Politician Behaving Badly?

Sen. Amanda Chase, R-Chester, has caught flak for engaging in an argument with a Virginia Capitol Police officer — dropping the F bomb in the process — when the officer prevented her from parking in a restricted area near her legislative office building. As depicted in media accounts, she came across as officious and entitled. But there may be more to the story.

In breaking the story several days ago, the Richmond Times-Dispatch noted vaguely that Chase had received threats, was “in fear for her life,” and had taken to wearing a pistol on her hip during the 2019 General Assembly session. In a Facebook post yesterday, she claimed to have been “accosted on three separate occasions” and said she doesn’t “feel safe parking outside the Capitol.”

This raises the question: Is there any basis to her fears or is she just being paranoid? There would seem to be a bigger issue here than a temper tantrum over a parking space.

Everyone can agree that female legislators should feel free to move about the Capitol grounds and nearby parking lots without feeling threats to their physical safety. According to Chase, she took her concerns to the state Senate leadership, but her complaint “has fallen on deaf ears.”

If her fears were justified, her frustration at being denied access to parking in a protected environment would seem forgivable. If her fears are exaggerated, then voters may have legitimate grounds for questioning not just her temperament but her judgment.

Chase said in her Facebook post that she wanted to “put this whole situation in context and hopefully add clarity to what happened.” Well, she really didn’t do that. But she can by providing more information about who accosted her and under what circumstances.

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3 responses to “Politician Behaving Badly?”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Seems like she chose to NOT go through a process to deal with her safety concerns and instead chose to try to bully a law enforcement officer.

    No matter how you cut that, it reflects on her and her excuses about being concerned about her safety do NOT give her the right to be nasty to others. Perhaps her demeanor towards others is involved in her “fears”?

    Is safety a problem for folks who work at the GA – especially women? If it’s a known issue and other women are also afraid – then there is a problem and I guess I would have expected her to say that if it is true and that would have gotten the RIGHT KIND of attention!

  2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    The idea of her feeling unsafe in downtown Richmond in broad daylight is ludicrous. No other female member of the General Assembly has expressed these fears, at least not publicly. By being “accosted”, I remember that, during the GA, she complained about being approached or heckled by anti-abortion protestors. The incident that sparked this dust-up occurred on a recent day on which the GA was not in session. I assume that she was going to her legislative office in the GA building to pick up something. I seriously doubt that there were any demonstrators around to “accost” her. She just did not want to walk across the street to the parking deck.

    Correction: It was not anti-abortion protestors that confronted her earlier, but pro-ERA demonstrators.

  3. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    She’s not the first or the worst case of Big Shot Fever, but it’s always embarrassing. She needs to just apologize and move on, one would hope a bit wiser…. She keeps it alive at her peril.

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