Progressive Takeover of Educational Institutions – Virginia PTA Edition

Virginia PTA President Pamela Croom

by James C. Sherlock

The Richmond Times Dispatch published an article on Sunday about a Virginia PTA (VAPTA) conference at Atlee High School in Mechanicsville.

Secretary of Education Aimee Guidera spoke to the attendees about the administration’s recent education report.

That report assessed that Black and Hispanic students from impoverished families had entered COVID with major academic disadvantages and then suffered the worst learning losses during COVID.

She affirmed the administration’s commitment “to ensure that there is access to quality education for every child in Virginia.”

Virginia PTA President Pamela Croom in that same article was quoted:

VAPTA is still evaluating Thursday’s report.

If there’s concern about how our children are actually performing in school then we need to look at how we are funding our schools and making sure we are fully funding our schools.

“If” there is a concern, the solution is money.

That motivated me to take a look at the profiles of the leadership of Ms. Croom’s Virginia PTA. They are nowhere to be found. A previous web page on board structure has been removed and not replaced.

So, we do not know who the VAPTA board members are, how they are elected or how their positions on various issues are derived. Let’s look at what we do know.

Is there anything more American that the PTA? Those of us of a certain age remember the PTA as an organization that most parents joined and supported.  

It was totally apolitical other than supporting school bond issue votes. My parents, who had their two children in Catholic schools, proudly voted for those bond issues even though we did not benefit directly as a family.

VAPTA. The VAPTA declares itself to be a non-partisan association. By looking at its activities of its board, that claim is hard to credit. It also is an organization demonstrably in decline. VAPTA claims “over 175,000 members.” There were 1,250,198 children in Virginia public schools in 2021-22. Do the math.

As evidence of the continuing erosion of its support and membership, VAPTA reported to the IRS in 2020 that gifts, grants, contributions, and membership fees received had declined every year in the required reporting period, 2015 ($426,508) – 2019 ($303,481), more than 85% from membership dues.

So, that report implies a loss of 30% of its membership total in five years even assuming dues did not rise during that period.

As for comity on the VAPTA board, read the “most useful review selected by” among its employee reviews.

Members of the current executive board frequently talk about and pit others against each other. There is a lot of backstabbing which takes place. It is a toxic mix, which is unfortunate, given the goal-oriented nature of the organization at large.

VAPTA board working environment aside, it is not hard to connect its increasingly progressive activities to that decline.

The progressive takeover of education at every level has, nationally and in Virginia, included the PTA. Their membership is way down, but increased membership is not the goal. Capturing the flag of the organization and its public pulpit has been the goal. In that the left has succeeded.

So what has VAPTA done with that pulpit?

A chronology. On June 6, 2021, members of the PTSA (Parent, Teacher, and Student Association) at TJ elected a new executive board. Quoting a contemporary account of the outcome of that election:

Four of these newly elected members — including the first black association president, Harry Jackson, Second Vice President Jun Wang, Treasurer Himanshu Verma, and Corresponding Secretary Hanning Chen — are members of the Coalition for TJ, a parents’ group that organized last year in opposition to the Fairfax County School Board’s plan to eliminate race-blind, merit-based admissions to the… public high school. They also oppose teaching critical race theory.

Those facts are not in dispute. The new board was the incredibly diverse. But, for VAPTA, too diverse.

On June 23, 2021, before the new board had even met, Ms. Croom sent a letter to that board revoking the charter of the PTSA.

Writing that she had received “numerous communications” asking her to intercede, Ms. Croom cited “continuous lack of respect and disregard” for the authority of the VAPA.

Additionally, the challenging and disrespect shown to the current President without adequate reason  other than having a majority vote does not signify a board that respects the PTA Mission, Values, Purposes and Principles as provided in subsidiary bylaws.

The current TJHSST PTSA leadership continues to imperil the reputation and viability of the association.

The “current President” was, of course, Ms. Croom. As for the “reputation and viability of the association,” consult the declining membership data reflected in the IRS report cited above.

We note that on July 18, 2021 Michelle Leete, who served as Vice President of Training of the Virginia PTA, was asked to resign after she said, “let them die,” in response to people protesting critical race theory.

Ms. Croom’s statement: “We do not condone the choice of words used during a public event on Thursday, July 15, 2021.” Choice of words. It took three days to come up with that.

Where are we now? So, where are we with regards to the VAPTA and the Youngkin administration? Just where you think.

Ms. Croom:

  • commented this past weekend that “the Virginia PTA is still evaluating Thursday’s report”;
  • questioned “if there’s concern about how our children are actually performing in school”; and
  • saw money as the answer if those concerns prove valid.

While Virginians have no idea of the profiles of the Executive Board of our state PTA or how they were selected, we need not hold our breath for the outcome of their evaluation.

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13 responses to “Progressive Takeover of Educational Institutions – Virginia PTA Edition”

  1. Excellent piece, Jim. The educational-industrial complex is a complex ecosystem with numerous players, many of them obscure. “Progressives” have captured many of them, as appears to be the case with the PTA. It is important that we illuminate what’s going on.

    There is a huge asymmetry at work with America’s culture wars. Most conservatives aren’t interested in running other peoples’ lives. For the most part, their priorities are family, career, and church. They just want to be left alone. Progressives, by contrast, aren’t content to just live their values — they want to impose them on everyone else — and they’re will to devote the time to the task. They have taken over institution after institution while conservatives have slept.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Except for pregnancies, sexual preference, contraceptives, reading materials, and in-person-3-photo-ID voting, you’re correct. They aren’t interested in running other people’s lives.

      1. N2 – so true and so evident in the voter suppression happening right now in Georgia – just as everyone warned!!!

  2. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    My kids’ elementary school in McLean had a PTO and not a PTA because parents wanted to keep all of the money raised at their kids’ school. This enraged a number of PTA activists, but they were ignored. We never joined the PTAs at their middle or high school. As I understand it, many other parents didn’t join either. We always gave to the various fundraisers that the kids’ school organizations or teams held.

  3. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    The problem with the Youngkin administration is that he chose two outside of Virginia Educators with no Virginia track record for leaders. He now will pay dearly for that mistake. He is going to feel the pain as his administration tries to get things done in the next 42 months. Two General Assemblies away, three if you count the last one when everyone in his administration will be jumping ship to find jobs as he moves out of office. He has good ideas and good thoughts, but all he will be known for is moving CRT out. CRT was doomed anyway. It isn’t day one that matters, it’s 48 months later that does.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      The problem? One problem is more accurate.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      “He now will pay dearly for that mistake”. “He is going to feel the pain as his administration tries to get things done in the next 42 months.”

      Pretty negative view through a 3 1/2 year crystal ball. What do you base it on? What information do you have on Ms. Guidera and Ms. Balow that I missed? Or, having been there, do you think that the bureaucracy will freeze them out? I doubt that is what you would have done.

      Either way, you clearly assume that the jobs are undoable by anyone but people raised in the Virginia Way. The Virginia Way brought us to where we are.

      I suggest you give them a chance.

      1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
        Kathleen Smith

        I would give them a chance. They do speak some truth. The problem is that Virginia is Virginia and Virginia educators don’t take kindly to outsiders. Guess it would be the same if I did the same in North Dakota. Problem is that we are way to territorial.

        As far as my crystal ball, educators have a very good track record with passive resistance. That is why there is little change in education, only minor pendulum swings.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          I absolutely agree with you about the passive-aggressive nature of bureaucracies. But if we are to have a republic, they must accept the policy leadership of elected officials. The current administration was elected very specifically to make big changes in education. Those in VDOE who don’t wish to follow that lead need to be moved aside one way or another.

  4. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    To: S. Holmes
    From: Dr. Watson
    Re: VPTA

    The website for this non-PAC organization states it is constituted of voluntary members of over 175,000. An extraordinary membership for volunteers. There are, it claims, 950 chapters in Virginia schools serving some 51,000 teachers and 776,000 students, 55% of whom are students of color.

    Rereading the statement by its President about school funding fails to conclude or coincide with your statement about more money as an antidote to failing schools. Her statement adverts to questioning how schools are funded and whether it is done so fully. You may wish to review the evidence.

    Nonetheless, your article is as usual a master hit piece on a criminal enterprise as your associate JAB congratulates. The depth of the conspiracy to dominate education must be exposed, especially to the 175,000 VPTA volunteer members including those on its board of directors for which names are presently not published. Decidedly a strategery for stealth.

    Yours in inserting material between the lines,
    P.S. The members of the Executive Board are listed in the “Contact” section on the website in case you are curious. It appears you can write directly to them for further information.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I did write them for further information. It is worth asking why they removed the original web page. So I did.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Watson shoulda advised you that VAPTA officers are elected for two year terms at its annual meeting held this year on May 21. This info was on the website. But….it’s better to score your points with conclusions and inferences you deduce.

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