Pssst. PST Jobs are Growing in Virgina, Pass It Along.

by James A. Bacon

The occupational cluster labeled “professional, scientific and technical services” (PS&T) has been one of the fastest growing job categories in the United States economy since 20o1, expanding some 15% in contrast to a roughly 20% decline in such noteworthy clusters as manufacturing, media and finance over the same period, writes Joel Kotkin for That trend has been a positive one for Virginia — at least for the Washington and Richmond metropolitan areas, less so for Hampton Roads.

In an important modification to the line that I have frequently peddled here — that high-salary, high-skill jobs tend to gravitate toward larger labor markets — PS&T jobs have been moving to second-tier labor markets such as Jacksonville, alt Lake City, Kansas City and Richmond over the past decade. (See the list of the 50 largest metros in Kotkin’s blog post.)

Writes Kotkin: “Once considered the natural domain of megacities and dense urban cores, high-wage business service jobs, largely due to technology, can increasingly be done anywhere. This suggests that the playing field for such positions, rather than concentrating, will become ever wider. As the struggle for good jobs intensifies in the years ahead, expect the competition between regions to get even greater.”

Washington: Washington has the highest concentration of PS&T jobs in the nation, with a “Location Quotient” of 2.45 in 2012, meaning that it has 2.45 times the number of jobs as a percentage of population as the nation as a whole. While the percentage growth in the number of such jobs was relatively high — 26.1% — the intensity score increased only incrementally because the base was very high to start with.

Richmond: Richmond’s LQ was only 1.01 in 2012, a hair above the national average. However, job growth over the decade was robust, 28.9%, so the LQ rose by 9.8%.

Hampton Roads: Here we get another clue into the region’s sub-par economic performance over the past decade. PS&T jobs increased only 7.4% since 2001, and actually declined over the past two years. The region’s Location Quotient was .89, or one of the lowest in the nation.

Bacon’s bottom line: There’s no secret to the Washington region’s growth in PS&T jobs — the occupations are tied to the region’s strength in government-driven systems integration. The labor pool is so deep that the region has achieved critical mass, generating new enterprises that draw upon that talent, which in turn increase the need for even more PS&T workers. That dynamism overcomes the fact that salaries are higher than anywhere in the U.S. outside San Jose and San Francisco.

Richmond is more of a mystery. There is no single industry cluster that can explain the growth in PS&T jobs. It’s possible that the job cluster is so small that growth of a handful of organizations could account for the surge. I learned recently, for example, that the Richmond Federal Reserve Bank handles the lion’s share of IT management for all federal reserve banks across the country. Could job growth at the Fed, or another big employer like Capital One, have made the difference? I don’t know. Local economic development authorities should take a look.

Hampton Roads… I think we have a problem, folks. Not only do these jobs comprise a smaller slice of the economy, wage levels are lower. This is a strategically critical occupational category for any region, and local authorities need to understand the source of weakness.

Hat tip: Tim Wise

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2 responses to “Pssst. PST Jobs are Growing in Virgina, Pass It Along.”

  1. reed fawell III Avatar
    reed fawell III

    My sense is that Richmond has a strong future. Much to its own credit. It’s aimed itself in the right direction, and appears actively headed that way.

    Richmond has been a natural magnate for business. Now, by cultivating that advantage with initiatives such as the logistics project and its strong push toward urban livability, the city will likely reap ever greater rewards. This might be magnified for several external reasons.

    Most significantly, what’s now working to Richmond’s advantage is increasingly working to DC regions disadvantage. The latter’s loss of livability that’s eroding its appeal to today’s highly mobile skilled workers.

    Recall the powerful engines of Fairfax’s growth was several fold from 1970 to 2000. First, its unique location next door to the Federal government. Second, its then wonderful livability and far easier transit to employment nodes, during 70s, 80’s, and into the 90’s. Third, its fine schools, low taxes, good housing stock. To a surprising degree, the livability of Fairfax County was the tipping point for many corporate out of town migrants into Fairfax.

    One wonders if those powerful incentives still hold. If much of this bloom might be off the rose in many N. Va. locales. If outer growth around DC is becoming ever more difficult to sustain, given not only demographics but also the erosion of those earlier growth factors- easily transit, low taxes, etc.

    If so, Richmond’s increasing livability/locational advantage over the DC region’s ever declining one, might alter the dynamic between the cities.

    Thus high paying jobs might shift south to Richmond as companies realize that Richmond gives them a competitive advantage. Whether it’s hiring workers seeking for good jobs with livability, short commutes, low taxes. Todays ease of telecommunications may be be a net plus for Richmond too.

    If true, these realities might be the centerpiece a marketing program.

  2. check this out:

    List of North American cities by year of foundation

    Richmond is on this list.

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