Petersburg: Paradigm of VBOE Fecklessness, the 2023 Update

by John Butcher

Despite nineteen years of “supervision” by the Board and Department of Education, the Petersburg schools marinate in failure.

Va. Code § 22.1-8

provides: “The general supervision of the public school system shall be vested in the Board of Education.”

Va. Code § 22.1-253.13:8 provides:

The Board of Education shall have authority to seek school division compliance with the foregoing Standards of Quality. When the Board of Education determines that a school division has failed or refused, and continues to fail or refuse, to comply with any such Standard, the Board may petition the circuit court having jurisdiction in the school division to mandate or otherwise enforce compliance with such standard, including the development or implementation of any required corrective action plan that a local school board has failed or refused to develop or implement in a timely manner.

Documents on the VBOE Web pages show the following events as to Petersburg:


“MOU” is bureaucratese for “Memorandum of Understanding,” which in turn is an edict to which the Board can point in order to claim it is doing something about lousy schools. The MOU process demands a Corrective Action Plan (“CAP”) that sets forth “specific actions and a schedule designed to ensure that schools within [the affected] school division meet the standards established by the Board.”

The 2023 SOL data are now out; they show the results of the nineteenth year of the Board’s attempts to improve the Petersburg schools.


On average, Virginia’s economically disadvantaged (“ED”) students underperform their more affluent peers (“Not ED”) by about 20%. The SOL average pass rate thus is lowered for the divisions with larger ED populations. To avoid the Biased overall average, let’s look at the underlying averages for the “ED” and “Not ED” groups.

The 2022 reading results were boosted, no telling how much, by the adoption of a “less rigorous” (link now busted) grading scheme. There was no SOL testing in 2020. Participation in the 2021 testing was voluntary. So, the ‘22 data are the first post-pandemic numbers with a claim to measuring anything beyond individual performance. The 2021 data could only clutter up the graphs below, so they have been omitted.

With that out of the way, here are the recent reading pass rates for Petersburg and the state.

Petersburg’s 2019-2022 Not ED pass rate decrease was less than the state average but the Petersburg Not ED rate remained below the state rate for ED students.  As well, both 2023 Petersburg rates show a failure to even begin recovering from the effects of the pandemic.

44.6% of Petersburg’s Not ED students and 56.7% of the ED flunked the ‘23 reading tests.

The math tests enjoyed their scoring boost in 2019, so the data from that year compare directly with the 2022 and 2023 numbers. Petersburg’s post-pandemic decreases and initial recoveries were similar to the statewide results but the ‘23 failure rates remained appalling: 52.5% for Not ED, 64.2 for ED.

On the writing tests, Petersburg showed Not ED improvement in ‘22 but the ED rate dropped below 30%. Both groups lost ground in 2023.

As to history and social science, Petersburg showed nice improvement from ‘22 to ‘23.

Despite nineteen years of “supervision” from the Board and Department of Education, Petersburg wallows in failure.

The Board has yet to sue any school division, even Petersburg, under the authority of § 22.1-253.13:8. Indeed, any such suit would fail: to get the injunction, the Board would have to tell the judge what Petersburg (or Richmond, or . . .) could do to meet the standards. It manifestly does not know.

Isn’t it long past time for the senior bureaucrats at the Department of Education to be directed to employment that is better suited to their talents and for the Board of Education to impose a Corrective Action Plan that can actually correct the performance of the Petersburg schools?


The traditional cheer for the Richmond schools has been, “We beat Petersburg.”

But not always.

Republished with permission from Cranky’s Blog. 

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17 responses to “Petersburg: Paradigm of VBOE Fecklessness, the 2023 Update”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Cranky is fully justified in shining the light on the issues…but I do think it includes more than just Petersburg and indeed includes schools in Henrico and Chesterfield:

    I thought this interesting:

    ” Three more Richmond schools received full accreditation this year, a designation from the state meaning that the schools meet Virginia’s educational standards, while two Chesterfield County schools lost their full accreditation status.”


    ” Now, 19 Richmond schools are fully accredited, and 25 are accredited with conditions.”

    ” Eleven of Henrico’s 68 public schools were accredited with conditions this year, the same number as last year.

    Chesterfield County Public Schools saw an increase in its number of schools accredited with conditions. The division has four this year, up from only two schools being accredited with conditions last year.”

    excerpt from the referenced article above:

    ” Gov. Glenn Youngkin has long criticized the state’s accreditation system, claiming that it doesn’t reflect the learning loss and achievement gaps facing Virginia’s students, and that it fails to provide a clear picture of the academic achievement of Virginia’s schools for parents, teachers and local school divisions.

    Youngkin announces new plan to address learning loss, absenteeism
    Following bleak scores on a congressionally mandated student assessment released last October, Youngkin called for an overhaul of the school accreditation system by this fall. But in November, the state Board of Education, including Youngkin appointees, expressed skepticism and turned down a recommendation from the Youngkin administration to circumvent normal process and use emergency authority to quickly overhaul the state’s school accreditation system.”

    Petersburg schools accredited with conditions:

    Petersburg City Public Schools
    Cool Spring Elementary
    Lakemont Elementary
    Pleasants Lane Elementary
    Walnut Hill Elementary
    Vernon Johns Middle

    lots of fodder and opportunity for the Youngkin Administration!

    1. Nineteen years of improvement plans. Virtually no improvement.

      Where perpetually harming the school children of their district is concerned, it is grossly unfair to try to equate any other district in the state with the City of Petersburg School System.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Totally fair and appropriate to point out that other systems have problems like Petersburg does. Totally wrongheaded to ignore the other schools that are just as bad and only focus on one system.

        Those kids in Henrico and Chesterfield are also being “failed” just as surely.

        Let’s do something beyond blame game and political posturing.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        Totally fair and appropriate to point out that other systems have problems like Petersburg does. Totally wrongheaded to ignore the other schools that are just as bad and only focus on one system.

        Those kids in Henrico and Chesterfield are also being “failed” just as surely.

        Let’s do something beyond blame game and political posturing.

        1. Where in my comment did I say we should not improve schools in districts other the Petersburg?

          I stated my opinion that no other school system is as bad as Petersburg’s. And now I have stated it again.

          Do you agree or disagree with the opinion I stated? I’m not asking about some other “opinion” you have assigned to me based on your own ego and personal biases, I am asking about the actual opinion I stated.

          And in the future, please respond to the comments I actually make, not to ones you invent and apply to me.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            what you did say:

            ” it is grossly unfair to try to equate any other district in the state with the City of Petersburg School System.”

            that I disagree with…

            “Totally fair and appropriate to point out that other systems have problems like Petersburg does. Totally wrongheaded to ignore the other schools that are just as bad and only focus on one system.”

            go do something useful now cuz this ain’t it!

          2. Equate.

            Not compare. Equate.


            FYI (emphasis mine):

            Equate – v – to consider (one thing) to be the same as or equivalent to another.

          3. Equate.

            Not compare. Equate.


            FYI (emphasis mine):

            Equate – v – to consider (one thing) to be the same as or equivalent to another.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            right. who said equate?

          5. I did.

            Where perpetually harming the school children of their district is concerned, it is grossly unfair to try to equate any other district in the state with the City of Petersburg School System.

            If you had not read my original comment, why did you respond to it? You read just about everything into my comment but what I actually wrote.

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            I responded to the comment I quoted.

            I never said equate. You did. And I clearly did not and do not agree with your characterization.

  2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    The state is afraid of a takeover. State takeovers have failed in many places. Then, the Virginia Code and constitution hold them in limbo, thus the kids in Petersburg are in limbo.

  3. Nineteen years. One year shy of making a career out of failing the children of Petersburg.


    1. It’s amazing that they were able to find that many incompetent PhDs for that many years.

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    re: ” VBOE Fecklessness”

    I don’t disagree with Cranky’s characterization. If we’re going to condemn Petersburg Schools for their failings… one would expect real action or else it comes across more as political posturing.

    No question, it would take leadership and courage on Youngkin and VDOE’s part but he does have that ability and really it is incumbent on him to address it just as he has chosen to address empowering parents and transgender issues.

    He doesn’t even need to show spectacular success.. just that he
    actually is taking action with results TBD downstream probably after he has left office.

    Probably no school system in Virginia is a better candidate for such a pilot project… one that pave the way for other schools.

    An easier path perhaps with a higher chance of success would be systems like Henrico and Chesterfield that have some equally awful schools but one might presume the in-house administration as capable since most of their schools actually do perform well and focusing on the smaller number of poorer ones, perhaps not as high risk as betting all the marbles on an entire school system like Petersburg.

    Start SOMEWHERE – do some pilots… do SOMETHING rather than making political hay and hiding out!

  5. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    You can’t fix this kind of broke. Such a sad story. So many famous Virginians and Americans from this historic town.,_Virginia

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