Potts is in this Debate

Barnie Day debated Norm Leahy yesterday about the Russ Potts phenomenon over at One Man’s Trash. I jumped in, too, and today’s Bacon’s Rebellion e-zine has Barnie’s column that started it all and my commentary on it in “Virginia Pundit Watch.”

Comments are welcome here, too, on any or all of the issues: Does Russ Potts represent the center in Virginia politics? Is he a serious candidate? Is he getting a free ride in the media? Are polls showing scant support for him misleading? Most of all, can he win?

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  1. Anonymous Avatar

    William Redpath.
    Sue Harris DeBauche.
    Nancy Spannaus.

    What do all these people have in common?

    All candidates for Governor (in 2001, 1997 & 1993, respectively), all on the ballot, and none were included in debates. With this kind of record, you could almost call it a Virginia tradition that gubernatorial debates be limited to the two major party candidates.

  2. James Atticus Bowden Avatar
    James Atticus Bowden

    The point of Potts’ candidacy is to help Mark Warner get Tim Kaine elected and make Jerry Kilgore lose.

  3. Depressed Constituent of Sen. Russ Potts Avatar
    Depressed Constituent of Sen. Russ Potts

    Actually I think Kilgore could really do something good to apply pressure to Potts in this. He should allow Potts to be in the debates on one condition. Potts has to drop this “independent republican” name and resign from his senate seat. This makes total sense since Potts was unwilling to compete in the primary as any true Republican would have done.

  4. James Young Avatar
    James Young

    Depressed, Lovely idea. But you’re suggesting that Potts behave as though he had a principle or an objective standard.

    Don’t hold your breath.

  5. Depressed Constituent of Sen. Russ Potts Avatar
    Depressed Constituent of Sen. Russ Potts


    I agree and this action would underscore that aspect of his candidacy.

  6. Depressed Constituent of Sen. Russ Potts Avatar
    Depressed Constituent of Sen. Russ Potts

    What I mean in case that wasn’t quite clear is it would underscore that Potts has no principle or objective standards.

  7. If Potts comes, he’ll spend the whole time bashing Kilgore.

    Of course Kilgore doesn’t want him there.

  8. Anonymous Avatar

    Far too much media and pundit energy gets expended on the debates, which draw no audience to speak of (at least not truly persuadable voters) and produce predictable copy the day after. If you are going to serve in the General Assembly some debating skill has value but it has nothing to do with being Governor.

    JK ain’t the best at this activity, and he may be quietly counting his blessings that Russ has given him a very plausible reason to limit them. At first I thought he was making a tactical mistake to draw the line this early, but maybe there was more sense in it than I first realized and by September the voters will be even more bored with this argument than they already are.

  9. Laszlo Avatar

    The plain fact is Kilgore is awful in debates. Ken knows it. Everybody knows it. Potts is getting a huge advantage from this issue. He will play it well. The voters will not be bored at all. It’s the underdog that Virginians like to root for. Kilgore would be wise to just debate both and try his best. If he has the right stuff to be Governor it will come out. A public servant should not hide from the public. Someone who wants to be Governor of all Virginians should face all Virginians. Always.

  10. Anonymous Avatar

    I don’t see hwy it is in either party’s interests to encourage “primary jumping.” why would anyone participate in a primary if all they have to do is bide their time, save their money and come in as an independent with all the rights and privilieges of the two parties. Why not Chap, Fitch, Connaughton, Viola? these folks had the gumption to put their candidacies to the test. who would do that if they can become a full partner and avoid the hassle?

  11. James Young Avatar
    James Young

    TheModerate’s comment deserves a rejoinder.

    Nice try, but it’s that old-fashioned lefty tactic of attributing fear to your political opponent as a method of belittling him (you know, “homophobia”). Every time it’s tried, it needs to be identified.

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