by James C. Sherlock

This is the Nov 16, 4:35 p.m. update to my highly controversial article on the failures of the University of Virginia to act against the alleged killer of three students before the crime.

I was too gentle with the leadership of the University, my alma mater, in that article. I wrote that the University had taken grossly inadequate and counterintuitive actions ahead of the shootings.

I gave them too much credit.

They took no action at all. Only claimed they did under the heat of questions.

According to a report in The Washington Post on the evening of Nov. 15, the statement that the University put out earlier that the Threat Assessment Team (TAT) had “escalated the case (of the shooter Mr. Jones) for disciplinary action” was not true. It blamed the oversight on an “inadvertent mixup.”

Seems they had meant to refer the case to the student-run judiciary committee. Which is used to assigning sanctions like the writing of essays.

It is Dr. Ryan’s ship.

He failed in his duty to lead. The members of the TAT failed in their statutory duties assigned under Virginia law after the Virginia Tech massacre.

He set the tone, assigned a DEI member to the TAT to oversee their actions, and they followed his path.

And a disturbed young man was free to kill those three other young men and grievously wound two others. Who were on a University bus. Returning from a play.

Victims as much of the culture wars and profound incompetence in the University leadership as they were of the shooter.

Seriously. The TAT “meant” to refer him to the judiciary committee.

  • Even the University spokesman “emphasized that student disciplinary proceedings must protect due process and can customarily take weeks or months.” (Actually, judiciary committee median and mean case processing times were each 93 days in the past year.)
  • The judiciary committee is authorized to investigate and adjudicate alleged violations of the University’s Standards of Conduct.
  • Its big cases in the past year have focused on fraternities serving food to guests during rush and violations of COVID policy.
  • The individual sanctions awarded in their cases in the past year included writing essays, attending required presentations, meeting with dean or advisor, community service and one academic suspension. But they awarded probation and suspension to the fraternities.

And this is the “disciplinary process” to which the TAT “neglected” to refer Mr. Jones. The University testified to a judge three years ago that the TAT had banned a student from the Grounds for four years for a verbal dispute with a faculty member about a political issue.

They knew about the shooter’s off-Grounds gun conviction, confrontations on Grounds, referral for allegedly carrying a gun, history of emotional instability in high school, and refusal to cooperate with the TAT’s investigation. And they referred him to the judiciary committee. Yesterday.

The University of Virginia is being run by fools so woke that they got three young men killed. Now this foolish and sloppy attempt at a coverup.

Resign, President Ryan.

It is the only way you can apologize and mean it.

Update Nov 17 at 7:15 AM.

Dr. Ryan, in a video message to the community, announced last evening that there will be an outside investigation into whether the University did enough to prevent this tragedy.  That is necessary, and will take many months.

We know what they did not do that it was their statutory responsibility to do.  And have an excellent idea of why they did not do it.  For the same reason they initially lied about it.

The iron grip of the DEI bureaucracy that Dr. Ryan has put in place at UVa killed those three terrific young men as surely as the shooter’s bullets.

The shooter would not never have been on that bus – or on the Grounds – if the TAT had done the job with which it is charged in Virginia law. That panel would have banned him from the Grounds in a minute, as they have done before and certainly should have in this case, if he had been White.  

Now three young, supremely gifted young Black men are dead. And another is unlikely ever to see the light of day except from a prison exercise yard.

Where is the equity in that?

As an alumnus, I have called for Ryan’s resignation. I expect the Board to fire him if he does not resign.

Update Nov 17 at 7:45 AM

The statement below tweeted by the owner of a Virginia gun shop indicates that if the University in its TAT investigation had done a simple background check on the shooter, it would have turned up his failed and then successful attempts to purchase firearms in the records of the Virginia State Police.

Update November 17 at 9:30 AM.

Virginia law requires:

“The governing board of each public institution of higher education shall establish a threat assessment team that includes members from law enforcement, mental health professionals, representatives of student affairs and human resources, and, if available, college or university counsel.”

It says nothing about DEI personnel.  That was an ad hoc assignment from University leadership.It was not clear to me that the investigators would have the inclination to investigate and call out the DEI bureaucracy membership on the TAT as a contributing factor in the shooter’s case. Or ask why DEI was even given a seat on that panel.They will now. 

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154 responses to “President Ryan’s Ship Has Hit the Shoals”

  1. One horrific incident, soon behind us. But there is an ongoing and worsening academic problem at U Va evident in the Washington Post’s recounting by a witness:

    “Most in the group, which included five U-Va. football players, didn’t know Jones . .. Jones wasn’t in their class focused on African American playwrights, said Ryan Lynch, a 19-year-old neuroscience major, but he’d been invited along by their professor because he was taking a social-justice class with her.” –

    Playwrights segregated by race. A class focused on social justice. Apparently “diversity” at U Va means a song with only one note, endlessly repeated. Academic Rap music.

    “Everybody needs to get off the bus,” shouted a professor. More true than you realize, professor.

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    I will wait for a little more time to pass and a few more facts to come out. There is plenty to criticize. The mental health of the kids and the divisiveness of the CRT/DEI world and the institutional indoctrination coupled with lack of intellectual diversity point to an institution, once revered, still historic, in decay.
    But the fraternity troubles do deserve explication of the hatred the administration holds for fraternities. In the Racial Equity Task Force report, there is a footnote about addressing the Greeks as a problem for the inclusive world. Remember how quick Teresa was to shut them down over a story I spotted as doubtful from the start.
    Two fraternities were put on social probation. Here is how it happened. A rental company had an unpaid bill from a fraternity. It approached UVA for help in collections. UVA then asked for other fraternity rental info (why? What was the probable cause?) and discovered that 2 fraternities rented tables for an event 2 days before official rush. Oh, the horror! On top of that, the Admin strong armed the Greeks (boys and girls) to do virtual rush.
    They told the kids if there was an outbreak, it would be blamed on them. (UVA had a higher Covid case rate for the triple vaxed vs the forced to be weekly tested unvaxed and quit giving the daily case counts)
    Virtual rush is a joke. But if your aim is to destroy the fraternity system, it makes sense. Why would you ask for other fraternity rental history if you weren’T looking for trouble? And dirty rush? Come on! Every fraternity tries to rush the people they know they want and should not need “permission” from an Admin that hates them.
    I also think the Spring rush was designed to hurt fraternities. In the Dark Ages, we had rush in the Fall and most then lived in the fraternity for 2nd year. Those people became great friends because you lived with them and THEN went off into other houses with a smaller group of brothers. Now, the kids are having to make 2nd year housing decisions in the Fall without really knowing others and before they even know which, if any, fraternity (or sorority) they might join. I think it is intentional.
    But remember – renting tables for an unauthorized rush function is worthy of social probation.

  3. One horrific incident, soon behind us. But there is an ongoing and worsening academic problem at U Va evident in the Washington Post’s recounting by a witness:

    “Most in the group, which included five U-Va. football players, didn’t know Jones . .. Jones wasn’t in their class focused on African American playwrights, said Ryan Lynch, a 19-year-old neuroscience major, but he’d been invited along by their professor because he was taking a social-justice class with her.” –

    Playwrights segregated by race. A class focused on social justice. Apparently “diversity” at U Va means a song with only one note, endlessly repeated. Academic Rap music.

    “Everybody needs to get off the bus,” shouted a professor. More true than you realize, professor.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      A silly question to ask someone on the internet, but which Black authors and playwrights did you study in your English classes? Oh, that’s right, none.

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Which did you? Would Pride and Prejudice be better if written by a black woman? How about Merchant of Venice? Prior to racialism, how many great black authors were there in the Western Civ canon? Could the paucity be due to because there were few great books, if any, from Africa? Are there possible answers that aren’t racism? Seriously, get a life besides virtue signaling.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          You’ve OBVIOUSLY not read ” Guns, Germs and Steel” !

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No I haven’t. Tell me why I should.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            his “explanation” about your white supremacy….

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No. Why? What is it about? Why would I like it? What of enduring value would I learn? Oh…my white supremacy…
            Sorry. Doesn’t exist. Nor does my limousine liberal white savior belief in black inferiority necessitating my intervention to “help.” Is not all of you Lefties’ virtue signaling and demands for DEI really exposing your own racism? That blacks and other “under-represented” groups need your help to compete? It’s a divisive, un-American lie.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            black inferiority? ” Could the paucity be due to because there were few great books, if any, from Africa?”

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Name them Larry.
            The point is your stupidity is a first world luxury built on Western Civ which was built on the Judeo-Christian worldview.
            Name them.
            If you can, I might even read one or two of them.
            Liberal Love of CRT is just the latest derivation of “the soft bigotry of low expectations.”
            Hold all people to the same standards. Why is that “white supremacy?”

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            No Asians involved?

          7. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            You are really a one note Larry.
            Name the books I am missing.
            What did I say about Asians?
            I said your stupidity is a first world luxury built on Western Civ which was built on the Judeo Christian worldview. I don’t apologize for that. I do apologize for the decadence that permits people living in the greatest society in the history of the world to be so stupid about reality and human nature and ungrateful and ignorant. I attribute that to falling away, maybe more like running away, from the Christian morality that worked. And the good thing about that worldview was it starts from the premise that Man is sinful and flawed and the pursuit of knowledge was consistent with trying to know God through the revelation of nature and the universe.
            And, don’t forget, you also owe me the one thing right on your beloved government’s Covid policy.

            OK, call me a wackadoodle again! It hurts so bad! (And proof that words are not violence – I can handle reading your stupidity. The big problem is it gets very tiresome. You must be from the Goebbels School of intellectual discourse. Actually all of Leftism is… Did you hear that, now that the Dems have manipulated the news and voting systems enough not to lose the Senate (and the Rs really are the stupid party!) The Wa(Com)Post quietly released an article on the all important Mar a Lago raid and whispered that there were no nuclear codes, etc… Looks like he just kept personal type stuff as souvenirs, mementos, etc. Yet another false flag, agit-prop, which is why the Left HAS TO control the narrative…)

        2. “Prior to racialism”? What does that even mean?

          I can’t speak to Africa, but I can think of at least one huge reason why very few black authors from the United States were widely recognized until relatively recently.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            It means prior to about 1990 and after Brown and the Civil Rights Acts, we consciously tried the not on the basis of race. Around 1990, that got turned upside down from MLK’s “dream,” and everything became on the basis of race, culminating with CRT and DEI – divisive, Marxist ideologies. Clear enough?
            Ok, name your great black authors now discovered that were previously suppressed due to racism? How could someone like Frederick Douglass happen in such a system? GW Carver? WEB DuBois? Underground Railroad and Harriet Tubman? How did I learn about such people in racist Virginia back in the old racist days that still exist and are worse than ever? That is a lie. We have made so much progress, but Marxists are destroying it and instilling hate for power. That’s it.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Walt knows why the caged bird sings…

          3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Three young men are still dead.

          4. Okay, that was a good one.

        3. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Sir, that is the most ignorant and Euro-centric comment ever posted on BR. I sentence you to two semesters of world lit.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Full credit to ONE conservative here for actually calling out this remark.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Give me some things to read then. I read some of the weird South American 1970s stuff and it did nothing for me. Maybe I am guilty of Eurocentrism. For my take the best books written are the Bible, A River Runs Through It and Pride and Prejudice. That’s my prejudice.
            I think most stuff written now is of no enduring value.
            Oh, yeah, the Russian books were amazing too – but tough!

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Oh my god, that’s a draconian sentence. How about just reading Al Jazzerra for 6 months?

      2. Wahoo'74 Avatar

        I’ve read your leftist drivel for years without responding personally. I’ll now change my tactics.

        I’m a ‘74 alumnus of UVA and took 7 English courses. Among the 21st century writers we studied were James Baldwin, Richard Wright, and Zora Neale Hurston. I’m sick and tired of your ad hominem (that’s Latin for personally offensive comments, BTW) attacks on rational conservatives.

        You are a supercilious, pompous ass. I speak for all the conservatives on this blog. We are sick of your shallow, puerile, condescending comments.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          So 3. One of which I read in HS. Seven English courses? Which taught the use of royal we, or is that standard at UVa? Speaking for all, eh? And I’m pompous?

          Rational conservatives? Jumbo shrimp.

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          BTW, just for the edification of the UVa 7 English courses Wahoo, just being personally offended doesn’t make something an ad hominem, although that was.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Continued confusion on exactly what Ad Hominems are.

            If Nancy said DIRECTLY to Wahoo ’74 ” You’re a pompous ass” – THAT’s an Ad Hominem – i.e. “to the person”


            JAB makes the distinction on his blog rules:


            So Wahoo has now joined the other cretins to name call and make personal attacks … shame on you

            Seems to have started in earnest with Mr. Trump and now is emulated by many conservatives.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            BTW Larry, what is apparent in these BR opinions and comments is that they all link increasing DE&I in instruction, admissions, and administration policies to a weakening of the ability for the campus police to rein in the criminal tendencies of an ever-burgeoning population of unworthy minorities who do not know how to behave at institutions of higher education. This is in addition to a triviality to the study of the minority contributions to society and science.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            IOW… cloaked White Supremacy under the “guise” of principled Conservative opposition – same old same old.

            It’s a theme.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            That’s it in a nutshell.

          5. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Those three young men are still dead. That’s it in a nutshell.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            As we shall all be soon.

            Perhaps you should not dwell on such. Go watch the end of Casablanca again.

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Hey, hey… easy. He’s a UVa grad, he’ll be calling the OED and demanding they change the definition… using the royal we, of course.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            Continued confusion on exactly what Ad Hominems are.

            If Nancy said DIRECTLY to Wahoo ’74 ” You’re a pompous ass” – THAT’s an Ad Hominem – i.e. “to the person”


            JAB makes the distinction on his blog rules:


            So Wahoo has now joined the other cretins to name call and make personal attacks … shame on you

            Seems to have started in earnest with Mr. Trump and now is emulated by many conservatives.

        3. You are a supercilious, pompous ass. I speak for all the conservatives on this blog. We are sick of your shallow, puerile, condescending comments.

          You do not speak for all the conservatives on this blog.

          Yes, Nancy Naive is a pompous ass and I disagree with most of his ‘politics’, but I like him anyway.

          Maybe something about birds of a feather, perhaps?

        4. You are a supercilious, pompous ass. I speak for all the conservatives on this blog. We are sick of your shallow, puerile, condescending comments.

          Actually, you do not speak for all the conservatives on this blog.

          Yes, Nancy Naive can be a ‘pompous ass’ and I disagree with most of his ‘politics’, but I like him anyway.

          Maybe something about birds of a feather, perhaps?

      3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Looks like you may finally have jumped the shark, Nancy

        So far, even your ankle biting pals are embarrassed by how this turned out. Isn’t there some other house you can pee in?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive


          1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

            Nancy, just curious. Are you truly a female or just identify as one? I’m looking for rationales for your anti-social, aberrant behavior.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Women are anti-social with aberrant behavior? Whoa, Dude. Amazing rational conservatives lasted a generation.

          3. Wahoo'74 Avatar

            Nancy, I’m typing slowly so you can understand this.

            No, women are terrific. Very social. I’ve been married to one for 43 years and we have 3 lovely daughters. I believe men who identify as women, a recent phenomenon in today’s world, are if not anti-social severely screwed up.

            But then I’m an old fashioned traditionalist.

            I’m betting you’re a guy hiding behind a fictitious skirt ID handle. Am I right?

            Comprehend now?

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            On the internet, no one can tell you’re a dog.

            Personally, on rare occasions, I like an old fashion too.

            And I did notice how long it took for you to say that. “Someone is typing” was up for an inordinately long time.

            Rational conservative AND old fashion traditionalist. Lotta words for backward.

          5. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            You can tell a male dog when it lifts its leg to pee. As you do on this blog daily.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            On the other hand, both genders sometimes squat, telling you nothing.

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Only on you — the literary equivalent of a fire hydrant.

          8. LarrytheG Avatar

            in response to his initial “peeing” in his blog posts usually

          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Dog etiquette – last one to pee gets the mark…

          10. Bourbon or Rye?

          11. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Rye. Nice peppery taste.

            Don’t let these guys find out, but I like Jefferson Reserve. It’s probably still made with slave labor.

          12. I’ve tried several offerings by Jefferson’s Bourbon and have enjoyed them all.

            Right now (well, not right now) I’m working on a bottle of Knob Creek Rye that I opened last weekend. That is some BOLD stuff.

          13. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Here’s another secret. I really only have a drink every couple of weeks, except on vacation when I only have a drink every hour.

            I buy lots of booze. Currently, I have 6 whiskeys, 5 rums, 2 vodkas, only 1 gin, and 4 tequilas. Oh, and maybe twenty liquors. They sit, except for the vodka. The spouse has a martini nightly.

            I make drinks for other people. It makes them more interesting.

          14. It makes them more interesting.

            The drinks or the people?

          15. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Sometimes just the drinks.

          16. There’s no “e” in good whisky.

      4. Richard Wright – Native Son.

        (Assigned by a white teacher, just in case that matters to you).

        This led me to read several other of his books, including, just a few months ago, the recently released novel-length version of The Man Who Lived Underground.

        The man was a phenomenal writer.

      5. I am grateful for an education that introduced me to the best that has been thought and written in all the ages (and the pretty good, too). Not segregated by race. Now the topic of race came up reading King’s Letter from a Birmingham Jail; W.E. B. Dubois; Booker T. Washington. Often in history class. I yearn for the day that any discussion of race is historical.

        Stop beating up on Nancy: education should challenge you. She’s educational.

        –as I once said of a young lady when I was a teenager. Not realizing that remark would get back to her mother.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Well, might be tough in certain subjects. Take math, for example. +99% of the basic material used through undergraduate was discovered and recorded (there’s the rub) by white men. That can’t change unless ancient records are unearthed and verified that are preceding the current record.

          But literature?

          1. Yes, but there is no legitimate reason, ever, to mention or focus on the race of a mathematician while teaching math.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Ah, but gender? It has been suggest that men and women, perhaps even those X-identifying, learn mathematics using different innate skills. If the foundational material and presentation is, and remains, male dominated then this can surely be seen as an impediment to women.

            From my day, “It’s okay Honey, a “C” is a good grade for girls in math. Math is for boys.”

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I would wait. Let’s see just how much pressure to halfheart this investigation ballyhoo came from the university athletic department. Not like it doesn’t happen. What was that guy’s name? Mathew something, or something Mathew? Liberty & CNU football programs did their share to quiet his offenses. Oh, and Joe Paterno. Wasn’t there some minor stink at Penn State?

    It’s amazing the number of campus crimes get swept asside with a phone call from a coach.

    1. Regrettably, you are correct.

      Frank Beamer at Virginia Tech is one possible exception as far as gross misconduct by players goes. During his tenure at the school he kicked numerous very talented players off his teams for egregious and/or illegal actions (including Michael Vick’s younger brother). I’d bet even he ‘made the call’ to a pr0fessor or two over grades, though.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Lou Holtz. He benched two of his best players at his last Rose Bowl for curfew violations. Not many coaches would have done that.

        1. Yes. I had forgotten that.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      We could investigate the athletic department. And competent outside investigators will investigate every aspect of the tragedy that was the inaction by the TAT.

      But the shooter was a walk-on in his first year who never played a down in a game. He never came back to the team.

      And that was three years ago – when the current coach was at Clemson.

      Pretty pathetic try at deflection at this point, Nancy..

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        It’s never the person… it’s the PROGRAM. That’s a lot of money.

        You, of all people, should understand the motive of institutional reputation protection.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          OK. Go with that. We’ll see how that works out. Three young men are still dead.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yes they are, and always will be. True for veryone… PERIOD.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            You’re using dead people as a crutch for your own conservative thinking, no?

          3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Three young men are dead. They are no one’s crutch.

            We must ask why none of the progressives can spare a word for them in this conversation. Or even admit how they died. What is your take on that?

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Nope. You’re USING THEM for a political purpose and it’s pretty bald-face and shameless.

            And you’re not discussing on the merits at all – it’s straight up partisan crappola.

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            What better? There’s a history between conservatism and premature death.

  5. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    The bureaucratic ineptitude exhibited in this situation is not just inexcusable, it is potentially criminal. University counsel or the Commonwealth AG’s office needs to determine who was at fault for not enforcing the obvious danger signs this shooter exhibited.

    This is not a gotcha witch-hunt. It is a justified investigation to identify the grossly inept perpetrators, fire them, then replace them with competent administrators. No matter how high up those responsible are within the UVA Administration.


    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      We have spoken!

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        What BS from Wahoo!

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          wahoo — an inedible fish known only for an entertaining trashing struggle on hook and line.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Actually, wahoo are highly valued food fish which fetch a fine price when freshly caught and sold. You are thinking of tarpon.

            But then again … sitting in your basement somewhere in Greater Richmond sucking your thumb and bloviating nonsense on this blog probably doesn’t afford you much time to see the world.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            I thought the man sailed a boat and you ride charters?

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            That description covers the contribution base of the blog.

          4. DJRippert Avatar

            LoL. You can insult me, you can insult my neighborhood, you can insult my political philosophy. But once you start insulting any of my favorite fish … it’s on!

          5. DJRippert Avatar

            LoL. You can insult me, you can insult my neighborhood, you can insult my political philosophy. But once you start insulting any of my favorite fish … it’s on!

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Of all the critters in the sea, fish is at the bottom of my preferences. Now oysters, crab, octopus, less so clams…

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Oh yeah. Cobia and wahoo are routinely caught at Chesapeake Light.

          8. Cobia are good eating, especially when grilled the same day they are caught.

          9. DJRippert Avatar

            Oh my! Cobia are really delicious. I catch them near the target ship in the Chesapeake Bay near the Maryland / Virginia border.

          10. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Okay. This is a sea story. It has racial, national, and socioeconomic overtones so it’s all just fact. In the mid 70s I worked in a well diversified office. with a German, a Korean, a Hindu, and bunch of nationalities who were 1st generation Americans. Three of us used to drive to the Norfolk-VB line for sushi. This was before it was popular in this country, well really popular.

            One Monday, the German comes in my cube and relayed the events of the weekend. He and the Korean guy decided to go fishing so they paid passage on a headboat. I think it sank with loss of life a few years later. Anyway, headboats generally fill up with “meat fishers” — mixed race but generally poor and they slay the spot and croakers filling coolers.

            Lunchtime comes and the Korean guy whips out a small paper bag with ginger, wasabi, and soy sauce, pulls a spot out his cooler, and starts eating it. Cleared the whole side of the boat.

          11. DJRippert Avatar

            I’m surprised by the wahoo catch. I’ll have to try there.

          12. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I know only what I’ve heard. Now, that could mean “in sight of”, but the cobia are supposedly there on the structure. Also, right time of year, used to catch striped bass off the pier at Cheatam Annex. In fact, THIS time of year. My Dad used to use crab for bait to catch ’em.

            No. No. No. Use the bass for bait. Eat the crab!

          13. DJRippert Avatar

            Nearest wahoo is off the coasts of Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina. I fish for them in the Gulf Stream and in the Caribbean when I am there.

          14. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Hey. On the serious side, the best fish I ever had in my life was at the hotel restaurant in Saltwhistle Bay in the Grenadines. It was on the menu as “Butterfly Fish” and even the waiter warned me that it was a “reef fish” and could carry Ciguatera. I ordered it anyway.

            Some 3 years later I met a man in Texas who got Ciguatera toxin at a restaurant in Louisiana. Two years after his month long, life-saving hospital stay, he was still effed up royally.

            If you eat fish, make it cold water fish.

          15. and cook it, that kills most of the bad stuff that is lurking. Same with shell fish. Virginia says about 5% of shell fish are contaminated.

          16. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Can’t kill that toxin. If it’s in the fish, you get sick. How bad? Dose dependent. The toxin build as the fish eat smaller fish. Kind of like mercury. It’s really bad stuff. Stay away from reef fish is the general rule.

          17. Yeah, I was talking about bacteria and viruses that are present in significant percentages of fish and shell fish. You’re rolling the dice with sushi/sashimi and raw bars.

          18. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Still the best way to get an intestinal parasite.

          19. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            So, a discussion about fishing? Those three young men are still dead.

          20. And they’d still be dead even absent a discussion about fish.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You are correct. Read my updates to the article above.

    3. LarrytheG Avatar

      Wahoo – these types of killings are COMMON these days and do not get stopped even though afterwards we find out there were “warning signs”.

      What did UVA do differently that makes them more specifically responsible than other such killings?

      All this seems to be is yet another Conservative attack about DEI – for THIS killing.

      Anyone who thinks DEI policies are responsible for this killing needs their head examined… IMO – but it’s the way Conservatives “roll” these days and most ordinary reasonable people are actually going to see it for what it really is.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        “What did UVA do differently that makes them more specifically responsible than other such killings?”

        The TAT Failed to do a proper background check (or failed to consider it, we will find out) as part of an investigation process mandated by state law.

        See the statement from the owner of the gun shop in my update. A background check would have turned up the gun buys. The TAT claimed that the “rumor” that he had a gun was “unconfirmed” by their diligent efforts to track it down.

        And then a university spokesperson claimed the TAT referred the killer to a student-run organization for “discipline”. An organization that has proven toothless.

        In other words, make the students handle the case. Perhaps they would do something and it would not be traceable to the members of the TAT, who had to avoid “cancellation” at all costs.

        Then the university admitted they did not make the Judiciary Committee referral.

        Nothing at all was done. Three young men are dead.

        Anything there catch your eye?

        Please exit the discussion. You are in over your head.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Is the UVA TAT a typical feature of most Colleges these days?

          We’ll see one at most?

          Are you indicting Ryan, the TAT or the police themselves?

          Who is supposed to follow up on the gun?

          Exit the discussion? Over my head.

          Nope. You’re inviting others to leave also?

          this is typical for you as who you really are, isn’t it?

          You were brought up wrong… apparently..

          1. a “Threat Assessment Team’ which takes weeks or months to determine the best way forward to protect a campus from a ‘threat’ is useless. These actions must be taken in a matter of hours, if not days…. unfortunately campus ivory tower idiots don’t understand ‘timeliness’ — that’s why it takes years for the approval of a new class, minor, or major. And applying that methodology to real world incidents [threats] shows its foolishness.

            That is why I did not participate in VT’s effort. Allowing a Gender Studies Prof to determine what is and isn’t a threat is truly foolishness….. and we have the results again.

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            “Is the UVA TAT a typical feature of most Colleges these days?”

            If you had read my articles, you would have found out that threat assessment teams and their authorities and responsibilities are mandated by Virginia law for every institution of higher education in Virginia.

            That is what I refer to when I write you are in over your head.

          3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Now that you acknowledge the Code language, you write “They REFER to law enforcement”.

            But they did not in this case. Which is the point. The Judiciary Committee is not law enforcement, and they did not actually even refer it there.

            Though they claimed to have done so. In volition of the schools’ honor code.

            And in another case that I documented, the University told a judge that the TAT expelled a student from the grounds for four years.

            Try to keep up.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            I apologize for my prior remark that I deleted.

            I thought the UVA police knew of this guy from a prior encounter.

            The primary purpose of the TAT is to identify threats and then to refer for action. They have no police powers themselves. They likely, cannot, for instance, themselves “investigate” using resources like databases for gun sales.

            And how does this become Ryan’s fault? Is he responsible for any crime that occurs on campus or any failings of the UVA police?

            I’m keeping up but it’s hard because you are – as usual – way out in front of your skiis and I’m NOT the only one here making that observation.

            Can you keep an honest and objective tone or are you so partisan that it’s no way?

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yep, but “over your head” is on you guy… on this and other tomes you write IMO.

            The Tat is not what you say it is IMO.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    BTW: Teacher shortages… going up?

    Helluva lot of tenure track positions open. This is the most I’ve seen in a long, long time. Now, it could be that universities have just increased their use of this site.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    BTW: Teacher shortages… going up?

    Helluva lot of tenure track positions open. This is the most I’ve seen in a long, long time. Now, it could be that universities have just increased their use of this site.

  8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    I guess we are done with JAB’s mourning phase then…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Well that was the official notice for the peeing to begin…

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Lockers in the morgue are refrigerators. Bodies are cold now.

    3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      2 hours to go until noon.

  9. Who didn’t see this coming?

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      You are talking, of course, about the murders. The TAT had sufficient information to see violence coming. And did nothing.

      Three young men are dead.

      1. “Nothing” is an overstatement; the Wapo article said that there was a 13 day delay in the recommendation being received by the Judiciary Committee, which definitely needs to be independently investigated. The charge that ‘wokeism’ led to these murders is deeply irresponsible, and ghoulish (I did it again)! Is this what you do in retirement?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Yep and obviously over his head in it!

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Mr. Purdy, i know this is complicated, and I mean it.

          The thirteen day delay ( i think it was a bit longer) to which you refer was the time between when the University TAT finished the case and when they referred it to Judiciary..

          Let’s examine what happened in those thirteen days. In order:

          1. First, the TAT did nothing.

          2. three students were murdered – executed really, and two others shot.

          3. the University released a statement that the TAT had referred the matter to Judiciary.

          4. the University reported that was statement not true. A “snafu” had occurred.

          5. then the matter was in fact referred to Judiciary. While the alleged murderer is sitting in jail under three murder charges.

          The world waits breathlessly to see how the Judiciary committee will handle it. Community service?

          Busy 13 days.

          1. I agree with you that this needs to be fully investigated. If there is any hint of negligence in the delay, heads need to roll. Let’s leave it there, and not continue to throw bombs while funerals haven’t even happened yet. Common decency.

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            I’m done, pending the announcement of the Board of Visitors that is meeting today.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Not knowing the timeline..
            Spring break? Summer? Perhaps Columbus Day?

            I once waited a month past contract start date because the (at that time real) paperwork was in the in-basket of a woman on vacation.

  10. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
    Ronnie Chappell

    The assertion that the TAT and it’s DEI members would have banned Jones from campus and prevented these murders if Jones were white is a very, very big allegation. I see little in this post that proves, or even supports the charge. If you’ve got evidence proving a link, please share it.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Or, the author may have simply been struck dumb by a falling acorn.

  11. Ronnie Chappell Avatar
    Ronnie Chappell

    The assertion that the TAT and it’s DEI members would have banned Jones from campus and prevented these murders if Jones were white is a very, very big allegation. I see little in this post that proves, or even supports the charge. If you’ve got evidence proving a link, please share it.

  12. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    All of these issues are important and I agree the UVA leadership will go for the CYA approach, as would any group facing the coming mob of plaintiff’s lawyers. Kaine’s comments yesterday were constructive. But Sherlock just hates those people and wants to lead the mob. Sickening. Still too little info to be sure about anything. And keep in mind the role of the AG here — protecting the Commonwealth (us) from that liability. When the Lawn balcony collapsed and killed people, the AG was on (by law) the school’s side at the defense table.

    Everybody gets an F in rhetoric for that discussion of the ad hominem fallacy.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Sorry, Steve – you don’t get it. Referring a troubled student complaining of hazing who is rumored to have a gun to the Judiciary Committee is worse than a joke. The Judiciary Committee has historically been a collection of under-loved pre-law students who pontificate about the importance of holding accountable those who accidentally break dorm windows. In other words, it’s a clown show.

      All the facts have not yet emerged. However, if the answer to this deranged shooter’s problems was a trip to the Judiciary Committee … somebody needs to be held accountable.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Yes, DJ, and I hope they will be held accountable. But far, far more needs to be known before thr hanging. And many on this string in the past have also led the charge when they thought the UVA admin was cracking down too hard on a non-conforming student. Be careful what you ask for. Some guy who has a gun in his glove compartment or otherwise not visible to a cop is not immediately tagged “deranged shooter.”

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        Perhaps you’d like to pontificate about other student killings and “accountability” of the bureaucracy/law enforcement in THOSE deaths?

        what makes this one unique?

        DJ – have you become on of the “mob” these days?

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          I never said it was unique. In fact, I suspect that it is far too prevalent. Colleges and universities are arrogant as hell. Rather than let the police and courts handle sexual assault cases the universities attempt to try those cases in kangaroo courts. The result? Many successful lawsuits by those accused. Now they apparently believe that their Judiciary Committee is the right venue for managing serious threats to student safety.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            You don’t have to convince me on the sexual assaults. They should be law enforcement from the get go IMO.

            But the TAT thing is a lot like the “Active Shooter” thing and how it worked at Uvalde.

            Looks good on paper. In reality, it actually confuses responsibility and allows things to fall through the cracks.

            I just don’t buy the “arrogant” stuff.

            ALL entities have that issue. Look at the Texas Public Safety folks…

      3. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Yes, DJ, and I hope they will be held accountable. But far, far more needs to be known before the hanging. And many on this string in the past have also led the charge when they thought the UVA admin was cracking down too hard on a non-conforming student. Could you have helped make them skittish? Be careful what you ask for. Some guy who has a gun in his glove compartment or otherwise not visible to a cop is not immediately tagged “deranged shooter.” Among 20,000 students, who else ever had a gun in the car not visible, or still does?

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          The evidence was right in front of the TAT. They chose not to act. Now three very promising young men are dead and one is in jail, unlikely ever to get out.

          Perhaps “oops” is the proper response.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          There are student shootings and killings on a regular basis across the country and the police and campus administrators are not “stopping it” which seems to be Sherlocks premise.

          Sherlocks seems to think that more/better police would stop them and in this case he highlights DEI as a reason why they are failing to do their duty.

        3. Some guy who has a gun in his glove compartment or otherwise not visible to a cop is not immediately tagged “deranged shooter.”

          I certainly hope not.

        4. Some guy who has a gun in his glove compartment or otherwise not visible to a cop is not immediately tagged “deranged shooter.”

          I certainly hope not.

        5. DJRippert Avatar

          True. I’m just amazed that the Judiciary Committee was involved in anything more serious than a broken window.

        6. Matt Adams Avatar

          “Some guy who has a gun in his glove compartment or otherwise not visible to a cop is not immediately tagged “deranged shooter.” Among 20,000 students, who else ever had a gun in the car not visible, or still does?”

          If that individual doesn’t have a CCW, they are committing a felony in Virginia.

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            He had already been arrested and convicted of a concealed carry violation in Virginia. It was handled as a misdemeanor in whatever that jurisdiction was. We will find out.

            State Police records contained the information that he had purchased two weapons.

            The University reported that the TAT, with DEI oversight, had intended to punt the case to the toothless student-run Judiciary Committee. Which takes an average of 3 months to hear a case.

            But they didn’t actually even do that. The University lied when it reported that they had done so.

            Three young men are dead.

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            He had already been arrested and convicted of a concealed carry violation in Virginia. It was handled as a misdemeanor in whatever that jurisdiction was. We will find out.

            State Police records contained the information that he had purchased two weapons.

            The University reported that the TAT, with DEI oversight, had intended to punt the case to the toothless student-run Judiciary Committee. Which takes an average of 3 months to hear a case.

            But they didn’t actually even do that. The University lied when it reported that they had done so.

            Three young men are dead.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: ” We will find out.”

            The question in my mind is if he was already known to police then what would cause a “re-look” at this guy by the TAT or the Police?

            The hazing incident from a year ago? Why was that a TAT responsibility when the police were involved already?

          4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            The TAT was in charge of the investigation.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Does the TAT have it’s own investigative staff like a police force would?

          6. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            Yes. And they can task the University Police to assist. And did.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            Speaking of failures and snafus:

            ” COLONIAL HEIGHTS, Va. — When Christopher Darnell Jones Jr. attempted to purchase a gun from Dance’s Sporting Goods in Colonial Heights in July 2021, the licensed dealer ran a background check.

            As it turns out, the Virginia State Police Firearms Transaction Center (FTC) denied Jones’s request because of a pending felony charge out of Petersburg, according to Virginia State Police.

            Jones had also recently been convicted of a gun crime in Chesterfield.

            On February 22, 2021, Jones was pulled over near Boisseau Street and Third Avenue in Ettrick.

            During the traffic stop, officers saw that he was carrying a gun but had no permit.”


            want accountability for these “deaths” also here?

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Read my updates this morning to the article, Steve.

      As an aside, the “CYA approach” is an honor violation. And, yes, faculty and staff are bound by the honor code

  13. The University of Virginia is being run by fools so woke that they got three young men killed. .

    I think that is a gross overstatement. The young man who committed these murders is solely responsible for these murders. I no more believe the people who run UVA caused these killings than I believe the gun he used caused them.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      My opinion on that is entirely justified by the facts of the case.

      What is “gross” is that those young men are dead, and would not be if the TAT had done its job.

      Everything else is details.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        Two things can be true.

        1) The individual is solely responsible for his actions.
        2) The University failed to take appropriate action when someone utilized “see something, say something”.

        Beyond that, this is a prime example of why you need to enforce current firearms laws before passing any additional ones.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          I agree about firearms laws.

          The gun shop is reportedly under investigation for selling to straw purchasers. If guilty, he will lose his license, at least. There are criminal penalties for some violations.

          But the point in this case is that he reports he dealt with the State Police both in the earlier unsuccessful purchases and in the purchases that were successful after the shooter turned 21.

          That may prove a hole in the red flag laws. It sounds like the purchaser’s juvenile records may have been sealed when he turned 21, allowing the later purchases.

          I am not sure how old he was when he was arrested and convicted of the concealed carry violation.

          I am sure the current criminal investigation will sort that out.

          Regardless of that, the gun shop owner claims that the State Police had records of his successful gun purchases.

          If the TAT did a proper criminal background check, that would have turned up unless that too was a “snafu”.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar

            If the state police failed to act accordingly when he attempted to previously purchase firearm’s then it is on them or the Virginia AG. This is again, another instances where current laws needs to be enforced before any additional are enacted.

            Red Flag laws are a joke, they are nothing but an expanded “terror watch list” which give the state power to confiscate someone’s property based upon the opinion of a Judge.

            Firearm purchases after the age of 18 are not juvenile purchases. There is no minimum age to purchase a rifle in VA, only handguns.

            A concealed carry violation is a felony and would prohibit his ownership and or purchase of any additional firearms, if the law was followed.

            I agree, UVA failed the three dead students and the shooter. This is not a this or that situation, it can be both.

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            I agree that a competent criminal and administrative investigation will turn up a lot of things.

            Virginia law requires:

            “The governing board of each public institution of higher education shall establish a threat assessment team that includes members from law enforcement, mental health professionals, representatives of student affairs and human resources, and, if available, college or university counsel.”

            It says nothing about DEI personnel.  That was an ad hoc assignment from University leadership.

            It was not clear to me that the investigators would have the inclination to investigate and call out the DEI bureaucracy membership on the TAT as a contributing factor in the shooter’s case.

            Or ask why DEI was even given a seat on that panel.

            They will now.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar

            They certainly will if it adversely impacted the process which could’ve prevented this tragedy.

      2. What is “gross” is that those young men are dead, and would not be if the TAT had done its job.

        Correction: Those young men might not be dead if the TAT had done its job. We do not really know what would have happened if TAT had “done its job”.

        It is a fact that those young men would not have died the way they did if Christopher Darnell Jones had not shot them.

      3. What is “gross” is that those young men are dead, and would not be if the TAT had done its job.

        Correction: Those young men might not be dead if the TAT had done its job. We do not really know what would have happened if TAT had “done its job”.

        It is a fact that those young men would not have died the way they did if Christopher Darnell Jones had not shot them.

      4. What is “gross” is that those young men are dead, and would not be if the TAT had done its job.

        Correction: Those young men might not be dead if the TAT had “done its job”. We do not really know what would have happened if TAT had “done its job”.

        It is a fact that those young men would not have died the way they did if Christopher Darnell Jones had not shot them.

  14. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Pretty little blond girl almost dies in Texas because of ambiguous anti-abortion laws. Legislators work feverishly to fix.

  15. Jim, you might want to refresh your memory about Cho at VaTech. The issue there was also failure to do their jobs. In that case it was mostly the Community Services Board that failed to provide services as ordered by the court, but Tech was involved.

    Seems Virginia’s institutions have not learned much from prior tragedies. Cho is context for the failure at UVa.

    Nonfeasance is the often under appreciated member of the feasance trio, Mis, Mal and Non. It can be every bit as deadly as Mal.

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