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Pontificating about Health Care

In a webcast produced by YourFreedomHub, I explain the political economy of healthcare in Virginia. Long-time readers of Jim Sherlock’s columns and my columns on this topic will find much familiar material. The value in watching the presentation is seeing many strands pulled together in a coherent narrative. Also, I do provide some evidence not published before on Bacon’s Rebellion (or anywhere else in Virginia for that matter) showing how much more Virginia hospitals charge for procedures — from colonoscopies to tonsillectomies — than do ambulatory surgery centers, of which there are very few, thanks to the Certificate of Public Need.

Jump to the 3:00 mark to skip the preliminaries (sorry, YourFreedomHub) and get straight to the presentation. As I view the presentation, it’s pretty clear why I make my living as a writer, not a television personality or TED talker.  But, hey, if you’re self-isolating from COVID-19 or Governor Northam has shut down the serving of alcohol your favorite bar in Virginia Beach, it might be worth watching.


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