Sen. John C,. Watkins (R-Chesterfield) said a mouthful when he stated re the upcoming special session on transport:

“I don’t think anyone has put something out there that solves the problem.”

John, my friend – and all politicians are my friends – no one can put something out there if you are looking for facility or finance “solutions.”

Wilfred Owen said it almost sixty years ago, restated it in every book he wrote and repeated it every time we talked during the last decade of his life:

“There are no transport facility (or we would add, transport facility finance schemes) that will solve transport problem – there are only land use (human settlement pattern) solutions.”


The regular Friday “See My Pigs Fly Higher” convention of Tiger Riders United and the Association of It’s Government’s Fault Conspiracy Theorists has been relocated the Millennium Dome. It is the only venue that was not already booked and is large enough to hold everyone who has RSVPeed via Blogs due to the invitation extended to the League of 12 ½ Percenters. Tip of the Hat to Larry Gross for forwarding this information.


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  1. Anonymous Avatar

    EMR must be the only person on the planet who is “transporte” by human settlement patterns.

    Most everyone else seems to prefer motor vehicles for all but the shortest trips with the least freight.

    Wilfred Owen said it almost sixty years ago, restated it in every book he wrote and repeated it every time we talked during the last decade of his life: if you drop afeather and a ball you can prove that heavier objects fall faster.

    So, after sixty years, how much progress have we made in solving transportation problems this way?


  2. Anonymous Avatar

    Those who pay “RH” must know that his postings only reinforce the opposite view.

  3. Anonymous Avatar

    I’m a self employed farmer. Drove my tractor for 30 hours in the past three days. had some pretty nice views from the hillsides. 🙂

    Which view are you referring to?

    The one where constant reinforcement doesn’t indicate truth? I’d hate to think someone has the opposite view on that.

    Or the question about progress? I didn’t know a question was a view on anything.

    Do you know anyone who isn’t a Marine who routinely walks forty miles carrying 60 lbs?

    I mispelled the pun on being transported. Sorry if you didn’t catch a little good natured ribbing.


  4. Anonymous Avatar

    Good news for RH:

    There is a special catigory for verbose obfuscation at the “See My Pigs Fly Higher” session on Friday. Make your reservations today!

    Alpha Zeus

  5. Anonymous Avatar

    It should be clear that the “opposite view” Anon 3:03 was talking about is anything that RH says, in jest or other wise.

  6. Anonymous Avatar

    “Most everyone else seems to prefer motor vehicles for all but the shortest trips with the least freight.”

    If this were even partially true then those who live in “pedestrian only” sections of urban places would have to pay much less per square foot to rent or own. The opposite is the case.

    Stick to driving the tractor. You give farmers a bad rep for the ability to think.

  7. Anonymous Avatar

    “If this were even partially true “


    Yesterday I pesonally moved six tons of hay, by hand. I moved it from the (motorized) hay wagon to the (motorized) trailer my customer brought to haul it away in.

    I’m pretty certain that it isn’t even partially true that I would have preferred to carry that hay from the back forty by hand.

    I’m pretty certain that it isn’t even partially true that my customer would have preferred to carry his hay by hand back to his place.

    The good news is that I got three new customers this week. They all told me their former supplier sold out to developers.

    I’m just not sure which half of that statement is the good half.


    I saw a news clip this week where some girls were riding their horses to school, to save gas. After the clip the announcer made the succinct observation, I wonder how much it costs to keep those horses.

    I imagine it costs a lot more if you live in a townhouse.


    Depending on how lucky I get, it runs from fifty cents to a dollar in fuel, per bale. I frequently point out to my customers, that I’m in the business of converting diesel fuel to horse fuel.

    That may be coming to an end, no one will be able to afford it, if we don’t outright ban it first. Then I would be in a pickle – required to farm the land and prohibited both.

    Up until around 1949, when I was a whippersnapper, 3/4 of the frm land was used to feed the draft animals that worked the other 1/4.

    We may be going back to that. All natural, renewable, earth friendly, and all that. I saw an article about a local fellow that uses draft hoses for logging, and he claims he is better for the forest because his horses help fertilize it while he is cutting it down.

    Course, when we get to that, food and lumber will cost a lot more of our income proportionately, like they did back then.


    But, farming is a lot like thinking, ability helps, but first you have to try.


  8. Anonymous Avatar

    As Anon Zeus pointed out:

    There is a special catigory for verbose obfuscation at the “See My Pigs Fly Higher” session on Friday.

    Someone make RH a reservation today! He is too busy talking foolishness to read that which impacts him the most.

    Anon Zoro and Zora

  9. Not Ed Risse Avatar
    Not Ed Risse

    Ed Risse’s ultimate nightmare is closer than he thinks.

    Unlimited, cheap, non-polluting fuel!

    Watch this video on TED.


    “In early 2008, scientists at the J. Craig Venter Institute announced that they had manufactured the entire genome of a bacterium by painstakingly stitching together its chemical components. By sequencing a genome, scientists can begin to custom-design bootable organisms, creating biological robots that can produce from scratch chemicals humans can use, such as biofuel.”

    Human ingenuity and freedom will lead to unimaginable prosperity for everyone.

  10. Anonymous Avatar

    It’s Ok Zoro.

    I know I’m a little off and I’m quite comfortable with it after all these years. People who know me find it rather amusing.

    Sometimes petty anoyances will cause me to pull my impersonation of John Belushi or Mel Gibson out of the hat.

    You should see the effect that has at DMV.


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