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Propagating the Big Lie

As reported in today’s Washington Times (“GOP hit hard on road plan“), House Majority Leader Morgan Griffith (R-Salem) had this to say about the constitutionality of HB3202:

“The facts are that some of us raised the question and we were assured by the [attorney general’s] staff that it was constitutional”

This claim has often been repeated by the likes of Speaker Howell, Delegates Albo, Rust and a bunch of other legislators who are now trying to justify their vote in favor of HB 3202, in the face of a mounting statewide voter revolt.

Unfortunately, this is nothing more than an often repeated Big Lie. As shown in the email received by one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit against HB 3202, AG Bob McDonnell responded to the Robert Dean’s inquiry by stating that his office has issued no such formal opinion.

Subject: RE: Constitutionality of transportation plan…
Date: May 2, 2007 12:41:31 PM EDT
To: robertkdean@XXXXXX.XXX

Robert, thanks for your inquiry. No formal opinion of the Attorney general has been issued on constitutional questions relating to HB 3202. Formal opinions are the ones that are public and used to clarify the law. These are all available on our website at There has been informal advice rendered to several clients of this office upon request, which as you know I am bound by the attorney client privilege to keep confidential. I am unsure what opinion copy was being referred to last night. Thank You for your interest. (emphasis added)

Given this fact, how can anyone vote for politicians who continue to propagate lies and misinformation?

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