; p<0.001). This association was not found in pericarditis (RR=1.16; 95% CI=0.74, 1.82; I2=0; p=0.509).

            “It is noteworthy that although an increased risk of pericarditis was not found, only 2 studies of pericarditis were included in the analysis, therefore, the result on pericarditis risk needs to be interpreted with caution. Nevertheless, the potential mechanisms of association between COVID-19 vaccination and myocarditis or pericarditis remains uncertain,” the study authors wrote.
            Compared with the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, the administration of the second dose was associated with a greater risk of pericarditis and/or myocarditis, with a pooled RR of 4.06 (95% CI=2.08, 7.92; I2=52.5%; p<0.001).

            Although the higher risk of myocarditis and pericarditis being higher among those administered the COVID-19 vaccine, it the authors noted that myocarditis or pericarditis was predominantly mild in these individuals. They added that the spontaneous resolution of vaccine-associated myocarditis is common..

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            Carol – how many millions were spared the disease and/or death from it?

            You’re quoting from ONE study Carol. And even then, how do you trade off millions of lives saved from COVID
            verses side effects for a very small number?

            Ya’ll can’t deal with the realities apparently. Yes, there are some serious side effects for some people, it’s even true with polio and other diseases that we vaccinate for.

            Some folks want to zero it only what confirms their own biases. Can’t see to look at the bigger picture or the totality
            of the issue.

            I’d challenge you to who is “wrong”! and more than once.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            “Despite evidence of a higher risk of myocarditis or pericarditis with COVID-19 vaccination, immunization should still be recommended because the benefits likely outweigh the harms, study shows.”


      2. Teddy007 Avatar

        The idea that the government could have forced all of the teachers back to work in April 2020 is laughable. Even in the states that were Covid-19 defiant, the schools had problems getting enough people to teach, work in support jobs, or even operate a cafeteria.
        Also, the idea that all of the students would have stayed in school with no precautions during a pandemic has been shown to be wrong.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Rather than your wrong assertion – proof.
          False equivalencies and loyalty to the party uber alles is all you have

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            “COVID-19 and the European Education Performance Decline: A Focus on Primary School Children’s Reading Achievement between 2016 and 2021”

            THe claim from the right that European schools stayed open and suffered no learning loss is completely false also.

            THe simple truth is that COVID affected the world and not just schools :


            Business and manufacturers dclosed.

            Supply chain issues affected the world.

            Hospitals were overflowing…

            People were working remote from their jobs…

            Restaurants closed and/or starting doing deliveries instead.

            On and On, and yet folks on the right essentially live in a make-believe world on it IMO.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Propaganda poodle gotta propaganda.
            People on the right don’t say Europe got it right. Another false analogy, but when you believe in demonstrable lies, you have to lie to support your position because you are too pig-headed to admit you were wrong.

            Consensus is not proof. Consensus is not “science.” Consensus can be wrong.

            Sweden got it right in Europe and was vilified by all the “smart” “consensus” globalists types. Thanks for proving my point.
            The Great Barrington Declaration was right. Fauci and Collins attacked it, and sicced the media on it.
            Covid was real. It was manufactured (more lies from Fauci, who also funded it). Then the chosen treatments were harmful – ventilators, remdesivir, social distance, mask, deny early treatment – all wrong by the “smart” people.

            Pitiful to be unable to admit mistakes…just world health at stake…but I guess if we are going to have a New World Order and the health system controlled by WHO, gotta keep drinking and spouting the Kool-Aid. I hope you at least get paid for spouting foolery… all the time, non-stop. Did you accept correction from your first grade teacher, or was she wrong all the time, too?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            More right-wing mythology Walter:




            The Swedish response to this pandemic was unique and characterised by a morally, ethically, and scientifically questionable laissez-faire approach, a consequence of structural problems in the society. There was more emphasis on the protection of the “Swedish image” than on saving and protecting lives or on an evidence-based approach. A strategy was never discussed among all relevant parties, and never implemented nor communicated to the public. In addition, there was an unwillingness and incapacity to admit any failures at all governmental levels; or to take any responsibility for the clearly detrimental outcomes for Swedish society. There were even attempts to revise history by changing, or deleting official documents, communication, and websites, and gaslighting the public. The Swedish authorities involved were not self-critical and did not engage in any official and open dialogue and misled the public by withholding correct information and even spreading misleading information. A small group of so-called experts with a narrow disciplinary focus received a disproportionate and unquestioned amount of power in the discussion, nationally and internationally. There was no intellectual/scientific discussion between stakeholders (including independent experts from different disciplines), and the international advice of WHO, ECDC and the scientific community was ignored and/or discredited.”


          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Bow wow wow yippee oh yippee ay, bow wow yippee oh yippee ay – says the atomic propaganda poodle.
            Larry – do you ever actually read the Bovine Excrement you post? Your “proof” is from March 2022 and is the “experts” saying Sweden should have listened to the “experts.” It criticized how Sweden formed its decisions – there wasn’t enough “stakeholder” (Commie word alert!) collaboration. And remember, all you “science” and “trust the experts” types brutally criticized Sweden for going it alone. Unfortunately for you “consensus” “expert” “science” types, Sweden is pretty much recognized as the best outcome. Did not bankrupt businesses. Did not screw kids over. Did not cause PTSD for all. But they didn’t do what the experts said!!! I think there is a lesson there for all sane, rational thinking people. (That excludes you and all Lefties.)

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Walter, around the world, virtually every country , with it’s own independent public health leaders separate from Fauci ended up doing pretty much the same approach as Fauci and the rest of the US Public Health service concluded to do.

            What the other countries actually did do – was not “opinion”. It was what was actually done, reality and it reduced deaths by millions.

            Folks on the right seem to talk about this “consensus” as if it was some kind of conspiracy.

            AND Sweden actually did quite badly but hid the data at first until they could no longer, but folks on the right ignored it and still promote the falsified data which is simply not the truth.


          6. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Arguing consensus again propaganda poodle.
            And ignoring all the inconvenient facts like Fauci paid for the gain of function, bureaucratically maneuvered around the pause on that type of research lied about it, totally made up the social distancing, knew masking didn’t work, authorized character attacks and censorship on people who disagreed with him… Yeah, all totally normal for the party of “science” people…
            And Sweden had the deaths early of the people most likely to die, then it all fell off. Using the same date as your bogus article in the graph. Sweden made a choice. It was a rational choice. And, when you get to the end of it, in terms of human years of life saved, Sweden made the better choice. The people who died were already within a year of life anyway, like all the previous times when flu culled the sick and elderly.
            And you do know the CDC is fighting to hide its V-Safe data, right? Only wanted 93 years or some reasonable period like that…

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            Fauci doesn’ have a dollar to spend on gain of function. Even if it were true, what wuld it mean? It’s just become a right wing trope. Walter, around the world, even in Sweden, they were socially distancing, wearing masks and taking other precautions… I’ll grant you that apparently schools did different in Sweden. But Sweden also had big impacts from COVID once the actual data got out. Yes, their elderly suffered and in the US , who made the big stink about our elderly dying in nursing homes? Walter.. you’re so full of conspiracy theories… it’s like playing whack a mole..

          8. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Well…maybe if Fauci hadn’t funded the virus manipulation which escaped from the Wuhan lab, maybe we wouldn’t have had the Covid pandemic worldwide. Does that matter? Or that he lied about it?
            Meanwhile, here is an up to date article which believes Sweden’s response was proved right…because it was.

            You don’t know anything. You repeat the party line and do not do any actual thinking or examination of data. The Reason article (I know – not a trusted source for the guy who only wants to believe his preferred propaganda sources) also notes that Sweden’s death count was intentionally high by coding a death, even if really from heart or something else, as Covid if the person had Covid. The Swedish excess death rate is lower than the other Nordic countries and less than half the Western “smart” countries. like Germany and the US. The only “lockdowns” sweden did were nursing homes, which may have been a good call. seems “targeted” – oh, like the Great Barrington people argued, which Fauci of course vilified, slandered, planted media hits, censored…and he was wrong, as usual

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            What distinguishes Conservatives these days on a lot of issues is personal attacks on individual like Fauci, essentially targeting him as if he was the one person alone responsible for all that was thought to be wrong with the US response.

            That’s wrong and actually is the “evil” you often allude to.

            The decision to work with the Chinese lab was not his alone by a long shot. He also could not, alone, pay for it.

            The thing about Sweden is conflicted. They actually did have restrictions besides nursing homes.

            And the data shows that Sweden did have substantial COVID:


            “There were also many other restrictions put in place that people ignore, including alcohol sales restrictions, all large events and large localities shutdown, including sports events, zoos, theatres, theme parks. Sports activities all shut down or went outdoors. Even “recommendations” (ie technically binding but unenforced) on restricting travel outside your home region.

            Schools were affected as well. Mr. Steadson also told me:

            Contrary to popular myth, Sweden did close schools. In early March 2020, the Government amended the school regulations to allow all schools from preschool and up, to move to remote or hybrid learning in the event of outbreaks of staff issues. On March 27, 2020, on the recommendation of the Swedish Public Health Agency, all high schools (Grade 10 and up) and Universities and adult education moved to remote learning, with 3 months summer holidays beginning a few weeks later.

            Following the 2020 summer break, many schools, predominantly middle school and up (from grade 7) – elected to continue with hybrid and remote classes, however, no statistics on school closures were kept.”



            Despite the facts, organizations like Reason and CATO continue to publish incorrect information that essentially hides or ignores pretty relevant data that shows that Sweden actually DID have restrictions and DID have substantial COVID and impacts not unlike most other countries.

            It’s the mythology that conservative weave and cling to despite abundant facts and realities that really disqualify them from really participating in policies and governance.

          10. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You remain oblivious to facts.
            Fauci lied. Repeatedly. If someone lies to you, do you continue to trust them? (Obviously, you do bev=cause you are too dedicated to your team, and not willing to look at the facts which contravene your propaganda poodle duties)
            Fauci funded BILLIONS in “research.” He funded this gain of function research, even though he knew there was a ban in the US. He knew social distancing was made up. He knew masks didn’t work. He actively used the media to attack and censor people who disagreed with him. People whose criticisms were proved correct.

            And so you go the world’s most Leftist paper – The Guardian – to continue to refuse to acknowledge what is true. What date was that Grauniad article?

            Unfortunately, Larry – we have reached the truth test time –
            How many sexes are there?
            Is lying bad?
            Is murder bad?
            Is gender-affirming care for minors crazy or not? If not, why can’t they drink before 21?

            Oh, and conservatives should be disqualified from policies and governance? That’s why you have to censor people who disagree with the all too brilliant liars currently in charge everywhere?

          11. LarrytheG Avatar

            No he did not lie. He was accused of it by folks on the right and then “targeted” personally by folks on the right which is what the right seems to do these days. Fauci cannot “fund”. Has to be approved by Congress and the POTUS and NIH.

            Folks on the right these days directly and personally target people. That’s wrong and it actually crosses the line when yahoos decide they can do it physically also.

            I “go on” with a wide variety of other sources and publications as opposed to listening only to one like CATO or REASON.
            The date on the Guardian article and others is consistent with the dates that CATO and REASON have been referencing.

            Yes, the GOP and Conservatives have demonstrated quite well that they are indeed incapable of governance – across
            the board!

          12. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Do you read any news? The two days of Congressional testimony? All the walking back? All the “I do not recall” statements.
            You’re a joke. 2+2=4
            What was the date on the Grauniad article? Was it still early when Sweden was higher because it took the hit early?
            Calling a liar a liar is not “targeting.” It’s stating the truth, which obviously you can’t handle. Where’s Jack Nicholson when I need him? And no authoritarian tendencies at all…only the “experts” are qualified to have opinions and “serve” in govt! (Have you noticed that these hacks get really rich? And are incredible stock pickers? Asking for a friend…)

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            The Fauci things is a grade A conspiracy theory in my view. It’s like looking for blame on other infectious diseases even though we know it happens on a regular basis throughout history. I’ll grant that Sweden has less strict policies and ended up with less COVID and I get this not from CATO but from NIH, that “science” we talk about.,voluntary%20and%20sustainable%20mitigation%20recommendations.

          14. LarrytheG Avatar

            lying about issues has become second nature to many Conservatives these days… They just believe what they want to believe and Mr. Trump and FOX are their models.

          15. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            So that’s one State. Was it the neuroticism/fear – we’re gonna die from the terrified Karens? Or the low pay? Or the fact that it was the evil DeSatan? Remember the lawyer posing as the Grim Reaper on the Florida beaches? The official govt rules were WRONG.

          16. Teddy007 Avatar

            Once again, the idea that people could be forced to exposed themselves to Covid-19 and that the U.S. should have accepted another 0.5 million deaths on top of the deaths that occurred is foolish and childish. But then again, what the pandemic really proved is that too many conservatives face every problem by throwing a hissy fit and acting like children.

          17. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Going the Larry route, eh?
            No, there would not have been .5 million more deaths by exposure. Covid by itself was not particularly lethal. It was the morbidly obese, the Vitamin D deficient, the old people with 2 or 3 co-morbidities who died in the main. Meanwhile, the “treatments” didn’t work, and the restrictions on therapeutics and the harms caused by the lockdowns, and now the strange excess deaths (which of course has absolutely nothing to do with the mandated experimental shotshotshot) caused far more harm. But you all will never admit it cuz it was your “team” that set all the wrong policies, and they are the “experts” and “experts” can’t be wrong. SCIENCE!

          18. Teddy007 Avatar

            There was 1.1 million deaths and 5 million hospitalizations due to Covid-19. The total death rate in the U.S. rose by about 15% in 2020 from a baseline of 2019. The total number of deaths and the death rate rose in all age groups. One needs to remember how few deaths occur in the 0-17 y/o age group from all causes.

            But keep up the anti-vax, childish fear of needles, and adolescent defiance. It works so well in politics. One everyone else has learned is that the covid-10 truthers should not be trusted with anything.

          19. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You keep defending people who lied and cite your emotional BS. Maybe Dr. St. Fauci shouldn’t have funded the gain of function research and offloaded it to Wuhan?
            And then maybe, besides not lie about it, Dr. St. Fauci et al should have listened to the critics, instead of attacking and censoring them? Maybe “I am science” Dr. St. Fauci shouldn’t have advocated things he knew didn’t work?
            I’m not anti-vax – I’m anti mandating an experimental medical product in violation of the Nuremberg Code and pretending that was OK. Particularly since it didn’t work, and appears to have a very long tail of adverse effects. That’s not childish. That is looking at facts and using reason. Like Larry, projecting like an IMAX.

          20. LarrytheG Avatar

            how many million lives were save Walter ? that’s “not working”?

            Fauci / Gain of Function is a the ultimate in what-about-ism conspiracy theories and the targeting of him as an individual (and others) is wrong and yet another reason Conservatives are not to be trusted with policy issues.
            It’s like they’ve taken up Mr. Trump’s way of doing business.

          21. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            How many million lives WERE saved Larry? You can’t prove any. You can only assert it. And for the millionth time Mr. head of cement, Dr. Fauci funded gain of function. He lied about it. The funded gain of function escaped from Wuhan, where the funds had gone. Is it impossible for you to fathom (probably because you have cement in your cranium instead of grey matter) that IF Dr. St. Fauci had not funded gain of function at Wuhan, then the world would not have had a Covid pandemic? You keep defending Mengele…

          22. LarrytheG Avatar

            we KNOW how many normally died BEFORE covid and we know how many died AFTER they got covid, right?

            The “gain of function” is a conspiracy theory in the fetid minds of those who eat them like M&M s It’s like China
            purposely developed COVID to release on the world with Fauci’s’ help and support. bzzzzztttt there’s a reason
            why you folks shouldn’t be involved in governance.

          23. Teddy007 Avatar

            There was no genetic manipulation of Covid-19. There is no proof that gain of function research was conducted by anymore. Even if the disease leaked from a lab, what is the point.
            And if one starts talking about lettiing people die rather than use a vaccine that had been through clinical trials, then one is an anit-vaxxer. And experiments in medicine have to so with collecting information, not what is done. And the vaccine definitely lowered the risk of dying from Covid-19 as seen in the lower death rates in late 2021 and 2022.

            Compare what was done to what was proposed in letting everyone get the disease to develop herd immunity. Since it was know in late 2020 that people could be reinfected, the idea of herd immunity was never going to be achieved. But keep up the hissy fits, since such fits work so great in politics.

          24. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Seriously? The “cleavage” site? No manipulation? Ralph Daszcak (sp) at EcoHealth was funded…by Fauci! And there weren’t “clinical trials” of the not a vaccine experimental medical product – they were called off, besides doctored! There is no proof that the “vaccine” lowered death rates. I would have thought it impossible to be worse than Larry, but congratulations, you have achieved it!

          25. Teddy007 Avatar

            I guess when one has to act like a 12 year old and throw hissy fits instead of dealing with a pandemic head on, one starts trying to define medical research away, starts trying to take public health back to the 19th century, and start trying to to deny that clinical trials occurred. See to see how wrong one can be.

          26. LarrytheG Avatar

            I think you might have been a tad bit generous on the age….

          27. Teddy007 Avatar

            No, ask any school teacher. The 12 y/o 7th grader are the worst. And too man conservatives have decided that since Trump asks like a 12 y/o all of the time, then all of them should be able to act as a 12 y/o brat.

          28. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You notice the date was Nov 2020? And then the “vaccine” got approved as “emergency use authorization?” These were not full clinical trials, which normally take about a decade. You know the “approvals” had all sorts of post-approval monitoring required? You know there have been way more “vaccine” injuries than previously acceptable? You know that the Pfizer clinical docs, which the government wanted to hide for 75 years, have revealed many mistakes, and likely fraud?

          29. Teddy007 Avatar

            They were clinical trials. Not one wants to nitpick and let more people die because, as a 12 y/o acting adult, one is scared of a shot. And why not provide a cite for the claims of errors and mistakes. However, please make sure it is a .gov address like I provided to you.

          30. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Uh…the .gov is part of the problem.
            Here is one –
            And this is from your beloved, never lying govt’s approval in August of 2021 – The FDA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have monitoring systems in place to ensure that any safety concerns continue to be identified and evaluated in a timely manner. In addition, the FDA is requiring the company to conduct postmarketing studies to further assess the risks of myocarditis and pericarditis following vaccination with Comirnaty. These studies will include an evaluation of long-term outcomes among individuals who develop myocarditis following vaccination with Comirnaty. In addition, although not FDA requirements, the company has committed to additional post-marketing safety studies, including conducting a pregnancy registry study to evaluate pregnancy and infant outcomes after receipt of Comirnaty during pregnancy.

            Why would the govt require post-approval testing if it didn’t think there were problems? Inquiring minds want to know…

            It was a botched govt response, from power-mad bureaucrats playing God and manipulating viruses, which killed millions. Deal with it.

          31. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s a worldwide conspiracy to suppress data and promote the false idea that millions of lives were saved worldwide.


  22. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    The Republican Covid Lost Cause Campaign Episode X…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      well stated. I wonder how many of them will get vaccinations… for other diseases…going forward since they seem to have disputed the concept and purpose of public health in general as not a proper govt function.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Chlorine in the gene pool, Larry.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar


  23. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Don’t forget if it was not for particulates from fossil fuels, there would have been been no COVID due to the germ hitching a ride. We live in an era where trace contaminants in the nanogram are considered an outrage and deadly. Let’s face it, the precautionary principle GH (gone haywire) is the current requirement for USA society, and that means mandated facemasks and schools must be closed, otherwise it is genocide.

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