Prince William Republicans Walk Out of “Bias” Training Session

Prince William Supervisor Pete Candland

by James A. Bacon

First comes bias training, then comes anti-bias enforcement. Can the thought police be far behind?

In Prince William County last week, three Republican members of the Board of Supervisors walked out of a presentation, “Raising Awareness of Unconscious Bias to Foster Inclusivity and Equity,” at a joint meeting of the supervisors and county school board.

Supervisor Pete Candland said he found “insulting” a presentation that insinuated that board members held racial biases. Furthermore, he said the issue was a distraction from the pressing issue of how best to educate children during the COVID-19 epidemic. “During this critical time of the global pandemic, kids having issues at home, concerns about funding our schools moving forward, they decided to take this time to talk about Implicit Bias Critical Race Theory.”

“I felt that it was important to walk out and not just sit there, because I refuse to legitimize this notion that we are all somehow racist,” concurred Supervisor Yesli Vega, as reported by Bristow Beat.

School Board member Loree Williams presented the anti-bias presentation as benign. “Learning about how you make decisions — the internal patterns, thoughts and perceptions and how you view the world — it absolutely affects the decisions you will make.”

But Maggie Hansford, president of the Prince William Education Association, responded more forcefully: “In a grotesque representation of privilege, Pete Candland sent an open letter to all constituents demanding accountability for tax dollars spent … on ‘hyper-progressive’ issues such as race and diversity. … Openly writing a letter to the community refusing to educate yourself or allocate tax dollars to racial injustice is a direct side effect of white privilege.”

Meanwhile in Richmond, Virginia Commonwealth University is moving beyond mere anti-bias training. The university is setting up an anti-bias bureaucracy and enforcement apparatus.

In a letter addressed to the VCU community, Aashir Nasim, vice president of institutional equity, effectiveness and success, described how the university is rolling out two new programs in addition to the ones it already has:

  • Mandatory Non-Discrimination Training (Employees)
  • Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Certificate Program (Employees)

Additionally, VCU’s “Bias Response Team” will change its name to the “Campus Inclusion Resource Team” (CIRT), which will have as a first order of business developing a “Bias-Related Incidents” policy, “which will include definitions for bias and hate crimes and mechanisms for addressing bias-related incidents.”

Bacon’s bottom line: Few would disagree that we all should be aware of our unconscious biases and strive to treat all individuals without regard to their race or ethnicity. The problem is that anti-bias “training,” increasingly permeated with the rhetoric of Critical Race Theory, has become a mechanism for indoctrinating people with a leftist critique of society that presumes white racism and white privilege.

Not only is anti-bias “training” drifting leftward ideologically, its tenets are being enshrined in bureaucratic structures in many large public school districts and public universities. Thus, we see VCU setting up mechanisms to root out bias as defined by left-wing ideologues.

It is an iron rule of bureaucracy that the administrators of a program will seek to justify their existence. Therefore, Nasim and his acolytes will be highly motivated to find signs of bias (as they define it) everywhere at VCU. You can be assured that trivial slights, or micro-aggressions, will be magnified and people will be punished. Under the new rules of the game, actual evidence of discrimination is not required. Statistical differences in outcome are sufficient to demonstrate bias and remedies. 

The architects of these practices have gotten away with them so far because no one wants to be considered a racist. But if the Prince William County walkout is any indication, Republicans and conservatives are finally pushing back. They see how once-benign sessions to help white people understand the sensibilities of non-white people is slowly but surely transmogrifying into a tool of Orwellian repression.

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157 responses to “Prince William Republicans Walk Out of “Bias” Training Session”

  1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    If we had real media, instead of @##-kissing leftists, someone would have asked Maggie Hansford what she feels about Senator Harris’ attempt to impose a religious test on a nominee for the federal bench. Bigotry is wrong unless it’s anti-Catholic bigotry. Although I suspect she’d do the same for many evangelical sects as well. Probably, Hansford has the same thoughts.

  2. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    Yes you should always follow other’s traditions and customs…. unless they are white and Protestant customs.
    Then you should SMASH them.
    I don’t see anyone smashing the Muslim patriarchy…

    1. VDOTyranny Avatar

      the Chinese????

  3. I prefer Diversity and Inclusion Resource Team…

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      A French company, Bull, bought a Honeywell division years back. They wanted to rename the division and opened a contest.

      I suggested to a friend who worked there that he submit “Bull Software, Hardware, and Integrated Technologies”. He did.

      A couple of weeks later, he recieved a check for his 2nd place suggestion.

      The choice: Bull Worldwide Information Systems. Good thing the French guys never caught on.

      1. That is awesome. I love stuff like that.

        1. idiocracy Avatar

          Just make sure that the Base Utilization Link Layer System Handler Interrupt Test is sufficient.

  4. AlongThePike Avatar

    Interesting that the statement “we have all inherent biases” gets interpreted by some people as “all white people have inherent biases”.

    Almost seems like the person hearing the statement is translating it through some sort of internal…I don’t know what to call it, maybe “predisposition toward perceiving things a certain way”? There must be another, better word for it but it’s just not jumping to mind.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      I would agree with you if the presentation in question – “Raising Awareness of Unconscious Bias to Foster Inclusivity and Equity” has even one reference to anything other than white bias. I don’t know if that presentation is available to the public but if it is … I will bet you cold hard cash that all of the “inherent biases” discussed in the presentation are the supposed “inherent biases” of white people.

    2. I think the reaction of the president of the Prince William Education Association makes it clear that she is in the “all white people have inherent bias” camp. She accused Mr. Candland of engaging in a “grotesque representation of privilege” and said “openly writing a letter to the community refusing to educate yourself or allocate tax dollars to racial injustice is a direct side effect of white privilege.”

      She had obviously connected anti-bias training with “racial injustice” in HER mind. And if the intent of the “training” was to discuss inherent biases in ALL people, why would her criticism of him be race-based?

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    For many years, once a year, we had to take a sexual harassment course. There were those who insisted others were “overly sensitive” to others behavior but as time went by, the message became tougher and tougher.

    We have to take similar training for doing volunteer taxes. And if anyone thinks it’s a made up issue, I welcome you to deal with a tax client who has become convinced you have developed a bias against them. You’re dealing with all kinds of folks, low income, people of color, opposite sex, older folks , different cultures, – It goes to hell lin a handbasket pretty quick. So we’re taught to be careful with words, mannerisms, body language, etc… and if you don’t believe in it, then you’re pretty much done doing that job.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      I had a friend who did volunteer tax filings for folks. He would agree. The stories he would tell.

    2. djrippert Avatar

      “I welcome you to deal with a tax client who has become convinced you have developed a bias against them.”

      I’d do what those supervisors did – walk out.

      You’re providing valuable free advice out of the goodness of your own heart and the recipient somehow decides you have a bias against them? Sounds like they need the sensitivity training, not you.

      1. idiocracy Avatar

        The sort of people who need free tax advice probably aren’t the most well-adjusted people around.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          that sounds like a bias…..

          1. idiocracy Avatar

            It’s a real catch-22 isn’t it

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        There are a diverse group of people – all kinds – and it’s not necessarily them. You notice it yourself. Everyone is human and they do have biases.

    3. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      I was always taught that respect is a two-way street. We should certainly respect people with different customs and beliefs. That involves learning something about the individual and his/her background to the extent reasonable. But the reverse is true as well. One cannot come into a new place and expect to be treated as if she/he were someplace else. Respecting both minority and majority cultures is necessary.

  6. John Harvie Avatar
    John Harvie

    Boy, it’s amazing how much less almost every day I miss living in NOVA those 30-odd years ending in the ’70s.

    It used to be a wonderful place to live and rear a family but obviously no more.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Republicans moved in from surrounding counties looking for a better life and to then take it backwards.

    2. djrippert Avatar

      I was born in NoVa. Lived here my whole life except a couple of postings my Dad did elsewhere while still active duty Navy. It’s declining at an increasing rate. The inflection point hit around 2000 and it’s in free fall now. None of my five kids have any interest in living here.

  7. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Well, nothing like a stupid display of ignorant intolerance. Just do like everyone else does when forced to take annual Sensitivity Training. Sit there quietly, roll your eyes a lot, and take notes for making up racial and sexist jokes back at the office.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      Only the members of the Board of Supervisors are elected officials not employees. They don’t have to sit through politically correct garbage. Only the voters can fire them.

    2. “Just do like everyone else does when forced to take annual Sensitivity Training.”

      Actually, no, that is not the appropriate course for a joint meeting of elected boards, particularly those in PWC. The past year’s BOCS meetings have been an endless parade of shitshows marked by virtue signaling, social justice warfare, partisan politics, personal attacks and little substantive deliberation as by the time they get to the fiscal and operational issues they are principally responsible for, they are worn out and angry making any substantive deliberation damn near impossible.

      Governor Arbitrary and Capricious preaches that nothing good happens after midnight, with respect to Board meetings, he is probably right. For the past year, substantive issues regarding fiscal policy and land use decisions have typically been handled in the wee hours of the morning after hours of wailing and gnashing of the teeth over issues a County Board has not authority over.

      When you throw the most dysfunctional, partisan, lazy and functionally illiterate School Board (PWC has never had one that is not over the past 20 years) into the mix, the volatility index goes off the scale.

      Moreover, the “informational” materials that were to be “presented”, were not made available to Board members, much less the public when the agenda was published the previous Thursday. Rather, they were provided to the Supervisors mere hours before the joint meeting while the County Board was engaged in a work session regarding other matters.

      There was nothing “benign” about the presentation as asserted by Loree Williams, the most partisan and passive-aggressive idiot on the School Board. Rather, it was simply a partisan setup to further fan the flames in the County.

      As for the comments Maggie Hansford, she may be the only voice in the County more intellectually challenged than Loree Williams and one still smarting over an election shellacking in a race that was hers to lose, and lose she did because she couldn’t read the electorate or know when to keep her mouth shut on non-partisan issues. She is little more than the BOCS chairwoman’s sock puppet mindlessly reading the script provided her.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Wow, Mom! And they say all politics are local. Guess it’s true. Biden-Trump looks like a cakewalk. I am glad they are yours.

        1. I wouldn’t wish them on anybody, even you. It has become impossible to sit through one of their meetings without engaging in copious consumption, unfortunately, they do not have a wet bar in the lobby even though it would likely provide enough revenue to allow for a reduction in the real property rate.

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Rum in a Starbucks has always, repeat always, worked for me. City Council, PTA, funerals (although, just the idea of coffee draws looks), horse shows and swim meets. I haven’t tried jury duty… yet. But, if they call me again, I will. Four times is too many.

  8. Bias-training has been around from decades. I remember sitting through a two day session in which all the Whites were called out by the teachers and the Black students. A lot of friendships were lost in those meetings.

  9. Bias-training has been around from decades. I remember sitting through a two day session in which all the Whites were called out by the teachers and the Black students. A lot of friendships were lost in those meetings.

  10. dalhommer Avatar

    Good for them! Glad to see people pushing back on rhetoric that is accusing them of characteristics they do not possess, pushing back on distorted agenda-driven history, and these ridiculous unscientific lockdowns and masks.

  11. dalhommer Avatar

    Good for them! Glad to see people pushing back on rhetoric that is accusing them of characteristics they do not possess, pushing back on distorted agenda-driven history, and these ridiculous unscientific lockdowns and masks.

  12. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    If we had real media, instead of @##-kissing leftists, someone would have asked Maggie Hansford what she feels about Senator Harris’ attempt to impose a religious test on a nominee for the federal bench. Bigotry is wrong unless it’s anti-Catholic bigotry. Although I suspect she’d do the same for many evangelical sects as well. Probably, Hansford has the same thoughts.

  13. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    I worked for a large, global, New York-based company for 18 years. I joined in 1983. We had to go through similar training. If we were going into management, we had even more training. Since the firm had offices worldwide, we were trained about customs in different countries–what not to do — etc. Maybe these PWC guys think they are striking a blow for freedom, but it sounds to me that they are rather backward.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      I know this much — Never make the “okay” hand gesture in Brazil and some other South American countries.

      1. djrippert Avatar

        Nor in front of American liberals who will swear it proves you are a member of a white nationalist organization.

      2. “we were trained about customs in different countries–what not to do — etc.

        Peter, that part bears absolutely no resemblance to what’s going on in PWC.

    2. djrippert Avatar

      I have been through similar training. I found it fascinating and invaluable. Just the benefits I got in my trips to Japan were worth the time spent.

      However, the PWC Supervisors aren’t visiting another country. They are Americans in America. And the presentation was not, “Understanding different cultures in Prince William County” it was “Raising Awareness of Unconscious Bias to Foster Inclusivity and Equity”. I think there is a pretty big difference.

      1. Well I was not a manager but I had countless hours of safety training, right-to-know training, anti-trust training, some multi-national culture training, anti-harassment training, but trying to recall if we had racism training. But we had diverse workforce. We certainly had non-discrimination policy.

        I felt non-PhD’s (me) were the second class citizens…so I know the “feeling”. Overseas PhD even more the needed pedigree in some places.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          Funny you should mention Ph.Ds. I was the first person in the then 30-year history of my company promoted to Associate (partner) and then Senior Associate without one.

          I am entirely sympatico with your “feelings” of second class citizenry. It was not a happy feeling, but as discriminatory as it was for the previous 29 years, it was based on merit and accomplishment, not on heritage.

          Fortunately, our “sensitivity training” was codified in 3 well-written pages of company policy that we were reminded to read from time to time.

          It wasn’t until I took an hiatus to work at another company that I was subjected to the real thing. It was multi-hour and given the size of workforce, necessary. Once. Not every year, but then they used to adjust my chair and desk heights every 6 months based on some ergonomic measurements, so…

          1. Belated congrats on the promo!
            Another way to be treated 2nd class citizen sometimes is being on the loser-company end of merger or take-over of two companies. To the victors go the spoils. It is just human nature for some people to feel superior over another group, be it racial or just the next work group silo.

            As far as large company CBT (computer based training) bias training could be easily inserted the curriculum of a zillion chapters of all the training management needs to force upon us to cover their butts from legal blame from some enemy, for which there are many lawyer enemies trying to make profits.

          2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Short end of a takeover was why it was only a 3-year hiatus. When I realized that it was a sh!tshow, I went home and took up where I had left off. Sore, but wiser.

      2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Yeah, but I’m sure there are things you shouldn’t do or say it, oh say, Appalachia. Not quite a foreign country, but close, and the same is true about South Chicago, or wearing a Yankees cap in South Boston, the real one not the stoplight on Rte. 58.

  14. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    I worked for a large, global, New York-based company for 18 years. I joined in 1983. We had to go through similar training. If we were going into management, we had even more training. Since the firm had offices worldwide, we were trained about customs in different countries–what not to do — etc. Maybe these PWC guys think they are striking a blow for freedom, but it sounds to me that they are rather backward.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      I know this much — Never make the “okay” hand gesture in Brazil and some other South American countries.

      1. djrippert Avatar

        Nor in front of American liberals who will swear it proves you are a member of a white nationalist organization.

      2. “we were trained about customs in different countries–what not to do — etc.

        Peter, that part bears absolutely no resemblance to what’s going on in PWC.

    2. djrippert Avatar

      I have been through similar training. I found it fascinating and invaluable. Just the benefits I got in my trips to Japan were worth the time spent.

      However, the PWC Supervisors aren’t visiting another country. They are Americans in America. And the presentation was not, “Understanding different cultures in Prince William County” it was “Raising Awareness of Unconscious Bias to Foster Inclusivity and Equity”. I think there is a pretty big difference.

      1. Well I was not a manager but I had countless hours of safety training, right-to-know training, anti-trust training, some multi-national culture training, anti-harassment training, but trying to recall if we had racism training. But we had diverse workforce. We certainly had non-discrimination policy.

        I felt non-PhD’s (me) were the second class citizens…so I know the “feeling”. Overseas PhD even more the needed pedigree in some places.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          Funny you should mention Ph.Ds. I was the first person in the then 30-year history of my company promoted to Associate (partner) and then Senior Associate without one.

          I am entirely sympatico with your “feelings” of second class citizenry. It was not a happy feeling, but as discriminatory as it was for the previous 29 years, it was based on merit and accomplishment, not on heritage.

          Fortunately, our “sensitivity training” was codified in 3 well-written pages of company policy that we were reminded to read from time to time.

          It wasn’t until I took an hiatus to work at another company that I was subjected to the real thing. It was multi-hour and given the size of workforce, necessary. Once. Not every year, but then they used to adjust my chair and desk heights every 6 months based on some ergonomic measurements, so…

          1. Belated congrats on the promo!
            Another way to be treated 2nd class citizen sometimes is being on the loser-company end of merger or take-over of two companies. To the victors go the spoils. It is just human nature for some people to feel superior over another group, be it racial or just the next work group silo.

            As far as large company CBT (computer based training) bias training could be easily inserted the curriculum of a zillion chapters of all the training management needs to force upon us to cover their butts from legal blame from some enemy, for which there are many lawyer enemies trying to make profits.

          2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Short end of a takeover was why it was only a 3-year hiatus. When I realized that it was a sh!tshow, I went home and took up where I had left off. Sore, but wiser.

      2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Yeah, but I’m sure there are things you shouldn’t do or say it, oh say, Appalachia. Not quite a foreign country, but close, and the same is true about South Chicago, or wearing a Yankees cap in South Boston, the real one not the stoplight on Rte. 58.

  15. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    Yes you should always follow other’s traditions and customs…. unless they are white and Protestant customs.
    Then you should SMASH them.
    I don’t see anyone smashing the Muslim patriarchy…

    1. VDOTyranny Avatar

      the Chinese????

  16. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Not true.. the company didn’t want lawsuits. I left the firm in 2000 and moved to a job in Richmond. It was like time travel – backwoods.

  17. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Not true.. the company didn’t want lawsuits. I left the firm in 2000 and moved to a job in Richmond. It was like time travel – backwoods.

  18. I prefer Diversity and Inclusion Resource Team…

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      A French company, Bull, bought a Honeywell division years back. They wanted to rename the division and opened a contest.

      I suggested to a friend who worked there that he submit “Bull Software, Hardware, and Integrated Technologies”. He did.

      A couple of weeks later, he recieved a check for his 2nd place suggestion.

      The choice: Bull Worldwide Information Systems. Good thing the French guys never caught on.

      1. That is awesome. I love stuff like that.

        1. idiocracy Avatar

          Just make sure that the Base Utilization Link Layer System Handler Interrupt Test is sufficient.

  19. AlongThePike Avatar

    Interesting that the statement “we have all inherent biases” gets interpreted by some people as “all white people have inherent biases”.

    Almost seems like the person hearing the statement is translating it through some sort of internal…I don’t know what to call it, maybe “predisposition toward perceiving things a certain way”? There must be another, better word for it but it’s just not jumping to mind.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      I would agree with you if the presentation in question – “Raising Awareness of Unconscious Bias to Foster Inclusivity and Equity” has even one reference to anything other than white bias. I don’t know if that presentation is available to the public but if it is … I will bet you cold hard cash that all of the “inherent biases” discussed in the presentation are the supposed “inherent biases” of white people.

    2. I think the reaction of the president of the Prince William Education Association makes it clear that she is in the “all white people have inherent bias” camp. She accused Mr. Candland of engaging in a “grotesque representation of privilege” and said “openly writing a letter to the community refusing to educate yourself or allocate tax dollars to racial injustice is a direct side effect of white privilege.”

      She had obviously connected anti-bias training with “racial injustice” in HER mind. And if the intent of the “training” was to discuss inherent biases in ALL people, why would her criticism of him be race-based?

  20. LarrytheG Avatar

    I think – you gotta listen to what they have to say and then figure out if they have a point or not – and if they don’t then let them have it – both barrels.

    But now days, these issues have become so reactive that many have already decided where they are.

    And if those BOS are from Conservative districts, then they have no worries.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      If they had been conservative speakers at UC Berkeley and the students had done what these supervisors did then there would be hours and hours on Fox News….

      Oh wait, that HAS happened.

  21. LarrytheG Avatar

    For many years, once a year, we had to take a sexual harassment course. There were those who insisted others were “overly sensitive” to others behavior but as time went by, the message became tougher and tougher.

    We have to take similar training for doing volunteer taxes. And if anyone thinks it’s a made up issue, I welcome you to deal with a tax client who has become convinced you have developed a bias against them. You’re dealing with all kinds of folks, low income, people of color, opposite sex, older folks , different cultures, – It goes to hell lin a handbasket pretty quick. So we’re taught to be careful with words, mannerisms, body language, etc… and if you don’t believe in it, then you’re pretty much done doing that job.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      I had a friend who did volunteer tax filings for folks. He would agree. The stories he would tell.

    2. djrippert Avatar

      “I welcome you to deal with a tax client who has become convinced you have developed a bias against them.”

      I’d do what those supervisors did – walk out.

      You’re providing valuable free advice out of the goodness of your own heart and the recipient somehow decides you have a bias against them? Sounds like they need the sensitivity training, not you.

      1. idiocracy Avatar

        The sort of people who need free tax advice probably aren’t the most well-adjusted people around.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          that sounds like a bias…..

          1. idiocracy Avatar

            It’s a real catch-22 isn’t it

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        There are a diverse group of people – all kinds – and it’s not necessarily them. You notice it yourself. Everyone is human and they do have biases.

    3. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      I was always taught that respect is a two-way street. We should certainly respect people with different customs and beliefs. That involves learning something about the individual and his/her background to the extent reasonable. But the reverse is true as well. One cannot come into a new place and expect to be treated as if she/he were someplace else. Respecting both minority and majority cultures is necessary.

  22. John Harvie Avatar
    John Harvie

    Boy, it’s amazing how much less almost every day I miss living in NOVA those 30-odd years ending in the ’70s.

    It used to be a wonderful place to live and rear a family but obviously no more.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Republicans moved in from surrounding counties looking for a better life and to then take it backwards.

    2. djrippert Avatar

      I was born in NoVa. Lived here my whole life except a couple of postings my Dad did elsewhere while still active duty Navy. It’s declining at an increasing rate. The inflection point hit around 2000 and it’s in free fall now. None of my five kids have any interest in living here.

  23. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Well, nothing like a stupid display of ignorant intolerance. Just do like everyone else does when forced to take annual Sensitivity Training. Sit there quietly, roll your eyes a lot, and take notes for making up racial and sexist jokes back at the office.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      Only the members of the Board of Supervisors are elected officials not employees. They don’t have to sit through politically correct garbage. Only the voters can fire them.

    2. “Just do like everyone else does when forced to take annual Sensitivity Training.”

      Actually, no, that is not the appropriate course for a joint meeting of elected boards, particularly those in PWC. The past year’s BOCS meetings have been an endless parade of shitshows marked by virtue signaling, social justice warfare, partisan politics, personal attacks and little substantive deliberation as by the time they get to the fiscal and operational issues they are principally responsible for, they are worn out and angry making any substantive deliberation damn near impossible.

      Governor Arbitrary and Capricious preaches that nothing good happens after midnight, with respect to Board meetings, he is probably right. For the past year, substantive issues regarding fiscal policy and land use decisions have typically been handled in the wee hours of the morning after hours of wailing and gnashing of the teeth over issues a County Board has not authority over.

      When you throw the most dysfunctional, partisan, lazy and functionally illiterate School Board (PWC has never had one that is not over the past 20 years) into the mix, the volatility index goes off the scale.

      Moreover, the “informational” materials that were to be “presented”, were not made available to Board members, much less the public when the agenda was published the previous Thursday. Rather, they were provided to the Supervisors mere hours before the joint meeting while the County Board was engaged in a work session regarding other matters.

      There was nothing “benign” about the presentation as asserted by Loree Williams, the most partisan and passive-aggressive idiot on the School Board. Rather, it was simply a partisan setup to further fan the flames in the County.

      As for the comments Maggie Hansford, she may be the only voice in the County more intellectually challenged than Loree Williams and one still smarting over an election shellacking in a race that was hers to lose, and lose she did because she couldn’t read the electorate or know when to keep her mouth shut on non-partisan issues. She is little more than the BOCS chairwoman’s sock puppet mindlessly reading the script provided her.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Wow, Mom! And they say all politics are local. Guess it’s true. Biden-Trump looks like a cakewalk. I am glad they are yours.

        1. I wouldn’t wish them on anybody, even you. It has become impossible to sit through one of their meetings without engaging in copious consumption, unfortunately, they do not have a wet bar in the lobby even though it would likely provide enough revenue to allow for a reduction in the real property rate.

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Rum in a Starbucks has always, repeat always, worked for me. City Council, PTA, funerals (although, just the idea of coffee draws looks), horse shows and swim meets. I haven’t tried jury duty… yet. But, if they call me again, I will. Four times is too many.

  24. Completely agree that if you create a new bureaucracy to exterminate a hostile workplace bias, those whose jobs depend on it will go out and find plenty of evidence to support their mission. But also agree that “no one wants to be considered a racist.” So how do you propose we get there from here without creating sensitivity training courses etc. and a bureaucracy to run it all? LG’s comment about giving tax advice to the skeptical illustrates the problem. We can carp about the solution, but have you got an alternative? Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      I’d happily go to anti-bias training the day that those who see bias around every corner go to anti-chip-on-the-shoulder training. Maybe we can meet in the middle.

    2. Acbar: Don’t you see that the premise for the training is being rejected by the posts on this blog? You, on the other hand, assume the existence of a real problem needing a solution.

    3. VDOTyranny Avatar

      Whats the end game? The goal post will just keep shifting.

  25. Completely agree that if you create a new bureaucracy to exterminate a hostile workplace bias, those whose jobs depend on it will go out and find plenty of evidence to support their mission. But also agree that “no one wants to be considered a racist.” So how do you propose we get there from here without creating sensitivity training courses etc. and a bureaucracy to run it all? LG’s comment about giving tax advice to the skeptical illustrates the problem. We can carp about the solution, but have you got an alternative? Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      I’d happily go to anti-bias training the day that those who see bias around every corner go to anti-chip-on-the-shoulder training. Maybe we can meet in the middle.

    2. Acbar: Don’t you see that the premise for the training is being rejected by the posts on this blog? You, on the other hand, assume the existence of a real problem needing a solution.

    3. VDOTyranny Avatar

      Whats the end game? The goal post will just keep shifting.

  26. Sara E. Carter Avatar
    Sara E. Carter

    I would hope that we can all agree that everyone, no matter who they are, is walking around with implicit bias and that becoming aware of our own biases makes us better human beings in general, and better elected officials or employees specifically. Was the training helpful or just a pile of mush made to make some people feel bad and others good? We don’t really know, since the Supervisors walked out before the session.

    In times of crises in government, our biases are more important to address, not less so. When people are stressed, making big decisions and dealing with adversity is when we are most likely to fall back into our existing comfortable ways of thoughts. I understand why some would feel that there are more important issues right now, but I would also argue that there is never a convenient time to have hard conversations, and in times of crises, we may need them even more.

    As someone who has been an elected, there are lots of times that you sit in meetings that have topics that don’t interest you or don’t seem of value to you. Sometimes you just listen respectfully to other viewpoints because you want others to grant you the same respect. Sometimes, you even learn something you didn’t know about your counterparts and sometimes a connection is made that serves constituents through the better relationship.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I think it is the rare person who does not have implicit biases though many will claim not to, I know I have in the past and still do.

      I don’t see training as “indoctrination” especially if you are in a role where you deal with a large and diverse public.

      What a willingness to attend says – is that you have an open mind about it even if you think you’re “okay”.

    2. djrippert Avatar

      The problem is that somebody has to decide what is important and what is not. Good physical fitness increases cognitive ability. Maybe the Board of Supervisors should all go for a jog during each meeting. Understanding the arcane Virginia state budget is important. Maybe there should be a study group meeting about the state budget during every meeting. Relaxation is important. Perhaps transcendental meditation would be useful.

      Somebody decided that the self-improvement topic of “Raising Awareness of Unconscious Bias to Foster Inclusivity and Equity” was important enough to consume some portion of the meeting. A couple of supervisors disagreed and decided they had better things to do.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Or, it got personal in the worst way, and became a bit of a mirror.

      2. Sara E. Carter Avatar
        Sara E. Carter

        DJ- You are right, somebody does have to decide what is important. For a joint meeting of two elected bodies, the agenda should have been set by the respective chairman of both bodies and published in advance. There has been a power shift in PWC and some members of the body may not like what the new chairman places on the agenda. But, by leaving a meeting that has been duly called and advertised, they are also removing their representation of their constituents. There is always a risk in not being present in public meetings- you have removed your side and your constituents from the public dialogue.

        At a statewide meeting of elected and appointed officials, I watched one governmental body exit en masse and another behave very badly when Corey Stewart spoke during his senatorial campaign (both candidates were invited and spoke). One of those governmental bodies has flipped from majority D to majority R. I can’t help but wonder how much some of the flips we see in elections have to do with what voters feel is divisive and unhelpful behavior on both sides. Boards of Supervisors, School Boards, and Councils are all legislative bodies. They have to listen and compromise in order to govern. Presence at a meeting is not endorsement. It’s process and representation. I fear that we are abandoning governance and civility and replacing it with posturing for position. That doesn’t actually get the business of a locality done.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Well said.

  27. Sara E. Carter Avatar
    Sara E. Carter

    I would hope that we can all agree that everyone, no matter who they are, is walking around with implicit bias and that becoming aware of our own biases makes us better human beings in general, and better elected officials or employees specifically. Was the training helpful or just a pile of mush made to make some people feel bad and others good? We don’t really know, since the Supervisors walked out before the session.

    In times of crises in government, our biases are more important to address, not less so. When people are stressed, making big decisions and dealing with adversity is when we are most likely to fall back into our existing comfortable ways of thoughts. I understand why some would feel that there are more important issues right now, but I would also argue that there is never a convenient time to have hard conversations, and in times of crises, we may need them even more.

    As someone who has been an elected, there are lots of times that you sit in meetings that have topics that don’t interest you or don’t seem of value to you. Sometimes you just listen respectfully to other viewpoints because you want others to grant you the same respect. Sometimes, you even learn something you didn’t know about your counterparts and sometimes a connection is made that serves constituents through the better relationship.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      I think it is the rare person who does not have implicit biases though many will claim not to, I know I have in the past and still do.

      I don’t see training as “indoctrination” especially if you are in a role where you deal with a large and diverse public.

      What a willingness to attend says – is that you have an open mind about it even if you think you’re “okay”.

    2. djrippert Avatar

      The problem is that somebody has to decide what is important and what is not. Good physical fitness increases cognitive ability. Maybe the Board of Supervisors should all go for a jog during each meeting. Understanding the arcane Virginia state budget is important. Maybe there should be a study group meeting about the state budget during every meeting. Relaxation is important. Perhaps transcendental meditation would be useful.

      Somebody decided that the self-improvement topic of “Raising Awareness of Unconscious Bias to Foster Inclusivity and Equity” was important enough to consume some portion of the meeting. A couple of supervisors disagreed and decided they had better things to do.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Or, it got personal in the worst way, and became a bit of a mirror.

      2. Sara E. Carter Avatar
        Sara E. Carter

        DJ- You are right, somebody does have to decide what is important. For a joint meeting of two elected bodies, the agenda should have been set by the respective chairman of both bodies and published in advance. There has been a power shift in PWC and some members of the body may not like what the new chairman places on the agenda. But, by leaving a meeting that has been duly called and advertised, they are also removing their representation of their constituents. There is always a risk in not being present in public meetings- you have removed your side and your constituents from the public dialogue.

        At a statewide meeting of elected and appointed officials, I watched one governmental body exit en masse and another behave very badly when Corey Stewart spoke during his senatorial campaign (both candidates were invited and spoke). One of those governmental bodies has flipped from majority D to majority R. I can’t help but wonder how much some of the flips we see in elections have to do with what voters feel is divisive and unhelpful behavior on both sides. Boards of Supervisors, School Boards, and Councils are all legislative bodies. They have to listen and compromise in order to govern. Presence at a meeting is not endorsement. It’s process and representation. I fear that we are abandoning governance and civility and replacing it with posturing for position. That doesn’t actually get the business of a locality done.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Well said.

  28. djrippert Avatar

    “I felt that it was important to walk out and not just sit there, because I refuse to legitimize this notion that we are all somehow racist,” concurred Supervisor Yesli Vega

    But Maggie Hansford, president of the Prince William Education Association, responded more forcefully: “In a grotesque representation of privilege, Pete Candland sent an open letter to all constituents demanding accountability for tax dollars spent … on ‘hyper-progressive’ issues such as race and diversity. … Openly writing a letter to the community refusing to educate yourself or allocate tax dollars to racial injustice is a direct side effect of white privilege.”

    Does Maggie Hansford also accuse Yesli Vega of walking out of the meeting because of her white privilege?

  29. djrippert Avatar

    “I felt that it was important to walk out and not just sit there, because I refuse to legitimize this notion that we are all somehow racist,” concurred Supervisor Yesli Vega

    But Maggie Hansford, president of the Prince William Education Association, responded more forcefully: “In a grotesque representation of privilege, Pete Candland sent an open letter to all constituents demanding accountability for tax dollars spent … on ‘hyper-progressive’ issues such as race and diversity. … Openly writing a letter to the community refusing to educate yourself or allocate tax dollars to racial injustice is a direct side effect of white privilege.”

    Does Maggie Hansford also accuse Yesli Vega of walking out of the meeting because of her white privilege?

  30. LarrytheG Avatar

    I think – you gotta listen to what they have to say and then figure out if they have a point or not – and if they don’t then let them have it – both barrels.

    But now days, these issues have become so reactive that many have already decided where they are.

    And if those BOS are from Conservative districts, then they have no worries.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      If they had been conservative speakers at UC Berkeley and the students had done what these supervisors did then there would be hours and hours on Fox News….

      Oh wait, that HAS happened.

  31. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    Now Supervisor Candland knows what teachers and students are getting crammed into their heads whether they like it or not.

  32. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    Now Supervisor Candland knows what teachers and students are getting crammed into their heads whether they like it or not.

  33. Atlas Rand Avatar

    They had to make a show for their own political posturing. Do what everyone does and zone out. These trainings are useful to determine who are worth listening to. For example, all those who bemoan white privilege have now shown you that you no longer need to pay them mind because they have nothing to offer.

  34. Atlas Rand Avatar

    They had to make a show for their own political posturing. Do what everyone does and zone out. These trainings are useful to determine who are worth listening to. For example, all those who bemoan white privilege have now shown you that you no longer need to pay them mind because they have nothing to offer.

  35. LarrytheG Avatar

    Is the concept of white privilege itself in contemporary society – false? Is that where the divide starts?

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Well, Larry, it’s not like white people in this country used to chain up people of color or arbitarily kill native peoples… oh wait.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        ….contemporary society…….

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          Oh. You mean, like turning firehoses and dogs on people crossing a bridge on foot? Using people of color for medical experiments?

          Wait, define “contempory”.

          Was it the “F*** UVa” or that it didn’t say “F*** VT”? Was it that the person was female? Or, not white?

          Again, if this had been UC Berkeley…

  36. LarrytheG Avatar

    Is the concept of white privilege itself in contemporary society – false? Is that where the divide starts?

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Well, Larry, it’s not like white people in this country used to chain up people of color or arbitarily kill native peoples… oh wait.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        ….contemporary society…….

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          Oh. You mean, like turning firehoses and dogs on people crossing a bridge on foot? Using people of color for medical experiments?

          Wait, define “contempory”.

          Was it the “F*** UVa” or that it didn’t say “F*** VT”? Was it that the person was female? Or, not white?

          Again, if this had been UC Berkeley…

  37. I would also like to add, it is not within the purview of the School Board to “train” our County Board of Supervisors. When the School Board needs to figure out a way to get our kids back into the classroom, safely, I found this presentation wholly inappropriate in the context of this important joint meeting.

    Here is what stood out to me when I read through that entire “training”slide show. I was not comfortable. And I am a proud life long liberal Democrat. And I will tell you why, I don’t agree with all the isms. But what struck me, was one of the most important relevant “isms” in today’s climate of rising Nationalism was missing.


    Who made up this list? This list of 17 discriminatory terms. Where was Islamaphobia on this list? No, the catch all term thrown in there of “relgious
    discrmination” doesn’t cut it.…/agendas/2020/1208/10-B.pdf

    That there was a new ism, “adultism”, that I believe is not supported by any peer reviewed accepted theory, was included, but Anti-semitism, completely left off the list??! That was implicit bias in and of itself, in a document, intended to explore implicit bias.

    If I had a dime for everytime someone in PWC asked me “what church do you go to?” Or, ” Really, you are Jewish, you don’t LOOK Jewish!” Or, ” Huh, are BOTH your parents Jewish? Or ” Are you half Jewish” OR “Oh, well, we have Jews in our church, Jews for Jesus, why not join them?” Or, “if only you were saved”……..

    The list goes on, I won’t bore everyone. You get the idea.

    However, the “best” one of all, almost every single Government meeting beginning with an invocation that 99.9 % of the time has everyone standing, and bowing their head to, “in Jesus’s name we pray”. Talk about feeling uncomfortable.

    Challenging our bias comes from the willingness to leave your own bubble, to listen, to be willing to work with people who are different than you.

    just for reference why I am concerned…..

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      re: ” I would also like to add, it is not within the purview of the School Board to “train” our County Board of Supervisors. ”

      I have to agree with that point.

      1. Which is sort of the point, this was nothing more than a virtue signaling operation by certain members of the Boards, designed to antagonize and shame other members at a public meeting that should not contain such agenda items. The time for training sessions for elected officials, if required at all, is during their business meeting or semi-annual joint meetings, but rather at some other time, place or worksession designated for that purpose.

        The meeting was scheduled to deal with the consequences of the pandemic and the need to address a variety of budget, CIP and spending questions with both immediate impact and potential impacts that need be addressed in the coming budget season.

        Unfortunately, the Board members on the Donkey side of the aisle would prefer to abdicate their fiscal and policy responsibilities to the County Executive and Superintendent of Schools respectively so as to not have to engage in any heavy lifting, considered debate or even intelligent conversation, likely because they are intellectually incapable and more concerned with style or partisan rhetoric than substance.

        The worst part is that the BOCS and School Board rosters are generally the breeding grounds for future state legislators which goes a long way to explaining the dysfunction in Richmond.

        1. Sorry ” is NOT during their business meeting or semi-annual joint meetings”

  38. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

    Since I’m not a hack, I went to the trouble of hunting down the presentation the three grandstanding Republicans couldn’t bring themselves to sit through:

    It talks about bias in general with a brief foregrounding of racism, but doesn’t end there and on a list of biases maybe four or five slides into the presentation even lists Reverse Racism as a bias to ward oneself against.

    When Republicans reflexively absent themselves from these discussions and then conservatives follow in lock step to defend that retreat it doesn’t do anything to help push back against the appearance that those on the right in this country are either racist themselves or don’t have a problem with those who are.

    1. Given 20th Century History, it is telling that among the “isms”, the author left out Anti-Semitism. Might she have an unconscious or implicit bias or is she a holocaust denier?

      1. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

        She also left off Islamaphobia, so she clearly just has a problem with the Middle East…or they’re considered subsets of Religious Discrimination and you’re a disingenuous fraud trying to derail and score cheap points.

        1. Really, because the author left out two particularly notable “isms” which you lump under Religious Discrimination, I am a fraud trying to derail the conversation and score cheap points. Two things, first, I would argue that Anti-Semitism and Islamaphobia are far too complex in nature and practice to be conveniently lumped into Religious Discrimination. Second, to counter your assertion that the specific is covered by the general in the slide, I would note that the author lists Homophobia but not Heterophobia although both are a form of sexual discrimination, also not listed, and not a form of sexism which is listed.

          The point being, genius, that if the author is going to preach, he/she needs to be careful not to reveal hi/her own unconscious or implicit bias?

          Shit-stirrer, devil’s advocate, cynic, sure, Fraud, far from it.

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Somewhat siding with UATW. It was a pretty innocuous presentation, slides only. Not being there makes judging the actual presentation difficult, e.g., tone.
            Comment 1. Damn! 20 slides! Doctor Zhivago would be a short in comparison.
            Comment 2. Three slides were too busy, probably causing much of the confusion and anger.
            Comment 3. Yes, there is implicit bias, and as shown, it is a result of the literaure to which we are exposed.

            Now, as to the reactions of the attendees, was it really to the material presented? Or, just another Golden Opportunity to “Stick it to each other” at the cost of a person who innocently walked into a snake pit expecting to provide food for thought?

            She got this right, she totally blew the first impression. Slide 12 of 20.

          2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Not to get too personal, but there was even a slide in there applicable to you, or rather Mom.

            “Shit-stirrer, devil’s advocate, cynic, sure”

            Is that really how you view yourself? Or just as the Mom persona? ‘Cause you are definitely tossing out negative vibes. In which case, those without an appreciation of a, je ne sais quoi, acerbic discussion might miss entirely your point.

    2. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      Seems pretty superficial and conclusory but somewhat innocuous on its face. The major flaw is that the theory behind this is based on explicit bias by assuming that individuals can be defined by shared characteristics or groups with which they are affiliated. How does anyone know this? And, more important, the theory ignores our differences as individuals.

      The research by the presenter is absolutely superficial, based on Internet searches.

  39. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

    Since I’m not a hack, I went to the trouble of hunting down the presentation the three grandstanding Republicans couldn’t bring themselves to sit through:

    It talks about bias in general with a brief foregrounding of racism, but doesn’t end there and on a list of biases maybe four or five slides into the presentation even lists Reverse Racism as a bias to ward oneself against.

    When Republicans reflexively absent themselves from these discussions and then conservatives follow in lock step to defend that retreat it doesn’t do anything to help push back against the appearance that those on the right in this country are either racist themselves or don’t have a problem with those who are.

    1. Given 20th Century History, it is telling that among the “isms”, the author left out Anti-Semitism. Might she have an unconscious or implicit bias or is she a holocaust denier?

      1. UpAgnstTheWall Avatar

        She also left off Islamaphobia, so she clearly just has a problem with the Middle East…or they’re considered subsets of Religious Discrimination and you’re a disingenuous fraud trying to derail and score cheap points.

        1. Really, because the author left out two particularly notable “isms” which you lump under Religious Discrimination, I am a fraud trying to derail the conversation and score cheap points. Two things, first, I would argue that Anti-Semitism and Islamaphobia are far too complex in nature and practice to be conveniently lumped into Religious Discrimination. Second, to counter your assertion that the specific is covered by the general in the slide, I would note that the author lists Homophobia but not Heterophobia although both are a form of sexual discrimination, also not listed, and not a form of sexism which is listed.

          The point being, genius, that if the author is going to preach, he/she needs to be careful not to reveal hi/her own unconscious or implicit bias?

          Shit-stirrer, devil’s advocate, cynic, sure, Fraud, far from it.

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Somewhat siding with UATW. It was a pretty innocuous presentation, slides only. Not being there makes judging the actual presentation difficult, e.g., tone.
            Comment 1. Damn! 20 slides! Doctor Zhivago would be a short in comparison.
            Comment 2. Three slides were too busy, probably causing much of the confusion and anger.
            Comment 3. Yes, there is implicit bias, and as shown, it is a result of the literaure to which we are exposed.

            Now, as to the reactions of the attendees, was it really to the material presented? Or, just another Golden Opportunity to “Stick it to each other” at the cost of a person who innocently walked into a snake pit expecting to provide food for thought?

            She got this right, she totally blew the first impression. Slide 12 of 20.

          2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Not to get too personal, but there was even a slide in there applicable to you, or rather Mom.

            “Shit-stirrer, devil’s advocate, cynic, sure”

            Is that really how you view yourself? Or just as the Mom persona? ‘Cause you are definitely tossing out negative vibes. In which case, those without an appreciation of a, je ne sais quoi, acerbic discussion might miss entirely your point.

    2. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      Seems pretty superficial and conclusory but somewhat innocuous on its face. The major flaw is that the theory behind this is based on explicit bias by assuming that individuals can be defined by shared characteristics or groups with which they are affiliated. How does anyone know this? And, more important, the theory ignores our differences as individuals.

      The research by the presenter is absolutely superficial, based on Internet searches.

  40. I would also like to add, it is not within the purview of the School Board to “train” our County Board of Supervisors. When the School Board needs to figure out a way to get our kids back into the classroom, safely, I found this presentation wholly inappropriate in the context of this important joint meeting.

    Here is what stood out to me when I read through that entire “training”slide show. I was not comfortable. And I am a proud life long liberal Democrat. And I will tell you why, I don’t agree with all the isms. But what struck me, was one of the most important relevant “isms” in today’s climate of rising Nationalism was missing.


    Who made up this list? This list of 17 discriminatory terms. Where was Islamaphobia on this list? No, the catch all term thrown in there of “relgious
    discrmination” doesn’t cut it.…/agendas/2020/1208/10-B.pdf

    That there was a new ism, “adultism”, that I believe is not supported by any peer reviewed accepted theory, was included, but Anti-semitism, completely left off the list??! That was implicit bias in and of itself, in a document, intended to explore implicit bias.

    If I had a dime for everytime someone in PWC asked me “what church do you go to?” Or, ” Really, you are Jewish, you don’t LOOK Jewish!” Or, ” Huh, are BOTH your parents Jewish? Or ” Are you half Jewish” OR “Oh, well, we have Jews in our church, Jews for Jesus, why not join them?” Or, “if only you were saved”……..

    The list goes on, I won’t bore everyone. You get the idea.

    However, the “best” one of all, almost every single Government meeting beginning with an invocation that 99.9 % of the time has everyone standing, and bowing their head to, “in Jesus’s name we pray”. Talk about feeling uncomfortable.

    Challenging our bias comes from the willingness to leave your own bubble, to listen, to be willing to work with people who are different than you.

    just for reference why I am concerned…..

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      re: ” I would also like to add, it is not within the purview of the School Board to “train” our County Board of Supervisors. ”

      I have to agree with that point.

      1. Which is sort of the point, this was nothing more than a virtue signaling operation by certain members of the Boards, designed to antagonize and shame other members at a public meeting that should not contain such agenda items. The time for training sessions for elected officials, if required at all, is during their business meeting or semi-annual joint meetings, but rather at some other time, place or worksession designated for that purpose.

        The meeting was scheduled to deal with the consequences of the pandemic and the need to address a variety of budget, CIP and spending questions with both immediate impact and potential impacts that need be addressed in the coming budget season.

        Unfortunately, the Board members on the Donkey side of the aisle would prefer to abdicate their fiscal and policy responsibilities to the County Executive and Superintendent of Schools respectively so as to not have to engage in any heavy lifting, considered debate or even intelligent conversation, likely because they are intellectually incapable and more concerned with style or partisan rhetoric than substance.

        The worst part is that the BOCS and School Board rosters are generally the breeding grounds for future state legislators which goes a long way to explaining the dysfunction in Richmond.

        1. Sorry ” is NOT during their business meeting or semi-annual joint meetings”

  41. VDOTyranny Avatar

    APEX, NC – An Apex mom, who is also a Wake County Public School System principal [and middle class white person], was appalled by the response she got from a neighbor, who happens to be an Apex police officer, over the Christmas card she sent out this year.

  42. VDOTyranny Avatar

    APEX, NC – An Apex mom, who is also a Wake County Public School System principal [and middle class white person], was appalled by the response she got from a neighbor, who happens to be an Apex police officer, over the Christmas card she sent out this year.

  43. You tell me, which is a more important topic for discussion at the joint board meeting:

    1. Prince William County just received the latest Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening data which indicates significant growth in the number of students from kindergarten through third grade who require reading help that if left unaddressed may hinder the children’s development. Notably, the largest increases and the worst performing schools are in the Woodbridge District, Lorree Williams district. Unlike the bias materials, the testing data was made available to board members prior to the Tuesday meeting but not discussed during the joint meeting.

    2. Training on implicit bias, an agenda item initiated by the same Loree Williams who directed the school division’s professional training office to present the implicit bias materials and lecture to the elected officials

    My money is on number one, but then again I care more about the education of our children than the indoctrination of our elected officials.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Where did this PALS data come from – when was it collected and how?

      In terms of implicit bias – I don’t think many would dispute over time, biases we have seen against handicapped (like physical access), autism, same-sex marriage, undocumented and more.

      We still have bias, no question, and I’d argue that it’s actually fundamental to governance if people feel they are not being treated fairly because of bias against them.

      That’s one of the issues in schools where, I would argue, there is a clear bias against kids who do not have educated parents who “help” them.

      We cannot and will not ever make it without bias but at the same time when we say there is none or we’ve done enough, we’re closing our minds – which is exactly what some folks actually did back when we
      argued whether businesses should provide handicapped access or ban smoking, etc.

      1. The data comes from testing required by the Virginia Department of Education for identification of deficiencies that could hinder children’s development of reading skills.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Right, I know that and I know that under normal times, it happens in-person at schools.

          How do they do that testing now?

          Oh, and talking to my Dental Hygenist who has two kids, she says that kids in Stafford WILL be administered the SOLs in January. Have you heard that?

          How about private schools, are they being assessed?

          1. If they had covered the topic at the board meeting, we might well know the answer to that. Instead, it appears that genuflecting to the bias gods is more important than the education of our children, at least in PWC.

  44. After going through the slides, I don’t blame the supervisors for walking out.

    Does any of this lead to a meaningful exchange? If this were more than virtue signalling, a more suitable time with both the supervisors and the school board and senior school and county administration would have been arranged and allowing room for small work groups and open discussion with an unbiased presenter.

    In slide 2, the title of the book the presenter co-authored leads one to infer equal treatment isn’t enough and is “the real problem”?
    Bio of Dr. Williams: Executive Director of Equity and Cultural Proficiency for the Baltimore County Public School System, has presented at the local, state, and national levels on topics related to improving outcomes for marginalized student populations and is the co-author of When Treating all the Kids the Same is the Real Problem

    Slide 5 Nike Air Force Just Do It shoe with image reversed with “Priming: A call for action.
    What’s the intended meaning ?

    Slide 6 Misleading reference: The only word-pair in the slide that is also in the referenced article is Black-poor. None of the other words is mentioned in the article.
    No source for the statement: “Results from database that contains the books, magazines, and articles that the average college-educated American would read over their lifetime.”

    Slide 7 Image of an exotic, fragrant citron Buddha’s Hand
    What association with “Assumptions” is that supposed to conjure?

    Slide 8 Using names for four racial types originated by Carolus Linnaeus (born 1707- died 1778) Originator of binomial nomenclature.

    Slide 11 resource is “Racial Battle Fatigue (RBF), Critical Race Theorist William Smith

    Slide 19 says thank you for your time and attention only in Spanish. Why?

  45. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Yes, Carol. It’s amazing what is happening in Virginia so fast. We are now a hollowed out country in many places, including in Northern Virginia, hence the speed of its social collapse.

  46. You tell me, which is a more important topic for discussion at the joint board meeting:

    1. Prince William County just received the latest Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening data which indicates significant growth in the number of students from kindergarten through third grade who require reading help that if left unaddressed may hinder the children’s development. Notably, the largest increases and the worst performing schools are in the Woodbridge District, Lorree Williams district. Unlike the bias materials, the testing data was made available to board members prior to the Tuesday meeting but not discussed during the joint meeting.

    2. Training on implicit bias, an agenda item initiated by the same Loree Williams who directed the school division’s professional training office to present the implicit bias materials and lecture to the elected officials

    My money is on number one, but then again I care more about the education of our children than the indoctrination of our elected officials.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Where did this PALS data come from – when was it collected and how?

      In terms of implicit bias – I don’t think many would dispute over time, biases we have seen against handicapped (like physical access), autism, same-sex marriage, undocumented and more.

      We still have bias, no question, and I’d argue that it’s actually fundamental to governance if people feel they are not being treated fairly because of bias against them.

      That’s one of the issues in schools where, I would argue, there is a clear bias against kids who do not have educated parents who “help” them.

      We cannot and will not ever make it without bias but at the same time when we say there is none or we’ve done enough, we’re closing our minds – which is exactly what some folks actually did back when we
      argued whether businesses should provide handicapped access or ban smoking, etc.

      1. The data comes from testing required by the Virginia Department of Education for identification of deficiencies that could hinder children’s development of reading skills.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Right, I know that and I know that under normal times, it happens in-person at schools.

          How do they do that testing now?

          Oh, and talking to my Dental Hygenist who has two kids, she says that kids in Stafford WILL be administered the SOLs in January. Have you heard that?

          How about private schools, are they being assessed?

          1. If they had covered the topic at the board meeting, we might well know the answer to that. Instead, it appears that genuflecting to the bias gods is more important than the education of our children, at least in PWC.

  47. After going through the slides, I don’t blame the supervisors for walking out.

    Does any of this lead to a meaningful exchange? If this were more than virtue signalling, a more suitable time with both the supervisors and the school board and senior school and county administration would have been arranged and allowing room for small work groups and open discussion with an unbiased presenter.

    In slide 2, the title of the book the presenter co-authored leads one to infer equal treatment isn’t enough and is “the real problem”?
    Bio of Dr. Williams: Executive Director of Equity and Cultural Proficiency for the Baltimore County Public School System, has presented at the local, state, and national levels on topics related to improving outcomes for marginalized student populations and is the co-author of When Treating all the Kids the Same is the Real Problem

    Slide 5 Nike Air Force Just Do It shoe with image reversed with “Priming: A call for action.
    What’s the intended meaning ?

    Slide 6 Misleading reference: The only word-pair in the slide that is also in the referenced article is Black-poor. None of the other words is mentioned in the article.
    No source for the statement: “Results from database that contains the books, magazines, and articles that the average college-educated American would read over their lifetime.”

    Slide 7 Image of an exotic, fragrant citron Buddha’s Hand
    What association with “Assumptions” is that supposed to conjure?

    Slide 8 Using names for four racial types originated by Carolus Linnaeus (born 1707- died 1778) Originator of binomial nomenclature.

    Slide 11 resource is “Racial Battle Fatigue (RBF), Critical Race Theorist William Smith

    Slide 19 says thank you for your time and attention only in Spanish. Why?

  48. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    Yes, Carol. It’s amazing what is happening in Virginia so fast. We are now a hollowed out country in many places, including in Northern Virginia, hence the speed of its social collapse.

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