Pay No Attention to That Man in the Governor’s Mansion

If Glenn Youngkin is not running for President “this year” and wants to concentrate on Virginia elections, as he says, why is Wilbur Ross, former Secretary of Commerce under Donald Trump, throwing a fund raiser for Youngkin in the Hamptons? And did Youngkin, as the rumor goes, really get the word to Trump that all he is doing is getting into position to be Trump’s running mate?

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11 responses to “Pay No Attention to That Man in the Governor’s Mansion”

  1. Fund-raiser in the Hamptons? That’ll play well in Galax and Big Stone Gap.

    1. Turbocohen Avatar

      Wall Street?

      Meanwhile, A lot of Big $ going to his PAC while the candidates are starved for $. Not a good recipe.

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    I hope not. For his sake and Trump’s!
    I’d like to see DeSantis drop out. He’s wasting his time and tarnishing his rep, while the idiot consultants line their pockets. He should pay attention to Florida and do the things that make him front runner for 2028.
    Meanwhile, besides being framed and attacked and the victim of lawfare (maybe a few other Communist Gulags can amend their laws to extend statutes of limitation for fictional rape claims AND move the venue to DC or NYC. Did you know Reid Hoffman was behind getting the NY law amended and the lawyer representing E. Jean Carroll? And he was an Epstein Pedo Island attendee? Also behind fake Roy Moore stuff – good guy! (Liar, like all major Ds)), Trump should pick Vivek Ramaswamy as VP and promise to appoint Bobby Kennedy over the Govt censorship and Big Pharma regulatory capture. After being stabbed in the back by his “friends” (need any more evidence they are horrible people for whom power is the only goal?), RFK Jr might want to go scorched earth wherever he finds it (and the corruption is in both parties and throughout the bureaucracies, but the Dems control it, with the McConnell and McCarthy types being the controlled opposition).

    1. M. Purdy Avatar
      M. Purdy

      Trump fan?

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Aren’t you?
        And that has what to do with what?
        I think it is clear Trump will get the nomination. Even with all the election interference lawfare going on (you approve of that? In favor of banana republics?). So, I’d like the waste of money charade to end to defeat the evil left (who have mastered cheating at elections such that a walking corpse like the totally corrupt SlowJoe or Fetterman can “win”). Sorry that offends your delicate sensibilities… Look, the mean man doesn’t agree with me!

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I can answer that Dick. Did Youngkin pay himself back the entire $12 million he loaned his campaign? Ted Cruz sued over the use or lose nature of self-financing and SCOTUS found in his favor.

    Youngkin could be thinking of mounting a run at something, or just repaying himself with campaign donations with a “bus that never comes”.

    1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
      Kathleen Smith

      How very astute. Never thought of that. Good business man. Governorship, another story. A little let down and wants both house and senate republican. If I were him, I’d put my energy there. Otherwise, he will not be able to deliver what he promised.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Ooooh. This gives me an idea! When I retired, my company stuck me with a Profit Sharing Tax Bomb. I wonder? I wonder if I launch a 3rd Party run for the governorship, loan the Tax Bomb to my campaign at “reasonable rates” (Rep. Napolitano D, CA, charged 16%), go hard MAGA — that’s where the gullible money is — then can I use contributions to pay the tax burden, and use excesses to repay the post-tax amount at, say, 12% (don’t wannabe too greedy)?

        Bound to be a tax lawyer out there somewhere who can answer that.

        1. Lefty665 Avatar

          “Bound to be a tax lawyer out there somewhere who can answer that.”

          Eh, maybe not. Hunter seems to have sopped all the good ones these days.

    2. Not Today Avatar
      Not Today

      He’d be foolish to run for POTUS. He’s an avatar candidate who offers all the right words and no juice for his own base (as for me…there is marked relief; he could be as efficient/destructive as DeSantis).

  4. vicnicholls Avatar

    Dick, he can transfer the money if he needs to, to some seat out there that needs the funds.

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