Port Development a Double-Edged Sword

Norfolk container yard. Credit: Virginian-Pilot

by James A. Bacon

An enduring question on this blog is what accounts for the lagging economic performance of the Hampton Roads metropolitan statistical area. Growth in Gross Domestic Product since 2001 has been roughly half that of Virginia’s, while growth in real personal income since 2010 has lagged by 30%. We have explored various explanations on this blog from the necessity of adapting to increased flooding to a cap on natural gas supplies, from restrictions on water usage to excess reliance on the military as an economic foundation.

Ironically, an important reason for the region’s slow growth may be the success of one of its key industries, its ports. Since the introduction of cargo containers, ports have required more land. As ports expand, argues a new paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, they literally “drive up land rents and crowd out other economic activity.”

Containerization of global supply chains has benefited world trade and economic growth by driving down the cost of ocean transport, boosting aggregate world welfare by 3.95%, say Cesar Sucruet, with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, in Paris, and his three co-authors in “All Aboard: The Effects of Port Development.” But containerization has tradeoffs in port cities.

The introduction of shipping containers created a revolution in the transportation industry. Containers increased ship turn-around times in ports and sped the evolution toward larger vessels. Ports that adapted to these trends gained market share. But there were costs.

Containerized terminals need more space as it is the easy accessibility of the containers that allows for efficient on- and off-loading. The containers are lined up next to where the ships dock, and space is also needed to rapidly off-load cargo. There are additional dedicated ‘upland areas’ near the facility that allow for the containers to be temporarily stored … and new space needed to be made for large ‘railyards’ where containers could await transshipment onto rail carriages.

Data from New Orleans suggests that the land-intensity of port activity increased by about 75% with the introduction of containers. Ports well suited to containerization experienced shipping booms, but those booms did not necessarily translate into population inflows. The authors viewed that finding as a surprise. Standard economic models would predict an inflow of population as improved market access makes a location more desirable for firms and consumers. Those expected benefits, they theorize, are offset by the need to reserve land to store the containers and the resulting impact on real estate prices. Effects are not uniform globally, though. Ports in poor countries see greater gains from containerization than ports in wealthier countries.

Conversely, the more expensive the land in a city, the greater the opportunity costs of port expansion. The authors argue that port expansion in the world’s most expensive cities — such as Hong Kong and Singapore in Asia, and New York and San Francisco in the United States — might be counter productive. Land is better allocated to other activities. Thus, in a city like London, once at the center of world trade, the  Canary Wharf financial district was redeveloped from old port land.

The study provides no data on where Hampton Roads falls on the spectrum between poor cities and rich cities. But Virginia’s port cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth and Hampton Roads clearly are not are busting at the seams with other economic opportunities. We do know that Virginia Port Authority has been acquiring waterfront land over the past few decades to expand its cargo operations. We know that port expansion has created other effects such as increased trucking traffic and transportation bottlenecks on Interstate 64, the primary connector to the Interstate highway grid. And we know that the ports also make major claims on state and federal largess, such as channel dredging and state-backed bond financing for port expansions.

Every year the Strome College of Business at Old Dominion University publishes a State of the Commonwealth report in which its researchers focus on several  topics of economic interest. Might I humbly suggest that that they consider the thesis of Decruet et al. and examine the impact of containerization on Virginia’s ports. A deep dive would document the land acquisition by port authorities, the impact on land prices, the effect on road and highway congestion, the claim on regional resources for port-related infrastructure, and the effect on maritime employment. Such a study would have to take into account such complexities as the overlap between port, naval and shipbuilding activity, not to mention the hoped-for benefits in building and maintaining offshore wind farms. One way or the other, anyone interested in the economic future of Hampton Roads needs to understand the tradeoffs.

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15 responses to “Port Development a Double-Edged Sword”

  1. tmtfairfax Avatar

    Virginia’s interstate highways have insufficient capacity to handle the high level of commercial traffic and the multiple types of non-commercial traffic (personal vehicles). The separate truck lanes on the northern part of the New Jersey Turnpike provide a much better and safer driving experience than driving I-95 between Washington, D.C. and Richmond/Petersburg and between Richmond and Hampton Roads. What would have happened had VDOT constructed separate and tolled lanes for trucks in at least part of these roadways?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      A simple “trucks use right lane” law with a maximum 55 on ’em would help.

      You cannot imagine what a rock-dropper** weighing in at 1.5x its maximum gross weight (80 tons) doing 75 can do to a Prius.

      **a dump truck in Virginia that casually leaves a stream of rocks in the windscreens on cars for miles behind it.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        A functional interstate needs 3 lanes with the left lane off limits to trucks.

        That’s been I-64s problem from the get go IMHO.

        Once big trucks occupy all lanes, things get crazy with the car queues… waiting to pass.

      2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

        Not sure why you are picking on Prius which presumably would do as well as any other sedan. But part of the reason people are going for SUV’s is to feel safer with the big rigs.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          It’s small. How about a Honda Fit? Oooh, oooh Yugo! A dump truck weighing 120 tons will turn an Escalade into confetti.

          I never ride next to a truck. I wait behind them until I can get clear past before I go, and then I go quickly.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yep. Good. My luck , I get behind the guy that passes by going 1 mph faster…and I got others in my trunk or trying cut in – in front of me behind the slacker.

      3. WayneS Avatar

        Prius, hell, try riding a motorcycle near one of those things.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          I wouldn’t ride a motorcycle in Virginia. Too many Oscar Gropes on the road in this State. When cars took logos off the bonnets, Virginians lost their ability to aim.

  2. John Harvie Avatar
    John Harvie

    “Data from New Orleans suggests that the land-intensity of port activity increased by about 75% with the introduction of containers. ”

    Yes, but in an area as large, diverse and thinly developed as parts of the outlying areas of Hampton Roads are, what percentage of the overall land area does port occupancy ACTUALLY represent? Portsmouth City: lots of it. Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Newport News, York County, Outer Banks, etc. I suggest: not so much.

    As the Bard said, “Much ado about , etc., etc” I suspect.

  3. John Harvie Avatar
    John Harvie

    “Data from New Orleans suggests that the land-intensity of port activity increased by about 75% with the introduction of containers. ”

    Yes, but in an area as large, diverse and thinly developed as parts of the outlying areas of Hampton Roads are, what percentage of the overall land area does port occupancy ACTUALLY represent? Portsmouth City: lots of it. Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Newport News, York County, Outer Banks, etc. I suggest: not so much.

    As the Bard said, “Much ado about , etc., etc” I suspect.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    “The state budget compromise released Thursday night includes more funds to expand Interstate 64 in Hampton Roads, including widening the highway all the way to Richmond.

    Negotiators for the House of Delegates and the state Senate agreed to set $93.1 million from federal COVID-19 relief funds for work on I-64. The money is to go to the proposed 44-mile network of express and toll lanes for the region, running from the Jefferson Avenue intersection in Newport News to the Bowers Hill interchange in Chesapeake. “

  5. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    “Since the introduction of cargo containers”…how long ago did cargo containers become popular?

  6. Paul Sweet Avatar
    Paul Sweet

    I saw a TV show a few years ago about the development of modern shipping containers containers. Large boxes had been used for shipping goods at various times during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, but they weren’t widely used, and weren’t stackable. In the early 1950s Malcom McLean, who ran a trucking company, was frustrated about how long it took to ship goods up and down the east cost. U.S. Route 1 was the least indirect way to go in the days before Interstate highways, but local traffic, low speed limits, and traffic lights in hundreds of towns and cities along the way made this a slow trip. He figured he could load truck-sized containers ships and get them shipped in much less time. He developed a container based on the Transporter & Conex boxes that the Army had developed, and worked with an engineer who developed a twist-lock mechanism to secure containers so they could be stacked and stay in place on rough seas.

    Ships were loaded by hand at that time, and longshoremen saw containers as a threat. Containers could be loaded at factories, shipped (by truck or rail) to docks, put on ships, unloaded and shipped to their destination without needing longshoremen. He had to negotiate deals with the longshoremen’s unions to help compensate them for loss of jobs as containers became more popular.

    He founded SeaLand, which is now a division of Maersk. Since then the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has standardized containers.

    (and various links in this article)

  7. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    What about Craney Island? For decades it has been discussed as a big step towards advancing container trade. The soil area has lots of space. The issue is unstable dirt and getting the containers out by rail or truck. I haven’t kept up.

    Also, the NYT had this a couole days ago: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/06/business/global-shipping.html

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