Potts Endorses Connaughton and Baril

Courtesy of The Roanoke Times. It’s interesting that both Connaughton and Baril are trying to run as conservatives. Someone ought to tell these guys that “I will reinstate the car tax” Russ Potts–who’s running to the left of Tim Kaine–has got their number…

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  1. Anonymous Avatar

    I know for a fact that Connaughton has endorsed Kilgore.

  2. Anonymous Avatar

    Like you Phil, I noticed that Potts also endorsed George Fitch. Since Phil Rodokanakis supports George Fitch and Russ Potts supports George Fitch, doesn’t that mean Phil Rodokanakis and Russ Potts are kindred political spirits?

  3. Sorrel Avatar

    Phil: How did you miss the Fitch part of the Potts absentee ballot? Seems you would have wanted to tar Fitch with the liberal brush also. If a Potts vote is proof positive of “liberal” leanings, you and your guy Fitch are liberals too. Do you accept that? If not, why are you teeing off on Connaughton and Baril? One thing’s for sure, Potts didn’t have anyone to vote for on the down ticket for his “Independent Republican” party. Maybe for those spots he just picked the guys he thought would do the best job.

  4. Phil Rodokanakis Avatar
    Phil Rodokanakis

    Guys: The only reason Potts endorsed Fitch was because he hates Kilgore–not on ideology. That was mentioned in the article.

  5. Phil Rodokanakis Avatar
    Phil Rodokanakis

    Mitch: I responded in the Fitch post. Frankly, I really hate this feature about blogs. Those familiar with Free Republic know that posts come to the top of the page every time a new comment is added. That way, the most active posts come up on top instead of being burried.

  6. Anonymous Avatar

    Phil – When exactly did you and your buddy Russ discuss his feelings about Kilgore? Was it during the same dinner party that he revealed his thoughts on Bolling?

  7. Anonymous Avatar

    Phil: If the Fitch “endorsement” (actually, it was an absentee ballot) by Potts is motivated by personal animus toward Kilgore, how were you able to divine that the Connaughton/Baril votes were, by contrast, a warm ideological endorsement? Do you an Russ sit down over a beer and exchange confidences on these things? Or do you just make it up? It seems at least as likely that Potts just doesn’t like Bolling, with whom he has served in the Senate. You don’t hear a lot of stories coming out of the Capitol in Richmond about what a cuddly guy Bolling is. Maybe he and Potts have annoyed each other at some point.

  8. Anonymous Avatar

    Phil is avoiding the Fitch candidacy because he talked the guy into running with promises of campaign funds and support. Fitch joins the fray and Phil won’t return his phone calls. Shame on you.

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