Portsmouth Statue Smashers Nearly Kill a Man

by Kerry Dougherty

Every time I pick up a newspaper I find myself thinking, If only they had real editors.

I had that thought yesterday when the local newspaper published this online:
“A man was hurt when one of the statues fell from the Portsmouth Confederate monument.”

No, no, no.

A statue didn’t FALL from the base of the Confederate monument. It didn’t blow over in a wind. It was toppled by vandals wielding sledge hammers.

Big difference.

And proof, once again, that words matter.

What happened Wednesday night in Portsmouth was a disgrace.

The police – under orders by some unnamed “elected official” according to The Virginian-Pilot – had been told to stand down. And so they did. As a consequence, an unruly mob armed with spray paint and swinging mallets swarmed all over the monument that has stood at the corner of High and Court Streets for 127 years.
So unnecessary.

The General Assembly passed legislation that this year that allows localities to remove offensive monuments. Legally and safely.

But the foaming social justice warriors couldn’t wait for the city council to act lawfully. Instead they destroyed a monument that’s listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

I wrote about that monument in 2015 when city officials wanted to remove it. At the time, state law didn’t allow cities to take down statues or markers.

I pointed out that the 35-foot tall monument was made of North Carolina granite and the four figures around the base depicted the four branches of the Confederate military. It’s one of only three memorials in the South honoring Confederate sailors.

It’s emblazoned with the words, “To Our Confederate Dead.”

Monuments to the dead are not the same as statues of Confederate generals. These are places of remembrance, erected by grieving widows, parents and children who lost men in that bloody war and had no bodies to bury, no graveyards to visit.

Portsmouth sent 1,242 men to war and 199 never came back. This monument was built in their memory with the pennies, nickels and dimes collected by the Ladies Memorial Aid Association over more than a decade.

None of this mattered to the protesters bent on destruction Wednesday night. They were having a party, mugging for the cameras and setting fires, until their reckless behavior sent a man to the hospital.

If the monument is deemed offensive in 2020 — and clearly it is — there’s a solution. The city can have it removed.

Norfolk Mayor Kenny Alexander announced last night that a similar monument in his city would be down within 24 hours. It is destined for Elmwood Cemetery, an appropriate place for it.

If anyone is caught climbing Norfolk’s much taller monument, they will be stopped, the mayor said.

Defacing public property and beheading statues are crimes. Beyond that, those actions left Chris Green fighting for his life. He’s married with children. I hope he makes a full recovery.

Channel 13 news said his wife, Tonieh Brisbane-Green, “supports people’s right to protest, ‘but do it in a peaceful manner. There was no need to do all of that especially while there were so many people around that statue knowing that somebody’s going to get hurt’.”

Ms. Brisbane-Green told the TV station that “she hadn’t decided if she would pursue legal action against the city.”

The city? Not the vandals?

This is what happens when the police, who are supposed to keep the peace and protect the public, are told not to do their jobs. If that’s truly what happened here and if Mr. Green was just a bystander, the city may very well be liable for his injuries.

This column was published originally at www.kerrydougherty.com.

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33 responses to “Portsmouth Statue Smashers Nearly Kill a Man”

  1. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    Of course she might sue the city. Who else? And if the effort to remove sovereign immunity succeeds, city taxpayers may be liable for the reckless (yes, that was classic recklessness) decision to stand down the cops. Her husband may live, but could be dealing with severe brain damage for life. It would be quite a jury award. Oh, the irony of that. Had the KKKnucklehead who drove into the protesters on Richmond’s Lakeside Avenue seriously hurt someone, Richmond might have faced the same claim.

    The TeeVee news reader here in RIC also said “fell.” Wire copy, I’m sure….

    1. djrippert Avatar

      Why shouldn’t the government be sued if it stands down the police and somebody gets hurt? Culpable negligence. Yes, the taxpayers will pay. And those same taxpayers will make sure that the next mayor is less of a half-wit.

    2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      What about the reckless decision to NOT remove the monument when it could have been done safely while preserving it for placement on a more appropriate site, like one that wasn’t originally a whipping post for slaves?

      Rubble for an I-64 road repair would do.

      1. Steve Haner Avatar
        Steve Haner

        Yep, belongs in the bill of complaint. Attractive nuisance.

      2. John Harvie Avatar
        John Harvie

        There is no more appropriate site than where it was. You obviously have no knowledge of the site or monument. I have lived a block from it and do.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          Why’d ya move? Was it a whipping post as reported in the Pilot? If yes, then it had better be a really good secret you have.

  2. Dale Harter Avatar
    Dale Harter

    Although I have plenty of thoughts about the unlawful removal of monuments, I want to address the “real editors” observation. I earned a double BA in Journalism and History from James Madison University in 1990. While attending JMU, I worked for “The Breeze,” the student newspaper. On Sunday and Wednesday nights, which were our production nights, student journalists and faculty advisors would pore over each and every line, caption, and headline before the newspaper went to press. This was in addition to a thorough editing by writers and section editors in the days leading up to production, which hopefully corrected those word choices that Kerry pointed out in the media’s coverage of this event.
    I am disappointed with the increasing lack of editing in all forms of media, but especially in print journalism, particularly in times like these when so many people are suspicious of anything they read or hear that does not agree with their own viewpoints and biases. We need to demand more of the press if we expect to continuing having freedom of the press.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      One factor in the decrease in editing may be the budget cuts, especially at newspapers, which resulted in staff layoffs.

      1. Dale Harter Avatar
        Dale Harter

        No doubt.

      2. John Harvie Avatar
        John Harvie

        Yes, Dick and many readers cancelled their daily’s subscription when it went rogue to the left and became a SJW organ.

        Over some 70 years I subscribed to either the WAPO, RTD, or Pilot at one time or another depending upon where I lived and they ALL already had been or went hard starboard.

  3. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    “Monuments to the dead are not the same as statues of Confederate generals. These are places of remembrance,…”

    Like remembering all the fun they had whipping slaves in that very spot just a short score of years before?

    1. djrippert Avatar

      I’ve always found it fascinating that Americans can look at WWII documentaries and see the Hitler youth as the brainwashed victims of an evil regime. But when the think about teenaged, often illiterate Confederate soldiers they see evil people instead of brainwashed victims. There was tremendous evil in the South leading up to, during and in the aftermath of the US Civil War. However, then as now, the deepest repository of that evil was the small number of plantation elite who called the shots and sent hundreds of thousands of unwitting dupes to their death fighting for property and wealth they would never have seen even if they lived and the South won the war.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Why go back that far to seek brainwashed victims. Iraq. For all the complaining of the “lame stream media”, the Bush administration used them quite well to convince young men and women to engorge Cheney’s and Exxon’s pockets…. “and cover Picasso’s Guernica while I stand in front of it and describe a bakery as a bio-weapons lab…”

        The first time I heard Tom Cotton I thought, “… and good men died there.”

        1. Matt Hurt Avatar
          Matt Hurt

          AMEN! However the Republicans are not the only ones to blame. Both parties are really good at dealing death and destruction.

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        Don, you analogy is good and it works both ways. We prefer to see German soldiers as evil because they supported an evil national leader, while we glorify Confederate soldiers as patriots protecting their homeland.

      3. idiocracy Avatar

        There are still plenty of unwitting dupes who think that if the South would have won the war their station in life would be a lot better.

  4. djrippert Avatar

    ” … I have plenty of thoughts about the unlawful removal of monuments …” We’d love to hear your thoughts. Jim Bacon is the leader of the band here. I’m sure he’d be happy to have another writer – especially one with journalistic credentials. Drop him a line. Let’s hear those thoughts.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar


  5. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    Let’s be very candid, today’s younger people simply lack many of the skills that had been taught to earlier generations. It’s probably been 30 years since instructors required a class to identify and make arguments on both sides of an issue.

    I remember my junior (H.S.) English class. We were split into small teams and directed to research and then debate capital punishment, which included rebutting the other side’s arguments. On the day of the debate, our teacher told each team that it had to switch sides on the issue. I didn’t like it at the time but I learned to appreciate the challenge as I aged.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      This is a practice I learned from high school and college debate teams and still appreciate.

  6. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Sometimes, and ONCE counts as sometimes, Donald Trump is right. Losers back losers and losers bunch together to lose losing battles once again. So it is with the Southern Apologists and those who fondly wax nostalgic about their first loss.

    1. MAdams Avatar

      Do you feel the same way about the Monuments to the Soldiers from the Confederacy at Gettysburg?

      The idea that all the men that perished on the south “owned” and “whipped” salves is utterly idiotic. Just like the notion that all that fought for the Union cared about the dissolution of slavery.

      Lincoln himself would’ve much prefer to send the slaves to their own Nation, he gave two licks about the institution. His entire goal was to keep the Union as one.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Did the North whip theirs slaves at the Gettysburg battlefield?

        I was expecting you here. Right on topic.

        1. MAdams Avatar

          The North wasn’t required to relinquish their slaves until the 14th Amendment passed Congress, things you’d know if you were an actually student of history.

          So what you’re saying is that those solider who fought and died under a Confederate flag regardless if they owned slaves or fought for to keep the deplorable practice deserve nothing. Duly noted, which side did your family fight and where can we desecrate their headstones.

          Well why not, you feel free to offer your opinion and I’ll feel free to point out how woefully uneducated you on the subject.

          1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Ah no, grasshopper, the North didn’t have slaves. Slavery was abolished state-by-state in the North long before the war.
            1804 New Jersey. Last one. The law freed slaves younger than a certain age and banned the sale. The age limit was a way to force slaveowners to provide for those deemed too old to live independently. Kinda like a backdoor retirement plan. Sucks but…

            Jeez, the stuff is on the internet. Look something up. I tire of correcting you.

            James, help this boy. He’s one of yours.

          2. Nancy_Naive Avatar

            Let me help you with the interwebby thing. Forget Google. Go to eBay. Type “clue”. Click “Buy!”

          3. MAdams Avatar

            Umm oh well uneducated one, the north did in fact have slaves. Not to the scale of the south because they weren’t agrarian.


            Things you’d know if you spent more time reading, than you did pontificating incorrectly.

            The last slaves to be freed in NJ occurred in 1865.

            I know right, I mean we can’t all be like you and cite Wikipedia, at least unaccredited.

            Perhaps it is you who should be asking for help, given the amount of falsehoods and incorrect information you’re given to pontificating.

            PS: I have a relative buried at Gettysburg, they fought under the the same flag as my other relatives, grandfathers, uncles and myself. To keep you from getting lost, that was the US Flag. So my knowledge of the Military and my Minor in History kind of trumps your very limited understanding of the topic.

            Should you require any additional education on the matter, enroll in a college history class.

            Again, snark is only effective when you have an understanding of the topic you’re discussing. Should I wait for your apology or just assume you’ll never admit you were wrong?

          4. idiocracy Avatar

            North not agarian?


            Even in the agricultural sector, Northern farmers were out-producing their southern counterparts in several important areas, as Southern agriculture remained labor intensive while northern agriculture became increasingly mechanized. By 1860, the free states had nearly twice the value of farm machinery per acre and per farm worker as did the slave states, leading to increased productivity. As a result, in 1860, the Northern states produced half of the nation’s corn, four-fifths of its wheat, and seven-eighths of its oats.

          5. MAdams Avatar

            Mr. idiocracy while all of that is true, there weren’t the metropolitan hubs in the south that there were in the north. There also wasn’t tobacco and cotton in the North (which was the primary use for slaves). Also, the North wasn’t free. A good number of boarder states leading up to and during the War contained slaves and many did until 1865.

  7. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Dale. So many copy editors have been laid off by greedy newspaper owners. For a good understanding read this morning’s WaPo on Alden, the private equity fund that is destroying American journalism

    1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      Journalists destroyed American journalism through their arrogance. Instead of gathering facts and trying to report the entire story, including the perspectives of all the actors, we are regularly treated to the views of the writer. Reporters like the Post’s Tony Olivo are becoming rare.

      1. Matt Hurt Avatar
        Matt Hurt

        It seems that the new technologies caused legacy media to change their business model from “arbiters of the truth” to clickbait merchants.

  8. VDOTyranny Avatar

    Petition to rename Lynchburg, started by a youngster that failed history:

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