Please, Governor, Focus on Virginia First

Glenn Youngkin. Photo credit: New York Times

by James A. Bacon

Virginians are still trying to decipher the intentions of Glenn Youngkin in traveling to so many Republican campaign events around the country. The Governor been in office about eight months. He’s barely gotten started in undoing the damage of his predecessor’s four-year term. He couldn’t really be thinking about running for president, could he? 

There doesn’t seem to be much question in the minds of the national media that he is. Donald Trump remains the odds-on favorite to win the Republican nomination should he desire it even though the metaphorical walls have been “closing in” on him for six years now. If Democrats finally succeed in taking out the former president, then Florida Governor Ron DeSantis seems the most viable alternative. Yet Youngkin’s name is frequently invoked as a possible presidential candidate.

“It’s obvious. Glenn Youngkin, the Republican governor of Virginia, wants to be president,” writes New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie.

Most of Bouie’s lengthy column is a tiresome rendition of the narrative that the Republican Party and the MAGA movements are extensions of Dixiecrats and segregationists. (New York Times columnists have zero clue about what makes Republicans tick.) But he does cite actual evidence, which has gotten little play here in the Old Dominion, that Youngkin does, in fact, have national political ambitions.

Writes Bouie:

Within months of taking office, Youngkin had already established two political organizations, Spirit of Virginia and America’s Spirit, meant to raise his profile in national Republican politics with donations and assistance to candidates both in his home state and across the country. In July, he met privately with major conservative donors in New York City, underlining the sense that his ambitions run larger than his term in Richmond.

Youngkin, a former private equity executive, is on a tour of the country, speaking and raising money for Republican candidates in key presidential swing states. And as he crisscrosses the United States in support of the Republican Party, Youngkin is neither avoiding Donald Trump nor scorning his acolytes; he’s embracing them.

In Nevada last week, Youngkin stumped for Joe Lombardo, the Trump-backed Republican nominee for governor who acknowledges that President Biden won the election but says he is worried about the “sanctity of the voting system.” In Michigan, Youngkin stumped for Tudor Dixon, the Trump-backed Republican nominee for governor who has repeatedly challenged the integrity of the 2020 presidential election. And later this month, in Arizona, Youngkin will stump for Kari Lake, the Trump-backed Republican nominee for governor who accused Democrats of fraud in the state and says that unlike Gov. Doug Ducey, she “would not have certified” the 2020 election results.

Whether Youngkin agrees with any of this himself is an open question. In the 2021 Virginia Republican primary, he flirted with election denialism but never fully committed. What matters, for our purposes, is that Youngkin believes he needs to cater to and actually support election questioners and deniers to have a shot at leading the Republican Party.

Setting aside his uncharitable interpretation of Youngkin’s views on election integrity, Bouie does make a valid point about his political ambitions.

I support most of Youngkin’s agenda for Virginia, but I am distressed to see his attention wander so far afield. He has yet to demonstrate that he can help Republicans regain control of the General Assembly. He has yet to show he can push his message through a biased media. And he’s done about all he can do with executive orders and appointments to boards and commissions.

Youngkin needs to be stumping for Republican candidates here in Virginia. He needs to be raising money for conservative causes in the Old Dominion. He needs to be laying the groundwork for legislative reforms in Richmond. In sum, he needs to give it everything he’s got here at home. If his agenda falters here, he will have no credibility as a national change agent… or a presidential candidate.

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45 responses to “Please, Governor, Focus on Virginia First”

  1. This is a downside to our one-year term limits. While it allows the governor to take bold action on their agenda without having to water things down for reelection bids, their eyes have a habit of straying to the next rung on their career since the governor’s mansion is a dead end.

    Kaine in particular got flak for assuming chair of the DNC while in office.

    1. This is a good point. What do we expect him to do? He’s got to start looking for a new job. I’m not a fan of term limit because I think the negatives around short term leadership and constant turnover outweigh the positives, but it’s an interesting question. I’m curious what readers think of the term limit.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        The one-term limit on Virginia governors should be done away with. By the time a governor gets into the swing of the office and his appointees have settled in, they start looking for the next job. It takes more than four years to establish a major initiative.

        1. vicnicholls Avatar

          It also allows the General Assembly to have more power. This is possibly a good thing. The Gov is in Richmond and has other priorities. You can get to your state folks easier than you ever will the Gov.

        2. DJRippert Avatar

          Whenever a state is doing something differently than every other state you can reliably assume that the state in question is wrong. Unfortunately, in Virginia there are many aspects of governance where we are unique or in a small minority of states:

          1. One consecutive term governor
          2. All cities are independent of counties
          3. Unlimited campaign contributions
          4. Off year elections

          The list goes on.

          Apparently, the geniuses we elect and send to Richmond honestly believe they are smarter than every other state in the union.

          1. how_it_works Avatar

            It’s not just the geniuses we elect and send to Richmond who honestly believe they’re smarter than any other state in Union:


          2. 3 of those 4 things are features, not bugs. Unlimited campaign contributions is the stinker.

            As the home of the first elected lege in the colonies Virginia can lead, but we can’t force other states to follow our example.

            Sam Adams had an alternative scheme on terms and elections. It was that all elected terms are for 1 year to force politicians to face the electorate while their deeds were fresh in peoples minds. Makes a lot of sense.

            In the same vein until 1830 Virginia’s governors were elected by the lege for up to 3 consecutive one year terms.

          3. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            GOP in Congress filibustered proposal on finance reform.

          4. And your point is? The reference was to Virginia’s unlimited State contributions.

            Thanks for another Jim McCarthy’s silly walk.:)

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        First of all, Youngkin does not need a job. A two term limit makes sense. Even if only 3 years each.

        1. Financially he doesn’t need a job; that’s for sure, but he’s embarked on a new career.

      3. Recently there have been two profound arguments for single term governors, McDonnell and McAuliffe. Maybe Virginia should make it “No Irish need apply”.

        1. Wonder if the middle 50% of VA voters would behave differently if two terms were OK and they were making a longer term decision. Might be a bit more picky than either of those.

  2. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    JAB’s concerns are well placed. One might expect at a minimum a more modest effort outside the Commonwealth in support of allies. His appearance to boost Kari Lake is particularly distasteful especially in light of Youngkin’s vision for election integrity in VA.

  3. SudleySpr Avatar

    1 the term limit rule is a joke if it allows McAuful to run again. Who proof read that before it was voted on?

    2 some can walk and chew gum at the same time just fine

    3 he is spending political capital and getting more in return than he is spending. A smart man.

    4 I’m pretty dang sure Younkin is not trying to be the next president. Being accused of otherwise is a badge of honor

  4. vicnicholls Avatar

    He is stumping for R people in Va. So is the LG and AG. He’s trying to get $$$ here because if he is raised up, so will others raise $$$ for R in Va. Think about it, all the influx of foreign (non Va) money into the races, the R’s need to get some of that.

  5. DJRippert Avatar

    “Youngkin needs to be stumping for Republican candidates here in Virginia.”

    If you mean General Assembly candidates, it’s way too early.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    He’s done with Virginia! Onward and upward to bigger and better things!

    At this point, Youngkin is DC bound. He’ll continue to pull virtue signaling tricks, but as for doing any serious changes in Virginia, that’s a lose-lose. If he attempts anything major and it blows up, costs money, fails then so do his future ambitions.

    Like a good actor, he’s going to memorize his lines and try not to trip over the props.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      “Like a good actor, he’s going to memorize his lines and try not to trip over the props.”

      That would put him miles ahead of Biden who can’t remember what day it is and needs help navigating stairs, bicycles and other straightforward things.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        A least Biden ca ride a bicycle and doesn’t need a golf cart.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          not a good example! 😉

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Hawley is a secret progressive…

            WASHINGTON — Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley’s campaign on Wednesday did what it does most days, often multiple times a day: sent out an email with bold and capitalized text interspersed throughout, imploring his supporters to give money to his campaign.

            But as the email railed against public school teachers talking about transgender people — calling it “socialist lies” — Hawley’s campaign may have done away with the gender binary entirely.

            The email asks potential donors if they want to “keep Transgender Propaganda OUT of our classrooms today?” and then has two big red buttons to Hawley’s WinRed fundraising page.

            One button says “Yes — Keep transgender propaganda out.”

            “No — Teach children there is more than one gender.”

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Hawley is a secret progressive…

            WASHINGTON — Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley’s campaign on Wednesday did what it does most days, often multiple times a day: sent out an email with bold and capitalized text interspersed throughout, imploring his supporters to give money to his campaign.

            But as the email railed against public school teachers talking about transgender people — calling it “socialist lies” — Hawley’s campaign may have done away with the gender binary entirely.

            The email asks potential donors if they want to “keep Transgender Propaganda OUT of our classrooms today?” and then has two big red buttons to Hawley’s WinRed fundraising page.

            One button says “Yes — Keep transgender propaganda out.”

            “No — Teach children there is more than one gender.”

        2. Hard to carry golf clubs on a bicycle, that’s why they use carts. Biden on a bike is sort of like falling. It’s not the fall that hurts, it’s the sudden stop at the end.

  7. DJRippert Avatar

    Youngkin was elected as a conservative Republican, against a former governor, in a blue state. Of course the Republicans want him out campaigning in tight races.

    “It’s obvious. Glenn Youngkin, the Republican governor of Virginia, wants to be president,” writes New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie.

    The only thing worse than a libtwit journalist is a libtwit journalist who also believes she is a mind reader.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      She be a he.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Should have used Xe.

  8. DJRippert Avatar

    Youngkin was elected as a conservative Republican, against a former governor, in a blue state. Of course the Republicans want him out campaigning in tight races.

    “It’s obvious. Glenn Youngkin, the Republican governor of Virginia, wants to be president,” writes New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie.

    The only thing worse than a libtwit journalist is a libtwit journalist who also believes she is a mind reader.

  9. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Our first elected governor, Patrick Henry, served by limit one term three years long. He served again a few years later.

    1. He’d have been happy to have had a consecutive term to keep that Jefferson fellow from succeeding him.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Timing is everything. Henry kept the British out of Virginia. Jefferson had to flee Banastre Tarleton’s Legion thanks to a heads up from the Virginia version of Paul Revere, Jack Jouett.

        1. Indeed it is. Jouett made quite a ride from Cuckoo Tavern in Louisa to Charlottesville. I thought Benedict Arnold featured on the British side during that expedition?

          Part of Henry’s feud with Jefferson was that he thought Jefferson a coward for running away and hiding. First to C’ville and then from there to his farm, Poplar Forest, near Lynchburg.

          There’s a hysterical marker in the front yard of a house in Richmond’s Fan District marking the Brits furthest east advance before they turned to chase the General Assembly in C”ville where they had fled. There’s another marker at 14th & Main on the spot the GA skedaddled from.

          Historical minutiae: Thanks to Jouett the only member of the GA the Brits caught in C’ville was a young delegate named Davy Crockett. They released him as being of no consequence.

    2. He’d have been happy to have had a consecutive term to keep that Jefferson fellow from succeeding him.

  10. LarrytheG Avatar

    I’ll just repeat the cutline: “Youngkin knows EXACTLY what he is doing.

    He’s MAGA-LITE , the “soft” MAGA who can keep the base AND attract right-leaning and even middle-middle independents/swing voters JUST LIKE HE DID in Virginia! Why wouldn’t he run for POTUS?

    And he’s gonna stump for Va Candidates , count on it!

    All this fretting by Va conservatives…. sheesh!

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Making Attorneys Get Attorneys — MAGA

    2. He’s knows exactly what he’s doing which is covering his bases. Like it or not, he’s been pretty adept at throwing just enough red meat but not going too far. The post mortem on the Kari Lake episode will be interesting though. Wonder what the ground rules are for that appearance. No “Q” sound bites for sure.

  11. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Remember folks, youngkin stumped for Paul “the enemy right now…are people of color or people of Hispanic origin” LePage…

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      A message Conservative Virginians embrace… I see no inconsistency…

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Agree. For sure, Conservatives will take Le Page and more , any day, than a leftist!

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Please, don’t judge all Conservatives by what you see here.

        But, as they say, “if you name 3 historical persons and 3 modern celebrities who you admire, then I will have learn more about you than your spouse did in the first year you were married.”

        Time for the media to explain exactly who and what Youngkin is.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Do you mean the media that Conservatives reject outright as biased and lying? 😉

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          I’m not. I am judging all Conservatives by what I am seeing everywhere. It is an impressively consistent picture.

  12. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Bacon!You maniac! good post.

    1. Rare praise indeed. Perhaps I need to quote the NYTimes at length more often!

  13. Turbocohen Avatar

    I agree with you James about 99% of the time. In this case, what is good for the goose is good for the gander. If Youngkin raises his profile it gives more national donors a reason to invest in VA races IF it raises his profile for 2024. I do agree he needs to focus on delivering in VA and Im betting he will.

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