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Potts’ Campaign Strategy Could Use a Little Retooling

Looks like the Blue Dog beat me to this story, but I’m going to post my version anyway….

Maverick gubernatorial candidate Russell Potts has won an endorsement from the Public Service Workers Union-UE Local 160, representing the employees of Virginia’s state mental hospitals. Given the nature of their job, the members of Local 160 clearly have developed a higher tolerance for bizarre rhetoric and crackpot logic than the rest of us.

Local 160 represents about 200 employees. President Allen Layman said Potts “recognizes the state employee is about 21 percent behind the private sector [in salaries]. He promises to change the climate. State employees have felt taken for granted.”
As recounted by Wayneboro’s News-Virginian, Potts “hopes to fashion a coalition of supporters from Virginia public and private workers, women, African-Americans, Hispanics, teachers and police. And he reminded UE Local 160 members Monday, “We only have to get to 34 [percent], not 51,” to be elected.”

Earth to Potts: The only conceivable way that 34 percent of the vote will win the election for you is if Kaine and Kilgore split the rest of the vote 33/33. If either Kaine or Kilgore win 35 percent, you’ve lost! Given the lopsidedly Democratic-leaning constituencies you’re targeting, you’re more likely to hurt Kaine than Kilgore making it all the more easy for Kilgore to push his numbers above that magic “35 percent” number.

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